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<br /> CC�l�1�01►d[GIaC[ti�Ml`O��Q�t�I�IC�y.�f��y�iR�1tll Of�11�1�.iR bE�lbj►7f�� �
<br /> < ,l�fu�0�1D j.dl�i ` � •
<br /> . Is tl��at af�a ootat dki�df 16e!�'t'toperty.�e poreeds shsll 6�applied w thb swms sawod by this�Sacaril� �.
<br /> � . imtrunknt.whdher or�wc�hen�e.with iny exress p�id to Bortawer. In tAe eveat of:putia!tainn�o�die FnopeitY in. -
<br /> which t6e fair smricet v�lu��d�e Ropetty i�unedi�lety tiefae the t�tiing is equ�i ta ar gtrskr tf�the s�i�owt�af�e sums .
<br /> . . aecu�d by dns Securiry Inta�nent inunedi�teIy b�fae t6e taging,anless Botnowpr md l:ender alreiwise ag�ee io vrriung,
<br /> � the smas secai+cd by this Security L�strumrnt shat!be trducoa by We omount of the p�cads muitipGod by the folbwing
<br /> �, tractiao: (s)it�e wtaf anwuat of d�e sums securcd immedi�tcty befar 1he taTcing.divided hy(b)die fair tturket,valot of the .
<br /> �mmediatel�t b�foct the Wtin& Any,balanc�stult br paed to Barower. in thc event of a p�tiai tal�ie�of the
<br /> - �x`. 6tfartbe taidng is tess tha�►the 9awnnt u€t2u snau.
<br /> . pnapeAy in which tbe tair madcet value ot the P�uperty immedr�trhr
<br /> � mw+ed u�mcdiatety befae the tafciag. �mtess Sarowec aad l.rnder otl�etwise ag�oe in varitiog ar wless applicable faw
<br /> � otherwise provides.the pcoeads si�a!!1x appfied m the suta�secured by'this Se�uiry Iestrument whetlrcr or r�ot the sums ue
<br /> thrn due. : '
<br /> � ff the PFopaty is ab�ndoned 6Y lianawer,orif.after narice by l�ender to BcKmwer tlat the coodemnoc otTe�s to malce
<br /> ��m awnd or seuk a cisim for.d�mages.Harnvrer futs w iespaad to Lender within 3Q days after the date thr nai�x is givea, .
<br /> Le��der is authori�ed to cdkc�and applg the p�bceeds.at its option.eidxr to restaatio»ar tepair�of the Propeny or,to thc ,
<br /> su�s secwed by d�is Secutiry li�suwnee�wT�ether or not tt�a�due. .
<br /> ` Unks9 L.ender and Bamwer otluiwlse agiee in v�rriNng.any apQiication of pcviceeds to priacipal shal!not extmd or
<br /> � postpone tbe due daWe of ihe nwnthtY P�Y��tef¢med to in pangsphs 1 and 2 os d�ang�e tbe amount af such payments.
<br /> . 11. Mre+rwa 1Wt RekiMal: �rie�s�Ce 6y I.ndee Not a Watrer_ EacuncEan of the time for p�yYarnt or
<br /> ' modificuioa of mpoctaaciort of 1he sums secu�ed by this Socurity lnstrument graated by l.ender ta any suaxssar in interest
<br /> . 'of Bamwer shal!not aper+te to oetease the liabiliry of the original Borrower�Barowet's successo�s in interest Lender
<br /> sh�ll not be tequi�od to camma�ce.P�ocadings a8a�nst any successor in intenst or nefi�C tQ exund dme for payma'at or
<br /> otberwise modify amottiz�tion uf tlu sums socwted by this Security Ia�runrent by reas�ar►of any demand�nade by tlie original
<br /> � go�mwer ar Borcowe['s�ccessors in inanst. My Forbearance by Lender in exenising�ny riSht or nmedy s1ra11 iwt be a
<br /> wuver c►f a peciude the exencise oF any.right or remcdy. �� ' of this
<br /> • IZ.�S�aesors a�d A.�as 8a��;.ld�t asd Sereral Usbi�ty;Co�sivers. 'lUe cdvenants and ag�ee�nts.
