. C.y L_� _ _ . , a:( � _
<br /> ,i. - �•Gz _ �k ��i-' . , � , - 't- ';.�G..r
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<br /> ___ -.j-?'_ '�f' i.- � _ - � ' � ' ... ._ -__-_
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<br /> ;:�=�=. ��� _ � _ 92— �v�ss � - --- :
<br /> - � - . � � � - . �-..
<br /> f' .:� s: 8...�i.r n+���I�r..a.5«,i�r sh.u`teep�t6e;impe�ov�s eu�v aa�tio�ot l�rdtt�a�ea c�t�e-
<br /> pi,opaty_�i,ed apibt bss by fi�e.ha�ids inciuded andiin the atm`s�ccended aova�ge' ao�`any dtur t�r�s.iacludvi
<br /> � tbods ar ftoodit�.tot whjch Laides nequires insu�aoce.'iUis insucanoe sAalt be ma�in"tained in tlu amouats aad for the peiiod� . <
<br /> tlpt lsqder c�iNira.Tbe insuranoe carrier pnnviding the irtsur�noe sh�116e chosen by Bortavrer su6ject to l�endcs's app�wat �
<br /> `` i�idt sEail not be unreason�bly withheid.If$ormwec f�ils to m�intain cora�e describod abnve,i,end�msy, at�ender'a
<br /> aption,bb�ai�a,vei�e to protax tsade€'s ri�s ia thc Propacy ia aomndanca vrith par�h 7. `
<br /> , `!W inwisnoe policia aod.�newals sh�ll i�e acoepta6k w l.eoder�nd si�ail inciude a st�nd�td nwRgage ciwse. L�nda
<br /> smll f�ve d�right to hoW t6e policies aad renewats.If Leadtr nquires.Bormwer shall P�Y 8ive tu Lender all receipts of
<br /> . P�P��a�rtntwai aatices.ia tbe event of toss.Barr�wer sA�11 givc pt+nmpt sotice w ttK ir�weanee carsivand l�a�der,.
<br /> t�ader mry m�te ptuat of lass if aot m�dc p�omptiy by Bor�uwu. . - .
<br /> Unkss Lender aod Borrow�r otherwise agree is writieg.insur�ce pct�coobc sl�lt be�plied m r+estorition or cepair af tl�e
<br /> pmpeity d�msged.if the r�sto�s�tion or rep�ir is 000nomiatly fi��le and i�ender's socurity is not.tessened.ifthe ttistoration or ,•
<br /> e�pir is uot eoonomicaliy fe�'ble or l.ender's savrity wauW be ksseaod,thc i�.��ptncads shall be appfied to the sums
<br /> �awted by thjs Se�aricy Tastrumedt,wNaf�er or�wt t6m dne.arith uiy.eaoe.cg paid to Bormwer. If�orrov�er,al�ndons tLe
<br /> 'pinpeRy.or daes mt answer arithin 30 dags a mtice from l.rnder that tbe innuaace curier 6u offemd ta se�tle a claim,th�
<br /> ���y���i��e p�oeed,s. imder may use the pmcads to rep�ir or rcs�ore tl�ee Prope�ty or to pay sums
<br /> - savnd 6y t�is Security(nsuum�t,wi�dher or not the�r due.Tde 30-day paiod wi116egin wben tbe aotice is given. �
<br /> U�S�der�od gonuyver ot�wise agnee in writing, �►y applicadon of praveods to principvl shaq not actend ar
<br /> postpone tLe due date of t6e n�onth3Y payments refer�ed ta ia pongraplis 1 and 2 or change the amotmt of the paya�en�s. lE .
<br /> ���n jh�pmpeKy�s xqwtod byr i.ender,Borrower's right to any insurance poiicics�nd proceods nesulting from
<br />- dssmge to the Prapeny prior to the acquisition sl�U pa.cc to Leader to t6c,eatent of th�sums sgcu�od by this Seeurity Instrumeat
<br /> - �Y P�r w tbe acquisitian. ' --
<br /> • f.pccMpMey,Pte�erv�.Ma�aoe aed Ytoteetios of tlie Propdrtr:Bosm�va's l.an Appticstioo;l.easelaWs. `_
<br /> -= Borrower sh�ll oocupy,est�blis6.aad ase the Propercy as Borrower's princip�l tcsidence within sixty days after tl�euecvfion of �__- ..___.
<br /> — this Sa±urity inmumeat wd sNall cantieae to accapy the Property as Borrowet's princip�l r+esideoce for�t le�t one ycar after —
<br /> :'��_ tl�e date of accupancy.uWess I.ender ahe�wise ag�ees in wridng,afiids wn�eac shatt not be unreasonably tvithheId.or unless ��;�;R�-
<br /> e�a�pAg�ynu�at�es esisE.afiicl� an beyo�Borrower's conuol. Bnrmwer'shall aot destroy, da�nage or impair the f
<br /> .�_�_.�.
