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<br /> . ` y�t�)M a��seew�ei�uii Se�eit!LMr�wei�iM(c)sq eYaa�1olk!���`i�*� � ..
<br /> �r �!� �P��Y�of all suni�3a�d b3►this Secu�ty�,[.a�de�r shsll request.'ft�sfee to ` , . .
<br /> . t�cp►vey We P�opaty�d al�ll s�uraldet Itus Seauity tnstruaaent an���notes evidajc�g debE secaced Dq this Sauriry
<br /> . Lo�ueeeot 1Q 7[tWee. 7i�tstee sh�ll.reco�►vey tbe P►iope�ty wit6oiK watr�nty and witiwut ch�rge to tt�e persan or�pasa+�s ' .
<br /> fepUy a�ded to it. Suc;h pa[aan a[pe�soas shall WY�Y�°F°�- �- ` .
<br /> �:- - -;23.`Sri�liM�tr'1t�a Lee�deF,at its aptiao,may fma�time to time s�t ltnstes�!sgpoieta succaRSOC�3rustec.w '_ -
<br /> iuy'�up�+e appoioted�by�n�iec�orded in tbe camty in which this Security Instrumeat is renoNod. .
<br /> � WW�n�t canvryaaoe of tbe Ptope:ty,t6�suocGSSac tivstse sb�succeed m all the atk.Pc►wer and duties canferied upoa . �
<br /> � � . �Itm�+e be�eia rd 6ryr a�cAble 4w. �
<br /> • 1� lte*e�t t�r NNi�s Bon�oweF�+equats dwi copies of the natica of defwlt aod s�le 6e saM to Barnwa�s addrcss
<br /> ' wrbich is t6e A+npaty llddress. `
<br /> �. =iiers ts flii Senrk7'Ia�leswe�t: U ane a mae tiders an exavud by Barowe�u�d cceaded togetbet with..
<br /> qps Sqcurity 6�nn►�eat,tbe caea�nts�nd�greemqnts of each snch tider shall 1�e incurporated into�nd s1»ll amend aad
<br /> sopplpepri H+e ooveo�nts and�of this Security/nunanent u ff the rider(s)we�e a�rt of fh�s Soeuriry Insnurtient
<br /> [Chxk sppiic�bie box(m)I �
<br /> ❑Adj�at�bie R�ttider �Ca�doa�iniam Ridcr .' a 1-4 F�mily Rider
<br /> . • �":i�a�ted Payment Rider� : �P1uuKd Uait Development Rider �Biweekty Pgyment Rider ., : . .
<br /> ��• .
<br /> �$�j�ppp.�r .. ��1(C IIIIp1DYQDEO[RIdCI' �SOCOII(��I00:�'� � _ •
<br /> .. •i.., . �',;� -
<br /> . ��S���� . • r • . . ; . -
<br /> ::,:::
<br /> BY SI(3NII�G HEIAW,Bortower accepts and agcas to the tem�s�nd wvenants contained in this Sa�rity�Insaument ' ;
<br /> aM in�►ederfs)e�t�ated by Boit�o�ves altdi�ecatded witlt i� - (�- �
<br /> � Wimeases: , �1 � �
<br /> � /
<br /> � . /Euge L. Pesek� . -��. ,
<br /> � • Social 'ry Number� 62 5197
<br /> � � lSeai)
<br /> � - Peg . Pesek -80"°"�
<br /> ` Social Sxurity Number505 70 9938
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. � H811 County ss: .
<br /> On ihis �h day of June, 1992 .befor�me,the undersigned,a Natary PubGc
<br /> duly commissiont4 and qualified for said coimty.personafly came Eugene l. Pesek end Peggy L. Pesek, eaeh
<br /> in his and her own right, a�d as spouse of each ather ,to me tmawn�o be the
<br /> identicat pe�sans(s)whose name(s)ace subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowled�ed the exa�tion theceof to
<br /> � i�ir voluntary act and deed.
<br /> wmiess my handane no�arlal seal at Grand Island, Ne�raska in said couney,the
<br /> date aforesaid. L%�.�j�.,!/1�
<br /> ,My Commission expIres: f�C!-9-�� , �Q ti�
<br /> Ndary Public
<br /> ��'����"���� REQUEST FOR RBCONVEYANCE
<br /> TO �SHE11./1J.ALAEI! '
<br /> note or notes secured by this Deed af 7ivst. Said note or nates.together witb all
<br /> •�her�ndebtedness secuad by this Deed of 7iust.huve been paid ln full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> and this Deed of 7ivst.which are delivered hereby.and to rcconvey.without warranry,atl the estate now held by you under
<br /> this D�ee�a��kusl to the person or persons tegally entitled theretQ •
<br /> pate: '
<br /> Fas J/2d f!'!� (lsa�e 6 aj6pa�rsi
<br /> � �-. .
<br /> ------. __.--_..__._..._...._=�i3;���==�;x.�.<?�; -- - ' . .-_--_ _ -�..-�°;�._�:.:-:r�--
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