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<br /> ..n.+uwiliw..y.•t�.r.�een.+.E+�7Ltipti�a.rl�eL,.i,.ei�wjtl,,re.t.et�oil�u?,�t.r..ithr�.eea < `
<br /> • ,t��I�w�ri�r��J!�i��.Q�e pew�el��ria:a�i.t�ties.f tie�et��iwa liaeei�iRis � .
<br /> - � �ri l�+���Pnl�7 aiter iy�7 wle wlyef��f Ls wi�da w iear:�fhe�+rii�i: . °. . .
<br /> . , .
<br /> -- ---�,Il�.ti�hY/�y��w4.�[11ie iiirised�aViie�e�6���Nt+�itie�atw�wt tweMw,_tW PT��!i_
<br /> ' �fl�1Me w�M+��jiiii t�t1�s�!eNl�wt��11.��adrw��[fr�s;iwi�ei�rt b�i�ts�c iiii - --
<br /> i�wt.+�i.�rt tbs�ap�ertt ot i�U etl�er pco�er eost�.ehae�a.coiwi�ioa�,aod apearea.t�aisrc deren'ie�
<br /> - pe�e►T idl�telerei a�i ea�wveyed m and at t�e co�t oI 1M G:ane� . �
<br />~_ � 3. U�.jBa�it�w awl of tLe wveswa or ea�ditisraottbisiasttrweatorotthc�ot�eorto�aapeawe�t�eeaeed
<br /> -- Me�,ttie�a�eieiar!or iis srips say witt�out eotiee aad wid�oat reaard w tl�e adeqase9 ot secrrity Ia�the is�
<br /> ---� . ���eJ.�ifLer pepawaltp arc��ttotaey ns ssau witbowt brin�anr aetioo oc pnooeedius.ee b�a er�
<br /> T�` a�ei�er q�e apMi�s�l.lhr tl�e oowrt.evec ap�a�s�d ta�e Po�e�s'°°ot said propertr ae asx paet theiea�a�d do as�r
<br />;��;- . .
<br /> - _. �:�y�g��ry���oper to lsateet the�adtg.�sad eitber wjeb.or aithout tstiaa pa�ewoe�t .
<br /> ' . saii/nlpeit�.qdled ard eeeeire tt�e i+e�b.eoY�itie!.iYUear�ad pto8t:tLereof�inelndiy�reiPt�accswed as�1 t�p�i�,
<br /> -�''.�: • a�d s�tY tLa Mre►.k�.eeq�,ot�op�atio�a�d�opon tlie indebttdoe�s recnr�ed 1►y dw.Deed ot Trar4 sMd
<br />��. ° � mfs..erYaltirs.i�w�e�.aad,p�y.b�is6l�r�eb}+�i6�!ed to Bene6ci�ry�a furtbe��ee�trit}!for tlie paYwie�t ot�a4b
<br /> i�ie�weM.E�eleiie ot eij�ti t�wiertbis panQaph'�l!��ot eare or�raive aay det�ah or aotke oI deta�6e� •
<br />;:, _;�;. �.��..r.�d�•� � � -
<br />•r::. . - io.uch not±oe 6uc d�atl Lc eamal�ave m anq ' c aad rea�l w deda� -
<br />,..::,� P�tqw!�t. , : - --
<br /> � "�, r �
<br />���`?�'' s defaolt and w c�a�e aotiee oE ddanh ts_be oeoo�dedia keiei�af+�r �' sad cawd�iQe to an otRer'
<br /> �:..,: " .. prc'aided+ �; i �!!�: :_'
<br />- ':� ' � aa�/oe�edy�ee�er,or�irm,ided�g�i►w.and�sg,be es�ei�ed ceacuc�attg oc' . , 7'•Espeaw i�' � `-
<br /> ` ''' eea�mable a�me a'faes ai�aIE be sc�e�e!d Le�,+efi'"
<br /> f ' e�T�7 8eee6eiar�6ereui�er mdadmE• Y J`�� � . _ __
<br /> .r.� . ' . , - ' • ' . � ' , �7.��'u.
<br /> �. ..°;.. �. .� . . . � ;.
