.._. . , C: - � ( . '. ' ; - . . � ' . .'., ''<.� # , ' {.c "�(��5 ' - - i.� '{. . . ., ., ._ .
<br /> - .. -, ' `r..'� < <. ' '" � "� E -`:f�tl r f(r���Fz . . " ' '- ' � . �� � r, -
<br /> — �-. � f� fY��'`� . - F .. .V� �(t
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<br /> . .' _ '_. j. t .--�- ' . �t`. l �T-•'�:: �� .. .. �y�_ . . _ . —
<br /> • —r—
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<br /> •a-.y 4. `cU��"tt�a�c���^
<br /> � RE-RECG�D�D 9��. .����� . �'�� �����°�� ' �. ,, a , • . �--�'-�--'.._ �__
<br /> Qn}�menta�ay no loiiger be teqtquad�ut th€opttae�Qf Lcnder,if maiP,��:Ynsuran&�cove�age(in the amount and[or 1�i�pc�d• "���--'.�`��
<br />� tbat l.�oder requtres)pravIdedby an insurcr appaovedby Leudur��in hecoraesavailabia aad is a�taIned.•BortowcrshaU pay ��:.�`,�,�y"�'`°-
<br /> ,,:., �:-
<br /> tkepremiumsrequEredto maiatainmortgageicsuraasein eftuct�m�.ur.pravide o tua res�rvc�u�tal the requiremee�tfor m.ortp,�e °; .,'�. . .. .-
<br /> iasursince ends ia accosdaac�wi�t6 aay writteo ag�eeatc�¢bctarr�n�Iaaow�er aad i�ader or spplicabte inw. '�`''���r'�;���_
<br /> n �
<br /> 9. [nsgec¢tr�a.Lender or ita ogent may mafie ra2�cnab2e entr�:s upan aad in:�cc�ions of the PQOgerty►.1.ender shall�}vc . ;„�'�u,`#�.v_
<br /> Horrower notice at thc time of or prlor to an inspecison sgacifyiq�reasonable cacus for tbe iusgecuon. ��,,:°�..�,,'�_.
<br /> = i{i. Co��aa�fl�. Thc�Sra�aof€ny aeeatd a3 claim for �Q g�rest or consequential,in canuection with any - �--- - _';.�- _
<br /> oon8emnatianor other taking of any part of she Progerty,or for coaveysaee ia lieu of condemm�atio�,are hereby assigned an� .,� ..•� �.. +��`:. :�
<br /> _.:r,� .
<br /> S�12llZ1Ejl�[O�.CIIaCT. ;.�t'J–r.'•��,������ �
<br />: . In the avent of a total taldgg of t�Praperty,tfle procecdssliaIl 6e appliedto t6e s�s seauedby this Security Instrur�en3, :c;�;,;;-? �
<br /> whetber or aot thsa dwe,with any exc�gaid to Bon+�wer.Ire tfie eveut of a pa�l ta�a�of the Prope�r ia vihi.t�h the fair : ..�'.��=,.:ef..
<br />,,;�, narkei value of the Property immediatelybefore the ta1�g is equal to or g¢eat�r tbaa t�e anaount of the s�.�ns seaued bY this ,s;..° ,�,: ��:.;�,�:
<br /> Secusity Yars�mentimmediatetybefore the taking ucdess BoaoweraadL�u�der othernise agt�ze in writi�, th�sums seauedby ;,;�,,,�t���F,,_
<br /> this Seairiry H�smiment shall be reduced by the amount of ti�e pmcxec�s�aidbglied by the foltowing fraction: (a)tLe total _.-
<br /> a
<br /> -` amount of the sams seauedimmediatelybefore the taldmg,divided bJ+(b)the fass maplcetval�ee of the Praperty imme�iately � � �..�- ��-:;,--
<br /> before the taidng.t�ny balance s6all be paid to Boirower.In the ev�,mt of a�}p�og tAe Fru�criy€n wLich ths 4'air ��,�"�---- --— ._
<br /> marlcetvatue of the Properigrimmediatetybefus�the taYing is lesg thaathe amouu2oE t�e svms secaredsm�ediatelybefare We _*.'.�'�
<br /> ' .�: takbsg unIessBorrow�aadLeaderoi�ceminsea�t+eein��g�uaiess applirableTaw ot�cawistpmvides. thepraceedsshall �e,;..�r,..�_,_^
<br /> � be appTied to 2�s�as seaaed hy tlus Securiry Y�s3rament whetber or not the sacas are tI�en due. __--- - _,
<br /> -;.�'�`s=. If t�el�Tcageityis a�aadonedby Boaawer,or i�afternoticehy Lenderto�arrowertbatthevondemaoroffers to makeaa . :--
<br /> �.;;, a-c�rd or settte a claim fi�a damages,�arrower fa�s to respon�to Lend�r wi.Uun 30 days after tha date ctae aatice is gxven, : �,?r '�•};;.",_
<br /> r�:' �deris authorizedto o�llau and ap�by the prooeeds,at ita optioa,eithes W r�t�tionar repa'v of the FrQ�m(t�ar to t'��s ¢'; ?:f�`F�, -
<br /> .��.' sEar�red by tLis Secarity Ifr�ttment,e;T�er or not thea due. �'��. ; <.
