. . .. ..*: . . . . . - i' . . ..�: � ' , ' . . �—_
<br /> . . . . . ., .' .. ' � . . � � • � . �. :'('A`" `�� —
<br /> e "._--._. � . " � . . . � . . . _ ' _ . _ '_-- _ `t t .._.
<br /> � - , , _. ` _. , . .. ' _ _ . . '.` 1 , . .� ` '. ' . . - �- -, . .'__ . '—, _:.@ .� � "��, z: __
<br /> � ( . . ' . .. " . ' � . . . . .. , . . � - s., ��i:"
<br /> . ._ . � .. .._- . - . - �. . � . , e�• .. . .� , . - . . . � .. .��i � _r ��.`
<br /> �� @���/q y_ t °. � . �..3A�:.
<br /> � ��(��tlY R1 f �` ��4�a
<br /> ' �1 9�° LOA1V(d0. 15 3 9 2 1 6 0 51 , • +-.�
<br /> ; •k. � :.
<br /> If Lender exsscl�ss thls op4bn,►_snder shal gbe Borrawsr notice of aaxefsra4ton.The aot�shall pravkie a psdod �;� " . �' i<'���
<br /> of noi less than 30 days feam the date the noUce is d e l f v o r e d or m a i l e�w ft P�in w h t t a T�8ormtivsr m t t s t pay a l l sums sQCUr�f ;; . . . -_
<br /> � tay thls Sacu�y lnstre�er9art.it B��ra�ra�r faiJs to pay thsse sum�pdar to thaexp1raU�n of thls period.Lender may im��o �; � �-
<br /> , any remed!es p�rmftted by thls Secu.►tiy Instrumern wMoui turther noUce or demand on Borra�ar�r. E.� � . . -__
<br /> � 18.Bo�ir,�r'o Rt8h4 ts Reln�4o. If�orrot^rar maats c�rtain�nd�ons.Bo�rav'+a�sha'!�avs tha r1ght to have '
<br /> :s enforcem�rs2 at tt►t�Se�ur�iy tnstrument dlscoriilnaod at any time pria7 to tfle ear(!er ai:(a)S days(ot surfi other pedod � �c�
<br /> `, � as applicabSs Im�may spedfy fer relnstgteme�t)before sats o'�the Preperty pursuar�t to arry potiva�09 sale contalrted[n ; ':�:�
<br /> � ti�is Secu�y►Im,xrur�tri;or @)errtry of a jttdgmar�4 ert[orctng th�s Sectuiiy instrums�tt.Those cceuf�lona are Urat , '�V
<br /> Borror,�¢r.(a)pa}t�LFttndeP aU sums wh!ch then wouid be due under this Securiry InsW mont an�l tha Note as if nfl � . '�s`,`
<br /> " acceie7a�+nn i�d o c�u r r e d:@)cures any d e f a�t a f arry e t her caverran ts ar agreeme r t t s(c I pays s U ct�errsw I n c u r r e d . �' <.,
<br /> � � in e�forcF�s�tht�Sec�Cty Inswmar�.[n�+s�dtn�,but nct Itmhed to,reasarrr�ble attomeys'teaw and(d)take�sucfi adio�n ; :��=
<br /> . as Londet may�eascnably�equire to assure tt�at the Iten af this Set�rity InshumenY,Lendar's rigfits tn the Frapsrty arat! � • __`'
<br /> Borro�rr:�s ob�!g�?t�n to pay the�ums s�c�u�by this Secu fi t y Instrumeni aha11 cordls�ue ur�changed.Upan � '� � �-
<br /> reinsFai��n�i by Borrou,r�,thls Ses��ty lnswment and the o S fIgati�ns s�r.ured hereby si1�!i Pe,�n fuUy eflective as if : � _��:�t_;':;�;::
<br /> no aor.e�szatbn t�d ecc�ured.Ho►vavar.this right to reins�te sha11 nat appiy tn ths caso of ac�'araY�on u�der ! - �.��`•`;:� -�
<br /> _ P1l89T8ph 17. .,:y.�i>r�;�`,:, 't�.
<br /> . 19.�o�f Nate;Chan�o ot L.ann�cNtcr� Ths Nate or a partial URererst In the�lata(ta�e2her wlth thls SQCt�hf � .; 3�'��t;y.._•�:.
<br /> . �nswmam '� �
<br /> )may foe soid ona or mare Umas wtthoui prtor natica to Borrorrsr.A�:lo m�y r�t�t in a changa tn tiu��nt3rl ���„�t;r:�>,
<br /> (knovm as ihs'Laan Servlce�4hffi collea�s montt�iy paymams due unde�the iioie arni Yhis Ssaudty fnstru�nertL i'Ysr�rr� -;_~�`
<br /> ' a1EO may be one ar mflre chang�s at the Lcan Senrlcar unrelaied to a sate of the Noto.lf ti�ere ts a changa af tfto�- � �•,?"'s.�4` �' V
<br /> � .,.::..
<br /> . Senik�r,Bo�rov�asr��l ba given wr�ten na�ce of the cha�ge(n accoidanse x�h�ua graph 14 abovo and ap�itcable t�av. ��� �:��i��",.i' r.
