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<br /> - . �.R��iU IbC illlp[0'Ypll!llfs tC11K d[�HbC��f�fC Qf0�1C1�.��:�G�t�.�QQ�Od+` .•' _
<br /> , �d f�1lDIK 0�!1!!!�R�Q�t�I50 PUQl�1j►. Au I+GQ�Od0E1Ks ild idd�lOaS Shill ll�SO bC COYt�b�►t$ii SECI�►�
<br /> :. �fllflllfl�. 1U19f 1hC f0[l�Ol�j I� !!I!d i01�(�S SECYSII)I�51NmC[I[iStbC'�[UQQ[Y R ,
<br /> � ea�ICOw�R c'QV@rAty.TS th�c Barowa'ss lawhuly�e;sed_ot d,e estatt 6eteey convtyed aed t�c i(�e right fo�t. � .
<br /> � aod coevq t6e PtupMy aeQ dsat tbe Pmpetty is miaxmn6e�od.exapE far eocumbranas of tuad Barowa wsrnuu.s aa¢ '
<br /> ' wu�aeta�a�aalty u�e qqe w me r�paty a�c au c1�Tm4 am demanas.subjea io auy areum6�aaas urre�d. �. �"' , ,
<br /> , 7WS SFC[3RFfY�ihS7RfJ11�N'i'coa�Iues ueifam coveea�s for n�a�ai ose aad am-unifasn oovmuits with . ..
<br /> tirnited variatioos I�r j�nisdicuon ta�sfstut�e a anifoEm secarsty�.�saesriog rta�propettyr . . .
<br /> UN�RM E70VEr1�iANTS.Boetower�od l.mda eovemat aad ag�ee as fdbws: �
<br /> l. !l�re�t et iriuiNl w11�1ersM:�reMl�e�t s�d l.aie C�ae� Ba�mrrec sinl!pe�nn�ptiY p�Y whe��due the
<br /> ' pinciql o[aod i�nene�on the de6t evidajoed 6y the Note and anY PrcP�Y�and Iate cliuges due tu�der tlx Nute.
<br /> 2. I��it Ix 7liwes sW L�ra�e� Su�bject w�pptic�bta faw ar to a writteo w�iver by f.mder.Banowa sb�il pay to
<br /> Lender on�e dsY�Y WY�s�[e due nnder the Nde.tu�the Note is paid in fuU.s suiu t"Fvnds")fa:ta)yeu1Y �
<br /> wus and acsessmaKS which nay atqin priariry over this Securiry Iasuument as a tieo on tlia PtaQe�ty:tby Y�Y� .
<br /> pymmts ar�ound�ras aa t6e Ptopaty, if any; (c)YeariY h�zand ar praperty insu�aoce p�mituns: (d)Ye�dy flaod
<br /> iasut�nce preauuins:if any:(e)Y�Y�S�SC insurance pcemiwns.if any,and(�anY�WY�bl'�'�to
<br /> I.ender.ia aecad�oce with t6e povisiats of puagnph S,in lseu of ihe payma�t of mo�tgage iesura�tce prcmiums. Tljesa
<br /> items are caikd"Eac�uw Items." 1.eoder mry.at aoy time.coUect�d laid I�u�d4�an an�oant not to exceed tbe maximum .
<br /> snqunt�s Imder�f�a federally tetatod moct�ge loan msy r�quite for Bamveec�s escmw accawt under ide ftder�l Rta! .
