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<br /> ° s«�ri�y�a N)�►Y�iI�����Y raununeot. '1Lo�e ronaniaos,rt aut sam� ti)
<br /> � pay�.Laidei�fU�s�us*�b►�a wa�id 6e due�det tlds Soc�uY�t�a�t�ad t�e Notc'ss if no acalaadaa Md
<br /> accun�(b)c�nes any de[aWt of any alba covea�nts ar�oamaKx tc)P�Ys all expeases iec��ni�afacio�t6is Ss�isitY . <
<br /> In�aeot..iacl�.6ut not tbneood to.re�ao�Eie a�aa�eys�fees:and(fi htues aWCh sctian as I:eadQ mty`rasaatbiy .
<br /> . • �e 1rs sw�e d�t d�c 1�oE ibis Sa�mty Imt�aent.LaWe�c�ri�Lts in the Pnope�ty snd Ba�owa�obii�t6on w pay 1t�e
<br /> - a�uns xcuted bY tlns Sa�taity Iastinmeix sshhall caodnue ir�nEed. Ut?oa s�em�� bY $a�sower.t6is Senait�►.
<br /> ' " In�nrme�t and the obliaao�nos sa�u�ed l�e�ebY sh�it�emain fWty etfative as�f m sacekntian h�d oocuned. How�ev¢t6is ,
<br /> �t to re�sh�il not ap�ly.in tLe case of a�CeTentba w�dec p�ragr�ph!Z '
<br /> l� S�e d Hale;C'�r d�lw�5er�ice� T6e Nae ar s p�tiat�t in�the idae(co�af�r with dtis Sa�ui�Y
<br /> . lasas�ment)taa�f►�6e,�soW oee ar�mL�ooe mees�wiy�hyo�u,t pti�or notioye,t�o Baao•w`e_r.�{��l a�1e�mLry��cnrwh irt a cdu�ge iu We estity
<br /> . �fl�{��LW!��1 YY��•�`^�"'7�i"'�^"{�I[G�Yir lMG�4W.lR{Q�� ���.� .
<br /> � ' may be anc a mae ch�nges o'f the 1.wn Seiviar ureelaud to a s�le of the Nae. if thene is a ctnngc af tl�e Lo�n Serviou, .
<br /> Baao�rer�n'U be givea�notisc o�the sbanae in accaN�tce Mridf puag�apD I4 above�d appTica6k law. The notioe
<br /> ' �n'0�e tbe onoe aod add�ess of tbe aew'L�oaa Sesvicar aid dre addoess W wldch payments should be mad� 7Ue rjotice will
<br /> .. �lso Co�aain say atlKt ipfant�tian toquitbd bY applicable faw. '
<br /> �/t Hss�riws S�i�.Bamwa sball uot c�ar pennit tlte p�.�.dlsposa�•staaBG or telase of any
<br /> Hsxudo�Su�oa ar in d�e Pmpaty. Bar�wer sb�l}nat do.nor albw anyone etse to do,anythiing affeding d�e ,
<br /> Ptope�ty Unt is ia vioi�m oi any Fa�virauna►tal taw. The pocatiag twa sentences shali�wt�ply to the p�esa�ce,use.ar
<br /> sta�ge m tbe Ptu,perty of sm�ll quantities of Hazudous Subsdurces that a�e gaKrntty aco�to be appraxiue w narmal .
<br /> - ` . residemial uses�nd to maia�af the Pna�peity. : � _. .
<br /> gonower shali panptlY give l.aida writtrn notice of�ony invesdgation.claim;dem�nd.lawsuit or otber action by any
<br /> � govaart�ntal or ngul�t�org agrncY a P;►vue WriY involviag the Piopnty and any Huardous Substaace or Envitonmeata!
