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<br /> .a�Trnstee.fae tlie beneSt o# F.gnitabte Bn�diaa,aad Losn 1�tssociation d Graad�skad.as Benefic�tsp.` _
<br /> � ��..� . , � Ms�.T _ _�9,�_�ana re�aeded In tLeaffiee of t1�e Re�ster af Deeds
<br /> ' � et. . Hsll � _ ` Cwnt�.NabnteTcs as Y�oeuioaea�N� 9 0-1 0 2 5 3 i �
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<br /> � wrii�a� t tids Deed oi Reeonve�anoe be eYeeaf�d snd deL'�nered ss conSrmad bT i�s eadaeaement bebw
<br /> .' Ia �tios oi sne� ps�ment aad �a aeoordanes witb t6e r�qu,est of,the Beneficiar�. the Trwtee
<br /> reeonfays to tbe persoa c�perswu entttkd t�eseto alI tLe r�ht,tttk,interest and cisim aequired b�tl�
<br /> � . Trastee piuiusnt firo tLe Deed of Ti�ast ia ti�e foltowina: , . � . .
<br /> L�t Eleven (ii). Bloek Eleven (11�. Ashton Place to the City of Grend Island. Hall �
<br /> .Cocx�t�r, Nebraska. . '
<br /> � - _ ... , �
<br /> = D.t�� . June i7, ,1882 -- � _ ,
<br /> Trastee .
<br /> �: 3TATE OF NEBRASKA _
<br />;-:�- �.. . SS . �
<br />-- COUNTY OF HAII , � ' :� .
<br /> The foregoing inatrament wv�,s ackau�►ledged before me on June.��', 1992 _
<br /> -_ , by r tio ss Trustee.
<br /> ' �KN1q�iib�liMMM
<br /> � Notary Public Q-q/f 9� � ����� . �' _
<br />`"�:;: �EQUEST FOR IiECONVEYA11iCE _
<br />-- - The Eeneficlsry requests�he Trustee to reconvey the real estate descrs'lied above to the or per-. _
<br />_�' e�ons entitled thereta. � _
<br /> -�_-� The Equitable Building anc� L4an Rssocfation af Grand Isla , e aska, A r Savin _
<br /> 8av�k, So.s�,cessor to The E tubje- � 'ng and n A aoc' on
<br /> sa Isla �
<br />- -� � . ' � _
<br /> J. . Olson Presiderrt/CEO (Title) -
<br /> � Benefici�ry =
<br /> STAT�OF NEBRASKA � � �
<br /> _ • } 88 . =
<br /> -- - - -_ - COUNTY 4F -
<br /> �,5- T�e foregoing�nstrument waa acknowledged before me on June �7', ,ig 92. _by �
<br /> � ��� .l I� Olson President/�€0 (title) for Tl�e Equitable Buitding an� Losn
<br /> Aaaociat�on of Grsnd Islsn+���$eeei'�ryr Nebraska, A Federal S `s�gs Bank, as B eficiary.
<br /> � /IYOtNOall�ill�lliii � � t-",� ��.,
<br /> �, � w���� Notary Public f�j�/�f%�f
<br /> � .i ��
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