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<br /> `► Deed of TrusP _
<br /> .,• � Secu�ing Guaran� W=.-
<br /> �.�
<br /> T�ILLIAM J DEGEN. ,TR. and , \ "N�
<br /> TOilS OEED OF TRUST ls made this 2.�da/of S!'Rt?�$�. 19 2�.by and behvesn -o
<br /> ... whather one or mare.(hereinafter ca!!ed tAe"Trusto�), ����
<br /> , whose mailing address is 1 n ' �''
<br /> NORWEST BMiK '`TII°DncQe ,vemmMa,t. eccnr_znT7n� (hereinafter called the"Trustee).►vhose maifing addrass is __ ��'
<br /> . ��� .T .rR.a,.a cr /:ranA Talanr{� NRgltd �C/f'tSNESTBANIf �m8��`� . __
<br /> catled tlse"BsrteTrcfary),whose maJGng addrass is 2 2 y T i t eet a I a ���
<br /> •`��`� WlTNESSEYM: �``�Y
<br /> ' WHFAEkS: 6ASTI BAGELS INC � 1�/a BIG APvT.a uA _S _ -rr�e�etnafte�cal/ed tl�e"8arnov�er') {�;
<br /> , .�� has app�re0 to Banefictary tor one er mor�(nans.►euera of cradit or ofhe�frnanGal accommodan'ons arrd rm��hefeaRe�from time ta cme �?�";t
<br /> . .. r�Jy fi Beneficiary fa�addi&amal loans.lettoss of credif urrd athe�financiaJ accommcdations;and ;�t�,";•_:
<br /> . �'YHFAfAS�m induCe BertefrGary to p�ovlda 6nancial acsxemmodations to Borrower. ,��..'�
<br /> . • (a) y fhis(�J is checkenl.Tnrsta harr gu�rantesd fn BQneficiary the payment and psrtormance ot��arrd r�ss•�,ebb rablCry end `_`_:+
<br /> o�gaffon o!euery type and doscri�,7an�aNch 8or�ou�er may now or ai 2ny dme hereafiee owe ta/3carrafdary fcKmethe�such debL _
<br /> ` Oab+'�dy or obllgatlon nov�ex3sts orls hor�after aeated a Jncurreu�rd whether it!s amay ba d�•:-r indirec�dua or to Decome dea, �:-_::"
<br /> ` absolute or�rrOnger�Pdmaryarseco�rdtuy,l�quJdrrled or uNiqui�ad,o�Joirr�seueraf orjarrrt ar.J severa!). �;`_
<br /> ' � (b)!f thts( J is ctrecked,Trtrstor h2s guauanteed to Qa�reficfary the payment arrd psefamrance of the debt Gability,oi obllgation of ���„_.
<br /> .. Barawer to Benefraar�oNClenceo by o�ar!sing aut a�f t+se faliouv;ng: .and `�-=
<br /> �, �,,::,-
<br />-.��f: alry ez�slons,renewr-.'s orreptacerr�,;:ts theieof,
<br />�;�;: ,, t�gefherwyn��ued lntarr.�arerean r�r�0�a'A7ra1 ces:s,ofe�orceme�»and colfsetlon expens�s.P:�s:rac�to a Guarenty(here#na��tled �R�
<br /> ri�.s"fiu�rars:Y3 of e►rsn d���w1Ur;ar�
<br /> • WNEGtFASs Berrerclary�ar n�:uirex�.as a�ondiTion pr�e�xJ�-nt fo the exte�on of any fri.r�cial accommodaBon to Eonower,th2t Tiusto� �' ��_
<br /> pxecuta ihfs Deed of Trust frar�Ora pury03e of secudn8 pr�rr,�nt of tha Guararrty. --'
<br /> � NON/.7HEREFOR�in cansideratton of tho premises aad to�fha purpase ot secudng(?1.1�aymen�when and as�rae an�yayaDlq a1 tl�
<br /> ' ` '• pbfigatlorttt ot Trtrsror unde►the Gu2iany.(b}�a payment nf al1 other sums.wRh interest thereon,vdr/ch may be aOvarr�0 6y Ben�7ioi�ry or �Y�^
<br /> � +'� Trustee in sccardanCe vdU►o�vihfch m�y bB seCUred by lhls Deed of Tnas�end(c)tha pedampance of all of tAe covenants,egree:.�r�rrl�and �
<br /> �.�= c�IldrNaas hercln conmined,aD ot wNch is Asre►rtafter col�mCtively called U►e'7ndebtedness,"�iustor lrrevocabfy grants and dansfa�s to
<br /> . Tnistee,Jn trusL wiN O�OWER OF SAL�a/l o!th,�foapwing descdbed propertyr. _ --�._._
<br />.:�>:;:.�•. Lot Si�c (6), in Block Two (2), in WP..s� Bel Air Second Addition to the City of Grand Ielaad, �--
<br /> "�`�` Hall County, Nebraelcav _-
<br />`<����:; =-_
<br /> :;� _
<br /> .., .,.. �.
