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<br />:t.". S� �p�� o� p�pQ�y (�ysu,^a��e &;r.rcnver shail keep the improvemcnts now existing or hereafier�rected on the �=:q�
<br /> ��._�-
<br /> Prcpert3r insurc�agai4st lass by fiR. ha�c4s it:Glwled v:�thin!he rerm °extertdeai coverag¢" ansf any uther ha�rds. including �__`-
<br /> floods or flooding, far which l.endcr requi�insuratxce.This insurancc shall be maintained in the amounts:�i for the periads
<br /> that Lender requires. 'fhe insuranxe carrier providing the insu�ance�hJl be chosen by Borro+ve�wbje.K w Lendrr's appmvai �"=�'
<br /> ���:_,.
<br /> ,<.' ahich sh:�l! not be uru��son�bly �vit'^!rrld. lf 8orrower fails to m:rintain wverage d�cribed aboce, Lender n�ay. at Lender's �-__;<.
<br /> _ opiion,obtain covera,�e ta�mtect Lr..ader'�rieLhu in th�Property in�:cordance with parsgrsph 7. ��,-
<br /> All insurar.�e Qolicies ar.d mnewaL�sha3i be scceptaflle to Lertder and shall include a �tandarcl mort�agc clause. Ixnder �1;=
<br /> �°,'
<br /> shall have th�right to ho!t4 the po!"sies�td mnewals. !f Lender rcquires.Borrower shall prompUy gi�•e to Lendcr ati receip[s of �__�__
<br /> �.-�.
<br /> paid premiums and renctiva! Ro�ires.Ec�tF,:event af las�.Borrow�er shall give prompi noeice to the insurancr c�rier and Lender. �,.;..
<br /> �._„-.,,
<br /> - Lendcr may maice praof of toss if naa ir.ade p.*�r�tly by Borrower. �`�"'.
<br />- Untes.c lxndnr ar.d Bornavrer otw:nvise:�r c in writing.insursnce prooeed�shall 6e applied to�estorution or repair of th� ��--°-.--
<br /> property dacnaged.if ttse restos2tio:t�'r�.r is er.�r�amically feasible and Len�tr's security is nat lesseued.If the r�estoratian or �,�..
<br /> ..��; repair is not�conomirally feasib'_e os Ir.r�dr:r's uxur.ity would be lessen�d,the insurance prnceeds shai�be applied to the sums �;_�"
<br /> secured by this Secarig• Insuurneat. whether a.na� ttl•e.�ie. with any eacess paid tn Borrower. lf Barrower abandans tlt� �,;.:
<br /> Property,or does not aaswer�iitfi:n 3D days a rt�tice fro�Lender that the insumnce carrier has offered to settle a claim,then _.
<br /> fF_3"+3f 3�
<br /> _ l.er.der may coilect the iasur�nse prm�exds. ksuter may use the proce�ds to repair ot restore th: Properly or to pay sums �.-:,._--.:
<br /> secured by[his Security Instrurr.ent,whetJ^.cr or eat then due.The 30-day period will begin when the natice is given. _—:_,_
<br /> Unless Lend2r an� Bormvrer os0envise agree in wriring, any applica[iQn of proceeds to pri[tcipal shall not extend or ��s
<br /> - posspone the dere date of the mcrnth!y paymems refecnd to in paragrapt�s 1 and 2 or change the amuunt of the paym�r►ts. If 1
<br /> • under pa�agraph 21 the Property is acq�ired b3 i.ertder.B::mwer's right to any insurance policies and pracee.ds resuIting fmm �;``-:
<br /> dan�age to the Property prios to the scgu:.�i��sha11 pass to I�ender to the extent of the sums serured by this Security Instsum�ni {..}�(
<br /> �. ;:a�.
<br /> ;fif,. immediately prior ta the acg+usi�i�n_ �'��?:r�!-
<br /> � o.,..........,..:.... �,roo.�az��.�o ar�d Pw.t�rrion aP tPie PeonPrty:Borroiver's Loa�4p�l�ration;Leasei�olds. ,�„..,:�..,.
<br /> .,•�+...o......._..,.. ---_
<br /> Borrawer shall occupy.estab'_ish,arrd u5e tF,a Property as Borrower's principal residence�vithin sixry days after the execution of �xr�c�r!ns�
<br /> 5�i,uC-;_..
<br /> �his gecurity Invtrusuent ar�d shal3 oomirue to occupy the Property as Borrower s principal residence for at least one year after �:��--
<br />� the date of oscu��ancy,itafess 1r°.,ader othen�nse agrees in�vritiag,which consent shall not be unreasonably witliheld,or uriless ��'-=`-
<br /> extenuating citcximstances exist wh*_ch ure b�.�yond �orrower's control. Bartower shall not destmy, damage or imp3ir t!'te
<br /> property, altov:tbe pra�erty ta deteria�. ar. carrxr•.it waste on the Property_ Borrower st�all be in default if aay forfeiture —_
<br /> ' acti�.or praceedir.�:whetLer civi!or crimir:ni:is bugun rhnt in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of the �a4-._
<br /> :� �. Pfn�erty or othenvise m.s�terialtf��rznt►i the 1u'n c�'eated oY tYis Searity Instr�ment or Lender's securiry interest.Eo-rrower may �•��..;,.
