. .,..,.. . . . .. .. . . _ . �
<br /> , , . {��„
<br /> � . �£ , .. , .,, � � . _ . < �} • .. ` ,1�'� ' '�w:�Sc��s,:
<br /> � � �R- �'�� � 2 -
<br /> _ 6 � �■�'M/�y.���opw� V� rm�Oms � n ,�._.
<br /> 1� �YJ•m 7.1f�`V — .�.��:�_,Y,
<br /> ° "�roc�d�in con�sacYion��'ft+oond$mn.eL�on or aUts�ta+dng o}the Pto�arty ot p3rt thareol,or tor oonveyanse in�a o1 candamn�sian. ��k`,.+�`-
<br /> ��.w
<br /> Ler�er shall ba enDited et ib opUan to��imsr�.��r in and Qrasecute 1�tts a�m name arsy ectlon or pra��g�.and shell aSso ..°
<br /> • be e�t,'Usd to make af+y oompromtse or se3tlemsnt�n oonnection vyith auc�taking or Gamage.tn the svsni any pa�dt t�p Pr�c�s�l Is _�;:`s`�'�
<br /> :� � so taken ar damagad�Lender sliall hava tri9 o�on[n its sots and ebsotute��reflon.to a�Sty aU sar�p�:. aS�ar d°d�ttng ' ��:
<br /> thece4rom all casis ansl ex�nses incuRes py R in conasction with su�f Precesd�.upan any In�tetf,t:ss sac�re��lnteay an�l in� k . � .
<br /> ` . ardsr as landar�y datermrtr�,or to appfy ai!such Pco�ds,after sucti ded�Uans,to 4ha reszoratton of tha Rmp��Yy u�un�r..�ds c�
<br /> • ditIans as Ler�c may detesm'rt�.Arry applica�on oi Procesds ta fnds�?ednass&h3i1 no!e�dsrt�ar p�stpon�Wn duA d�of eny gay- :.,...•• .
<br /> �� rrier[!s undsr the Nota.or r.�ro any cfefavii thereunder or i�ereimder.My uttappE3d tunds shati ba p�iti w Tni�r. �' �
<br /> i . � 6.Partomfanea by Eltnder.U�an tha cccurter�e of an Event nf Defauit hereunder,or if any act is feken or ie¢at Drcoeedin9 -
<br /> commen�d whkh mffiertalty affects Lendara intsrest fn the PropeRy.Lender rt�ay tn iis own tGscretton,but witnaul ob:�9kn��►so, .
<br /> and�viUsout noi�ce to or dsm2nd upon Tru�tor En4 vaithflut reteas!ng�Tnistor from any obGgatlore,do any act vtirS�ich Tn�.zar ha�8grsed , _ _
<br /> ' " but f2'led 4o tffl and may atso da eny o4haf ect it deoms necessary to protect 11ie sec�ricy Reraof.Tru„�Eor sfiaf;immsda'teiy upon - -
<br />- , dem�M N�c�tar by Lender.Pay W lsndes Eil cesPS a.nd e�cpanses irtcurred and siuns exRendad by Lendar in canno��a w�3h�e e:c�r• -,��`;°: .:
<br /> .��..�. cise by LSnder o!the faregoia�n�rts,together wIth intgrest theraon at the detautt rats pmvfded in tha IYat�,nfii�h�i3 he�dd�i to - . .
<br /> trie indebtedne�secured h8reby.lender sha11 not ir�cur acry liability bscause of arnihing it may do or om:�t to do ha�eunder. �
<br /> � ' 9.fLt�mrQous L�SY�rlaSs.Trustor shaU keep ths Fhroperty In compiignm with all appttcable la�ivs.ordi.�an�s c�r1d�da:�ons `^�L�=
<br /> �ela:ing ts Industrial hygiena or envfronmentat pratec�on(ooCeciiveiy reterred to ha[e!n as'Envi�onmernal La�.Tn�r sfn3:t P,er�
<br /> tfia Property ftee from aU subshrECes deemed to 6e ha�ardous or toxic under any Es�vIronme�tal Laws{oo1;aC'�ra�/ret�ed to itc33reir► � `:..; :
<br /> as'Hamrdpus ldateria:s7.TRrs[or hereby wamants ant!represants to Lender that E�,s�B are no Harallo�s NIatari�t3 0�or urtdsr tho ;_.__�,;�:.