<br /> :Y
<br /> ��ti/�:,�` � -��,
<br /> :,�(�;��,_ �y'�'
<br /> �v�'�'; togefher with p}rill buifdings.strw.trues.addi+Jnns,enfargomems.modi6ca�ons,�epahs.►eplaeeme�ris.and Impravements rww a heraaRer
<br /> . lx�ted th¢rean,(In ali oqulpment,mt+ehtnery and f�roc pndud/ng.wiNwvt e�on.a1117ghang.hea8ng,venBiaUng.coollrrg,a1�
<br /> ' conditianln�,spdnlding and plumbing fixtures,wetei nnd power systems,engines,bdle�s,renges,ovens,dtshwashers,ml►ras snd mantols,
<br /> � caipeUnp,trnr.3ces,oU brtmers,efevators end motor�.refrlgeraUOn plants or unfts.cammrmica�on sysiems,dynamas,�sfame�s,etecbical �
<br /> equipmon�atvmr and screen wfrtasavm,doors,ewnlnD��and sAades)now or heraatte►aitac►red to,o�bulR/n,any butiding w Improvemern --
<br /> � rww ar hersatter located therEOn,(!!!}�li easements and�lpMs o1 way appurtenant thereto,(fv)sll(e�ehald estete,righL tifle artd Interest of
<br /> Truator/n and to sWarrsus,whetA¢�r now o�here�tter er�ng or eMered lnfo Mcluding,r+itho�st frmitai'an,all cash and security deposlGS,
<br /> . ' advnnce rentrlls end deposfffi orpaymer�s o!a aimlla�nAlure),pertalnJng thsreto.fv)ell rents./ssue�,rp��ts and lncome the�efiorr��s:rbJect �,-
<br /> (��e dght r�71:�ta to collect end apply su+ch renm,isS�ues,profits snd rneome as they becar.e da�i�a��payabfe so fong as no axtr•a'of —_,
<br /> � defanit oad3is�:ereandet).(v!)aU roys/tles,mine�al,ot1 bnd gas dgAts and p�afifs,wate�water rigAGS.��7 weferstock(vlq all tener.�.ns. ��'-"
<br /> . Ae�adit,emenis.P�lvileges and appurtonrances belonginp.uraed a enpyed!n connecNan therawltA.an�(viJ)a!1 pracea''-s of conve+slon. �-
<br /> u
<br /> ' valuntary arinvdunta►y,of eny of lfro trxegoing imo cas!r eri•tqutdated ctelms pnc/uding,wtthout limf�on,p10CeE6'S C�"��►Sfl►8►IC9 8►1d
<br />,,�: �.' �cndemaa�cn awards),all of whtch is herelnafm►coltocUveJy called t�e"7nrst Properi',���.
<br /> ;�'.if^i�i:' l. TIUQ.P.�I'lS?5r covenents,wanants and agroes w7h Benefidary,ns succasao�s and assigns tP:�-.c 7nusto�owns Ura�iust ProFat�i�a
<br /> ."°"�'',.• fiqrn r�y prler Ilen or encum.b�ance,that thls Ot�ad ot TiusNs and vriU remain a walld and enbrce�3fe first Hen on the Tiust Pr�ru�y, ..°�-.
<br /> ,,;,-�;c--.