<br /> : Law of�rhid� Barowa das acaiat hiowledEe. if Ba�awer k�s�s. or is naifial try wy gwammaUal ar tegulawry
<br /> authairy.that any removal a atl�er t�ertkdiatian of any Hatatdous 5ubsw�ce�ffcctinng the Ptoperty is naxssary,Boirower
<br /> sha11 promply talce aU aaxssuy tt�ial actions ia x�cad�r�ce wjth Env�m�unental Law. "
<br /> As used in tlus p�rag�aph 20,"Hazudous Substances"ane those substaoces defined as toxic or da7avdau substa�es bY �
<br /> Envinonnkntal iaw and tfie following subst�acts: gasoline.ke�asene.other Oamma6le a toxic peErokum pmducts.foxic `
<br /> pesticides and her6icides.volatile solvents.materials cantaini»g at6estos or fonnaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As
<br /> � used m this puag�ph 20."Emimnmental Law"means fedcral laws and laws of 1he jurisdiction wixie the Ptopercy is lacated
<br />-_ _ Ihu telate�6ealQr.s�f'ety or enva+omnexa!pmtectia►. - �
<br /> N�N-IJN�ORM COVENANTS. Bo�rower and L.ender funher covenant and agree as foltows: -�_
<br /> 21. Accekrstio�: RenKdies. l,eader e6aU give eotice to Barro+►er prior to accekratlou fdlow�iaE Borro�ver's
<br />-= br+ac�af say covi�s�t oc s�eemeet ie t6is Security Isstramed(b�t aot prior W smeler�tton a�der para�raph.l7
<br /> aaiess applicsLle IaR pravides othee�vtseb 'fhe aotice s6all speaUy: (stl the def�ult;(b)tUe actlon required W care the
<br />-- defsdt:(c)s dste.sot ksa t�o 30 dsys trom the date the notice is atven to Borrower.by R6icb tlk deraalt must be
<br /> �:��-. cw+ed;a�d(d)Irat fa�Nne to cure tre defwlt on or befoe�e tlie date spedfied ia the�wice ma9 res�k i��ooek�ratb�ot
<br /> "�' tLe s�ws seat'ed by tbb Securits Instramest and s�ie o�the Property. Ti�e aotia sYa�hrtMer idora�Borrwrer d �
<br /> '�� t�e ri�t W�ate aRer aooeleratbo aoa t6e ri�t to brieS s ooart action to asser�t6e eon��ste�e a[a dda�t ac
<br /> ."�� asy M6ee detewse d Bonrower to aocekratia�and sak. U tbe ddauk is aM cared a�or 6efore t6e da�e s�dofied Is
<br /> tLe�wttoe,l.eader at Ns aptbn may reqNire imnediate psym�ent in Wtl ot�ll sums secartd by this Saacily 6�b'u�aent �-
<br /> -• �rilboat tart6er demand aad may ievoke�tbe po�rer o�sak aed any other remedies permitted by ppplicabk la�r, _
<br />- ' Leeder slisll be entided to co0ect WI txpenses Incurred in pursuing t6e remedks provided 'm this paragnpb 2b —
<br /> incladio�,bat not limited to,reas�bk attorntys•fees and costs ottitk evidcece. __
<br /> It the power of sale is invoked,7lrustce shali record a�notice ot Qerault ia eacd caanty Ie�vhich any W�rt d the �-`
<br /> " Property is loa�ted and s6a11 mail oopies otsuch notke in the manner presc�ibed by appiicabk Iaw to BaroWer and to
<br /> -" Ne other persoes prescrtbed by applica6k law AQer the time required 6y appNcabte la�v.'[irustee sh�ll Eive pu611c �--"_-
<br /> notke o�sak to the persons smd in the maaner prescr�6ed by applicable law 1lruste�without demand on Ba'rower. f._
<br /> sYa�'sell the Properh' P� �.�
<br /> at blk auction to the highest btddtr at the time and place and undee the tern�s des�s�ced in �...
<br />.� tire�tice d ssik in one or mart parcNs and in any order Trustee determines. 7Yustee nwy postpoae sak ataN or any �=,
<br /> paral of the Properly by publk announcement at the time and place ot Any prevbusly sschedukd snk. Leeder o�its �_t,"
<br /> ' _ . desigeee n�y parchase tht Ptoperty at any sate.
<br /> - Upon receipt of p�yment�the price btd,Trustee sfiatt deliver w tde purcAaser Trusta's dced conveying the
<br /> �. • � Property. The recifals in the 7lrusta's deed s�aA be peima tacie evldence of tht truth oTthe statenKnts m�Me therein. �
<br /> " 7Yustce sluill apply the proceeds M the sale io the foltowing order: (a)to�II cats aod ex�enses ot exerc�ing t6e povrer
<br /> �;��
<br />_ i .
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