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<br /> . � . : �R wr�'K au mv�a�Ms��«naaRa aaaed oa d�e propescy.,iad,�t e�m,a�s.�a�b.:`
<br /> � �ed fucwres Aaa a 6aatier s p�t af the p�opesty. All�epla�aaarnts aed additiaos sh�U slso 6e covaed by tbis Sec�sitS► .
<br /> � M 4f 1Le�`a�oi�:is c+efand�It�this Sec�n�ity Ua�tuna�t as the"�enpert}i•' , •
<br /> SORROWER COVENAN7'S that�o�mwer u I�wfully s�eised ot the eshte t�ereby canveyed and h�s the rigfiS to gr�nt � .
<br /> �� �i�mrey tHe Pbperty and d�at the Ropetty is�u�en�innbend.except fur eneumfxaoces of cecard. Bactower wna�tsmd
<br /> � wfll defend Se�eailY dx title to ihe Fropercy rgainst�alt ciams aad dem�nd.s.3ubjoct ta�ny a�cumbnnaxs af recocd. , `
<br /> . • TEIIS SECtJRrPY INSTRUMENT� uniform aavetants for oatia�ai use a�d non=unifam covemnts aith ,
<br /> � timited vir;aaaus by ju�isdi�xian w ca�sdn,te a unifam sepuiry i�utr�nenc covuiog tral propertY. .
<br /> - - �1N�ORM COVENANTS. �or�awa at�d Lendacavsnanf anil�agtist as foitows: wlm due ihe'
<br /> � . a. rr�e.i�r prYetpa a.a r�tera�rrepa�a.a t.a�e cwrse�. s«mwer ats�u prampt[r wy �
<br /> - ptincipsl ofaad�an the d�M avidenced by the Nate and anY P'�P�Y����S due under the Note, . .
<br /> Z. .FirM�tar'li�us sid I1�4ra�ea Subject to applicabk Isw a to a wnuen waiver by Lender,Bormwa shatl'WY m
<br /> � I,a�der an the day mand�[Y paYments?me c�ue�u�der tAe Note.uatil the Nota is p�i�in futl,a sum(°�S'�fac(�)Y�Y
<br /> � taxes�na sssesso�nts which ma�r sttam prioiiry over dus sec�uity cnsaumau zs x i;en a,c6e Pmpsrty;(b)r�Y��ow
<br /> p�►yn�ts a geoaM rent4 oa tbe Propeity.if my;(cl Y�Y�� �PnP�Y insutu�ce p�mitu� (� YarIY��
<br /> ins�u�oce pamiunt�, d say;(a)Ye�tY m�g�ge i�sur+nce P�aninms• if any,and(�any swns PaYable bY Ba�mwer to .
<br /> Letdv,in acxo[dmce with the provisIons of p�ragrsph 8.in lieu of the psym�t of martgage it�su�ancx pem�ums- 1'6ese
<br /> items art ca1[ed"Fscnnw Yteu�." Lerder msy.at any turie.coilax and batd liuds in an amount pot w cxceed t1n max�om.
<br /> � art�oumt a knder fa a federally nlued matgage lorn,may require foc Hor�awer�escrow acoount uocfe:tbe federrt Ra�1 •
<br /> � EgWS SetBeiaeat R�+ocsdiues Act of t974 as amended fram time to iime,12 u.S.C.4 2601 er s�q.("RFSPA'�,w�kss anothex °,
<br /> law dwt applies m the Pi�nds sets�lesser amoun� If so,l.endet msy.at aey tim�.collect ord hoTd Fia�ds m an amount not ta ,
<br /> : excad Wa tesser sa�ouat. Layder mAy esdmafe the amount of Funds due on the.bacis of cument data a�rd nasomble
<br /> � ` e�Rim�tes of expe�dipaes af funne Esccow Items or atl�wise im xco[danee with applicstbk taw.'
<br /> T6e�1u�ds sdail he 1xM in an ia�tinitian wt�ose deposits ue insurod by a federei agency.insaummtali�Y,or entity
<br /> ,`(iacluding I.ender.if Lrnder is such an instimtian)a in aay FeQenl Hana I.ain Bu�c. Lender sbalt applY the Fund.s to paY
<br /> ' the F.scmw Itea�c. L,ender snay n6t cLirgs Bamwer for holding and apptying t6e Funds.anauallY�Y�S the esaow
<br /> accotyit,ar ve�ifyiag the Esciow Ttetas,uakss Lender p�tys Barawer interest a►tl�Funds aud applicable law pamiis - - ---
<br /> - � � ,` Leider to m�ke such a ci�rga However.l.ender may requiie Hamwer to pay a oae-pme charge for an�teal
<br />-- estate tax reponin8 service used by Lender in connecdon witH this loan.apless appltcable law provides othetwise. Unkss an
<br /> a
<br /> - � - �nent is made or applicable law reqi�ires iaucest to he paid.Lendct sha11 not 6e reqaired to pay Barower any inttRSt or .
