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<br /> - ` , � , � � �- . 8ll�TUL RECOHVEYANCE
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<br /> - ;�KNt?WALL,MEN�Y THESEPRESENTS: ` � . - `, . � . . . -
<br /> . ��W��._ 1lfvss'sids Iavest�ent Iac. , `
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<br /> Gsa:td Lliad-' - - - �� CotttltY ot 8a2� - • :
<br /> of Nnclty af , , `
<br /> in tl�e S�taer of liebrulcs . � `�/�y DMSd of�iust afitMd dr� 19—day of ��` =9�-.
<br /> .and duly�ca�di�din th�offke of th�s Re�isnr ofOwrls of rhs Counry of �u
<br /> � . ANO THE�ot �eb�� ,on the Z�-�--d�Y of �y � 19 9_.?,in
<br /> IIocu�nt �g 2-1Q4307 _ . � � � ,
<br /> �� � �92-1043t18 �p�,_,,,,!of��/or�gs Recond,tn sald o�cs,cvnreyM iQ
<br /> . ,
<br /> - . NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,NATIONAL ASSOC/AT/ON,caRain rta/estate in said�Dieed of Tiyst desciibed,in ' �
<br /> _ • trust,io securs the psym�snt af ths indsbtedness menticned therain. • . —
<br /> . yot Thirty !Three (33), Mosai.nSeide Acres Subdivision, ia t�e . .
<br /> City o€ Graad Island, flall County, t�ebYaslca • � _
<br /> � Y
<br /> 7 " '
<br />'zx; AND.WHEREAS,Sald iridebtsd�ess has been pald and the purposesofsald tiust have�ful/ytathNad; :','
<br />:-,�:�_ NORWEST BANK NEBR.4SKA, NAT/QNA�ASS'�C/AT/ON,does hereby n�mise, re�ase and q�it c/aim unto.tfie —
<br /> present armer or owners t�ae sald rea/estate anaF�orto the heira,a�ccessorsam�assigns�aid awne�a'ns�me�s fvr+evei,
<br /> - - a!/rhe riqht,title,and inrer�st which lt hac undes�rd by vfrtue of said De�e�d bf Trers�ir�and to the said real estate in ____
<br /> said Deed of Tiust particular/y describ�,ceference to which;s he�eby made forgreater certalnty. �� -
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the tame,t�ther w/th ad and aingu/ai ihe p�ivileg�es and appurtenances theiero be/o � ���-
<br /> n9n9 ��;�:
<br /> . •�, faerer.ANO FURTHER,that ra/d Trust Dee�d Js,by these presents to be consideied as full y and absolute/y ie/eased, •���':�•;-_
<br /> - cancel/ed arrd faersr dla�cha�d. . .����`-,'-'_
<br /> -f::`f�-'�,w:..
<br /> � WITNESSmy�laand and sea!thlr 16 day of J"ne , f9 9_?�. . 1.���_
<br /> .,n.=-
<br /> ' ATTEST- . � �, ` � NORWEST BANK NEBRASKA,Nailona/Assxiation,TPCU�ee �;�:;�_^
<br />� ' ' • . 1F'.r-f�_.
<br /> �P.�;iC.,.. B ��,�� ��.,�__
<br /> ,_._.� Y: �
<br /> � . ,t,..;,,,j, - William Dewhusst, I�scation Preaideat �y-��-
<br /> , STATE O�`NEBR�91�y4 ) , , � �''�""`'
<br /> � m;���
<br />� '- iti���s�. j.��� SS. __ ...��r�°.
<br />- :.. . �: �C011NTY OF �L�" - � . . - .� �' �
<br /> :� :: . �''i` n.x
<br /> `�•� , '7l�fbrepqirrg r"e�strument wpsacknowlsdged before me,a Nor.ary�Pub/!c,on thls �� day of ; � ���
<br /> - _ - - ��_ , "��'_.;; � � ..: � • .� 19�s�.—.,bY . 1l9nct_l! 1'J � �„��� r .. . .
<br /> ,. + " 'of A(ORN�,�S��'�BANK;N�BRASKA,NAT/QNAL ASSOG/ATION,a Natlonal Banking Assoc/atfon on behalf of said j�: ..
<br /> . � coipoiAtlq�. �• '.;t,� � ' �
<br /> �.� t;'. ��! . .
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