.. �' _ . ""..'���� _..._..dY`�-� _-.--. �_..�.._..._.._..�.-� ` ._...�._...�..�..,.'--. . " ---.. ,. ..._.._ � - ..��,�.�t '�cf <<,P��`� f'�r�.
<br /> '-�� . � o��ccn 09/24/1996 � --3 �t`� `r,� � _
<br /> I dl��� �1� x 'ss=
<br /> -OFILIdi AVti.w I�� �,v Q°'•r� :°
<br /> "', :,�`
<br /> UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrowdr and l.end�covenant and agree s�failorrs: :�� �r, , .,,.
<br /> witea due the prinLipal arEd interess ,���� ,. .� ¢,��; � .
<br /> 4. H�ymeai of Priiadpal a�d latereFt. Bnrnower sltalt pmu�tly pay '. �.. , � � ,;_.
<br /> indebtedness evidenced by the Noee and late charges as provided in tS�e N�te. �,'• '`�`:�,....:'
<br /> � t , .
<br /> 2.Fimds for Taxes s�td➢asw���- Su�S�t'°appUcable taw or a ti��ritten waiver by lxn�ter.Bum►wer sisali pay to i �,�j ��� �,;'>'•:
<br /> �.
<br /> a n�s of pziIICipal agd interest are payable uncler the Nare.umil the Plote is�aid in full.a • � ,, af.r�• a�
<br /> Lender on the day montttlY P Y� �`�"� 7�"� � ,
<br /> ,�C.'�,;_ � � ,•''.
<br /> .. ���' :�';.._—
<br /> sum(her�in'Fands')e4ua1 w one-tweltih of tte yearly taxes and asscssm�nts fitulsctLng condon�inium uaW plunnr�l ua;f .: r�;��_,.�-
<br /> m •
<br />- deve iop m e n t a s s e s s��n t s• !f a°Y)w��b°�Y a�Priority�ver this DePd of Trusi. anJ grou�ul rents on the PropertY• • �-: ��'.' �r,:,:R;_;:_
<br /> �n s u i a n c e. l�.s am-twel f t i�o f yeat iy pre m i u i n j[a s t a l l m e n t s � ���5:�;••.`�:,:=';''�-.
<br /> a�r,plus one-twetfeh of year iy premi�n i n s t a l l�e n t s f o r� P . <` ,;:�;:--���f�; �,;_
<br /> ted inidal! and from dar�tu dme by Lertder un the basis u f �t� �.�� -
<br /> � for mortgage insnrance. if any, atD as reasot�ably estima Y �of Funds � �`��:�?t``'ir'"
<br /> �"' �Y�3�:•�- �;<;`,,T:��:
<br /> �,a!'3,;�. .
<br /> ' asse.s�ments and bills and aeasonable es[imates thereof. Borruwer shall nut t+e ob1igatcd m make such{wyme �� ;t',,,4``�
<br /> - a�nts to ths t�otder of a priar m�ortgage��r deed of aust if sw;h hnlder ._�•r��H:�����;J_:�_
<br /> m
<br /> . to Lender tn the eatent thai Bottower arakea sttch pay r b�f'�:�L M�z�'_°
<br /> ��.'�
<br />� is an institurional lender. institution t��e deposi�ur a�:a�uat�of which ere ,��j;�,%��;�-.�+�`�;. ;. ..
<br /> j r f r�,`I
<br /> r;:� If Bonower pays Funds to Lender. the Funds shall be lisld in an 1 �_ , ,���,F:.A�r=
<br /> "'"._� msared or guarantee�1 bY a Federa3 or state agency(including Lender�f Le�er�.s siuh au instiwttnn). Ixn�er sl�all aPP Y . . t��' `<�:
<br /> r1A
<br /> d rents.IxaaSer n2ay aot rbarge for so h►ilding aad . �, r;t�r°�?���.
<br /> -�i �n�Fuads to pa y said taxes.a�.'�sm�.'�ss. insutance Premi�ms and�CSUn �'. "'-:-,; =
<br /> u
<br /> saisi ac�.�or verifying and a�mpiling sai d a s s e s s n�n t a a n d bilts. atil�ss Lender pay� �` '` �i.;_.,vy:..-
<br /> , $PP�S'inS the Funds, anaRS'i� �: �•�� •4 ""�
<br /> .'�', , ..•.''{ 57t�'`„'�';-,-._-,.