<br /> •�•• thet Tiustor,et tts e�^so,will presenre such UUo srr.d will malmain thls Qeed at tr��st as a first and parerrrount Oen upon the nrst
<br /> ��.�^�'. Properry end w10 to:�.,r�warmnt and dofond fha rrWlx��ry and pdodry of tholle��'�n.rof agalnst the claims o9 all pErso�rs and partles ��-..�
<br /> ,,....
<br /> � •. whomsoever.Trusta�,aJiGa exponse,wlll canaa Uves(h�sd olTiust,and each a�r.c:;dmemorsupp.'emeMherefo,to bo fde0 en =___
<br />'`��,!,;�r:,:: recorded es a moRgago of oho Trust Propery!n sva�mannot�,:C ta such place snd will take su�h actlan as in the opinlon ol Trustee ���
<br /> 1:�.'�;���� may be raqnlred by erty presont or future!aw In orcter to perlece.�!rasntaln and P�otect the�e:�c��h/s Oeed o/TiusL as the samo may
<br /> '�;'•�'��� ` be amended o�supplemo»r�d from Ur,na ro Um�3'^.csw�w.rll rr,�b.•r rvch lutthei esstusirce or cM.,^,uranees to pe►lect Ks tiUe to ihe Trvst _
<br /> PropOrty ss may be required by BeneflClary.Trv�tix":ereby rellr.r,rishes aJ dgrf o!dowe�and homestead tn and to the Tiust PropeAy. -� -
<br /> . 2. Payment ol/ndeDtedness.Tiusmr sg�ees ro pr,�nFL�^'A�wJton due a!i lndeUr•=d►-°ss a�lsing onde�tho Gusranty o�othenadse owed �-__-
<br /> to Banefrolary. �=
<br /> 3. furrds Jor Paymem of Charges.SubJoct to app,'.�x�t{�la�rv or to a wrttten wahie►�y Eenefrciary,Tiustor shall pay to Benefrcl�s�c^�tho - .:�:
<br /> • • 6r8t tlay of eaCh month,or sach oYAer date esch:n�c�tA es may De sp&cillod by Beneficiary,u�l the IndabieUness is paid fr/W1,,a sum
<br /> � (herdnafter caJ/e�the"Funds')aqual to fll2th at.rt"�yea�fy taxes and 8ssessmonts whlch may attaln prioriry ove�thls Deed�7 Trust ��"�`
<br /> d .
<br /> . � ana ground rents on tha Trust Property,if ony,p'us t/12th o!the yea�ly premtum insml/ments!or hazard lnsmance,pius f i12U►o!Phe ''•° �,
<br /> yaarfy premium Installmeats fa mongage in�rrtrcg,il any,all ss reasonably estimate�Inl7alry and from Ume ro time by Beneficlary on
<br />.• tho basls o!assessments and bills attd reesonable eaUmates tbe�eM.Tho Fands shall be held in&n insGhtinn,the deposfts or �^:.;,.
<br /> � account�r o!whlch are lnsurod o�guarantne0 by a federal a stafe agency inc/uding Baneficiary.Ben�clary sh80 appJy the Funds ta �;��
<br /> : pay said taxes,assessments,lnsumnae premiums and ground rents.Beneficiary sha/1 Rot 6c required to pay Tiusim any mterest or �
<br /> - __- eam/ngs on rhe Funds.BanefrGary sP�ati qhro to Tiustor,�vithout charga,an annuuJ eccoun6ng o1 ihe Funds sha:ving cred'rts and ��;�:•
<br /> dststis[o tho FurtCs and the purpase far whlch eacA debit ro the Funds was made.The Funds e+e pledged as auvrnonal secumy for _
<br /> . the lndebtednoss sncumd by this Deed of Tirrst I!tha amount of tha Funds hsld by Bane6dary,fogeNer viith tlre futu�e monUtiy
<br /> E.
<br /> , xiruo�ward�srenc9�nn.�raseoNr * �. .
<br /> $.
<br /> . T i:d..
<br />.. ___—___ � �y���y:_ ..�. - - � ' - . .. . . � ., • '
<br /> K'�X/Ji
<br /> �Y�,�ir� �:. ... � ., .. 1.• �. � . ... . .� . . �• • t •1.. .. .. . .. _ ' ' . . � . . . .
<br />