<br /> F.st�te SeuknKa�t Ptoceduns Act af�9T4 as amended firom ame to tune.�2 US.C.�2b01 et s�q.("RF�PA"},unless�nother :
<br /> !xw t6u appiie$tn the Amds sets a leuer anwaa� If so,I.enler m�y,at airy time,collxt and 6otd I'vnds ia an amwmt not to
<br /> exmed the lesser�mou�M. i.ender may csarn�te tbe anwnot of Amds due an the basis of curcmt d�ta and rr�san�bk
<br /> �of expeodidues of fi�tuc+e Esenpw Itemc or otheraise in xcad�nce with applicabk hw. '�
<br /> . 'IUe Fands shaU 6e heid in an�titution whose daposits ar�a inWtnd by a federal agency,insmana�tality.or entity
<br /> (bictudiaa irender,if Lender is swMt m irts�itution)ar tn any F�ederal Hane Lwn Banic.= Lender shall appty the Furds to p�y -
<br /> . me�E�crnw tams. t,eo�er may na��argc eorrower for bouang�na apptying�rw,as.annuatty anatyaing�he esaow
<br /> aa:owit,or vaifyiag the B4crow Itans. �oless Lender pays Barower mie�est on the Funds artd applicable,law pertnits
<br /> - I.�ender w m�ke such s charge. Hawever.Irender may requic�e Bamwer w pay a one-wne charge for an independent nal =
<br /> _ „u° — euate t�cepo�ting savice ased 6y teoder ia euanxtiiou with ibis Ic�a�tt.untess apptic�ble 1aw pswides othecwise. Udess an
<br /> _ -- agroemeot is made or applicabte law requices in'ten�st m 6e�aid.Lender shail not be tcquired ta pay Barmwer arry intecest or __--
<br /> eauning:oa the Fuads. Bamwer and Lender may agrec in wrfting,fawever.that inteast sha11 be paid dn the FLnds..l.ender �
<br /> _ . � shatl give w Boaowe�without c6arge.an aoaaal acca�mtmg of the Funds,showing ciiedits and Ae6its to the Punds and the ---
<br />= putpose for which eacb debit w the Funds was made. �t�e Fundc are pledged as addidoaal security for all sums secated by �=
<br /> - - this Security In.4trwnent. _-�
<br /> _- -- /f t6e T�ods held by Lendec e�ccted tl�e amounts pem�itted to ba held by applicable t�w, Lender shall aacaint to
<br /> _:-�. Boimwer fa the eacess Funds in�ccordance with tlse nquiiemenis of applicabk law. If the aawnnt of the Fwjds held by
<br />'='.�� l�ender at any time is not sufficieM to pay tde Escrow Items when due.Lender raay so notify Bolrower in writing.and,in
<br />_ sucb c,ase Baruwa shap pay to Lender the amou�t naxssary to maka up the deficiency. Bamwer shall maice up_the --
<br />_:'�� deficiency in no more tha�twelve monthiY Pa3rtnents,at Lender�s sote discnepoa. _
<br /> - UPon PaYment in full of aU sums secuned by this 3ocuriry Tnswment,Lender shall promptty refund w Borrower any =-
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the A+nperty.Lender,prior to the acquisirian or �
<br /> " ' sak of the Property,shall appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cred�t against the sums ��_
<br /> • � savnd by thia Securiry Inswmem. ��--
<br /> - 3. Applicallon of P�yments. Unte�ss applicable law provides otherwise. all payments reeeived by Lender under �3<::
<br />_= pu�agraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.taany prepayment charges due under tf�e Note;socond,to amaants payable under �__
<br /> -__ par�gaph 2;ihird.to interest dwe;founh.to principal dve:and last.to any late charges due w�der the Note. �_�'
<br />-- 4. Clwe�es; Lia�a Borrower shal!pay all taxes.assessments.charges, fims and impositions atuibuta6le to ttie !"�"
<br /> a� -----
<br />� -- Ptoperty widch may auain pri�ity over this Secnrity Instnsmen�and leasehotd payments or ground rents.if any: Borrower ��fi_";-
<br /> shall pay these obllgadons in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on ;J��,��:
<br /> • � time directly to the person owed payrt�en� Horrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all nouces of amounts to be paid under �'t;v:
<br />. � di c t l Borrower s fi a l l A f umu h t o L e n d e t r e c e i t s evi d e n cin . `�',�-
<br /> - , this puagraph. If Ba�rawe�m�ltes these payments re y. pro�p Y P 8
<br />- �Bo�aower sha11 pmmpsty�discharge any lien which has priarity over this Securiry instrument untess Borrower:(a)agr�ees '•��t'j��
<br /> , �-�_
<br /> = in writ3ng to the payment a�the obligation secured by the lien tn a manner aeceptable to I.ender.(b)wntests in gaod faith the ;�w��.-
<br /> lkn 6y.or defends against e�sforcement of the Ilen in.legal!proceedir�s which in the Lenderk opinion operate to�revrnt the • ;,�::�,;r:
<br /> • enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures irom the hotder of�e lien an a�rreement satisfactary to Lender subordinanag the 11en .�:�`:_
<br /> - W this Savrity Instrument If l.ender determines that�.�y�part of the property is subJect to a lien which may attain priarity ,.1..�
<br /> over this Security Instrunsea�.i.ender may give Borrow�a notia identifying the lien, Boaower shali sadsPy the llan or take ,.,;<<,,
<br /> - ooe or more of the actians sec Eorth a6ove wlthin 10 days v�:he giving of notice. •
<br /> S. Huard or Propdrty Iesuranca Borrower shaTl keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the � ;�j;�+"
<br /> Property insured against toss by fire.hazards included within the tertn"extended coverase"and any other hazards.including
<br /> • -- floods or flooding,for which L.ender requires insurance. This insurance sha{1 be maintuined in ihe amounts and for the -
<br /> �.-
<br /> Fare�3�15 !!� IPQX�2 nj6 pag�il , �(
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