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<br /> � A.I f• �,s:�-�_.: r,,;:,,aE�
<br /> CdY���+�3t��ba re�au�.at�opdun Ot I.�d�►ii s�ott�ge ussucatsce oove�e(iu t1�e�moaai ecsd Ior dse gr�od �F�'� + , ,•.°�.;�-, r
<br /> t ,f�.
<br /> t i+a t L�b�r�Q�.�e s)D z a v i d c d b y a o�a p�v e d b y I.�d e a a g�n f�o o omd a v a�s$ts�rt d is o b t a l n£d.�oProar�z s�an poy tbe ,;�;4>t�:; .:,,. 'T. ;`• -
<br /> ,<: :,
<br /> p�emium�r�qv�d W m�inmia eco�iya�ns�sueo in e4fe�,ot to g�vIda �Ecss e�sen,e.unti�t8e Yeq��t for ma�,�a ��`,�,t, � •�. :� -
<br /> ' �tads ia aseordance wiW o�y�rs€men a�neaai bttweca Barrawar�d Leadet at applisahle law. �:`, . , � `$�;:,�
<br /> •�, 9.saapccttoa. Leadsr ar 3��ast aeay malre reasonabla eaciies upon aad inspea�n9 ot the Pmpesay.L�d�s2�aII va ���;,��<�.�. �; ��-.F �,--
<br /> II�
<br />-ti•�4 �or�wrr nudce u t�o ama ot�prEar m��nspe�cdoa�xifying�asonable c�se fer the'r�aspecdan. -� ..: . °
<br />� � lm.Candeanattoa. 'Yl�e �., .°��.',�` � � ,, _
<br />:J� �mcesds ot Eny evrard or ctaim far das�age�.dir�or cansequeadal.in oonnec�on wi�my l;:,f;�.'.: ;;�:��
<br /> � coad�nn�on az otPt�ta1dag of sny paR�f ihe Proge�ty.os For conveyance ia lieu of oondemnasion.are hereby as�igne�and �s�-�'"`. . -. �;�;' '
<br /> -�� �11 Q-s�t�Leud� ' �;'<<':``," _.,� =, —_
<br />:,:� in the evsat of a mtal m�Cir�g of the Fcopactyr,ths�r�eeds shati be �, j °? < �''�, �
<br /> $PPH�d to the sams sacured by this Seauity dns�imea� �.;�-., �
<br />, , w6eth�ar aat�a dua,with any e�paid ta�orrow�r.Ia the aveat of a gfudul�fng af the Roperty m wl�ic�ths f�ir m�dcet ;�;��;,:,-�:;r-:.,�r�r,�*,�� . .}�.
<br /> ; valna ef tI'iee R�aptrty�ur►sdi�y before tka ta�ing ts equal to or gceat�r thm the amount of the sums s�cd hy this S�E y �;:��?;�'•�: � -�.�>�..�:`,�. '=-—
<br />."��= �eat Immadi�iy befenz the taldng. onl�Borrow�and Leudea othe�wi� m writin : ilu sums sc�ure�b tt�s ,r;';i;:," : � �.-
<br /> i �� F Y ;,• h-- . ,f, _-�
<br />�. Se�rEry Insocameat shall be r�oad by�ha aiao�mt of the psQazeds md6plied by she foIIowing S�action:(a)the m�l umount of ys,y,;:�,.;..�; } . <-:L<�
<br /> i tha sums sac�ed iminediarely�fara the aaidng. divided DY @)d�e fa�r m�ssket value ot tha Prepr�ey imm befera the ` �;� '
<br /> mking Any batance shall be paid to Barrowr�r.Ia the eveat of a p�al taTcin of the �� '}`�., �'`����-`
<br /> S �D�Y In whirh the fair mtukeR v�lus af the ,,,.,,:. ,.�.� . ..-.a__-
<br /> � � ' r � �F:�:,: ..,. . . .r'i. �. :. "
<br /> : yerty imn�adifuety befare tha tadng is I�s than die amonat of��sums sec�ued immedia.ely befare the �adna� anIe,s� ���
<br />'`��� Eaaucver and Leadez othe:wi.���wrivag ar uat�s sgp�sable 1aw otherwise vides.tke ��;�"°=�-'��-�°}��-.
<br /> Fw p�a�s shatl be�plied m tha r�lf� .x,�f�
<br /> . Eums savrc3 by thls Sec�-riry��ment whethcr ot ao¢v�te sums are then dita. '�-� � ����.° r��-
<br /> �� �'�x�F -,>... .