<br /> __.:_:_� Un1ess Lender and Boaower c�+��arise agree in v�itiag aa�r apP�c��n of paoreec�i�privapal s�nat�w�+crr ; , �.�� ,
<br /> t f "-
<br /> - castgone the due daLe of the manthlY Pal�ments refened to ia par�Ls 1 t�2 or ct�ange t�Ce amouai o f r�paymer�. __. ,;':,�� l _:.',,�
<br /> ,�E;'. � ,
<br /> iL Bor��r Nct 113�ased;Forbearancd By L�der Not s�rCver. �.*��sion af the time.for gay�;��r mo''c.�tati�n '. _ y;.
<br /> ' �f an2ar�onof ths�s-securedby t1�is Seaurit3►�nstroment��3by l�rrdo aay saccessor in intere�ef l�oarow�xs�sll �+-:�t�•
<br /> -.�==;fl-, IIOII�E�7�G4�r�ease`.ae�b�ttyoft?�r�rig'utalBarmwerorBu��u�ar'sss:�:.�miat �'' Lendershal3,notbereql�ic�� , �':` .
<br /> "� . cam�teur�e;a�r���st any�eco�ssar ia lnterest or ref.���.4 r�d ti:���ar pa�3rme:Cd�r.,�;herwise modify am � �ac�.. � �f o�; i,..
<br /> urt . , �
<br /> •�<� of the su�s s��d!t 'L'�tic5 �3 9 L[U meAt L�.te?SG8�����Iru F t�b}1 t h 6 C�:�S O i t 0 9/C T O Y�0 7 k�h R 2 1 F� r. '�,.'fi,�'°}�. 4 � s}'`
<br /> �17- ��9 ' ; ''�''`�, ���r��: ,•
<br /> s u e c e s�o r s i a i a i e r��r s p i t��b e a r a�ce b y l a a d e c i�r�c�s a c f f r�t a a�y s s L a l l aoi be s waiver of oi ptech�d�Ylte ';,^.}�. �-°S�;,i '� , ��.
<br /> La 1 '� ,
<br /> e.xercase of any right or r�edy. ,�t .��`'�'.`��:�.<
<br /> ,;d'��i:�'�� �-,
<br /> Lt. Sacasswe an8�4ssigas Bca�3; �afa3 wnd Sever�� �i�c�• 'i'he cor�enants aad agteementsaf this . .�.�,�.
<br /> c
<br /> Sw•trity�nstrument shaD bind and izenefrt the successars aud assippsa of Lcader and Batsawet,subjcd to the pravisimns uf , ,'.:�;t�;�}�;:�"
<br /> ' . P��Ph 17. Borrawer's caveaaats aad ag�eements sball i�jo�t and saveral. Aay Borrawer w�o co-signs this Seciuity ': W :. -
<br /> Iastr�entbut daes nat eaecute t be Not�(a)is co-signiag t h i s S e c u:i�►I n s t r a m e n t w n t y t o�o r t�g�,�r a a�a n d c o n v e y t L a t ,,#,f_�_-
<br /> . .Boaawer's interest in the Property imder the terms of this SecnritY Ta�rumea�(b)i�aot persoaalty obligated to pay tDe sums - `�,:,:...�_
<br /> - secaredtsytbisSeciuity-Iasorument;and(cjag�eesthatl.enderaada:►yothcrBorrowermayagreewexte�4.mod¢Y.forbearar • ;,:''`?�."
