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<br /> ;THAT�PF�RSAS.all oi ti�e ind�btsdair secaeed by tlie Trnst Deed�ecuted by�...Dannia„�,�..gooleX..aad....
<br /> . �.. . .
<br /> �� a. EcoUy� hu�band aud vife, . . � ...................... ..............`..------ =----..._..._ �
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<br /> PI�ST FED�AL SAVLXGS AIiD IAA1E bSSOCUTI01�i dF LINCOLN the HeneSasty n�med ti�ife,
<br /> . ......._...�... ........................................_...._......_..».......................... _.._. .......».........,
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<br /> ��_.._._Apri2 1T, 1987 ��atltie o�ice o Bt?he R�ste�r of Deeds of........�1 .
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<br /> .�Y.Nebea�.ue Boac--�..._/�#�bes�t Number..:I02281._/on Miet�o5lm RoU N�ber...?��..,
<br /> gap,,...��.�,1�bees p�id►and Mid 8ene6ciary b�s reqne�ted�n�rritina t6at tl�is Deed of Recomeyance 6e
<br /> �tecatesl aad d�d an rnoMned bY its a�doesemeat b�bw;
<br /> -. NOW THERBFORE,m���of wch p�yment wd in aceerdance�ritii the request of tbe BeneS�cia:y named
<br /> - tliaeio, tLe nadaaip�ed �s Tea�tx d�a bY t�e prnenti,��.remise, nlas�aad �vey to t�be peisoa or
<br /> estitid ther�to a1t!be iater[st and ertate dai�d to a�id Temtee by br tfuoa�fiid Trust Deed in the
<br /> - �de�'bed Ps�emi�es bltt,odY•1is to sach premiea: •, ' �.
<br /> - � Lot Si: (6), Block 'Three (3), Lake Davis Acres Subdiviaian, Ha].1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> J 16` 1992 -----.. TRUSTEE: -- ...�.�.............-...................--•--...._
<br /> _ DAT�: _....�!l�.----.�e................�.._�_ ,
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<br /> . ..................................
<br /> ;� �s Tn�stee, to me knoRn to be the identical pe:son whose name is subecn`bed to the foregoing inatn�meat and
<br /> • aclma�vled ed the ezecution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such Trustee_
<br /> � , ���111� . . ,
<br /> � .�IINA.KLMA(MAN ;. � ' .
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<br /> ! , 'Phi�is to astify t6at the above named Tsustee h�a been ueated in writing to:eaecute tl�e iot�eaou�:?�eal of
<br /> � Reooaveyat�+e�nd hia actio»in doing eo is ratified and con�in a1l:especKs. -• • , .
<br /> . ' � By: .. ...... .�-. ' . ..:................_...... .
<br /> - ,� � � . . Q� ; .
<br /> . . STATE OF�DEBRASKAI �'
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<br /> � ;
<br /> , �, �,�i , Executive Viee President
<br /> �..,t.;,, and Loan Assoc3a�tlon oi Lincoln. to me personall�► known ta b�the............................ .................... .. and idestieal _
<br /> ' -.b rJ/!i��A •' * _
<br />. .�,,�,�. peseon Mhose name is atfiied to the above forego�ng instrumcti� and acknowledged the execution thereof ta be hia _
<br /> �, „ votun�ry act and deed as such vA�ces, astd the vatnntary act and deed'o�t�he snid First Federa{ Savin�s and Lwrs _
<br /> . As�ociatian o!Linooln. .
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<br />. • • ' •1••''f'•����j: • -
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