<br /> � Borrower interest oa t�e Funds anc�a�]i�e�v,pem�its Lender ta make such a charge.Borrower ar+d L.ender cuay agrer f. .
<br /> a� I he t�id to Barro�vec.ans!unless F `
<br /> � in wriring at the a�of eaecaaon of�s ETe�1 af Tn�T that interest on the Funds sl�a} R ;�,. ,ti��-,��:: v
<br /> . such interest ta he paid. Lender stiall not be required ta pay Barrower =• •��,;{�;�,.��'`;"�-
<br /> , . sush agreeme�is made ma�l��bie taw req�ires ;. , —
<br /> � " • , �,,u,,�.., >..;.: • ,.:
<br /> '"t,• aity interest or eamings on tb.e�unds. Lender sba118ive to Battowet.without charge.an annual accauneia�af�he Funds •��. f�. ., ,:v, .�-
<br /> g �-.r - t ��;�•..�,,�,
<br /> �.�, far which eacb debit ta the Funds was made. 7Ue Funds are ;,:._ y,��.{ �.s,
<br /> ��, saowin� credits a�d debaas¢a�the Fw1ds and the putpose t8.. J, � ,.�;�[�.��;�'?'.;:�
<br /> �l ptedged as addidanal s..�ity+�r the suws secnted bY d�is Deed of Tn�s7. nnst�lfinents of Fuads paY P �
<br /> h:13 b teader.togedter with the futau'e montiily abte rlor to " � . " J�Fr?',.,'-,
<br /> ''� I f t h e a m n u n t a f c 7�F u o c l s Y �
<br /> c a a s a i d c:: ,�.r ��„�,;�, ,
<br /> '�r s l�a ll ex c ce d t u s a a u o u n t r e q u i c e d P Y '' �: a s'�;(((..9 v.
<br /> ��' fhC t�d 3 I@S O f[8 7[e S. �S S�-l n c��v�n rP p re w i u m s a n d g roun�rents, �B orrawer�8 d j f t l 0 1 1. ' '�.--j:i Y, ¢•'��.
<br /> ,,; � fail due. svch excess si�ll be. _�;����:..;�•�''
<br /> taxes. as��sment, insutans�preminms gmund rents as they ,;.. `
<br /> ���. S.
<br /> 1'd
<br /> {t `°'�p either t�zompttl're�id to Bor.�-wea ar credited to Borrower an monttily installments of Funds. if thereats as the�fall� � ,���;� "��s� /`
<br />�,?_',� held by Lender shal!not be ��•�nt to pay taxes.assessments. inauw�x Vreruiva�s sn�gr�ustt3 Y ; � � ���,� :
<br /> ro make up the deficiency in one or more p�yments as Lender asay -�•�+.��'���s�..,
<br /> Borrower shall ay w Leader a�, a�aune aecessary � •.i,� k'���'�"�;
<br /> P _"1(�''��' ,"�3..:
<br /> ' �W�r. i!f,;.
<br /> `�'� UPon PaYment in fuU of ail sums szv�d by this Deed of Trus�.Lender shaU PmtuPdY t�fitttd to Har[ower any Fuads a:;,5
<br /> * �s sold or the Praperty is adtenvise acqu�red bY 4ender.Lender ��� r,,
<br /> held by lxnsEer.If under pzragra�b Il� �re�eof�e 1'ivpertY� -::s�i l�':ut.;
<br /> shaU apply. no later�hau��diate3y�snor Qe�.sale of the Praperty ar its acquisition by Lender.any Funds hetd by ;1t��.';�?,,
<br /> Lender at the tune of a��cati�n as a r:�:t a�in�the sums secvietl by this Deed of Tcust. '• ,,.f;',..._t�,�u.�
<br /> �nts received by Lender under the ��` --`
<br /> 3.Appllration etI Ti�e�a�. U�acs agplica�ls law provides otherwise.�Il pay , ` � �;j::
<br /> f amounts a nble to Lender by Borrower ". '�';.�` .,_.•.
