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<br /> ' Lot 5lsteea (16�, Dlact T�w (�)', Pul�hill Subdiviaiat, ate � . , _ ' '
<br /> " �dditian to t1u Cit7► of Grind Isiand, Ha?1 �ouat�, ltebrsska. ' . � .
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<br /> �+�hich ha�the addreas o1 2528 Weat Anna Grand ieland
<br /> qr+�o �
<br />- Nebraska 68803 ��rein"Property Addreas"�: .
<br /> _. , a,,,,,,ai+vco„ti �
<br /> TaiETHER wtth ail the improvsments now or hKe�iter erected on th�property.iind all�asMn�nb.�hb.
<br /> appurtenances�renta(subject however tc the ri�hb and authorlties�iven herNn to L�nd�r to colNc!and aPDh►
<br /> such r�nb),�oyallls�,mineral.oil and Saa�i�hb and profib,water.water rights,a�d water etock.and all flxlurM
<br /> now or heraatter attachad to the propeRyr.all of which,lnctudinq repiacements and addittons thereto.shall be
<br /> deemed to be and remain a paR of the property covered by this Oeed o1 Trust and ail W th�torspoinp,
<br /> � w�th aaid property tor the tqasehotd eatets if ihis Deed of T�uat is vn s Isaahotd)a�e hereln rehrrad to�
<br /> _ „�,���.�
<br /> TO SECURE to LENCER�a�ths repayment ot the indebtadnuss avid�nced bTyt 8ot�owK nnoN aaMd/iOfL* .
<br /> - Maq 29. i 92 (��n Nob ).in Me princlpal aum of --- -
<br />_� �nr nn_nn�+r*+r�* poltars.with intereat thereon�p�ovidiny tor monthly lnstallmNtb
<br />-= pt principfl and intsres�wlth the bafaneb M the Indabtedna�,it not aooner psid,d�is and p�yabte on
<br />°= 1�tay 29. 1997 ;1he paYntent M�II aM�r wms.with interest ther�or►.advanc�d �
<br />- in accardanc�iwnwith M protece the ascurity ol this O�ad ot Trus�a�dlh�P�Aomanc�of ths cowna�b a�d
<br /> ,� . a�reertianb ot Borrower h�r�in contained:a�d�II ron�ewau,exlenslons and mcdiNcadon�tMr�of:and(b)the .
<br /> - rop�ynt�ntaffu�yfuWroidrancel.wilhinNrestinthveon.madeto8brrower6yLenQerP�rsuanttbpars�nph21
<br /> ' herwf p+erein•,Futurs Adw�ces"I.
<br /> - -- - -- -8t)RFtOYffEfi�-cw�ns�E�r ii�at 8orrawer fs iar�rhtl�yi�aiza�#o#!hs Bs�tlo#�atd�y c�teryteQ gntt�tl!e�ht ta
<br /> `' grent and aomrey the Property,lhat the Prope�ty is unancurtlbered and that 8o�rower will wa�aM anid debnd
<br /> ganerally the titb to 1hs Propery asainst ali ciaims and demands,subls�l to any dec�rn�tidn},�eiemenm a'
<br /> . restrlcHorfs Hated in a schedWa o1 excepNons to coveraqe in anytiYtle iaaurance poliay insuring Lender's intereat
<br /> in the Property. � �
<br />