<br /> � Rroperry.TrustoT hereby agrees W inderttnity and hold P�t�nn4ess Lender.its dirececrs.offrcers,emp!oyeas and aga,'�,antl a�t smooes� _ . ,n
<br /> ' sors to leasde�s in2erss9,irom and agaEnst eny and aU daims.damages.tassas and tiabli�es arising tn wnnec�nn v►;9�the presonoa. -
<br /> �` use,dispa�al or transpoR ot arry Hamrdaus Matarlals on,under,trom or aCout FScQ t°r�erry.THE FQRE4�0l:�iC WARFPANTtE3 A{�'0 ,.�.., .
<br /> ��'� h�ECONVEifAt10E OF TFdI a DEED OF TRU3T.
<br /> 10.Assi�a9.l�nta.Trustar hereby assio,�ss to Lender.end grants t�rtdar:�securify intaie5t in,atl presenf,fuLrr�and �L f'
<br /> ' � after atislrtg te�s�issu�s�pmfits of tt�ProyeRy;pmvfdad Y,�at T�usiar shaA.until tt�e actrr�rtc�01 an Evatti M Qefevtt,heteundar,
<br /> have ihe rig�t tr���tesx��i reia?n sua;h rents.tssuss snd pmftcs as tis�y becama�a1r�payabfa Upon the occurren�oi en Evc3nt of �=
<br /> � Defaul�Ler�i►�t�r�.�ter in per�..on or by agsn��or without trrirsr�f:tg ar�i acf�on ar�+roceeding,or by a reca;r�ar appoinied by a �s:��.
<br /> . oourt and vrittwut reg-:•eriuu�e adequa�y af its security.enter upon a.r�s�ke po�ec�rcn c.`ttfhr;ProFerty.or arry part thareof.fn i� cwn --��; —
<br /> n�rae or tn the name c#�i Trusiee.and do en;o�is t�trtith it deems�e�ry!a����attdc9 to praserve thA vFii�e.rnaticfflat»7i4y or �. �. :.3�°
<br />` rentabiliry of the Props�ty,�c�c any part thara�at or int�rest th�rein,or to in�ea�e tfts inr,�e I�as�from or protset th9�curity here4f aM. �•�::-
<br />>-�°,;:' with or wiii�out tak(ng possesston of the Property.sue tor or otheny�o aa:'uct the ronss,i�swa and.profds thereo7.inc�inp th�so pa��t 'F"'�'``
<br /> ;�R•, due and unpa�d by noi'►fying tenants to mafce paymams to Lender.Lc�rr�r�r maY aDDh►rp�.ia�and prof'ds.tess cas�and w�ens- �=..
<br /> '':�".. es oY operatbn and oollec3ion inc3udistg�omey's feas,to any irsdebtedness secur�d tv3rfir.j.�-rs:sucb order an Len�ermay t9ater- �,��-
<br /> ' mine.The errtering�rpon and taking yca�assian ot the Proparty,the oollecUon a4 sach�r�Mi>i55r:3s etld p[0�123�rdild UL0 6�pUCdtI0i1 =,�.r 4
<br /> the�of es aforesaid sl�Il n.c3 cure or waiva any def�.�aTt ctr nottoe of detauft hereund�r x inr�titdate any ac!dona tn t8sp+atse to such '� �;,
<br /> � deftiufl or putsuant to sad;:r�tice of f�aS3ul1 attil,�s�+bw�nding the canUnuanco in pasae��ion of the propofty ot tha ooiteC�ton. ;:f,f y����i:
<br /> recei�t ena!ap�ttcat�n o1 rsnts:Lssues�arrrmftts,TnisDae and Len42e�"�e11 be entitle��a e:cea►�so ca,ory dght pcov:r3ad fos in any o!the • `J;:=
<br /> �� . Loan In.�ts or by la•�s�pan oocurr:�:ce of any Event ot Deizu��,i��l�ng withau¢fiir.itEShtn tt�ca rr�ht to axerd�a tho pa�ror ot sate. �-=;;
<br /> ' Fr;c�w.r.L,Cr.�1�P•s dghts z��1�remedtes under thls paragtaph shafi aa�umw's�tiva wit'4�t in�nrr vr�p$�:mitanon on,L.endefs r�gh�and '.',',,;e;�
<br />, ,r� it 0
<br /> rerr�2s u;r5+ar any aa:i�arratsi ot leases and rerr�recorded agai:-�t+the�ra�e�.P�rnd3a,1'mntw and the reoai-i�ar sha11 bs liebf�to �:
<br /> ',;
<br /> '�� . account oniy tor those ten��tualy receivsd. ,��,i::,;.,.