<br /> �<� The noUce�r31 ataYo 41he rc�ma ar�d r�dd�ss of the new Loan ServiceP and t�o address w vfiis�paymer�shauf�bQ .,_�;;r... •
<br /> made. The notioo w6�a�so cor�taln arry aihc�Infomiatlon requlred b�ap�Stcalo'0 tsv� :.,--,::�`�`� �'`�'i::.
<br /> < <�•--
<br /> 2A.Hazardoae Subatsncea. �ormtivar shall nat cause cr petmft the pr�t�teo,tt�o.dla�o�! sY�csga.ar rdease a'f , ' `'� ��:
<br /> iia7arrtous St�tancss on or U the .Barrawer shall ndi do.nar affaev an ne c�so Lo�do.an y t htn g aft�dirtg ,.;��y��.�.7.�`�`:�.,
<br /> tl��Praperty tt�at Is In viofa�an of an EnvtF ro�rune�r�ta!Law The reced two se�is�shaq not a to the 7esertce. : . � 1�.�:'.{:�.. ; r�
<br /> Y P �9 Pt�Y P ;w,��„-,,r . �`,_•;
<br /> _ usa.ar starage on tha Property af smaD quffniitles of Ha�ndous SuY�na�s ttaz are gern�ally recognlze�to tio I. .. . . •., :s,,SA� �,. �
<br /> 0
<br /> aAP�P�to rromial r�sldeMial uses arxi s�a matntenance of tha Pro�e�ty. � ,-� :"�,����'`_ _�
<br /> � Borrau�e��iD pmm�rtty glve Lander w�tten notke ef any ir►vsstigatlos�,�a':tn.deorac�d,t��vsaii2 or oiher actfan by � .;„ ,a�z. � �,.
<br /> �Y 9avemmsr�or reguigtary agency or prlvate party irnvofving the Propeny anti any 4damrdaus Subs9�ttce aa � r.:��;.�;. �
<br /> par y
<br /> � EmrFTOnn�ts!Law of whk�HaQrower tra�actual fmffat�dga If 8omovrarl�ams�or Is naii�9ct!bY�Y 9ov�mmenLal�r • ';�°,��`�'�� ts�.�
<br /> � ,�i reg�icry autfi�arity.ttr�t acay�movai or other remed'�a�on of any Hazardou�Suffi�in�aN�t�in�the Fro�erty ts .:��`,� '�"• —_
<br /> :.;.. necessa�►.�orra�isr shal!Rmmptty ta►�o atl rac�sary remedial acttons tn ac�rdanco v��E�raJeanmemel La�iv. `"}� � ;=
<br /> •�;y:�{. nis tt�..sd in�ttL�R�9raph�+�.`Hazatri�^�staptces'are th�e aub�tan�'is deV9eud as W�d�or hazaridou� ����.. ���l.'`. � • - `°
<br /> . �aes by Ernie+anmert�t P.�uv arul tSt�foilr�►ing guh�nces:gasallrtv.ke7o�v3heP flammabl8 or to�a ��N;�..�',:::�, ` ` : f.��
<br /> �tr�um�rozluc�s.tautc p�e3 arKi @�ef�icidas.��Re solveMs.m�¢o7ials c�i�ag mrtas�os orbrmaldahyds, �� �'` ; .. _
<br /> . a.�i.r.�stioBC�vo maierials.As u�ed in this Ra�a�ePh aA,'Environment�dl Lav1'm�foderal I�s and taws aP th0 • .;:;,:.:� : « f� '�—
<br /> � . Jurtsdic�on v��e tha Praperty is tocated tt�it relate to heafth.satety or er�viron��sa1 pro4oc¢f�. „ � -'��:< . '
<br /> ' NON-tJNIFORM COVEtVAIYT3.Borrowarend Lenderfurtherc�vesiaer�ardagTe�asfad�: �.;<r`.,;.� -• �'����
<br /> . ::.�.;,:,::,:; �.,,.u�
<br /> 21.Acc���stion;Remedi�.l.end�r strali�tve�olke to Borrower prto�r4o��ss�eva41on toii�wln�Boe�a�ror's ��'. .:„�:.; '
<br /> bruc�oi�rry covanant ara�rae�o�t 6r�4hb&�rarfity tns�r�t(but a�or3 prD�to��r,ol�'tlon ur��e pae+c���� ' ._ �°�;
<br /> 17 uni�a�t�bM taw provkto�other�Wse�.Yhe notice shall specf�:(a)tha da�nutr{b)tho=cti�w fi�d to , .;.";`;:.*��'•:.'.��'��
<br /> . +;;
<br /> � • ew�tT�a�o�uP�(eD a date,not tess fha�r�30 doya from the dde t[sne r��b gh�m 40�a�,by � '�.,,.:.�,:1,.,�.a .. ,� �,�
<br /> P�
<br /> ' da'lauY1 muc8 bs�urad;�nd(�t1�t httur�esr�e�tDu datau�an�rl3a7or�tho mffio opoct3i�,d tn the n�fiee R�ny ����::��:,;�s.:t� ,
<br /> ���. .:,• L t.,� } , . .
