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<br /> eaademaatiau oi uLn;t�ina oE tiny pxt a�tbe ProQecty.ar for cunveyancx in�ieu of con�mnation.sue 6e�ebSr assigaod aQd
<br /> �halt 6e pid to L.eeder. ' r '� ' ,
<br /> - In the svait of a taqt Wciag of iNe Propaty. t6e pcoceeds sluil be 3pplied to i6e sncns sxut�a!hy thts Security -
<br /> , ��;y�,��a��t�en due,Nrith any exoess paid to Bormwer. in tht event of a partial taicing of the Prqperty in , ,
<br /> ` which the fair muQet`va[ae of tNe P�ape►ty immediatety befoc�e t6c t�king is�uai to ar gceat�s`Ihat�the amcwat of the sums .
<br /> secwed by this Secarity Insuument immediaaly 6efone the taicing,unkss$orr+awer arid i ender otherwise agiee ia writing,
<br /> , ��um3 s�uted 6y lhis 5ecuriry Instrument sliall be�odnced by rhe amouat of the procecds multiptied by the following .
<br /> fractiqn; (a)the toai amount of the sums securcd immediatety befn�•the tal�ing.divided by tb)the fair market value of the
<br /> -` .- - p�y�t�,����& -Any batance-s6aU be paid to Bortower. In the event of a partial taking of the
<br /> . ptupetty ut v�hich die fair m�rket vatue af tht P►ope�ty immediately 6efore the taking is iess ttmn tfie arriount of t[�e swns
<br /> securod-imrt�odiaiely 6efae thr taking.unless Bonower and Lender otl�ecwise agree in writing or uatess sq�pticable iaw
<br /> olherwise ptnvides.Ux procxeds sh�11 be applied to the sums secured by ttiis Security Inswment wlxtAer or not the s�mis are
<br /> . thrn due.
<br /> r �If�p�y��p�d by gortury��or if.after notice by L.en�der to.Borrowec d�at the cademnor offeis to make
<br /> an aw�d or sdtk a.ciaien for damages.Bosowa faiis m nespond ro Lender within 30 days after the date the�wtise is given, �
<br /> (.ender is authori7.ed to collect and apply the proceeds.at its option.either ta restoratia�a�+epair of the Property or to the �
<br /> ' sans securcd this Security Iasuumen�whether or noE dxn due. r
<br /> g�(�C��;u�d gosoyver othetwise ag�ee ip writiqg.any apptication of.givcceds ta principal shail not eatend or
<br /> ` \pqstpone tb�diie due nf the monthty payments mfeered w i�paragraphs 1 aod 2 or change the anwunt of such payments.
<br /> 1L Estrowa� Not Relea+ed; For6esrsece By Lender Not,a W�iver. Exansioa of the tims fnr payment or
<br /> _ ' modification af emo�on of the sums sa�red by dns Security Ins[ament�anted by Laider to anysuccessor�n interesc
<br /> of Bano�ver shall r►oe aperata to rekase the liability of the original$orrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lende�
<br /> ' shall not be nqoiced to commence pmnceedin8s a8ainst any successor i�t interest or refuse to extend time for.�ayment or •
<br /> athecwise modify anwiti7ation of.tUe sums secnred 6y this Security Insuument 6y rrasort of anp demand made bp the orig�nal
<br /> ' 13acsower or�8omnwers successocs in intenesi. My forbearance by l.ender io exe�+cising airy right or remedy shail not be a
<br /> - — -- �-warveroior—precTulie�Tieexercist8f�nyrighror��— - , - - -- - -
<br /> 12. Saeraeo�s sad A.�BaoNd:J�t and Seveeal Lia6ility,C.o�ne� The covenants and agreemeats of this�
<br /> Securiry Instrument sdall bind and benetit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bomawer,subject to the provisions of
<br />- paragraph 17.Boriuwer's covenants and agreements shall 6e jaint and r�.weral.My Borrower who casigns tbis Security
<br /> --- Insaument bui cbes not execute the Note: (a)is¢o-signing this Security Instniment only to mortgage.grant and convey d�at
<br />,'`f . Borcower's interesc in the Property under the teims of this Secuzity Inrnument; tb)is not personatly obligated ta p�y tE�e sums -
<br />- sccund�y this Securiry Instrumenr,and(c)agrees that L,ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend modify.for6eas
<br />_�;_ or n�ahe any accommadadons with n;gard.to the terms of this Security Instn�meat or d�e Note without that Bormwer's
<br /> cansent •
<br /> - 13 Loan Clqegcs. If the Ioan secured by this Securiry`lacuument is subject to a law which sets m�sf.mum (oan
<br /> �g S.
