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<br /> ���{�Ct OOM O[�i�L O�ibG�O�GR�. /�,IE�➢CDiC�f��IOOi S��vSQ bQ COYCR'd�thl5$�C1a1[Y '
<br /> • �ILQ�IqIL,/w 0�1�iC!l�ej$iCFC!!�b�It llrf SOCII�IlX�MpYlflllK tf fl1C"Q1+OQdty» . . -
<br /> ` �RO�ER C�VENANIS f�1ft�ORON![If IiM�R1Uy!lltOd Oi tj1C CSt�E�Cb�l COftYCSfCd i�h�Si fhC 1��O�i[It ,
<br /> �OORY�11�fE�19pQ�illd 1�1�1C�kO�ly�S I�f1G�pOdrCflCC�t�0!G�CIpD�MOCS OE LOOC[d.`�0[IOWd'WiR�fi�S 1!!d
<br /> � .vili ada�o�rna�ity the tide wtbc�Prop«cy a�aimt au aaia�s aaa aaa.nds.subjc�t w any enwmb�s oEtoaora. .
<br /> ` THIS SHCIJtt1TY INS7RUMENT cambines unifarm covenmts f6r nuiotyi use md aoa-unifam caveoants with
<br /> limioed v�ri�tioni by jurisd'icdcn to�tuEe s unifatn secutity insautneat covedng nal plopecty.
<br /> - - -` UNII�RM�V@i`/�I�i3:�Bonowvaod I�ertove�c aod sg�ee as fdWws:
<br /> L� ir��e�t�Clei�ciMl aNd I�er+e�t;Prep�eM aiM Late Ci�es.�B«rovva sh�It promptty Psr whea due cbe
<br /> p�aci�l oEaad'nMa�t c4the d�eht evidmoM by d�e 1Vate�od anY p�ep�Ymau�t�ie charges due unckt the Nute. '
<br /> 2 E1�rNr fir,73iuoes aw Iw�a�o�. Snbjxt w�pplicabk law or w a written wuvtr by I�eoder,Bo�mwer sinll pay to'
<br /> ��eodier on�e da9�Y PtY�ace dae�der the Not�uaW 16e Nfcte is psid in fulb a wm("F�uod�")fa:(a)Y�Y
<br /> nxea�uct auesaneot�whi�fi mry suaia priaity over dds Saauiry ins�ument ss s l�en an the Ptopetty:(b)Y�Y�
<br /> �a�a��� peopa�cy,��y: t�� y�y mz�na or�eny�.��a�ta��fi►tt�oa
<br /> inasaooe pemiums.�f any;te)Y�Y�8��P���►r�c�anY ��WY�bY Boaowes m .
<br /> Lajder,in aaco�d�oce with the provisiaos d p�paph 8.ia liea of the pa�raa�t of mortgrge i�urance pcenriums. Tbese . .
<br /> . lLCrtli�E 1��"�SROW�iClllt.° �.l�E�IDijts�t�Ly/UR1C.COuCC���10��S ID�D�t OOt t0 q(C!!�t�1E 1Ilix111111IA
<br /> � anw�rr a Imder fos a feaaauy ielaua mon�e roan msy roquin foc aaimwer•s�r sow�mc and�a,e feh�a tteat
<br /> Est�te Sepltma�cPmcedu�s Mc�19�4 as ameadcd fmm mne oo time.l2 US.G¢2601 it seq.("RBSPA�,unkss aoot6er
<br /> liw tbat sppties w tbe Fiu►ds sas a tesser amoun� If so.I.ender may,at any wne,coikct anA latd C�uds in on�naont na w
<br /> excend t6e ksser amau�t. Lender may�u the amo�mt oE Funds due oa tbe 6uis of cuRent data�d teason�bk
<br /> e�a of e�cpadidmes of fahue Fscmw ttans'a atQerwise in accaduke witb applicabk taw. �
<br /> 'ii�e Fiu�ds ahaU be beld'a�an iactitutian whose deposits m iawced 6y a federal ogency,insuumaitality,or entity
<br /> � (inciodiag L.ader.if Le6der is such aa iastitatian)or in any Federal Home Lrnn Bant Lendec sNall apply tbe Fuuds to PaY .
<br /> t6e Fscrow Items,,La�der may not cUacge Bcxmwa far holdmg�d applymg t6e Fwds,uamallY anatyzing the esc�w .
