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<br /> _,�-...�.�� ( ' , - — -�.. ._ _ . . .-.- - - : � ,. y��� [ . ( '
<br /> . , <. , • ,, �� • .- - `
<br /> ' �C[j0�i 1�j�Et.teqY![C� �1!�lA�CaRiti p[OYi�tbG 111��M�C l�It�I bG d10�Gt 6y'BOfI��Ct b�� `.
<br /> . .1�I�Yi)rY�I1Cb f��00�bC 11�lb00i�/rYl1�IbCb. �B01lpWCf fi1�5 fQ�����dp�R��.ibOYO.�E11dll IRt�►•�
<br /> � 1mdCr�Cjlt1011,db1/�Il7uMl��C i�pt�l�''t 1.C�Ct�S d�1A 16E FfOpQ[)►��CCb(�IICC 11Yll�f�1�fp�`7. � .
<br /> = All ie;uo�ance pd�cies��nd:erkwais aMll be aoocptabk w L.ende[an¢s1Wl 3rclade i ahidu�i m�ottEagc cWis� ird�ciqt .
<br /> � aUait 6ave the ri�t 10 hotd t6e po$cies aod tenewsds. ff I.snder tequiee�.�ruwa sh�lt peomptiy girfe to�.e�det ill reoeipts ' •
<br /> • . 6f p�id paeium�and-ts�oewal twtiaes. tn die event of bss.Bonerva sh�tl-give p�ompt notice W tbe,.insuaa�e raeiet and `
<br /> ` l�endtr.I.dder a�y malre pvof of toss if not mde p�ompdy by Bormwe.r ,
<br /> - Unks4 Ircnder�od Bamower at�erwise agaee in writiweg,iaw�anoe�mc�d.c sh�ll.be appliod w i+cstae�ciao ar�ep�ir of
<br /> - - -�he A�opaty.d�d�ed.-
<br /> if tIK saRaratian nt t+epaa is.�micalt�.fe�sibk aad Lender's security is mt.kssened. If the
<br /> . _ �estocalioa ar rtpiras Pot xaqmicallY fa�ibk or Lender's sec�tiry wauld.i�e k.ssa�ed.the inwr�nce��aoeedc st�all be'
<br /> . . applied w tfra wrta secaied 6y this Sewriry inst�ument.wt�dber or noE ttkn due.witl�my exoesc psid ta Botrower. t€ _
<br /> Ba�mwa abiad�o�ts tLe�PcopeRy.or does not aaswa witbin 30 days a no6c�e`�ra»i.ender tlwt the insur�na caEtier!�s . - ' .
<br /> offaed w seale s cl�im,tLea I�nckr may colkct the insurance procxeds. l.ender may�the pmceMs to iepair'a nsto�e �
<br /> ,he�roQe�cY or w py awra secm�aa by a�is securicy tasonm�eM.wheWer or not dia�a�e. TGe 3o-aay perioa v�n7t 6egio vYtxn
<br /> t6e notice is given . .
<br /> Unkss L.ender�nd Bo�rower othe�wise agroe in writing.any application of p�oceeds to princ.�ipal sb�U not extet�d ar
<br /> postpone t6e dne d�tc of the moMWY WY�u t�efened to in pa�ag�aphs 1 and 2 or ct�age the araa�u�t of the gaya�cnts. If
<br /> wnkr�ngraph 21 tbe PtapMy is sicquired 6y I.ender,Bamwer's nght to�p inwru�x policies aad p�ocads t�esultiag .
<br /> from d�e w d�e Prnpe�ty prior to the xquisition sh�il pasc w Letjder to the exuat of the soms secu�od by this Socuriry
<br /> Tnstru�ueat immediately prias w the acquisitioa. �
<br /> fi, .Ooe�p�le� �raer��tios, Ms�itnaece a�d Pratedion o!t6e ProPtrt9+ Borra�ra''s.Lan AppYeattar, ` .
<br /> I.eas�ioid� Boaorrer siwU occupy,estabtlsh,and u;e the Ptnpe�tY ac Borrower�s principal residence within sisty drys af0er .
<br /> . the exocatiaa af Htis Securiry Insonnnent md shall continue w occupy the Property as Bormwa's�rincipal nesidqnoe for at
<br /> . � k,�st ane ytar after the due of ucs�ncy, nnkss I.ender atbes�vise agnees in wtitntg, wbich�corue�tt sball not be
<br /> ,:'.i�son#b1Y witt�heW.ot wtkss exta�uaaong cit►:�ices exist which ate beyaod Bormwa's caMcol. BaQa��ec shall not
<br /> .. �.::•�Pest�py,,d�mage or impas the Pmpe[ty.altow the Pkvperiy to detcrtalate.ar cortanit waste on tl�e PcnpeA�r..Bamwei S6aI1
<br /> ;�;�.;.'be in def�wlt if any focfeitme actioa or pcooeeding.whether cnal or crimiaal,is begimi th9t in'Ldnder's good faith judgment
<br /> ` c�oald res�t ts forfeihue of thc Ptoper�y or ahawise rnaaeriallq impair tt�e lien cteated by this Socarity I�anent or
<br /> � Lender's�s�a�i inte�est gorrower may�u�e such a defautt and reinstate,as provided In puagraph 18.bY causin8 the action
<br /> _ ar pmc��7o 6e dismissed with a raling tl�at.in Lender�s goad faith detem�inatian,pc�ecludes forfeitune of the Borcawa'�
<br /> - . . tntec�st in�e PtupatY or atber ntateriat i�ment o€the iirn enated by this Securery Instrument or l.ender's secusicy.