<br /> . ' � Seaurity Iastrnnent slall bind and benefit!he successors anct assigns of I.ender and Bomawer.subj4et w tLe provis�ons of
<br /> paragr�pl► 17. liamwer's covenants and ag[�eert�en44 shatl be joint and several:Any Barrower.who co-signs this Secuciry
<br />- Instrument but d�es noi execuce d�e Note: ta)is co-signing this�Security Insuument only w moctgage.grant and convey.that
<br /> . � 9orrowa�intaest in tfie Property undcr 1he certns af t4is SeGUiry.Iasuunsen� (b)is nat persa�ally obljgated to pay tLe sums
<br /> — secured!ry this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Bwrnwer may agree w eMend.modifY.for6ear
<br /> - a matce atry accomrtwdations with regard to the tetms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> =_ — ransent. �
<br />:`S 13 l.o�n CbACaes. If the loan secured by this Security lnsuument is subject so a!aw which sets maaimum loart
<br />`n y ¢har$es.and ti�at!aw Is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loa�charges coltected or to be coRected in cannecaon
<br /> . with the loan exceed the pemutud fimi�c,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce -
<br /> --_= the charge to the permiKed limit;and(b)any sums already collected fmm Bortawer which exceeded�ermitted limiu witl be
<br /> -=° tefunded to Borrower. 4ender mr►y chcwse to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> -'' dieeet payment taBortower. If a refund nduces principal,the mductiar wi11 be tcrated as a partial Pcepaynxnt witliout�ny
<br />_'y piepayrt�ent charge under the Note: �
<br /> - 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by,
<br /> �- ma�'ling it by first etass mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.7lie notice shall be directed ta the Properiy �
<br /> Address or any other address Borrower designates by natice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shatl 6e given by fitst class
<br /> � mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.erider designates by notice ta Barrower. a►ny notice provided for
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when givea as provided in this
<br /> �-'=r;J� �13�6oveming Law: Sererability. This Security Irtstrument shall be govemed by federal !aw and the Iz�of the
<br /> :�L,,�_ jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event that any provisian or clause of this Security lnstrument or the Note
<br />:_-���° contiic[s wiih applicabte taw.such wnflict�aQ not affect other prov�sions ot thic Security Instnu�.�or the Note which can
<br /> __. be given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end the Qrovi�ians of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are
<br /> - declared to be severable. -
<br /> � 16. Borrowtr's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Nac�a�d of thi.s Security Instrument. _
<br /> '``` 17. 7Y�o�sfer otthe Praperty or a Benelicial lnteiest in Borrower. lf aU aratE°�ar1 of the Ptoperty ar any interest in -
<br /> I�..:� = it is sold ar tr�rsferred!or if a beneficial interest in Borrower iz sold ar transferred a.�d Bo�rower is not�natural persan) _
<br />-?`��''� without Lendt:.-'s priar written cansent,l.ender may.al its option.rea,a�^e.immedia!e payment in full of all sam.g secured by =
<br /> � ?�``��� this Securi 3.,strument. However.this option shall not be exercised t:;G.�nder if exercise is prohipited by federal law as of =_
<br />^'"�`�_ � thc date of his Security lnstnunen� _
<br /> •'`•� ; If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notire of accelerat:�r. 'f'he natire shali pravide a perio8 of
<br /> -�;';.,•� .:ot les.s than�0 days from the ciate the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums�ecured by this
<br />= ?`.•� Security Tr�xu*.hent. If Borrawer fails ta yay th�we sums prinr ta t1��expiration af�his periad. �.ender may invoke any _
<br /> �r�`'' ' remedies pem�i�ue.d.by thix Security lnstrunJent without furthcr notice a.:4emand on Barrower. ' -
<br /> .• 18. Bortower's Right to Reinst�te. li Harrower meets certain conditions, Barrower sha:l have the right to have _
<br /> -- ----- --- enfos¢ement oF tlsis 5ecu�ity lnstrument discomenued at any time pri�r tn the eudier-of: Iai 5 days 1or such ather period� __
<br />---. • Singtc Family_.Fwnk 11fat/Fitddk�fac UNI�OR31IrS"PRUMF:tiT�•UniWrm Covrn�tc 9l90 Ipu�e4 tJb/xe.Ce�► -
<br /> ' . g; .
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