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Tilley and Dora Kay Tilley, husband and wife , Grantor, whether one or more, <br />in consideration of love and affection <br />, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, quitclaims and <br />conveys to Dora ,Kay Tilley Grantee <br />, � <br />the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev Stat. 76-201) in <br />County, Nebraska: <br />A tract of land comprieing a part of the Eaet Half of the Northeast Quarter (E 7/2 NE i/a) of SecKion Thizty Two (3z), ehip <br />Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6Ch P.M., Hall County, Nebraeka, and more particularly described ae followe: <br />Firet, [o ascertain the point of beginning, start at the southeast corner of eaid Nor[heast Quarter; [hence weeterly along and <br />upon the south line of eaid Northeas[ Quarter a dietance of Two Hundred Ninety Six and One hundredth (296.01) feet [o a point on <br />the wee[erly righc of way line of U.S. Highway No. 281, thence deflecting zight 88 degrees 36' 17^ and running northerly along <br />and upon said right of way line, a distance of Six Hundred Five and Seventeen Hundredche(605.17) fee[; [hence deflecting 00 <br />degrees 57' 12^ righ[ and running northerly along and upon eaid right of way line a diecance of Niney and Forty One Hundredthe <br />(90.41) feet to [he ACT[7RAL Point of beginning; thence continuing northerly along and upon the last described couree a diecance <br />of Pour Hundred Fourteen and Seventeen Hundred[he (414.17) feet; thence deflecting righc o1 degrees 58' 43^ and running northerly <br />along and upon said right of way line a dietance of Five Hundred Eleven and Ninety One Hundredtha (511.91) Eeet; thence deflect- <br />ing rigAt 06 degrees 22' 24" and running northerly along and upon eaid right of way line a dietance of Eight Hundred SixCeen and <br />Nineteen Hundredcha (816.19) feet to a point on [he proper[y line of a Cract of land owned by Hall County; thence deflecting left <br />97 degreea 51' 30" and running westerly along and upon said property line a dietance of Ninety Six and Eighty Nine Hundredthe <br />(96.89) feeG to a 3/4' iron pin; chence deflecting right 89 degrees 35' 11" and running nor[herly along and upon the property <br />line of eaid trac[ owned by Hall County a dietance of One Hundred Nine[y and Six Hundredthe (190.06) feet to a point on the north <br />line of said Nor[heaet Quarter, eaid poinG being Two Hundred Seventy and Twenty Three Hundredths (270.23) fee[ weet of the <br />northeaet corner of eaid Section Thirty Two; thence deflec[ing 89 degrees 33' 43" and running westerly along and upon the <br />north line of eaid East Half of the Northeaet Quarter, a dietance of One Thousand Fifty TWO and Forty Five Hundredths <br />(1,052.457 feet [o the northwest corner of said Eaet Half of the NoztheasC Quarter; trience defleccing left 90 degrees 31'35" and <br />running eoutherly along and upon the west line of eaid Eaet Half of the Northeaet Quarter, a dietance of.One Thoueand Three and <br />Thirty Three HundredChe (2,003.33j feet; thence def2ecting 2eft 88 degreea 26' 18" and running eaeterly a dietance of Ttvo hundred <br />Eigrity Two and Seven Tenthe (282.7) feet; thence deflecting right BS degreee 48' 11" and running southerly a distance of Four <br />Iiundred Porty Pive and Seventy Four Hundredthe (445.79) feet to the northwest corner of a trac[ of land owned by Che State of <br />Nebraska; [hence deflecting left 87 degreee 45' 40• and running easterly along and upon the north property line of eaid tract <br />owned Cy [he Sta[e of Nebraska, a dietance of Three Hundred Twenty Four (324.0) feet; [hence deflecting right 87 degrees 45' 21^ <br />and rurming southerly along and upon the eaet property line of said [ract owned by the State of Nebraska a dietance of Four Hundred <br />Thirty Eight and Eighty Five Hundretha (438.85) fee[; thence deflecting left 87 degrees 09' 25^ and running eas[erly along and <br />upon the north line of said tract owned by Che State of Nebraska a dietance of Four Hundred 1Welve and Sixty Seven Hundredthe <br />(412.67) feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning and concaining 37.013 acres more or less of which 0.797 acree, more or lese, ie <br />presently occupied by public road right of way. � <br />Executed: . . . . . . . . . ��.rl. �. . . . .�,� . . � 0 !/ . . . .. . . . . . <br />Date <br />................................................................... <br />_.:►.�_. a�:.�....�q. ....`�.;`..�.�e . .................... <br />�g ►�a �, I,�- T` ���y <br />......................................... � ..................-- <br />�, , ��� <br />� - <br />�- <br />, � � <br />....................... ..................................... .. <br />.... <br />State of .. ..... .:�. �J. �. 5��- :........ . ..... <br />County of . ... . ^'.".a �/ <br />................................ <br />� I / 0 <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on . . . . . . . . . .� r. !. .( . . . . (G�. . , a, , , � /, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , <br />by.......7.�..a!�..�a�..�%.��Q. ..�...�m!.'.ah...�.....1. �.��.2. ...... ..................................... <br />� . .... ..� .................................. <br />...... ... ... . . . <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA GENERAL NOTARY- State of Nebraska �J�� <br />RUTH TYMA <br />County of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MY Cort�n. E�. May 17, 2013 <br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index on ........................................................................ <br />at . . . . . . . . . . . o'clock . . . . . . . . . . M. and recorded in Book . . . . . . . . . . . Page . .. . . .. . <br />, ........................... , .............. <br />By: ..................................................................... <br />County or Deputy County Clerk <br />Register of Deeds or Deputy Register of Deeds <br />