<br /> Nate a�paYagraphs 1 azid?���s'�]be appli�I by I.ender first in payment a P Y ,� � ;.4;. --
<br /> uuder paragapb 2 6en��ab�n.�i�:�st Qa�afi7e on the Note.and then to the pr�ncipal of the Nate. .. .j, �_c.
<br /> fi r,.
<br /> -',�,-, ' '�+��: � ..
<br /> 4. Yrlor Most�����+eesis�l�'rasi: C�ar�e� [.tea�. Borrower s]nll perforai all of Bom►wer's obligutiaits - r, ,
<br /> • .::�`;..:s;t;.
<br /> • ,::
<br /> under atty anortgage. c�^ed of�ust ar m�er security agreemeat with a lien wiucY�has N:it►rity ovet this Dee�of Tnrst. •. .-,x„;,;a ' ���__.
<br /> � ;IDCIiI�$BOI[OWeY�B Cmv.F'iv'lIiIS Lfl L7aS:payments when due. �arcower sball pay or cau5e m be paad all raxes.ass�nts � � ; ,... _
<br /> . and other charges. 6oes sndi��ms�c�c�at�ributable ro the Property which may attain a prior�ty over this Deed of Ttust. : ,�;4 �
<br /> - a n d l e a s e h o t d p a y m e n t s o r g'�d re�.�f a n y. ' � �~` �-•�_,�
<br /> S. Ha�t'd Ins�taneP. Barrower sball keep the icQprovements aow existing or hetea R er erec t e d oa t t te P r m l�e n Y �
<br /> insured a losg by fire.hazards included within the ter�'extrncled�c�v�age".and such other haz�rds as Lender may �'-yr^;:_„_,
<br /> �eqnire wd'm such amounts aatl for such periads as Lezider may zequi:e. r=n -_
<br /> ,�,-.=w._,
<br /> The iasatance carrier pmvtding the insuraace shall he chosen by @ar.ower svblect to approval by Lender.provided. �:-�_*�<'•;.
<br /> . �1 snch approval shall eat 6e anr���abiy withhetd. Ail iasuiance Policies and reaewals thereaf shall be in a farm ,y _ :
<br /> • �-.� ;;;;'
<br /> a c c e��b l e t o Lendet antl�hnll i�ls�a star.c�ard�r:gage clause in favoa of aa�in a fa�accePtable to Lender. Leoder _'. _ a� :,
<br /> , shaTl hivae the right to 6�i�uhe�o'.i��ar.��1s tlzereo f.su bject to t he te r m s o f a n}► S S .d�d o f a u s t a r o t h er ---- �.. �.i:'F-"_=
<br /> � � secar�3►,��,�eement wit�a Eian u�����riv:�sy aaver shis Deed af Tn�st. �_'=�.::
<br /> � In t�P rvent of tass.�arr�wPr��all$�ve pra�t narice to the insvrance carrier and Lender. Lender may m�lce proof :_, __�,:�ri
<br /> of loss iB urn made Pr+d�7�bY Bonower. � -"
<br /> � I f c a E i.°r o p e rt y is s�:�o"�1 h y Boaower. �z if Bnrr�wer fails ca respond [o Lender within 30 days from the date �:�wt '.� _
<br /> ' � notice is��1��by LemLar aa�orrower that the��uaance c�urier offers to setde a c lsnm for i a s u rn a c e b e n e 8 t s.l�n d e r i s �� •�. _{�_�'.
<br /> .. '� anthoiiud 2il.a�l2ect a�d�3Y the iasnra�e Dr�eds�����s opdon either to restoration or repai�of the Property or , ., __ -
<br /> iud
<br /> " to the su�s�ured by this Deed of T�. ������
<br /> g,�7��atdg, Condomidums� �anned UNt Devdopments. ��-. .