<br />.— intenst. Boirower shaU also be in default if Botrower, during the toan apptication process, gave materiaDy�false or
<br />--- inaccurate i�tfonnadon or statements to Lender(or fa�7ed to provide Lxnder witb any material infunnaqon)in connoction with
<br /> the loan eviifcnced by tlte Note. inclnd'mg. lwt not limited w.e�sentations.eoncemiag Bolrower�s occupazxy of the •
<br /> = Aroperty as a principal residence. If this Security lnstrument is on a�ehold,Bomnwer shall canpIy with all tUe provisions
<br /> , of tAe lease. If Bormwer scc�aitts fa titte to tt�Pmperty,the kaseh'�and the fee tide s1saU,aot mergeunless Lender agrces
<br /> - -to the rtkrger in writing. �;:
<br /> = . 7. Protectfon o�Les�er's liishts in tke Propert� If Borcower fat"ts'tis petform the covenants an�agt�xtnents
<br /> : cantained in this 5ecuriiy Ireswmeat,or ttxre is a k8a1 Pmceediag`thac may�eantiy a�bct Lender's iights in tbe. �
<br /> -:._� P�npeBY tsucb as a proceeding in banlcruptcy.probace.fas candemnation or forfeitu�e oa to enfocioe laws ot mgWaoioas).t�en
<br /> -- � I.ender may do and pay for whataver is necessary to protect the valae of the P�operty aad Leside�r's rights in the Prnpesty-
<br /> Lender's actions may include paying any sums suund by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insaumenb appeazieg. �
<br /> �;��f' in court,paying n�sonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Frapert}!to make repairs.Although l.cnder may take action
<br /> _ qnder this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. '
<br /> My amounts d�sbursed by i.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additianal dcbt of Borrower secured by this =
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to ather tenns of payment.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br />:-s; date af disbuisement at t}ie Note rate and shall be payable.witb interest.upon notice from l.ender to Brnmwer nquesting -
<br />:_=1��. ����
<br /> -` S. Mort�=e Insurnnca If Lcnder r�quired mortgagc insurance ac a condidon of making the toan secund by this
<br /> = Securiry Inswment,Boimwer shail pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insuzance in effect. If.for any
<br /> s� � reason, the morcgage insu�ance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to 6e in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br />=s`-" premiums c�ued to ob�ain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausJy in effeci. at a cost
<br /> _�=` snbstantia�C�e;,vivalcnt.to the cost ta Borrower of the mortgage ins�:rence previausly in effec�.from an alumate mvrtgage
<br />-`�:�_� insurer ap�ved by l.endcr. If substantially equivatent mortgase ir.�:�rance coverage is not ava:t��te.Boaower shall pay to
<br />_;_.�_.: Lendet each month A sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br />-�:;;.. insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a lass reserve in lieu
<br /> "r;'' of mortgage insurance. l.oss reserve pay'ments may no longer be required.at the op[ian of Lencter.if mose�ge'lnsurance
<br /> � "= coverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lender requires)�rided Iry an insurcr appraved by l.ender again becomes
<br />-�` �-' available and is aMained.gorrower shatl pay the premiums requer�c.'to maintain mortgage insurance in effecf,or to provide a
<br />!�d ; loss reserve,until the reyuirement for moRgage insurance ends ia a�.ordance with any written agieement betvreen Borrower
<br />;"'� "' and Lender or appllcable Eaw., _
<br /> .. 9 InspecNon. taL:der or its a�ent may make reasonable entries upon anct€�sspections of the Propeity, l.ender shall �
<br /> __ _ givc fionuwer nudce at t�ee time af oc Wrior ro an inspertion specifying reasonabte cause for the inspection. _
<br /> " - 10. CondemnAtion. The proceeds of any nward or claim for damages,direct ar conseyuerttial.in connection with any
<br /> Singte F.ueily•-Vaenk btaelFYeddk:�1se UKIFUpb11:�i5TItU�1��{'f--Unifortn Coven�nro !!!� IpaRa 3nJb pagn) -
<br /> ' crcri laks eo9e[w Ya�,�ec.■
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