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<br /> , '���i��ibC�bQ1Y Or�ICI��OII t�.'pSOpq�I.��Ei�CtllHlb.�. �
<br /> � ��p�CS IION C[�Gt i�t Of 16C�y. lUl�����3�If���SO bE C0�►EI�;�f�lii��f .
<br /> Im�uie�rnt. Ail of tse fa+eEoina is rcfeaed w in th�s 5awity L�snvn�t as t!x"PrnRaty:" �- . : ,
<br /> • � BOIt��WFR OO�ENANTS t�t Barower is tswfully seised of We es�ate hereby Gonveyaf�nd fus ttre right tp gr�t f
<br /> ..�nd caavey fp�and d�the Ptopetty is noeoc�nbered.txce�l for encumh�ance�e of rxutd. Bc�tuwer w�nrits aad .
<br /> m �
<br /> will deEeud the titk[o the Ptopetty�gainst alf cl�ims aad,dertiaadv.subja�w any encum6�ar�ces of rocard.
<br /> . 'IW5 SECITRTPY IIVS7RUM@iT oom6ines unifotm oovenants foe`�tion�l u'se and uon-unifuaa.coveauus witls ` ,
<br /> - - -- }�eQ�raci�tiomisy ju:i:di�ian to�ib�le a uaiform socutity ias�a�ent cmaing ieal,peope�y, .. �
<br /> � LiNiPORM COVEMAM'S. Btx�uwa aod l�rndet coveo�at�nd a�ee as fcillbws: � �:
<br /> l. b��e�t�t Pri�t�1�I�iere,tt:PreMl�e�t a�d��-.Boaowa sbiU promptlY paY wha►due the
<br /> ' � �pri�cipf of aod iirerest on tbe debt evidmced by We Note ud an9 Prep�Y�ot aid tue charg�s due under tNe Note.
<br /> ` Z FMis fir'l�aes aM lawra�ta Subject�o applicabk law a to s written waiver by Lender.Barowa sl�all pty W..
<br /> ,r l,ende�on d�c dsY�WY�s m dae under the Note.uah7 the Nate is pid in full.s sum("Funds")for.ta)Y�Y
<br /> � tues md assaunnM.s which a�ay auam ptiarity ovec tius Securiry Instrument�a lirn on the Pt�upeity:(b3 Y�Y�0� �
<br /> � �rytr�dKS ar�ound raus on tbe Ropettg. if aty; tc�Y�Y ��a P��Y inwrance premiwa►s; (d}Y�Y �
<br /> u��ana piemiums.if my:(e)YeulY �E��P►'���f�ny; and(fl�Y�P�►a6ie by Barnwar w
<br /> �,eedpr.in scco�nce�rtth the provisioas of puagap6$in IiEU of the ppymeac of ma�tgsge insuranc�e pre�mums. 71xse
<br /> items m caliod"Esccow Items." I.ender may.at any tune.collect aad I�old Twids u�an amount not to excad tbe m�ximum .
<br /> aawuot a lender for s feder�IIy ielated ma�tgage lo9n"may ro4uue fa Barowa's escrow aawuat w�der the federal Reai
<br /> Est�e�eulement Froce�u�es Act of 1974 u emendod froro time to time. t2 US.C.�2601 rt sey.("RFSPA"),unless anatier
<br /> IAw i1W applies w the Funds sets a lesser artaunt If so.l.ender may,at any tiine.collect and hold Fuods in ao.amouat oot t4
<br /> excood the ksser a�eauu. Leader msty estimate tt�e amount of l�nds due an tfie b�sis of sumen[data and Kasoaabk
<br /> � estimaks of ezpeaditures of futuce Escmw Iums or atherwise in�xa�az�ce with apPl�able taw. . `
<br /> 7Ue�iinds slnli be bei�in an instiN6on wl�ase deposits are iawred by'a feder�!agency.it�ttumentalieY,��Y
<br /> ` • (incloding Lender.if Lender is such Aa instiwuan)ar a��ty Tsderal Home I.oae�Ba�k. 1xMer s6�ll appty the Futbs w pay . _
<br /> �the Eumw Items. l,ender mAy nat cbarge Bonnwer fa holding and applying the Fund.�,annually aaatyting the escruw
<br /> xcount,or verifying the Esc�ow Itertts.untess I.endcr pays Borrower iatcrest on tbe Fvnds and applicable taw pennits
<br /> i.ender to maice auch a charge. Howeva.Lender may require Borrowet to pay a oae-time charge for an independe�u r�eal ,::
<br /> esmte tax repprtinB��osed by l,ender in connecdoi�with this loan,nnless applicable law provides othawise. Unless an . ,
<br /> agreement,is made or applicable law ceqaines intenest to 6a paid,lxnder sNall not be required to'pay Borrower any interest or '
<br />- - aunings on the Fvnds.. Basower and LeMer may agree in wripng,however.that inte�est sha116e paid on tl�e Funds, Lender
<br />_ - — shall give ta Borrowe�,without ct�rge,an annual accaunHng of the FLnds,showing c�edits and debits to the Funds and the .