<br />: .i i�rhe Proparcy is abaado�bf B.;rrower.�r if�aft�r noase by Leader oo Barm�v�r th�u�ha sond�nnor offi�w ma;ce s� _�s< <- — �'�`��':� !
<br /> a�d az seuto a ctaim for damagts.�ormwer fa7s w�e.spoad to I,eader witbia 30 days atLes U►o�ue the noaea is give�� �:��---'--�--�--F—• --_
<br /> is siuttorized w wBect aad apply th�pzoc�ed9,at its optloA,eish�t 0�resm�atinn aY a�alr of tha Firop�zty or to the s�� �''�,,•,:",,":`__�.,�_�,.�
<br /> a ut� �,
<br /> 1,,.'.: ,,,, -�-'�.
<br /> by Yhis Sx�ity Iaswmm�wfl�ta or not thea d�. ' � .
<br /> � Ualess La�.da and Bo��r othawise a�x ia writiu,g,any appIica�na of cw�so i� � -��.�!"�'�=
<br /> �. the du�datr,ot tlte montbt � P�D�ah�9l noi e�ct��at po�Tgoue ��� �,r�,,� ,,�
<br />.<,µ,. Y D�g�r�cs refared tu ia p��1 sad 2 or c6an ge t h�s��t o f�y a y�e a t s. ��;: .�rr� ;�; :r:
<br /> " - 11.Borrowar Not Relea�.�;r��e a�:�s s e B�L s n��r l V u t a W a t t v e r F.x t e a s i o n o f t h a d m a f o�p a y m e r n i o r m o d i E r.�i n n �;,"���'`�.. ` ,�
<br /> v � •
<br />:��r� of amcs�ation of the sams se�.�� u�os`�ui I a s t s u m e a t "'�� `` `�'°�"}
<br />-- F ry �a n t e d b y L e m d e r t o a A y s a o o e�o r i n u n�e s¢o f B a r r�w r�r s l m 1 1 �ts•ti'r• ' ��.
<br />:;f:{ . nat operane m release ehe liab�y of�e cr.'nainai Borrower ar Borrower's snocessaas#u intezast Leader s6uII not ba n�a�to y1',�,�,�,_ �.,*^.t::`:`� .+�r.
<br /> z
<br /> c a m m�c x p�o c e r A i n g s a g a�s;f a r.y a�c c e s s o z i n i n t�r e s e c c c e f i�s e t o a c t e n�t i c�a e f o r y m y m w t o r o d i e v�e m a d i f y u a�o�Y i o n o f i'I��,�,, „ � •`-.,; , .
<br /> � t�e su�an soaued by this Sec�r:g�L�umer�t by aea�oA��y demand made by the ori�inal Bomacva or BarcawEZ's suoo� , ��';, �s v. .,;. --
<br /> ;: : �tnteresL Aa £srbearaace b Leaider in va�ecr.�:n an r t ur reau�° sh�not be a waives of ae reclude tho�o�aa ft, � �:: .t , , I.: .
<br /> � Y Y 8 Y �8� � p y �Y . :
<br /> ,,: : - rigntasiemedy. ��1 .. _ :_:,..
<br /> :��:;r ,. .'
<br />��;i`�,:�� u.SIiOLY�SA3 9IId
<br />,;�, As�:g�Bavs�rl;Jomm¢and Sev�r�I Liab�ttyi Ca-�;�ers.'�"�.,.e cove�►ts amd }�� 'TM "',��'� -'�-=
<br /> s�m of � ��N�F.; . �.;�:.��- ���: :. _
<br /> • ;� Seauity Inson�ment shaU ��r�n1�enefrt the s�aoce�cr,s:a�d assigas of Iender��Bormw�s. subjact to �ke�rr�rltions TfP ��,�r<<. •;"^ . ,. :�,—�
<br /> ' , D�agraDb 17. BormwPr's arvemanis and agreemea�s � 'de joint artd savaal. �3+ Bosrow¢� wha c�sig��3 S� ���� �`. ��'. `•. .
<br /> �;.,� _:�.:,..
<br /> s���r L�suument bat daas not execute tha Nut� �"a2)LS CO�Si�iJg thiS SlCtuity 11LS011�uteAt Oilty W mplijjtlg,0.Bti�T&is$�ca�v�r E� >>,. , }>� ,,. .;
<br /> :;•. , Bartower's interest in the Pro�ty undsr�x�ms of ehL�Seciuity Insaivmen�(b)ts not pa�sonally ob1��w p�thsa� ;t�-� �}`^� . :.� �. ._j
<br /> '�;�-�' secuted hy this Sepuiry Insuumer►�and(c)�thaY L�adea and an other Bonower ma �����'�`_; _ _
<br /> Y Y�to eatesd.modify,fo�or ��`��`� � .
