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<br /> urtenances.and �`'�: =-�.-�.
<br /> Z'OGETHER�uITH all tl:c in[r�veraEnts naw or hereafter erected on th�prapertY•
<br /> and all easements.aPP :�r�!�°=
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a pnri o` ��: P�P�rt3`- �� ;eP4acements and additions shall also be covered by this Security ��c���:i
<br /> : �. ."' �M_
<br /> , : .> Instrument. AU of the foregoin�is mferrcd rs��n�►is Security Instmc�Al as the"property•" :_,�,"
<br /> BORROWEIZ COVENAfYTS t}:ut&�s�er is lawfully�e+��ifforceacumbiances of rernrrl Borrower ngwarrants d`wiU <;•.;f;,
<br /> wnvey the Property and thut th�; P;a�rcrty is�ncum •� :
<br /> defertd generally the pde to tl�.e P:o(��ertY 3IIair.�t all claims and demands,subject to any encusnbrances of rec°r�• t_�;. :
<br /> ��,�-r 7�}iIS SECURITY INSTRUBQ�E'iT cn:nhiaes uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited _ . ,
<br /> J"{ variauons by jurisdiction to canstitite a rr�s�a'm S�rity instrument oovering rea!propecty• _ ,.,_.
<br /> t,_. .
<br /> � 1JMFORM COVENANTS.6zrno3�er.�d Lender oovenant and a�ree as falloBorrower shall pmmpfly pay wher, due tke :.ra<�
<br /> . - l. PaymeaZ of�ri�sipa4 ta� l�srrr�t; �P$Yment and Late CD�ur�es• • ..;r.
<br />"�':; ',.",' principal of and interest on the debt���ide:nced by the Note and anY PrePaYm-Qt�late charges due�nder the Note. �Fl, •
<br /> get8'ect to a ]icable law or to a written waiver by �nder. Borrower shall pay to ,�F;.,
<br /> ''�S 2.Fuads foT Ta�ces a�d I�swsn�ce. S PP earl taxes �.:
<br /> ` ,.;�•.
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments ar:due under the Note,un�eAH�a Gen n,We�Property'((b)Year1Y leasehold payme�us ,
<br /> ±�!�` and assessments which mny attaia priorit� v��rr tfiis Securiry nmiwns: (d1 Yeaz1'l flood inswance premiums, '• .,f.
<br />.;:'<:.� or ground reau on the Froperty.if any:t�.�1�5���°i pl0���nsurance p -
<br /> ,:_: . sums a able Borrower to Lender. in accordance witb
<br /> if any:(e)YeaTly mortgage insuranee pr�mius�m. if any;and(fl�Y P re��..I.hese items are call�d'Esc7ow Items." --.1 � `.
<br /> t he provis i o n s of para g r a ph 8. ia tieu of tke payment of mnrtgage iasurarce p
<br /> a
<br /> Lender may,at any vme. collect aud hald Fun d s in an amo u n t n o t t o e x c e e d t he max�m� �ount a lendet for a fe�erally �`
<br /> relate�mortgage loan maY re9uic. fo:Bflmowei s escrow acxount�der the federal Real Estate Settlement Pcoces�ures Aet o f
<br /> � ' 1974 as amended from rimc to cime. 12 U.S�:E_Section 11�and ho A"C'�ES�in�a��ount not t ex�cced the lesser�amo� ,�,`. .�,..�
<br /> ```:� , sets a lesser amount. If so, L�:nder muy. at.any time, w `{'. k.
<br /> I,ertder may esti�►ate tiee amount nf Funds dae on she basis of cument:.�.and reasonable estimates of expenditums of futota r
<br /> f
<br /> - , ,�sf�.
<br /> Fscrow Items or otherwise in accacCance a'ico aPP�iwbi�jnw.
<br /> 'the Funds shall be heid in an ir,�t�tion whose deposits are inswed by a federal agency, instrnmental►tY. °r enuty
<br /> .. {including
<br /> Lender.if I�ender is such un ins�ziraon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank•l.ender shall app1��►��W a��i tQ ���'-
<br /> Fscrow Items.Lender may not chnr�e 0x��er for holding and applying the Funds, �e 1� �g��ader to make su�+ �3�
<br />• verifying the Escrow Ioems•unless knde�FaYs Borrower interest on the Funds and app'' � o� service �. .
<br /> Fa
<br /> • a charge. However,Lender mny zzquiz�Borrower to pay a on�time charSe for an independenx real estate tax reP S•
<br /> 'n connectiAn vritEr thi� loan• unless apglicable law provides otherwise• Unless an agceem�c �s made or ��v:`
<br /> . used by Lecder t �.� Borrower any interest or earning�on the Fun�_ , .f�:_.