<br /> :� . _
<br /> � r ,•' "-� .r.:.. �c•�,�10 rd�fOt EOYMiOtt a11�i�CN�t#t��!E/��:�q� W QiF sAll� ilt�tt� ot�11� p9it ttlE[EOfi�YLEA , �.`..+ ��x
<br /> i,c t�':.�� ,. �ye�,L.1 td t�peetaes..�oo.a�ans ar.�+eemmt of tbi.ia.t�meat or of ebe psoa.iseosy aote saau�ea eere6y. -,`1�`�"°�`
<br /> . •�,::
<br /> ,����, t�e abtire iodebtedne�a hereb�seenred�hall immcdiately become dae.Payabl�and oollectible�riWout notioe.st •�;. ..i�-
<br /> '':�:�:5��:
<br /> �: ;` .,w..� tLe optioa oi tiie Beue6ciary ot awi�e�ardlas of mstndty,aad the BeneSciary ar a�i6os msq tntes apat s�id . <'`��'�;'�;-.------
<br /> i os -y=�
<br /> , . _ -''."�`:_:`: pe�opeet�md eoilect tha rmt�and peoits theseof.Upan wch default ia ps►gment or perEormancG and befo�e oc ' -
<br /> after�aeh eotry,tLe Trwtee,sctinR in the eucutioa oi thi$ Trusq eludt have the power to sell aid property, �:.*�.�;=�•,:.�
<br /> � awd it�hall be the Trwtce'a duty ta �el1 wid Property laad in csue of anr default ot an�purch�uer, to re�eill ���;�s;:';=,=
<br /> , j at N61�e auctio�, to the hi�heat bidder. fi�st �►vin6 foor week�' notke of the time. term�r► and place ot sucl� . —
<br /> �,,,, _. ,.; ; satG 17 adrerli�w�eat eot kr tl�an onee daria�eacb af�aid four weelu in�new�paper publi�h'd or di�tributed in - _. ._ - =-
<br /> ��' `� �'•� the�ewq oe pulitieal su6dlvLioe ja whieh�aid property b sitwted. all other notice beia�keroby Natvat by tb� • '�'-
<br /> �;-�'` ' Gswtor'(�tLe Beneficisry or any perwn on behalf of the BenefieiAry msy bid ond purchwe at�uch salel.�uch ��:
<br /> �. `. : , wM wjll�e l�ela.s s wiiable pf.ee a be.elecced by il,e 8eaeficiuy within�rjd couatY or politie�laubdivjaio�.Tlu _ -
<br /> ��-��:�.--Y=..:��;� TnNtee is UerebY aothoriaed to exreute�nd deUver to the purcl�a�et st Ktch srk a•w�'iekat toaveyance ot iaid pmp� ' �, `'�
<br /> ,"�:{.;,'; , �� e�tr.�►tt�eh oonvepa�ee�hall eontain tceitals as to the happening of a det�ult upan which the esecution ot the powee � ' _
<br /> "�"°�"�'`�`.. ot w)s bereis�sted dependas aad the aid Grantoe besebr oo�uutatea�nd�ppoiet�the Trustee w�a�eat and . - i:�;•'
<br /> . � a �s,•�-,-' .
<br /> -''�t"����';,-� att�ese�ia tact to inske�ueii acit�b aad to eucute�aid caavayaace aad herebp coven�t�and��ees t hat t h s n- :��"'
<br /> rr.,_-
<br /> f_;r; citah�o aade�Il be bindi�and eaaelu�tre npo�tlie Grantor.�nd �aid oonveyance shsll be ellectwl to b�r all , .-�-�-�.
<br /> ' '�_ _f=..;:•=. eqoit�ar r�6t of reikmption.haae�tead,dower,risht of appraisemeat, and dl ottier ri�hta aad exemptioes o�tLe • -`'��`
<br /> '°`°""='f`:`: Grmtor,aD of�rbieh�te hereby espreyly waived sad ca�veyed to t6e Truatet.In ihe event ot a rak as he�einsbove � � ' ' �-4-�
<br /> • ;.� _• �_ .. . ,,:::,
<br /> �� peovided.tbe Cr�atos,or any penan in po�ewien ander the Grantor. �hall then becotne and be tenants 1aTdiaR - . '��;-�.,�
<br />. '::�'��••�'^,.� .• o�er�wd disll fortbMitlt deltver porerioa to the po�charer at sach�ale or 6e�ammarily di�paYeMed,in aeeo�danee . �_.
<br /> . ���,aF:1t�.:.: . . . . :. ��._...
