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<br /> TOGETNER�VTfH �ll the improvements ru�w or hereafter erected on the property,and all easemems,appurtenaeces,and �.
<br /> fixtsires no�v or hereafter a part of the property. All replarxments and additions sha11 also be mvered by this Secvridy
<br /> [nstrument.ADI of the foregaing is refecred to in this San►rity Instrument as the"Property." �r,
<br />' BOItROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveye�and ha�t6e ri�ht to grant and -
<br /> convey the Property and that the Pruperty is unencumbered, exc�pc far encumbrances of record. 8orrower warrants and wiil
<br />" defead genemlly the tide to the Property against al!claim�and demands,subject to any encumbrances of recard.
<br /> THIS SECURI'TY ItiSTRUMENT combines uniform covenanu for national use and non-unifomi covenanu v,ith limite� �-
<br /> - variations by jurisdiction to�nstitute a�nifonn sesurity instrvm.nt covering real property. �::
<br /> � UN7YFORM COVENANTS. Borro�rand LendercoveaaJ►t and agres as foll�an.-: _---
<br /> 1. Feyae�! oQ PriuctQai and anieresi; Prepayment uad Lute C�eatges. �orro�ver shall pr�nmpdy pay �vhen due the �'
<br /> prinapzJ of und interest on the debt evidenoed by the Not�and any prepaymens and late charges due under the Note. --�-
<br /> 2.�'�nnds for Tases and d�r.snr,z.Subj�ci to appiicabls!uw ar to a written waiver by I.ender, Borrower shaU pay to �''
<br /> l.ender on tho day montlily payments sie due under the l�ate,until the Note is paid in fWf,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taxes p=•�
<br /> and nssessments whicb may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument as a lien on tiie Property;{b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> . or ground rents on the Property, if any;(c)yearly ha7ard or pmperty insuranoe premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance pnmiums.
<br /> if any: (e)yeariy m�rtgage insurance preauums, if any; and(�any��ryable by Borrower Eo Lender.in accordance�rith ��
<br /> the provisions of paragrapl�8,in lieu of the payment of mart�e in�ce���niums.These items are calt�"Fsanr:Items."
<br /> I.ender may. ai any time, colleee and hold fiunds in an ac�:�nt nat to er�the m�simum amount a lender fat a f�deraUy �
<br /> rel�ted cuortgage loan may n�uire for Borrowar's escrow arcoum und�r th`f�era!R�I Estate Settlement Proa;cic�rn;s Act of "'
<br /> 1974 as amendad fmm time to time. 12 U.$.C. Saction 2601 et seq. ("Ji:t�ri►"),untess anoffier!aw ti�at applies ta the Funds �=
<br />. � sets a lesser amoum. If sa. Ler_der may, a��•,z: �me,coilert and hoid�+�s�s in an amovnt not tv e��ed the iesser amount. --�
<br /> Lenster may estitnate the amount of Funds cus en thc b4�.s cf carcent.dsta and reasoaable estimate�.of expendiUue:of futare �•_'=
<br /> Escraw Items or otherwise in aax;edance with applicable la:+. ���
<br />- - Sae Fm1as snaii oe �eid ia an i�u�u�iun wnose deposits are inazuui by a Fet,iraai ngcrscy. insvumcmaiiiy. ur rnuiy ,.r°�-
<br /> .+ (includin�Ixnder.if Lender is such an ins6tution)or in any Federal F[a�eL.oari Bank.Lender shaIl�Iy the Funds to pay the ���
<br /> Fscrow Items.L�:nde�may not charge Borrawer for holding and appll�t�r��e�unds,asurualiy analy�;the�escrow acoount,or =
<br /> ' verifying the Esc.-ro�v Items,uni�s Lender pays Borrower inteiest on the Fals,;�and ap^r�tble law permits Leader to maJce sueb =
<br /> a charge.However,Lender mak �uire Horrower to pay a ane-time cF.�.�,r:l�r an fr.3�dent real estate taa repo�t:ng service �
<br /> ' uEed by I.�nder in connectioc �-'=th this loan. unless apjrtis-�3�1e law �;ir:;'r3es o��..��:;j,�:. Unlrss an agreeme�c. i;� made or ^-
<br /> ���• applfcable!aw teguires imerest t�s be paid,Lcu�s shall not be requirec�r•s�y 3orr�:+.�as�y interest�u�rnings on the Funds. �
<br /> ,.�; Borrower and ixnder may agree 9n writing.l;.e�..;ver.that interest sha�t i��aid on�:e Funds.Ler�r�eall givc to Bomawer. �-
<br />',;';? wiivaut chtuge, au aruiva! accounting af the�unds, ahotiving credits anci debits to dhe�zsds and tI:e purpose for which ezc�x
<br />,'•''� da'.sit to the Funds was made.�'i�Funds are ptedged as:a�i:r�.�.�nal securiry for all sums s�:�d by this Security In:tni.�.nt.