<br /> -• .. 19.EtrQmt�o�DetatatL The totlowtng shall oon�^t�te an Ev���'f�eTautt uetda7�,htst�ecacit oi 1'r.�C ...b�r..
<br /> (a)Faifure to pay eny instaftmont of p�al or lrrterest of�r ather sum s�cxccmd lu3s�rrren dua: -�!�
<br /> . (b)A breach of or de?au14 under any provi•,�on conralnad in�'te Note,th(s�ee�ot Tru�,r��y of the L,�n lns�umer�4s,or any �1 -='�
<br /> .. . ott�r Uan ot enwmbranoe upon the Pmperty: • _ ,-�.
<br /> • �a�;;
<br /> � (e)A writ of exe�utlon or attaChment or any s(mllar pcoc�ss sha11 be ertE�e�d�Id�it Trustor whic7i sn;�!!became e Ilen on
<br /> . the Properiy or arty poRtcn there�t or interast therqin; . �rT
<br /> ` . (d�There shall be flted by or against Tnutoror Borcmver an adtan urtdcir aa��+,r p��urcc�A�or futuce tedoiaf,,s�te or otlier statuto, �T���-
<br /> � Iaw or�egulatlbn retaL'ng to bantwptcy,Insotvency or other reltet br dabe�r�;ar��n ai�!1 ba aproi�t�d arry trustse,re�eivor ar =�T•"
<br /> Uqut�r o17n�wr or Borrower or o1 aA or any paR of the Pre��}r.ar tha rortm.isauna or ,�'s.ts thoraa9,ar Trusiar or Etoeawar �d
<br />� sts�l�maice any gear,sral asstgnmont tor the benefitof cre�tors; - -
<br /> . ,(�a?'TO�e sate.'�er,lease. asstgnment,�orweyanoa or r��er ertcu�ndune3ca a!��:any part of w ar►y intersat ir�tha ���- •'
<br /> �� � P:as,�rt�.efther von.�:tariy or invotu�ltarily.witt►out the oxgreFS�er.:men co:w�m�K.I.,�n�:;�:ded thdt 7r��or sttal be pertnit _
<br />.i�l:` �.�Ci��axecute a lease a!the Proyerty thai does not contatr�a��:�tlan to puce�'snsv a���Na�'�nr.n of vVh'C��oes not exceed ono
<br /> � ��
<br /> !f';.Abandonment of the Prc�ar
<br /> - � ��g�ff T�ustor is not an indiviCi�,,�.the issu�z�a.sato,tranater,assigncttanl4 aomreyance�ar encumbrun�of more triar►(H a '�''`
<br /> xrr�a:�llon)a total pt �arc�r.i atr irts l�sued and ouffitand'.ng„tac!c,or('�t a�pamerahlp)a t�t�#ot per-
<br /> � . n-trrQ�Uf paMarship tnterests.o�r�i#:��:nited Il�t!y oompanY)a totsl ot �erosnt of tt►a tieni�.ed Iiabiiiry compa- �..
<br /> rt�r��hup�sts or voUng d�hb du�e°�+9ra pedod thl�Oeed ot Tn�r.�mz�lna a(t�t�as fhe pr�errt��. � .-----
<br /> �2;�nsedtas;AccN�ration t�p��MaWL tn+ihe event o4�,g rcvent o0 defautt I�ndeP c�Lg,withaut c�oi�e except�ryqu]rad -
<br /> by law.declare a0 tndebtednes9 secu�ed heroby w�e�rae and pa�•a�attd tlto cwme shall tharcz:�an be�m�dua and payable wiTh- _,.,_,..._.--
<br /> ,;'::�� out any presenbnent,demarM.Proteat or rwZice ot act};�3cizd.Therea#�:�endor rnny: E
<br /> . (a)Domartid thal Trustae exeralse tho PdY�A OF SALE grznisd tuin�dn,r�td Trustoe&hall tharear�Ot cause Trusta�a�ter-
<br />' � est in fhe Properry to be sotd end the proceeds ta be distributsd,atl ImtP�o�mnnnor pravi�tn tha Namrt��a Trust Oeeds Aci; �,,,�,
<br /> •,;;.,.°` @)Exerclse any and a0 dg.��,,�rovided tor In any of�i�u•r,.oaa�nat�mtonts or by�uJ�pon as�rrenco of any�,�,r�t of �,°
<br /> '::%�>`�aic . Q'�4r.�� ��^-
<br />`.-..,>�;, :', �=z'
<br />.;,�;��{':•,.. lo)CommenCe an action to f�rse this�:ed ot Trust a9 8 rrtotb3aS8.aFRotnt a r�o�,:�,or sQs�:�'.��atY entoroo��c�+fh9 -- _..