<br />. ti,,;,{.,, w3t�5t tbe�rori�ios�ot 4�r applica6k to teaanb holdina over. The pnwer �nd aacncy 6ereby araated are eoupkd ,�•_f��__
<br />.. , � �y -ie-j.'. �• wlf�a�iatere�t�ad are irrevoable by death vr otherwiae, aad�sre �ranted a�cwaalative�o all other nmedle�lor - • %���..:
<br /> %�' � � �7 � 7 7 �PP�P�u P� t
<br />- �;� �*;;'-_��- tW eveetio�ot�i�deMed�er.Tbe&se ac �s take a� otber te actio� t w�tate . ���-'�-.
<br /> '^,�"r T�_-. :-.. ' ae Fe�daed itst�te eitber i�sute os Faderal ooact a otLerw�i�e toe tLe dirpo�itioa ot t6e p�uperty. { � , � " ,-.
<br /> �.e.,.�':. -•; !
<br /> t
<br /> '�'�'•`••.�•''-' S. L the ereat o��uM a�provided in paraaaph 4�, the TsaKee shall be paid �tee by the BeoeSeisry ia sn � � .
<br /> :r._
<br /> . ' `. � , a�om�t not in exoeu ai peraat ot the�rae amourt of esid iuM or ealee.provlded.however.t6at the��ouat i ��•
<br /> ot sach tee rhsll be reawnable and eha116e approved by the Bene6ciary as to reaaonableneee.Satd fce ehall be in addi• 4 � .
<br /> � - . '—-- - - tios to tLe tu�md�pensea inenned by the Tmitee ia conduetin�euch eak.The amoani of sach co�sb m�espeneea ! ,
<br /> m �
<br /> • � ' aLall be dedacted and paid froa�tl�e ede'e proteedr.lt i�(urthet a�rced that if eaid property�ha116e adv�rtieed/os�ale �
<br /> , s�henie provided aad not eofd,the Trustee eh�116e entitfed to u r�aeoauLle trr,in nn nmuunt accepta6le.ta the 9rne� j ,
<br /> � , - . � Gdary far the servieea w rendered.The Truetee ehall Aleo be reimburaed by the Ueneficiary tor sll coste and expcneea '
<br /> : . �, . � � incurred in conneetion Mrt1b the sdvereiain�ot eaid property for eale.if the eale is not cotuummated. � .
<br /> . , � . 6 T6e proceed�of any eale of e�id pmperiy in aceordance wtth pa�a�raph 4 eh�l! be appli�d 6ret to p�ytnent ' i ' ' .
<br />� ' .. of feee,to�t�.and espet�ees ot eaid salq the expeneee incurrea by the Beneficiary tor the pur�►oee ot psotectln�or • -
<br /> . . . �tai�ty u�peeperq ud rea�anaDb attorneYs•feee: eeoondll,�P�Y�nt ot the indebtedaeu �ecured hercby:
<br /> � , ai tLiodl�.tiu P�y mr weptw oe eueN to the penoo a pereo�s leadty endtled tLerew ' .
<br /> �
<br /> _ . .. .... ___ • _ ?. In the erent said_property ie eold pureuant to the authdrinetiun cantained in Ihis inetrameat or at a jnd�cial '
<br /> . - faeeelaure iale and the proaeeds are aot e�u�cient to pay the total indebtedneee eecured by thie iasirument aad
<br /> . . . . • e�ideaoea fr�uit pea�iMOry nate,the Bmt<ry wiU be entitkd to a de6ciencY I�6"�at tor ehe amdnnt ai tLe : �
<br /> � '' . , de6cieecq Miti�et n�ard to appraieemeet,the Crantor 6avin�waive�l ana as��ned a0 ri�hts of appraisemrnt to the •
<br /> . � - Tea�tee. :
<br /> .
<br /> .c�'" , .
<br /> . , . , a Tt�e rss�z�or c�rr,utnv�na�a.at rolb«a:
<br /> , .
<br /> , . •-
<br /> .._.. . .. . ..
<br /> _ ,.. ,.,. . —_ __��_ -
<br /> , f He will peompdr Wr tLe iadebttdaees evideaad bp eaid prnm'ie�ear�e ante�at tbe timee�md ja tl�e � ,. „ .
<br /> , �, . sa�ser tLee�eis proYidtd. „� , .
<br /> _ , " . _ _ .... ... . . _ . . . . . . .. ��Q•�f S{�_' . _ . : . . .
<br /> �. . � . .a • , - -_ ' _ . � - � � .
<br /> • • •
<br /> �
<br /> ' '
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> '- .ir-_ `_ "_"' - _ '._. .. _ . _ ___. .�___ _- . �...._-_ . t__- _ �
<br />