<br /> core�ttch a def2u14 and reir•sdate.as pr�vidcd'an paragraph 1S,by causing the adion or pmceeding to be dismissed r<<1i a ruling --
<br /> '�.� tbat, i�[.ender's gpod fai�dae�tsiru►ti:c, ps�clades forfeitwe of the Borrower's interest in the �roperty or at.'r�r materiu! �'-.��'`.
<br />'.rr;, .
<br /> ,,, imp,vmr.ent o�tt�s ►iva created by this Secuciby Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Bomou•�r shal� also be ia default if �_;�;
<br /> �'_-YP.
<br /> B�m;iser,duri�g¢�u loan applicaaon procesE_�:�e materially false or inaccurate infom�tion or st2teu�c:'.s to Lender(or failed �,.r. _
<br /> to pnoeride Lender tvith any m.nteiial infom�at:a:s)in connecaon with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not limitea --
<br /> t
<br /> �'•-`
<br /> to,representattons wncerniag�rrower s occupancy of the Pruperty ac a principal residence.If this Secwity Instmmeni is on a
<br /> leasehold. Bflrrc+vrer. s�all camply wiW all d'.� provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee ade to ihe Property, th� —.�,�'-
<br /> � • :� leasehold and the f� �t�e shall not merge unl:s-s�.ender agrees to the merger in writing. `�_`
<br /> 7.Pmtectio�e�E Lender's qdtghts in the�Lzeuperty.If Borrower fails to puform the covenanu and agrcemenu caniained i�
<br /> '.. '� th'ss Security Instrument. ar tL�is a legal g:oceeding that tnay significantly affect I.ender's rights in the Property fsuch as a
<br /> prncr•�.�ng in Gankruptcy, prc!ry�t:�_for condsmnation or Eorfeiture or to enforoe laws aa Lzg�ilations).thrn Lendec�.ay do and ,`•3��;
<br /> a fua�hat�ver is necess ,.~--otect the uat:e of th�Psoperty and Lender's rights i�the Property. Le�u'��ons may ►��',•'-""'-
<br /> '� s. P Y �``''Q" f£�``��'�`
<br /> � incl�;•a gaying ur,: sums secur�ed by a lier� �.s�'i:ch h;s priority over this Securiry Instr�ment, apa�ring ia Wn:�t. payia� �,_,,,
<br /> i �;{ reasc-�_'�te atta�rca�^;�'fees and entering on thz Property to make repairs.Althflugh Lender may take a�on undet�.`si�,paragr�� y
<br /> � T.Laaacr does nnt have to do so. �',
<br /> .` .,{ �ny amounu disbi:ssed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additic:�al debz of Borrower saa�.� by this `�:`°= -
<br /> t R•z'�:.�m;
<br /> �, Secuzity lnstsument. lJnless Borrower and Lender agree to other ternu of payment.d�che amounts shall bear intare..`.from the �,;���
<br /> . • �, date of disbuisement nt the Note rate and shnl! be payable, with intesest, upoir r.uuae from Lender to Borrower requestin� �,�::
<br /> ��..
<br /> � f payment. • .
<br /> ' ;;' t3.11++�artgage Insur�nce.�r Lender required mortga32 i��ur�r►ce as a conditio:s sri�.aking the loan secure�by�is Securit}
<br /> �� i` Ins�awaent. Borrower shall p�.y� �'�e premiums required to �.ra:f;:�tain the mortgage ic�a�u.�ance in effect. If, for any ceason, the ����,��,
<br /> � . m�c�'bage insuranse coverage rer�.tired by Lender Iapses or r:;ses to be in effe�t.Borruwer shall pay the premiu^_'�a r.�uired to _'�`
<br /> -.�� obtain coverage substanrially equiva!ent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a eost substantially equ�it•:nt to�I:�
<br /> cast to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer appcoved by S.er.der. [r --
<br /> � ' suac:i:3ntia1ly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avxilable.Borrower shall pay to Lender each mon�h a sr�aqual t� —
<br /> ' •: oar�t��elflh of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bei���id by Bonower when the insurnnce coverage lapsai!�s�.:ased to ------
<br /> • '•� be ua:effect.Lender will zccept,use and retain these paymer�as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. La:.:, reserve
<br /> Form 3�28 9ISQ s��_:.;
<br /> �� -__---.
<br /> .�.� vape 3 of 6 .
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