<br />-__ ct�arges,�tt�at luw is finaily interp�eted so that the interest ar other�oan charges co[lecced ar ta�e poilecte�,�cannection
<br />:`'�. with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan ch�rge shaU be reduced by the�rt•r.�.':k tA'cessary to reduce.
<br />^.�; , the charge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower wfiich exc F�eimiited fimits wiA be
<br /> - - ie.,�unckd to Borrower. Lender may ehoose to make this refund hy reducing the pdncipal owed wcter the Nate ar by making�
<br />..f' ' � ci3ect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principat,the reductioe will be ueated as�partial prepaymce.�without any
<br />.�=;x prepaym�mt charge under the Notc.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nwice to Borrower provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be given by deliveriag it or by
<br /> � mailing it by first class mail unless appticuble law reyuires use af another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property -
<br /> •.. " Address or any other address Borrawer desig�ates 6y notice to l.ender. Any notice to I.ender sha116e given by firsl class
<br /> -• mail to l.ender's•address stated herein or any other address Lender c�.signates by noti�e to Borrawer. Any aotice provided for =
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or i.ender when given as provided in this =
<br /> Pd�gf� Sevefability This 5ecuriry Instrument shalt be govemcd by federal law and the law of the
<br /> � 15. Governing Law; -
<br />`:?:,; �. jurisdicuon in which the Property is tocated. In the event that any pro«sion ar clause�of this Security Ins[rument or the Note
<br />;�.�,`•°�;. conflicu with applicable law.such conflict shnll not affect ot6er provisions oP this Security tastrusa�t ar the Note which can _.
<br /> ��:'�`t --
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provitiions of tftic Security lastrument atrd�he Note are
<br /> �=,'. c3eclared to be severable. � °
<br />'='s.c � 16. Borrowee's Cop�:.l�orrower s.haJ bc given ane ronformed cery of the tier.:and of this Security tns^.-am:nt. _
<br />=�,"fi�;;r; N. liransfer ot the Ptoyerty or�Baae6cial Interest in Boma�er. If all oF any pa»of the Property or any interest in _
<br /> it is xold or transfcrred(or if a bcneficiae:nerest in Borrawer iw so::�x�r transfeTred and BorroK�r is nat a natural person)
<br /> ' • whhout l.endcr's•prior wristen consent,l.ender may,at its optian,require immediace p:�yment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> = - this Securlty lnstrumen�. Ho��ever.this option shall not be excrci�cd by Lender if e��cise is prohibited by fedeml!aw as of
<br />� the date of this Security Ias�rmenx
<br /> -� � � if Lender exercises this aption.Ler.der shaA give 9nrrawer no�ice of accetcra.;:�n. The notice tihall provide a period of
<br /> ._ not less than 30 days irom the date the r�_r•�ce is detivered or mailed within which Borrawer mu.t pay s�ll sums secured by this
<br />. #�;: .; 5ecurity lnstrumem. lt'Batrower fai:s ta pay these�ums prior to tCe expirution of thi�period.Lcndcr may invuke any _
<br /> ': ' remedieq permittcd by ihis Security lnstruinent without furthcr natice cc demand an Horrower.
<br /> �� 18. Borrower's Rigl'ee to Reinstate. If Horrower mecis rcrtain conditions. Borrowcr shall have the right to hnvc • _
<br /> �' enforcement of this Sccurc;�•t�=:trpment di�ntinued at any time prior to thc carlicr�f: (a)S days�ar such othcr peri�xl a.c
<br /> . . , Ss.r(c F^c;l� --S.�nk R1atlFreddk S1rc C�lY11R�11�5TRC�fEtiT•-Unifotm Cu•4r.;i,�1v 9/9/ Ipu.ce 4 ajh pag�s�
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