<br /> p�upose for which exh debit to the Fands was made. The Punds are ptedged as additional securiry fos aU sums secured by
<br /> this Sectuity Insttumen� - , , -
<br /> If the punds}kld(ry I�nder�XCeed the amou�ts pemuual to t�e held by applica(5�t,��aw.Lender shall account to
<br /> - BaROwer fa the excess Funds in accordancc with the requiren�ents of applicabk law. 3E t�amount of the Fbnds he3�t�3+
<br /> Lender az any tune is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may sa�:`X Borrower in writing,arri f.�
<br /> such psr Bosuwer s1�1F pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to make up the��: Bormwer shall make uv�'e
<br /> = deficiency in no more rljaan twelee monthlY pay�,at Lender's sole discreuo� ' � ': ' .
<br /> a
<br /> ° - Qpon payment ni.futl of ail sums secured�sy:this Securiry Insuument,Ie�,.'c's�a�t p�vmptly refunc�to Bonower any ,
<br /> Fvnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acqnire or sell the P'roperty,F..�.nder,Priar to the acquisition or . _
<br /> � sak of the Property,sball appiy aA�Fands held by Ler�der at the tlme of acquisition ar s�e as a credit against the sums _
<br /> '�,. secu�ed by tt�is Securiry InsWment� _
<br /> 3. Applieatbn af P7tyments Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under _
<br />•��, puagraphs 1 and 2 shall be apQlied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payabte under --
<br /> paragraph 2;thirQ to inten�st due;foutth.to principal due:and last,to any late charges due unckr the Note. _
<br />`,:z� 4. Ciarsea; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments. chazges.fines and impositions amibutable to the
<br />.;{°° Property which may attain priarity over ttis Securtry Insuumenl.and leasehold payrnents or ground rents.if arry. Hor��ec =•
<br /> . shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or i(not paid in that manner.Botrower shall pay tt�.en. _
<br /> � time�rectly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall pramptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid arn9�r -
<br />�'_"s� this paragraph. If Boaower makes these paymentg dlrectty.Borrower shall promptly fumisb to Lender receipts evidencing _
<br /> �` the ts. ` .
<br /> `a?=� Ba�rower shall promptly dischat�e any tiea�t:ich has priority over this Security Instrurr,�nt unless Boaower.(a)agtees -
<br /> '=�` In writing to the payment of the o6.tig.�,i:on secured by the lien m a manner acceptable to Lerndi:�r:tb>contests in good faidf che =
<br /> �'��.� lien by,or defends agalnst enface�t of the Ilen in.tegal proceeding.c which in the l.encfecs�apinion operate to prcveut the
<br />- enforcanent of the lien;or(c)secures fram the hotder oPthe lien an agreeme�t sptisfactory to Lender subordinating the Zien
<br /> _ to thls Socurity InstrumenG lf Lendcr determines that any p�rt of the Property is subject to a lien which may anain priority -
<br />- over this Security instrumen�Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the 21en or take
<br /> - one or more of the xtions set forth above within 10 days of the�yving of�wtice. . . _
<br /> _ � Hat�rd or Yroperty lawnnce. Borrower shaU kee�the improvemcnts now eaiuing or hereafter erected cn u4e -
<br /> ' _ _ _ propetty insured against foss by fue.hazards included wlthin ttie term"eatended caverage"and tiny other hazards.includ:r.g =
<br /> • Iioods or tlooding.for whic.h Lender requires insuraTtce. This iacurance shall 6e mointained in the amounu and far the =
<br /> .., _
<br /> �
<br /> Fam302S !!!� fpage2af6pagt�l
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