<br /> If the Funds held hy I.en�or exceed the amounu perar�t.�to be i�eld by applicable law.I.eader shal!IIccouuz icti�i�orrower
<br />�.;{} for the exc.ess Funds in accordance wit6 the requirements ot applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Ixnder at any
<br /> - ?�; dme is riot suffiaent to pay the Fscrow Items when due,i.e�er may so norify Borrower iu writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> ?= . shaU pay to i.ender the aittount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more tham . �
<br /> .- twclve.nonthly paymenu. ai Lender's sole discretion. �:
<br /> Upon payment in full o�f ail sums secured by this Secvrity Insuument. Lender shall promptly refnnd to Borrower any =-
<br /> -;i� Funds held by Lender.If; under paragaaph 21.I.ender shal!acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale �
<br /> of the P'roperty.shall appIy aay Funds held br Ler.der at the time of acguisition or sale as a credit against the sums secu�al by t�`
<br /> ;�', this Security Lum�nent. ��'.
<br /> 3.Appltcatbn ot P�y��,t�+.UNess appliwe:i�L�4�r�vi,des othenvise.all payments received by Lender under paragrap�s �'
<br /> 1 an3 2 sha116e applied:fi�t,��n�:.y prepayment c�m�-xs dtw under the Note: second.ro atuounts payable iucder paragraph 2; —,_
<br /> . thlyd.to inteiest dae:fourth,W�i�cipal due:4d last,te.�;'r�te chazges due undar the Note. �•
<br /> ��4� 4.�rges;l.�ens.Bonowet shall pzf r,d1'raxes,assessments.ch2r;�es,fines and impositions amibutabte to the Property ---
<br /> ' � wtuch ma attain nori over this Securi !-7sm�me,nt, and leasehol:� ,svments or roand renu, if en . Borrutiver s{�all a '" � =
<br /> . � Y Y� �Y �Y� f� g Y p'y �.�_
<br /> these obligations in the manner provided in para�aph 2,or if not paid in that mann�r.Borrower shali pay theqi on time directly
<br /> :�.t. to the peison uwed payment.l3ecs��wer shall promptly fumish to Ixnder all notices of amounts to 6x paid under t6is paragraph. � .��
<br /> "�' � If Botrower makes these paycmxtttti.��irecil��.F.axrower shall promptly fumish to Lender recelpts evidencing the payments.
<br />�� � ` Borrower aball prampily�t-�arge���?l:uan which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agxees in �
<br /> • r writing to the paymen�of�he ca?i�ation sec�:red by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lende7:(b)wntests in good faith the lien �
<br /> �,-�
<br /> • , by. or defends against enfam�m�ara�t of the lien in. legal proce.edings which in the Lender's oyinion operate to prevent the _
<br /> �� ; enforcemcnt of the lien:or tr.j:.r.t�:tes from the holderof the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to �_"-
<br /> ,: ; this Savrity Instrumer.t.Y:£,r:r,��e:,r determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which mAy attnin pr�ority over �'°'
<br /> ���;t�' tlils Security Instni::nt,Len�,.�:�:�y�ive II��Prower a notice identifying rhe lien.Horrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> �' � more of the actia���s�.fortL�►abov�wishin i�]:�L;�s of the givin�of notic:..
<br /> �,�:t.
<br /> �.;� � Form 3028 91D0 =—
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