<br /> �own,a veafyiug ibe Escrow Items. uokss Leader prys Bonuwa interost an the Fimds�d appjipbie larv pemdis
<br />- . ` I.endEt w m�lce su�fi s charga Howaver.Leader may c�eqmre Bamwer to pay a onatime cUuge fa an indepeniient real
<br /> a�te wc repo�ting seavice ased.by Lender in ca�rbction with this la�n.amless applicable!aw pmvides atherwise. UNess an
<br /> agroement is taade or appliraffi�e�aw requires intenst to be paid l.ender shall not be trquirtd to pay Burrower any a�usest or �
<br /> eam�ngs on the I�uWs. Bo�er and/.ender may agroe in writing,twwever.that inteiest shall be pa�d on tfie Fiinds. l.ender -
<br /> si�U give to Barower,withont chuga an annuai accounting of the Faads,si�owing cnediu and debits to the Puads and the
<br />_ putpose for wbicb e�ch debit W tht Pimds'was made. Tt�e I�u�dc are�od as additional seeutiry fot ali sums secaoed lsy
<br /> � this Security Instiumeat. � �.� ' �
<br /> _ If the Fw�ds held by l:c,f3er excaA the amounts permitted to be he1$by applicaWe law,I.ender sNalt acconnt to
<br /> • Bamuwer for tbe�xcess Fan��accordance with the�ema�ts of applicAble Iaw. If the amount of 1he Fvnds beld by'
<br /> Lender at�ny time is not snt�"�ent to pay the Escrow�s.whe��due.Lender may ao uobify Bomnwer in writing.and.in •
<br />_ . sucb case Borrawer shall pa�to Leader ti�anwunt n�ary to matce up tbe deficier�cy. Borrower shall mafce up the ,
<br /> _- , defieiency in no mo[�e th�n twetve mond�ig paytnents,at Lender�s sole disccetion.
<br /> _ • uP�PaY��in fuIl of alt sums seaue+d by this Security Insm�ment,I.ender shalf pnampt3j refimd to Earsower a�ry
<br /> : � Fvnds held by Lender. If,aader puagraph 23.Lendw siuit acquite or sell the Pcopecty.Lendeti ptior ta the aa�sitioa or
<br /> sak of ihe Ptoperty.shat!appI�any Piinds heJd by Lender at the time of acquisi�on.ar sale as a credit agauas�.s6e sums =
<br /> sa;ured by Uus Security Insb'umen� - _
<br /> 3 Applic�tio�nf Paymeats. Unless applica6le law provides otheNVlse.�il payma�ts receivod by L,er�fer ander =
<br /> puagaphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to anY prePayment charges dae under the Nou;second,to amounts payabk unde: =
<br />;-_„ P�BAPh Z:third.w interest du�fourth,w principal due.and lact,w any late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> 4. 'Charia: Lihn. Bairower shaU pay aU taxes.assescments,charges. fines uid impositions atuibutabk to the
<br />�.`t Property which may attain priority over this Sa:urity Instrument,and teasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower�
<br /> -- shall pay these obligatians in tS�e maaner provided in puagraPh 2.or if not paid in th�.manner.Borrower shall pay them on .
<br /> ,� time dimtly to the person owed paymena Borrower shali promptly fumisb to Lende!a11 notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower malces these paymenu din.ctly,Borrower s�fi promptiy fumish ta Lers�receipts cvldencing
<br /> the payments. °
<br /> 8orrower sha11 pramptly discharge any lien which has priority ai er�'s's Security Inswment untess Botrowec:fa}agrees �
<br /> ' �writing w the paynxnt of the obligation secured by the!i�i.�a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in goo�faith the __
<br />-- - ' (nen by,ar defends against enforcertKnt of the lien in.tega@�dings which in the l.ender�s opinian operate to pr�vent the . =-
<br /> enfa�-..ement of the ti�;or(c)secur�.';:urt the fiot�cr of the Ticn an a�eement satisfactory to Lender subordinating thc lien �
<br /> . to this Seeurity Instrutncn� If Lender deteimines that any part of the�ct�perty ls subject to a lien which may attain ptiority �:
<br />� over this Secudty lnswmen�Lender may give Bortower a notice ickr:af�:ng the lien. BoROwer s6a11 satisfy the lien or take E`-
<br /> �ne or mae of tLe actions sec forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> - S. 8azar0 or Yrooa't�Insut'anca Borrower shait keep the improvements aacy e�isting or hereafta eitcied on the
<br /> '. Property fisurcA against lass 1��+fire.hazards included within the term"eatended co�er�e"and any othcr hazards.including
<br /> _ floods or flooding.for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintalned in�amounts and for the
<br /> �
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