<br /> ,. msL-e any accammodariot�wial r�gnrd w the teams ot t�,:E�.-�uiry Inswment or the N��wIthout�1uit Bacroa��'s c.tuseat 'ft��`. � ,
<br /> gn -- --� _._..
<br /> 13.�aaD Char�es. Ilf�e 3oaa aaured by ttiis S�j:asaument i�subjxi m a�aw ahic�cets mo�cfiuiwn;as�+eLst�„ -%)r:s,��'��� .,"�,� :.....,
<br /> I '
<br /> ..�� ��, snd that taw Ls fiaalty intarpretad so ti�i the u�ta�st or ot�`,ar 7�an .r�L'xted crr xt be colie�d�eawe�eSon wlth iho laaa ,,.•., ...�•. �
<br /> •, ,} at � ;. ,t�,,..,.-� . �,�._
<br /> �� .•.. excecd the permirus3 Umits.theA: (�Sily Sud1103s1 Cfk�g6 Sh3U b8 te��l'i�y ihe d..�:DUAI O�6II 1Gdt10tZ 1h0 CList$0 tD d1C r �,:�. �' � . . _
<br /> yr -, permitied limiC su�d�b)a�sy aums aLe�ad eoltrcted froru Borrower ahicfi�sceeded ' `'� ' .:� :
<br /> , +. Y � �.��ted Wuts�1 me refundod to Barroar.� c ���
<br /> `� `i Lend�x may ehoosc to mzYe •�ds refund by redacing ths�ii�scipal owed tueder C.'h�Rvota or by maldng a cluec�paymau to ,'�s, '�-w
<br /> Eur.varr.If a refund red��es�ancipal,the nducdon sr��be treate�as a Raidsil pre,�r,ymtat without any pie�t cAarge % .` . �
<br /> ,�;"�r�,.:. r:
<br /> ��; emG�theNota , •*�y� �t•r —
<br />. s�_., , 14.Nattce� �+�sy naHse w Horrow��vided for in tt�Socuriry Is�sorument sheD ba given Ly�let�varing it or by ma�tng it � , ',:: . , i . �, ��
<br /> ,�;.; . by fust elasv e�t u�nless applicab2a taw�ucs ose of another method.11ie Ao6ce shall ba d'uec¢�u�the Prope:ty Add�a ar �f:.'� .
<br /> � , j-., , u+ �
<br /> siny oti`ter adQPess Botruwv deslgr�ates by nance to Iauder.Any nodce w Leud�r s�ll he gtecu Te��.�°ss c�mail to I.endes'a , ����;":�:.� • .
<br /> addcesa sta1W hereln or any aQ�ar addiess I.ender dese�y�,s by notice m Bormwev My aoUOe�vaded��s ic�ti11s Seauiry � '°�""�'�'`
<br /> YnsOrumene st�alE be deaned to have been gtveia to Borrowu cr Luider w6eu given as Dmvided in ttt's��agraph. � `,.;;;', �:;�� : .
<br /> � 15.CovtrIIl�r�g Laiv;�evernb�tty. 7his Securiry Inswmeat s�r�; be govemrA by feda^� 4�w and the law of t}� � �:: `{? * . -�.
<br /> �
<br /> . � k iutisdiaion ia ceiticdb tf�e Pioperty i�locateA.In tP�e eve�i that any ps�r-r�sion or clause of this Se�cuaity tn�tnunent or tho N� , S`�{.,sfi;ty,�, ' : . ..
<br /> conflicts witA p . ,,`�.•. • .
<br /> ay��»cable law,such conflict shail not affect other mvisions of this Seauriry lnswment or the tdote whtch can 6e ���;�,�-.=�.:;�.''+'�:,..�:��:;��.
<br /> . ti given effcet witl:�out the c�rc,.",i:Sng proviston.To this erad�he pmvisions of�his Seccnir.zr Insrrumeau and tha Nou are daiare�to '�i��,�,`• '�. ,: D�•'� .'::�..,, .
<br /> ? 6e sevPrdbk. ';1�;���4 ',; :r>� • -
<br /> ; ., ;;}�.:v
<br /> ':� : ;.., :,;.•. '
<br /> r�F.� � Foreni02_ '����/�Op , ��.;at�i'� "�°,:
<br /> � �'6R�NE��l2t2► V�ys�ot� m41a4:�VV�� i'. .,:,i���[���'e.' . ..
<br /> 'I.Y1\'{(��4t�. '�.; ��wci''
<br />. ( j��J 1• ---.
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