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<br /> p�D OF TRUST WfTH FUTiJR�d��l��tC� "�-�`-°��,�"„�""'�"
<br /> , -.: Y•:'..r.,..n'�a;,... _
<br />. � • ci��—• � .�.�,�....,d,..
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<br /> qQp, .19 4£, .by ttred ett!ot�g � •*,_r. °,.�'��� �-,,
<br /> ' YFFFB DEFD OF TRUST,is m�de as ot 1lte �h d�Y of \ -
<br /> C, °T,..�.,,r-�.�
<br /> theTrustor, Phili D Janaeen � Maahelle !! Janeaen �usband atid ri�e , ,, ' :;• . ; "�
<br />' �',� 557 E 19�h St Grand as�nd Ne E�'��i-2423 �T--=:'`'�-��' .
<br /> whose malUng address is (here'�°Tr.r.�c�',+�`r�,er arse os anore). Y ... =_�.-,�.,•
<br /> :aa,�.'� . .
<br /> ` �7iUStEB 1°. r� . --
<br /> -. +�se matiin�address is � 0 Box 1507 Gs-�.-�1. Island. �£ •�cs7D2 r;tm-an?n�otcr�.artd ::.;.;�,,�;°--__.�r:._��`Y�`
<br /> _ ihaeenefici�d Fi� Points Bank =-.��. °�-- -
<br /> ���;
<br /> '�'`� whose mai5ar addr�s•� 2015 H. Broad�ell 6rand �ra�an�. ��. 68802-1�FL:' ��n.��. ;%r. °' �,��'r
<br /> .. Philip B 3-�� �,'' , �-r�•-�:._,.>.-,:�
<br /> FOA VALL'l�:w.�C�v:��1A'T�pN,indudinp Len�i's��adension of credit idarxtYFiad 3�orein to -
<br /> � .' , �s I .. ,
<br /> tr�,�
<br /> z.z' �1�2.�`��'7iOW3T��1.�1BY118!C7t$t1T[ilOfA�ElR"+�i�.1�ZTyl.ni':.�Y-:911.^.'OC3�2��11�(LG�S�t ,�d'S;p z.{-. r.�
<br /> . '�'���'•444q:� ,� ,�r'S :,.i�
<br /> ,,,,°'x� �which fs het8by aCtatovde�getl,Truator hareby Irreo�b�}�:'�.3.*a.�s�e.b.�arav�,�s and a�.^,'r�}'ras 2�Tr.,t�.r,'�.�:.V TRUGu't';Wf�FI ;,�i ._
<br /> ;� f�WER OF SAl.E.br lha ben3fii and secudty ot Lendc,imrla;arki s.�b;a.�9 7J t'1sa 8a:rs a�Cortd'iYions he�3it0D�:�3 tcc'�'ti�!�h9 real ,`..•r,. :i;..
<br /> >:
<br /> . pmperry describad es to'�arr3: --
<br /> B1elaeeAddition to�theeCitytofiGrand�Island��Hal1 County��Hebra�ka�iee ��r� .�=.�`.
<br /> �' . �(
<br /> • Tagether�rit7�all buitmngs.improvemenffi.fixtu�es.straets.aliays.P�ssaQeway3.eese�nenL9.d�hb.Privtleges anfl�p�e9 ' �� _ .
<br /> � : .
<br /> tocated thereon or in enywise pertalnin�tnere2o.end the rents.tssues and prott�.rever�tons and remalntl�ers trierea4�era�such per• �"`,. .
<br /> sonal DmpeRy that ts atteche0 to tho Impcovamrmts so es to cons"J4uio A ttxfuro,tr�tudtng.but no!limite0 to,heating eas�ooeitng equlo- .' �.' �.
<br /> .:.a n :'___
<br /> men�and toQether witb the homestead or marY�a1 interesta,H eny.wh'sch brteresb are horeby released and waived:a11 ot wt+iCh,(ncte� -; "�
<br /> �....'•�r.;�,:,;:.._.
<br /> ing reptaoernents and addrflana thereto.is hereby dectared to be a part of th0 reat estato socured by the tten�!9riis Deed o�Trust and
<br /> all of the foregotng being reterred to heretn as the`Property'.