<br /> � applicabte law raTuires interesi to he paia-E:�nder shaU not be requ's PaY ve ta BoTron�%, �'.;.`�'-:
<br /> ' � goirower and d,:nder uwy agr�in wrinug�however. [hat interest s�.3Li�Tae paid on the Funds. Lender s1�1�� for which r� E
<br /> ,e -
<br /> • without charge. an annusd accaur.tEr.a of the Funds. showing credits�f��sum 5���by��S��g��m�t. •
<br /> debit to the Funds wES mtade:'k7ic Funds are pledged as additional sea:..-T:�� ��:
<br /> ����% If the Fun�s hetd Uy ir�'uicr exce,ed the amounu pecp'�i�ted to bz�:�3 by°P���le law. Lender shall acoount to Borrower _-
<br /> : �:�•`• for the excess Funds in accordance with c�r.cequirements of ap�lit;�t�1,c s;w. if th�asnaunt of the Funds hetd by Lender at 2.�-} �=�
<br /> •}'
<br /> • Um�is not suf�icient co Qay t he F r c rowcTtt,�w�h��uu�L�a�� �4�orrowe shall emak p�the deSci ncycin noemor��than ��
<br /> shali pay to Lender the atnaucrt necess...y �. . p „�,w-:
<br /> twelve monthty pAymentn,a�t u[sxier's sa;:discretion_ __ -
<br /> _ Upon paycnent i�futl mG� s�secured by t_`a5�ecunty Inst�ment, Lender shall promP�or o t�Iie ato Bs tion or saie --�-°
<br /> Funds held by L.ender.If.uude�r�'�z�"����1.�der syall acquire cr sell the Property,1-e�ier,p' �N --
<br /> of the Peoperty.sh�11 appJy a:.Y Funds te.3 by Lender at the[ime c;'aa�uisition or sale as a credit against the sums secu�red bY �
<br /> this Serurity instrumant., , Tnents received by Lender um3er parag�aphs
<br /> .. 3.Applicut��a of Pt���.Unless applicable la+�[�ruvides o�h.rwise.all�:3 able un�tu paraSraPh 2% . ,t ..
<br /> 1 and 2 shtill Ue appliecl:•fi:�t,to anY prepayment char�due und:r the Note;se�md. to amoants paY ��,
<br /> h e� .
<br /> ,;;.,: nnci due;and last,to any late c�s=.ges due under the Note. _ •
<br /> ,�,. third,co intcr�a duo;fourth.to p ' p� _
<br /> 4,CL�c�,;L2ens.Borro�ver shai!�{ay all taxeg�assess����c`'�g�• fines and impositions attributabte to the Pro�.riy
<br /> , which snny amtin priority over this Seal nty�t��Zt•or if not�paid in that,manner.Bonower shal Payyth m°r����
<br /> these obliBarions in the manner provided p 8�P �_
<br /> m tho�Se�son owed payment.Borrower shall prompt►y f-�mis6 to Lender all notices of amounts to be Da�d under thia paragtaph• _��
<br /> If�omowe��nkes these payments dire:sit.Bonower shall promptly fumish co Lender receipis evidencing the payments. . __
<br /> Borc.��YF.r shsil{promptly dischar�:x s:^y lien which has priority r,n�er this Securiry Instn�ment unless Borrower:(a)a�m�r'�s in �,-_,..
<br /> w�icin9 ta ttte payment of the obligatim secured by the lien in a c�a;r��.r accePtable to Ixnder;@)contests in good faith,tly I�rn �
<br /> by. or defends againss «'zfcrcement of the lien i���e�al�e'oceed�a���r���,Sfactory to Lender subordinating che i en to --
<br /> ..�„: ' e a forcemo n t o f t h e l i e n;o a(c)s e c u r e s fr o m t h a h���F �s ss�b'ect to a lien w hic D m a y a t t a i n p ri o ri t y o v e r
<br /> • ''i;;:�'�: � thic 5er•cr'ry Tu.strument. If l,ender d:.FS-:.nes that�.; r�an of the F"opertY � )
<br /> ,.�_
<br /> '. :�'''���i,''':. ����rity In_4:;ur.iers, E..eader ma} ��'��s�orrower a notice idec::r.'�c�the lien.Bm*ower shall satisfy the lien or take cr.r�� i-
<br />' moca of tAe�r_tions se�fert.h above�iu.b;r t0 days of the giving of n:r_�•�x. ���02a �190 �-_
<br /> . �
<br /> r.�e2me
<br /> ..... . .: .. . � • � . .
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