<br /> � .. malce aay accommodations witL reprd to the terms of tfis Secuziry Instrument os t�e Note witho�t tbat Bosrawet's consanL
<br /> � . !3 I�o�Cha�es.Yf tbe Ioaa secured by this Security Iastramentis snbjed to a law afisch sets ma�cimum Ioan c2�arges, ��,y-•,
<br /> .� and tbat law is finally iater�pretedso tmat the iaterest or ather Ioaa chargca calieded or to 6e colfected in conaec�ioawith the ��._�`�z�g�=,-=r•.--_
<br /> . loan eueed the permiteedtin�iYs,thea:(a)any such taaa cbarge sLall be r�ducedby the amoimtneces�ry to nduce tho charge ��._��;,�r�
<br /> ' � . W the l�mi�and(b�any sums already collectedfrom Barrowesahtch exceededpermiGtedrunita w�l be refuadedto �'`r��
<br /> ���• llc a
<br /> Sarrawee.Lcnder may choase to malce tbig refnad hy reducing tha prmcipal owed �u►der tiie Note or lry aaaTang a direet ,.,...__,.. _ �
<br /> �u
<br /> �, paymeut to Sanower.lf a sefund.redaces�riacipal, the redu�xaon w11 be treated as a partial PnPaYII►ent wit�eras aay :�'�'�"';;�
<br /> prepa}�ment c6arge uudcr ehe Note. �
<br /> ` , . ,: . :
<br /> .. 1�6 Notkeq.A�rru�tirx to Boaaarerprovided fi�r in this Securiry InsWments�a116e p,�ven by delivesis.3�t ar by�a�ing . . .°:.--".�_�-.
<br /> @
<br /> it isy fust�1ass ma�ual�ss applicab2e taw requires use af anntdiermethod.The aotice sball be directed W the 9�mpert;rM3dtess ,.�'�,:x..-•`"�`
<br /> or an other address Borrower tes aoticx to Lender.An aotice W Ltnder sbaII be�nren by fast�rda:u'�to '.v .�. �_-''
<br /> y �.� bp Y . .... . �
<br /> � l.endr.r's address statedhe��eia or ajzSr�er addressl.enderdes�r:,Zeairy notice to Bosrorier.Aay notice prmnde°fnc iirr;��iis . `.��+�'�?� :
<br /> h � '
<br /> Sectuiry?��—�sha:9 be deemed to havc been�vem to Ba�.v�,v.�;r or Lender when�veA as provided ia t�is parag�i{�. ,�-s„:• '
<br /> . �=-.
<br />' 15.Gover�teg �; SevaabDlsy. This S�auriy Ia�ertt sball be gavera�d by federa}1aw aad the�� csf the :_ -- :
<br /> jutisdi�on in wbich the Propertyis L�cated In�e event that�m�frovisioa o=elause o1 tbis Secaui2y ir�tru��*�t EPJt:�I�dote :,,s,:� � ,_,'f
<br /> • wniti�wit�applieabletaw, such oauJlir�stiall not affect ottser�vv.isions of tl�is Security�,vmentortlie Note�u�t..c�ru be ��; �.,,, '�� ;-.�=:
<br /> . givaa eff�Lwithout tbe canflidiag�cac+i�on.To�is end the.pr�rision3 of this Secnrityt In..�zvresentand tHe Note are�t�xred ';`'.: �---
<br /> � tobeseveta6le. _`..:,��::r_�a_�
<br /> 16. Borr�w�r's Copy.BorrowersLall be given one oonformedcopy of the Note and of this Secariry Eor�smeat �":_
<br /> � Fam soZ�� ��_—�----
<br /> ��iRRir'J�tap ww�«� r,nsrc �_�`–
<br /> F"'e°-._-s.- -_- - .
<br /> ' `;— __ —
<br /> .-sp"�'�-r+-r-��.�.
<br /> . . � . .�. �,_Y_
<br /> .. .' . . ' � ' ' . . , . . �• . . . . ': , . -.�� --
<br /> � - . . , _ . ' ' ' • • . . '. ''{'Y. ,�,
<br /> ,. . • • �.. . -�-
<br /> . .. . . . . .. . .' .' .. • ;.f!•t�S�• . . - -'+--- . �'
<br /> . f
<br /> . . � . . .. . . . ' . . . . ' , . �
<br /> . �. . , • -
<br /> ` � �. , • � . , ' _ ' . � _� ' . ', . . • _,,�,��. _ .�r",
<br /> . ' ' ' . . � . . � . . ._ .:
<br /> . , . . .
<br /> . . .
<br /> . . � . ,, .� .. .
<br /> _ . ----.�—_—._. �_---•— ' - - ---- -- -- — _---�_ • -
<br /> - -- - - -- ._,_--,_- _ _.�-••- -- . ... , .. .� -- --
<br /> .• . .
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<br /> � ' . � •.. . . . . • . '- ' . . _ ' . . . -i�rt.'.
<br /> ' . . . , _ • . • : . � ' . , , . � . ' `.
<br /> . . . . , . . . '�. . " . . - - . . .
<br /> � • . .` � .. .� . . . • ' ' , '' , � • . . � ' . •. .. •.l. .. • . • � � �. .. �l� " _ .
<br />