<br /> � This Qeed o!Tnist shaU secure(o)the payment of thp prU�cipal sum and iMarest ev'dnnoad by a promisscry r�o��Gt e� ��
<br /> � ment da .having a maturity da28 of --_— __
<br /> •. t:_-_
<br /> .'.. � in the orig�tnnrrf pdnGpaf amaunt ot S 26 @49.5A .and any and all modiftcationa,extert3la�a snrt•tGrteu�Jals .-� _..._�.,c
<br /> rig� f -----
<br /> thereat or thereto and 2ny and ai!tuture advances end readvancas to Borrowei(ar arry oi them it more than one)P�a��r pursual►t �•���;;,:ar �:.:��,�
<br /> to ane or more promisscry notes or credit agreements(herefn calted'Note'�;(b)�Pal►mont of ather sums advart+ce�@►l.�ender to =__
<br /> . protect the securlty of ttse N�csL�:(c)the{sertormance o4 e!covenar�ts and agreomErr:�¢ff Trustor set forfh heretn:ae�(�i)r�G�pr.asent e� �
<br /> r
<br /> fuwre indebtedners and obitgattons of Borrower(or aci3+a9 tham H more thnn ono)ta Lender whether direcL Indlr�cf.a�aa(�tGa or aontl�r - �_�.°. ���
<br /> �r gent and whetrier arising by nate,g�aranty,ovardraft or othemise.Tho Nato,th13 Dead of Trus4 and etry and alt olR37 doc�ar� t�tat '- '
<br /> secure the Note or othenxise execute���onnection therewtth,inciudin8 without qmitatlen guarsntees,secuc'yfij a�c�ments and �;;��'�'
<br /> ;`���„' assignments of teases end rents.ahali tro��rred to herefn as tho 9.oan(nstrumont�'. �"���-_��
<br /> � . .... -
<br /> , Tn�stor co�renants a�d;�;rees with Lender as tn(tows: ::_.-
<br /> 1. PaytrMnY ot Ufd�NSa.AI�indebtodnoss secured hareby shall be p�!d wnen due. '�T�
<br /> ;:;,:��. 2. TiCn.Tnastor is��e omtiar ot tt�s Proporty.has the dght and authority to cor�voy the Praperty�end ware�ata tt�4 ct:c�lien cceat• P � __ L
<br /> �;Y-:,, ° ed herey��irs a 8rst and prtor lien on the GropeRy.except for lies��9 ena�mbrancos sat fortte by Trustor in vnidn�ajtd'detivered to _
<br />��;t�; Lender b�?ana execuL'on o1 this Oeed of Trust,and the execu�on�cfol'nrory of this Oeod o!T�i daes na�vic{uuD an�,t oontrac4 or .,�x:.�
<br /> ' � � othor obllgatbn to wh.`ch Tr�stor is subject '�'�i"� -
<br /> 3.Ta�s,Assss�.':a:rri',�.To pay botore deilnquer:c�all t�vice3.s�eaaf a��'��is and atl aiher ch3n3t�II�.�tn�t tha Prop$riy :.�,.. ..� r_�_` : �
<br /> naworhoroaft�irlevied. �:=_�_�'.��.�;,•�•-,i, -�-
<br /> � 4.Insa�ranes.To keep the Pcoperty insured against damags by flro,h�ards inctuded wit4�in the term'e•.rt3s�Cad ooverage'.end —
<br /> such h�ards as Lender may requlre,in amounts and witfl compan�es aocop'.abta to Lendsr,naming Lend�r as 2n ed6itionai narrted �.-�-��
<br /> insur0d,with loss payable to the lender.In case of loss under such polici�s,the Lender is authorized to ad;us�t.oa:l�ct and oomara - -� `•�
<br /> mtse,all ctaims therounder and shall have the optton of apptying all or part o1 the in,urance procQeds(i)to anq indabi0dness secured , ,•�
<br /> P�erehy end in such order as lendar may dotermine,(ii)to tho Trustor to be used tor the repalr or restoraUan o!f.hA C'roper4y or pi�for ----=���
<br /> . any oth�r purpass or object sa�sfactory to Lender without attecting ths lien of th�Deed ot Trust for the ta(1 r�nanrt seaued heroby �;J �
<br /> betore sucf�payment ever took placs.Acy applicaUons o1 proceeds^n indobt�dness shall not extend or post�on�sh.o due d3te of any '- �
<br />= paymen4s under the Note,or curo any dic�'Wult thereunder or hereunc�-. '°`
<br /> 5.Escrow Upon written doman��y Lender.Trustee shai p�y�Lendet,in such manrter as Lender may Oanlgnato.su3ficient �-� `` � ;��'�
<br /> s u m s t o e n a E(e L e n�er to pa y as the y become duo ana�sr more c+�::`�e 5aL'ovrlr,g:(�)all taxos,assessmonts aeid m�ar charges agalnsl �•.�''��=�` _
<br /> �'=5�
<br /> ths Properly,(i�the prerr,:�ms on the prcperty insu;fr���yu:ieG[-rx:_:�G�r,��rt',�f�a�remiums on any rr:ortgaao insurance require�by 'y,�,� � _,
<br />� Lender. -r�.�-. �
<br /> 6.Ai[aintenanco,Repairs and�c:rts��tanc��vith Lawa Tru.K3�r E�;d r�����pe�irr gaad carstlfUcn and repalr,shall �_ .•___ _
<br /> promptty re�ir,or rep(ace any impra•J+�:rRc vfitch may be dam,���r,c Go,;ra;r�;�-�atl not oonsmit cr�erc:tt nszy waste or deteriore- "-�•�"�`"�'�'`
<br /> tinn of the Property;shal!not remova.��*.olish or suQstantiaUy a:�°��:s'y ot ths+��3mar,ts en Uic�Propeifj;ehall not cammit,sarfter , . .,���
<br /> • • or pertnit any act to be dor.e in or upon the Property in violaUon cff�.r�lavi,c:d�rrrc�,or regWa�cn;artd ahall��ay and promptiy dis- , .
<br /> ,--�_ C�S�gi Trtlsr.s�g�St anA wxqe�se all liens.encumbranCes an�,d`^�.ipos 18v�ed,imposed or accessed ag�inat Uea ProDariy or amr �. : .� �• •�
<br /> paR thereo4. . -_
<br /> 7.Emfr�effi Qomaln.Lendor is h�roby assic,g�ed all compe�sr_-�tr.n,a�rards,damagas artd oiher payrt:Qats or reiief(hereinafter r�..
<br /> ....,�,
<br /> ' eme sir MemTa_'oa�acv.ern _ - _� —.
<br /> . O�atfrareatmnac�m.�sanTn�mesr+`v��omsM1USm�re�uti ` ��_ - . . _. . .
<br /> , � � . . - -' � �
<br /> — : � ' " . ' • . � . . , . - , . . ._` . . .. . -
<br />. --� , � __- . �,�
<br /> � _ . - . .w.�_�1P_. .,..,:.:..: _ t._�_� ��_•. - � .-c - � ' , . , . '..t�. •
<br /> . . �„-�'_a-. _'_....__'_.' _a�,._.__... �'! 51� ,?ii:��- . ,'+- ' . . . ... �... . .. _. .. _._ _ . . . .
<br />