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� <br />103—WARRANTY DEED <br />THAT I or We, <br />WIFE, <br />���� f1 �; Q 4 Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne. 68461 ' <br />V �'r v v ; <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESIIVTS: <br />� <br />eI�A�,LES S. CHAPIvIAN AND ;VIAR.Y K. GHAPP�4AN , HUSBAND AND <br />; o f the County o f H a 1.1 , State o f N eb r a s k a f or and in consideration o f the ! <br />sum of Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred and no/100----------- DOLLARS,: <br />, in hand paid do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and con firm unto <br />�TI�IIV;Y A. FRIEDRICHSEN �ND VICKIE L. FRIEDRICHSEN, husband and <br />wife, with right. of survivor <br />' o f the County o f h a 11 , State o f N eb r a s k a , tlze f ollowing described real estate <br />situated in , in Hall County, State of Nebraska , to-wit� ; <br />L� Th' t F (34) f F ank P Ba k S bd' '' n N b Thr <br />, ir y— �ur o r , r s u ivisio um er ee <br />being a part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E�NE4) <br />' nf Section Ten (10) Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) <br />�"]est of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska, also known as <br />1223 N. Beddes Street, Grand Island, �lebraska. <br />TO HATVE AND TO HOLD the premises above descr%bed, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and `: <br />a p purtenances thereunto belonginq, unto the said J i mm i e A. F r i e d r i c h s e n a n d V i c k i e L. <br />Friedrichsen, husband and wife, <br />and to t 1� e i r heirs and assigns f orever. <br />And 1 oy We hereby covenant with the said Grantee or grantees and with his, her or their heirs and assigns, that I i <br />ayn or We are lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance <br />that I or We have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and I or We hereby covenant to warrant and <br />defend the title to said ¢remises a the dazeful claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />And the said C�arl_es S. Chaprnan and Mary t�. Chapman hereby relinquishes ald <br />r i g h t, t i t 1 e a�� , i�ri'� e�' ��4�` ``` ''' ��'�� in and to the above de ed prem' es. <br />if. :.�tr,....�>���� J <br />. � �+is �-7t" �'1F'�: �" tt'Sr� i ., '�t14 ,'".-., . . <br />Signed this 2 6 ,/'� ' 1 9"� g i� .�'`�� <br />/ .r'`�,.r'`� ��i. _ _ / <br />In Presence o f <br />�� <br />� � r <br />-----------------� c�f�:5s.r:�..- - -ce�l.rz� <br />�es� S <br />---°------•-•-------•-----•-----°--•----• • •-°------ <br />���.����.��������._._�������.�.�.....��.��� <br />.. a --•--'a n ---•-•----- <br />:�;�� ...-----••------. <br />apman ---•-----•-•-----•• 3 <br />.��.���.�������.�.�.�����...�.���.� E <br />��������.����.�.���.���._.��.�����.....���.��.��.������..���.���.���..��.���.�_��.�����.��..�... � <br />.������.���.���������.� .d. ����...��.�.���.�����.���.�...���.��������.�.����.�..�.��• ��. <br />— —�_ <br />