<br /> 6. Pr�sIIion aad Mair�t�e c�Y ��; _�=.=
<br /> � .. Sor�ower s�:.^dceep the Property in goad seP�:a and sbnll rsut cammit waste or germit impairmeut or detetiorndon of the .�;._._
<br /> . prop�rly ana�,�'�� coa�ly wi t h t he p r o v i s i o n s o ff a n y l e�e f t h i s D e a l of Tn�sE is on a leasehold.If this De�d of Tntst ia •_
<br /> an a uicit i�����^'�or a Pl���t de��i�rne�u.��ower sball perform all of Bosawer's obligatians under u�e _�'_ �.,.:
<br /> . declaradon��p�:�anzs�rea:ing or goveming the co�slnmis�a�or planned unit deveiapment.the by-laws and c�eguladon9 ��`��-,�
<br /> ara
<br /> of¢h�wnd��ir.�c�z y?�unit drvelopment.and consa�documents. ,.��_
<br /> � ' 7.Prate��tm c� ��er's Sec�rtt9. If Bor.aw�r fails to per�orm the covenu�uts and agreements cantained in t9�is .•.. � . —
<br /> � Deed of Truso.�ff�g�./s►�i��or proceedin�is commenced whicb materially affects Lendedlsbutse sucb sums p inc�U�ng `-��
<br /> � Leader. at Le�flr��s ap:�a:� upon ao8ce to Bortawe�. may malce such appeamnces. .
<br /> reasanabte atta�.ry�' ":ea.���cb n�°��15 a�'y;�protect Ixnder's interest. If l.ender required mortg�ge ..�-_,:
<br /> . insura�e as a cc�lfe�c��aJ�aking c'�s lo�sernaeA�r t�s Daed�.`Trust.Borrower shall pay the premium�required m 4 s,.r;.:..'.,_� —�
<br /> "..:.� .:._�._
<br /> � nt�intain such inss�t�c. 'cn effett until such ri2n�u�r'ns requiae�a fcr snch insutance terminates in acsordunce with '_�jY�-�, . _-
<br />_ ...:;t.�:- .
<br /> '� Borrawer's and d.e�s:,•�ritten agrcement or applic�sble�,�y. � : .��
<br /> � � Atry amouats d��3;u�r�d by Lender pursuant ta tais p;��,..c�p�7•vnth�nterest thereon.at the Nute mte.shrill becntne - �r�.�;s:,�.-, ...•�.
<br /> adQitlonal itWe6tedn�a��f�orrower secur�ed by this�e:�c�`?e�:st. UWess 8nrrow+er and lxntler agree to other tem�af . : �. „-_
<br /> ' � payment. sucb amounts sha11 be payable upon notice fr�� i.�ntter to Borrower requestiag payment thercof. Nothing V.:=`_�.;. :-`. ._--:.
<br /> a�ntained ia�tt�is paragrapb 7 sRiall require Lender ro insur any esspense ar take a�actian hereututer.
<br /> • 8. Ic►spedion. ixnder may n�ake or cause to he made neasonable enuies upon And inspecti��nc uf the Pmperty. ��
<br /> ak
<br /> pruvidetl that Ixnder sha11 give Borrnvrer natice prior m any sucb inspecrion specifying reasonahle cause therefor relaced a� . __
<br /> �, - �' l��ufr.r'u interest in the Property. ?•°
<br /> Pare 2 oiS �
<br /> � Hcrtaste 2A976-2 5�95 Orig:ts�l iRecos�e�� Copy(Drrweh) Copy(Cuetomor) � -
<br /> ___--�---^--�--„"_..._......-- -----�-� •. -..
<br /> • �,.-�r.--�.��--� ' ' ,ar��lr ;2 i4'+'�;j• fi a,e . . "`""—.-'— F .
<br /> . ... . �(''*"° � - _ .... _ .. , ,
<br /> , : . . .
<br /> . ; . � . ; . ' 21,1��1t��•,A < <;q s�,, . . � . . �
<br /> .
<br /> . , . , .., . . � � ��` ���: . ' r� '` ,
<br /> ;p �� - ,.
<br /> ' t .. .'1'ti`
<br /> . y( � •' . •
<br /> - � .. . _ i - _ . 1. .. . NF tidri{�mri)tt SCa'f�::-�' _ ... . . , . . . :' ...'p 1 . . .. � . ... , .,..-�.• . .
<br />