<br /> . - ..P�+nperty,aItow d�e Prope�ty to deteriorate. or comm�t waue on d�e P�petty.fBnrrower�at1 be in dcfanit if a�forfeiture . ";-��,�«__
<br /> ' • ��.:��..
<br /> action or proceediag,whetlier ciril or criminal,is begaa that in Lender's good faith judgax.mt could result in forfeiare of the `_�,��L��
<br /> , PmpeKy or othe�wise materially impair the iien created by thss Seairity lnstntment or Lender's secariry int�n.Boaowcr nray •a:,�;���
<br /> eure such a default and reinstate,as p�+uvided in pazapaph 18.by causing the aciion or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling '�::
<br /> that, in l,eoda's goad faith determittation, pn�du�es forfeiture of the Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other material ����i-,;-
<br /> ``.' • impaimKnt of the lien ccwted by this Security instnunent or lender's securiry intenest_Boimwer shali also 6e in defaolt if =_=�
<br /> Borrower,dur�eg the loan application prncess,gave materialty false or inaccurate informatic�or statements to Lender(or failed �„��,.,,.
<br /> to pmvide Lender with any material inforn�ation)in cannection with the toan evidenced by tfi�Note.inclading�but not timited — ____
<br />:;. to,repnsentat�ons wnceming Bonower's accupanc.y of the Propeny as a pxincipal residence.lf tfis Sec�sity lnstrument is on a �_
<br /> • leasehold, Borrower shall comply with a11 the pmvtsions af the tease. �C 8arrower acquires fee titte to the Panperty, the �'_ -
<br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not merge untess Lender agrees to thc merger in writing. , �' � �� �•_
<br /> ��:�3� �_.
<br /> ' 7.protoct�oa ot Ltnder's Rtg,l�ts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants and agreements contained in _. �- • �T.
<br /> ' -t this Secaricy lnsuum�mt,or there is a legal proce�ding that may signifscantly ai'fect Lender's rights in the Property(sucb as a :-}: =•�r;:'=
<br /> � '��• proceeding in bankn►ptcy,probate,for candemrF.u.��:�ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do and ` .�� - �'� :
<br /> � y<�:.r.:�-�.
<br /> pay for ahatever is necessary to protect the valce�f the Property and Lender's rights in the Property:G.ender's actians may -��.v:.n::__--
<br /> -r-_
<br />: inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prior�Fy over this Sccurity Instrument, appearing in cou». paying -'=j_-
<br /> reacon�ble attorrays'foes and enteri�on the Property to maiw tepairs.Although Lender c�aji take action under this para�raph �•;�;�;°
<br /> ' 7,Lender does not have to do sa. � ' • • "
<br />' ' � Any amounts disbursed by F.ender undc�this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower securcd by this . ' . -
<br /> • ' Security Insttument.Untess Bonower and L.ender agree to other terms af�.�.,�ent, these amaunts shall bear interese from the _ . . . .•
<br /> , ��.
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note r,r�:a�d shall be payablc. with intcres4.�:pan naticc from Lender to Bonower rcquesting • �;,`�
<br /> , • , PaymenL , �. 'ii��.��.
<br /> - 'r'�n,
<br />" . � �; 8.Moetgage lnsurAnce.lf L,�'�r required martgage insurancc as a condition af making the loan secural by this Securiry ����,
<br /> � • Insuumen� Borrowet shall pay the premiums required ta maentain the mortgage insurance in eifect. ]f, for any reason. 1he .:>;�c�.-.
<br /> . � . .
<br /> � mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender tapses or cea.�to be in effect.Barrower shaU pay thc premiumc required to .
<br /> .,# �. �, obtain wverage substantiaUy equi�alent to the mortgage insurae�ce previousiy in cffcct.at a cost�u6star�sially equivalent to the �
<br /> cost ca 8orrower of the mortgage i:isurance previausly ln efE��, from an altemate me�rcg�,;e insurer approved by Le�der. li � � -;:;`::�;':
<br /> � r ,s�;'��';: � substaritialty equivatent mortgagc inwrance covcrage is not avz!ablc.Borrowcr shall pay tv Lcndcr cach rtxintb a surt�vqual to �;.
<br /> :'�;''%��r�� .�: one-twelfth of the ycady mortgage insurance premium bcing paid by Barrower when thc insurancc coverage lapsed or ceased to ��``'�
<br /> ' � � be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these paymcnts ds a loss resi��-ce in licu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve `
<br /> �'i. �� Fenn 302� !/!0 �• . �;.
<br />- ' Page 3 ot B � :''�',.`�
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