<br />. .,,.. oa�rertanis hereot.
<br /> ' u�o¢amedy horein oonlerrc��upon or reservad to Tn�tas,��r Lender is Irrtended to be e:�tu3iv�cc��oihar remady horeii,ire L��+ •LcL^a
<br /> .;•.;��' �rw�:��:;.s�or by Iaw provided or pflrtnitt��,�ut oa���•.*.�'I be cumulaUvo.sAall be in add'itic�na a�ery othal romody given h,�x�u�r'�-. T��;
<br />�x�-� •• in th�Ir�.��R3trumon?s or novi or heroe.�r axlstlng at taw or in e��`M�r by staMe.and may Gr��:arc!sed�nswnenUyr,in�-r�r:�^�� �:_
<br />�;yF� � or suo�san�ly. �;`;
<br /> . t3.Trtt�tas.The Trustee maY rw�.�,n at any Ume wtthout i:r��.and Lender may at aw�J.�i an�wiihaut ceuse ap��t�+�� �=.=��
<br /> • oessor or subs�tute TcUStea.TnJ9't�a sha0 n�t�tla0te ta any pact���ir,,ctuding e�ithout tim.itatton Lond2r,Borrorrar.TNStor aT a��_�r ` ��%�
<br /> . chaser ot the Property,for any toss or damage uMess dua to rechic�cr will{ui miscflnduct,and shstl nal��ro�ulred to take a��cr.:�'en i0i�"`
<br /> . � i���P���;�'�'
<br /> � � in connecUon with the eMon;emertt o1 tPtls Deed o1 Tn�st untess in6e:nn'�fled,in wdUng,tor all oosts,cam�-..n�'11on or expens�twtilch ��'`=.-.
<br /> •� " • may be assaciated therewlih.In addltion,Tmstee mny beoome a p.s.:,haser at any snte ot tR�Rroyerry(���.�af or undQrtho ry�»ar o? v
<br /> � � safe grarrteA harein):pastpona tho sel�o!atl or Fury portion o1 tfle Rraparty,as prov�ded by tavr,ot se:l� Proyarty as e vlfat7.or in ��.���r-,.y
<br /> . separate part�is or lots a4 Tru�^tee's di^,cro�on. _
<br /> 14.Faes�nd Expenses.In tho event Tnisteo selt�the Property by exercise of pa•rrer of sate.Tnuton shafl bo emitled to apAN =_�-•�
<br /> arry sale procs�ds first to payment o1 ail costs and expsnsss o!exerclsing pawer of s�le,inctarL•ng aft Trw~ssra tees,end lendefs end —�';�:.:��•
<br /> ' Tnistee's atNmeys�'ees, actualty incusred to extent psrtnitted by app(kabte law.ln the evert4 Borro�Her or Tn�stor exe�ises any dght •
<br />, � , provided by!aw to cure an Event of Default,Londer shall be emitt�d to ror.aver from Tnr�tor a:l oosts and o��rises achiafy incure�d a�a
<br />. ,. r :.--.
<br /> • � a result o!Trustofa default.inc►uding without IimitaUan a11 Trustee's and atiomey's feea,to tRo extent porm:�ed by app!icabla law. '' y��-
<br /> � _ 25.Fit'.a7:r:..�.l:;�.z r.;��:.°�at 8arsx.�r.!.;rwr s�y�s!!t°�L'c.�.ss�.ke���!a^.M 4��e4�•*cne 2n�re2�!- ";; ,
<br /> varocos to BorroNSr.Such a6vances arrd re�6vances,with interest thoreon,shap be secured Qsq tAi�Deed o!Trus�t.At na tima shs0 fha :
<br /> . ., , . . . , . .
<br /> , .. ., ,. ,.. . . . , , . , . .
<br /> . ,. ,. • ,,, . .
<br />