<br /> �~, � � eamings an the F�mds.Barower and Lendec�nay agnt in wtiting.however.that 1�nterest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> =r,_ shall give ta Boaower,without charge.an annual accaindng of the F�u�ds.sfawi�g cr+edits aad debits to dre Funds and the �
<br /> acca
<br /> . pu�pose foY which each debit to tl�e Funds was made. The F�unds are pledged as additioaai security far aU sums securcd bY --
<br />`* � this Sec,uriry InstrumenG .
<br /> - If the Fi�nds held by Lender e�cceed 11�e amaunts Pezmittcd to be hetd by applicable law.Lender shail account to
<br /> -=- Bomnwer for tbe excess Ftmds in accordance with the nquinenxnts of applicable law. If the amownt o€the Punds held by •
<br /> Lender at any tirne i.s not sufficietrc w pay the F.scmw Items when due,Lender may so notify Bortowa=�writing,and.in
<br /> . SucA cace Bormwet shall paY to Lender the amount necessary to ma�ce up the deficiency. Bamw�r'shall m�lce up tfie •
<br /> uc
<br /> = y deficiency in na more than twelve monthlY gaynxnts.at L.ender's sole disc�etion. ' :
<br /> Lmon payment in fnll of all sums secured by this Security lnsuumenb Let�der shall promptly refund to Bar���tsa�y
<br /> '. Funds�eld by Lende� If.under P�B�Ph 21.Lender shaU scyuire or sell the Property,I_ender,Paor to the acquis:�.�o ar -
<br /> ' sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by l.ender at the time of acqu�sItlon or sale as a credii against the sums ____
<br /> � secured by this Sa�aity Instramen� �-r�_-
<br />- 3. Appliesition o�A�Ymeets. Unless aPPlicable law provides othenv�se.all payments received by Lendet under �--�-
<br /> pazagaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under � ,
<br /> paragr tph 2;third.to inteiest due;fourth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges due m�der the Nnte. �Rl�.
<br />- ' 4. Chsr�es: Liens Borrower shall pay all ta�ces.assessments.charges.fines and impositions amibutable to the �`"-'-"_:
<br /> ��
<br /> - � Pivperty which may atsain priority over this Securiry Instrument,and te,asehotd payments or gro�d rems,if any. Bamower ��'
<br />=�- shall pay these obligatIons in the ma�mer provided in paragraph Z,or if not paid in that maimer.8arca��shall pay ihem on F"=:-:=c
<br /> itr�
<br /> �� = time dincqy to the person owcd payment. 8orrowec shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of a�sarmu to 6c paid under ��;�-
<br />-' this pa►7�taph. if Borrower makes ihese paymenis directly,Borrower shall promptly fumash to Lender receipts evidenc�ng f�`;:�
<br /> a
<br /> _ ; ��c��nts. .
<br /> , i . }�:tiy-.
<br /> , Bmrower shatl$rompdy discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Security Insaucnent unless Hoirower:t�r.�:�ees ,t;_
<br /> y in writing ta the p�c�nt of the obligation secured by the lien�n a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)concesrs in goud faith the `:�'z_�.
<br /> . i lten by.or defends�aiast enforccment of the lien in,legal proceedin$�which in the l.ender's apiniar�c�ete to prevent the ��=�:
<br /> enfo�me�t of tbc lien:ot(c)secures from the hotder of ihe lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender s�anrdinating the lien --�
<br />- - to this Sccudty Insqument. If Lender determines that any part of ihe PropeRy is subjec[t�a licn which may attain prioriry _-_
<br /> over this Secudty Instrumon�l.ender may sive Boaower a notice idenciiying the lien. Boae�wer shall satisfy the lien or take -
<br /> - one or more of the actions set fonh abovc within 10 days of the giving of notice. "�r`
<br /> � � 3. Hazard or Property lasarance• Barrower shall kceQ the improvements nou�existSng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � Property insured against loss by fire,hazards incJuded within ihe term"cxtended coverage"aad any other hazards.including
<br /> , � floods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance. Thls insi�rance chall be maintained in the amounts and for the.
<br />- � � .
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