<br /> r�u8 tn a�l�tion o?f!w sums sacc�:�f^ythb Sacurity frutrc.�^.nent ao�s�3�of�o F�n�.q.Y�iwflco at�ti . �� � .��°
<br /> � fi�!�or inffarm f�arrow�er at tha riQM to c�+�ts atto��cc�iwatlo�arr�tho r�g�t to brir�s�.�ut actlore 4o as�ePt :,,;�; � "r. ..,. '._���--,
<br /> Huff:m�xist�nea o!a de4RUt8 ar��y atl�r det�n�at°�a�row�r to Ac�ttr�4inn�nd s�k�If�dafaut�f�c�� ,��,�; i, ,...��-�-_.
<br /> ,. . �-
<br /> � aut�[i�l�t�IDYt�o t69a��ga�6fl�!U ttf�notks,L.�tid�r at its o er�t vu uVa Imrrat�L►2o ftn ftcti o9 ;:r.'i�Fn�d,.=.�.�'
<br /> aB�:ms se�¢� this Instrument i� � �y� � ' �� .
<br /> withoutturtherdemand and �m��43s� � , ,,;. �s:"�,°`r�,i��f` �
<br /> � �►�f► �9► i�oro�ot aateeur�9 aes� :.;�;�a�••'_�,r.., �;�. .
<br /> other remfdi��tea9 by�p,�0im fg���Londor s�all Ito or�tS�t�co11��I1�xp�r,�a incurr6t9 tn pa�[stiv,Z �� `������t����� -:.
<br /> ''.,~;
<br /> ttw���t��m{�ted t�t�s���[r 7d bncludtry b�t not tfa�a�d to rem�r►n�S�a43amoys'tees at�ca�o? ;'.: , ,:����;''u`�;E`, ����-"
<br /> „ . . �� .;,�:;,;<
<br /> , a����'• -t,',�,a�:...
<br /> ' tHt�evid6tlC�. :�;� �: a,.:.----
<br />� C�she powar of sa�e io Irr�c�acD.�r.sfx�ce r�l racrur�a n�91co 04 do7�af1���3��u�ty Qn whlrfi a�y{sus4 0? '�`�`';������'�'t��`'`'�`-• �
<br /> tt�Pra b tocatod aric!�imCl m:tE �`I s;:ct���in tR�i mauu►sv ad b m ficsbto lawto ;•��;y� . _--
<br /> P�Y �t� Pre�C7ib Y Pp ta;,:,: --_
<br /> Borro�w and to ths othae�r.s pr�l����y sppikabt�l�w. Aftoa ti�o 4�ra�a n�ui�nd Dy app1tc�bYe isw, :� '��,4n;; � -
<br /> 4rusts�st�a0 S{w pubitc c�acf�6f ssl�iz�the p�sona�nd in tba rt►�nnav pr�scQi�by 6fa faw Truuta� ;. ;�`�f;:'�,• .. ,�;
<br /> .��' without doman�an�erow�ae,s�U seU tha Pro�portSr at pub�Ia c�e�9lon Ba tho IaWj��b�d��tt�tJrt�aetd�eo . .• �:�,.. —
<br />: �.:� ��c�dm trie tem�d�ngxod in the notia of t�tQ tro on�a m�ee�rc�i�sral pn arry oaf�r Trunec+data�trtoo. : .,4i'�. :. :
<br />:�''�''�'- T�cte�may os4pone a a4 aU a trty parcN oi tho F�'rop�rty by p T.c ae�na�nr���c�2 a��'s.�41mo ar�i�f�co o? ' ' ' '=
<br /> ?i{';f�� . � �� , ' . ....'i:.,:
<br /> �:-:�.� ��Y P����'�L�DOu�td aN. Lendar ar iU dastsnee may par,c�ss ttw Prapwty a4���.�. �', ;, ..,;., ,.
<br /> . • ,,�:;:,;
<br /> Upon c��04�aya�2ae�ot 4i�a prla2 ia.+d�Tru�tw ahall dultvax�ta 4ho pure9w�Tiu�i�ds�Q�atJ ca�ve�i�q I •`�c>,i.,,r,,,.,_,_..
<br /> :.. 1�e.,,�
<br /> the Prop�ety. The naciQt9s In the T�ztea�g dce9 ihail�pNms fa�a'o evrtQ�of 4t�0 butfl�tho atala�ta��r^,��l�a ' ,,,+.,,;,,,
<br /> ti�ee�ir�, TiurSe�a�si�aP�iy tho pr�ts of btio sale tn tttie t8ltora�n��rd�:(i�)t�aV eo�and a�tp�3rogoa o4 ����.:...: '; . � ' � -
<br /> ,.�_:;t;j.. ,��.
<br /> �1`I.�n;,Ft'.'
<br /> N FA�QiY-�6ifilA/FHtlWC 41�(FOAN 0�75TT�UDiENT �r,n m�� o �, ..<..� . _
<br /> � �::�;:• -
<br /> ISC/CM�iNE//07D2J3028(D�E10}.L PAQ�SOFB �f -
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