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<br /> . TOGET'HER9NiT�all the ir¢pravementsnow or hereattcrerededon the proP�rtp.and a11 easemcnts,pppurtenances.and ,�. �(:;,�'-`�r4, -
<br /> `r �_ ",�:... .� r. :. ..,,- �
<br /> Sxiiues no�r or her�ea�tei a'part of the progeriy. All replacements and additioas s6aU also be oover�d by t3is Security � �«�. �.. . ' _-
<br /> : E�stavmen�AI!of the ftuegoiag is refemad to iu tbis Security Insintm�ent as the'Property.° '. <� p�,��! ;".-::`._.�
<br /> — BO�tRO�'lEF�OVEPIAN`IStiaatBorroweris lawfu}I sei�edof the esL�teher ' �' rr`"''T�'�""
<br /> y eby co�veyed aad has the right to grant aad {
<br /> - - cronvey the�roperty and t�at the Propsreyis nnenarmbered,excegt for en�br�noesof record.Boamwerwarrants aad will ---=——:-
<br /> defend generally the title to the Prop�ty against all ctai�s and dema�ds,subjed to auy en�cumbrances of record. ,, . . � -
<br /> THI�S�CRAELITY@IS'i'RUNiENT'combines uniform covenants for natioaal use and noa umform covenants with limited - .... , '�'�'�—.
<br /> variations by jurisdidioa Eo constitate a oniform u�,tran�ent rav real ro ;u�"'��"`t''`'w�'�=''�°•
<br /> �e�ritY� eris{3 P Pe�Y• _• �,�;f�,.�.
<br /> . UI�'ORMCOi/ENAPPfS.Bormw$randLendercovenantandag��folbuws: ,` - ---- _ �
<br />.. l. Faymea4 a+P P�iadpal aad int�es� 5'r+ePa3'm�tE uaud�C,fr�ea. Bonower shall pro�ptly pay �uhea�ue t� � '',;Y��:��7`s;�
<br /> pritticpal of and anterest on the d�bE evidenred by the R•o€e aurl�acp FrePagmens aud late charges du�tucdc-�the 1�date. ._ ',.�,:_ ___,..<_„-
<br /> . �.E[md�far'1`aaes and B�,*�„�_S esi to a ' 1aw or to a wzitten wa:-ver Lendez,Barm��s s�raI! �
<br /> u6i ��re hY F�aY t� •-s�--� r • _
<br /> Len�eron the day manthly paymeats aze dne uaderth�Note,;cnt�the Noie is paad ia fiill, a sum("Funds� for.(a)y�a3y ta�es =• � �;=��
<br /> and asstssmentswhis£a may aitainpriority ov+er this Seciuity Insuamsatss a Ir:a on t�ePro (b) IeaseZt�td a m�a� }. _��� `'��f,�-
<br /> P�Y Y�tY 4 S► �_� -
<br />' . or gronad reais aa 4p:�PtoPertY,if aay,(c)Yearly ha�udar gzopeaty����,.- gnod insura� ��,,, - -
<br /> C�Y�Y ��-� �s';���+_-__;�
<br /> i�a�;te)Yeaz1Y mwrtgaSeinstuancePremiums,if aaY atul�fl.a�►Y�.��2e bp 13a,aavPeato l.ender,in accaas�'.�ncewith ;:•: I- ..�:�:�;-�.--
<br /> the�oas of ParagtaPhB� in lien�of tBe paymentof m�s���F ressi�s.Tt�e itess aae caIled"Escrow Items.' `��' :r-:
<br /> Y.ender m2y, at aay eime, col2ect and ho2d Fesn,ds in an a�::ai nai to�ts�r�i t��um ama�m.�a!�der far a federalSy < <. � t.�,'
<br /> rclatedmortgageleam�ay reqtrirefaa Bmav.�¢s's escrow accoimtusdr�tf�€�eralE�eal FstateS %�tProseduresAct of -- '.�'�!'�'�';;
<br /> �a._
<br /> 1974 as amended�dme w time� 12 U.S.�, Sedion 2601 et seq. ��°),uuless anotheata.�t3r�.�i applies to the Funds� { --"�'-�r�::
<br /> •:'•'� sets a lesser amovnt If sa, Len.e�a may, at any timey caIIrxs aad hotd F;�.�.'cs in aa a��y:.2 asr2 w�xed d�e trsser amounL . `''"�; _. '�
<br /> '..� i.endermay estimatetfie affiou�c:�alf�nds dr�on the bas%{�-t;amenidataand 4ea+antlsli��n°•?n��t eapendituresof iitiure ' ""�- _ �;. . �"-'
<br /> `�� Escrovv Items or otherwise in a�ce wif�n�plira6le f�-� _ A"..
<br /> ',.! The Fands shall be held�an instii�ia,z whose d �are s��h° a�rxlr�L:� T�isttm or eai „ .".,�
<br /> � � .� *�3'. �lY� �Y ": ��;,,:'
<br /> ' �a Lender,if Lendea��an rosfitutaan ar ia an NederatiT3rau�Ltam BzrJ�L�s�s)ls• th�P�t FA a tlx � °'`
<br /> � �u�8 ) � ��' P Y .,;,o��T;•..
<br /> ; � Fs�aow Items..Lenderma�r,at c3�nc,�Borrower for h�oldin��zi�¢�JJi�t�Fuads,s�im�r�Ly a�I����nc�:t�uc .��r,
<br /> rt.y +.:
<br /> � verifymgtbeFsczawltem�a�l:�Lsnde=paysBorrourer��ast9t�L^�dsandap�l3carLtyelaw�P,�,����r -L���ac6t �� ''�"`
<br /> '' a ebarga Ho�v�ey�er�.eq�reHozrowesto pay a ac��for an sndegeadenireale��'E�ka�reg�irtfa�,rc,�eavise '�'?`Y:
<br /> ased by l�ender im cx�esfiion vrith tbis loa�, unless applirahle 1a�v �t¢csvides oth�wise. [Jr.?eas�rn ug��emeui is made as �� .�>',+�
<br />' ,.-:� : applicabislaw req¢iresiatecestto be paitD,LendershaU not be regusredto pay Bonowerany in2ECCr�t�e P'a�;�on theFnnds. .�''��`'��`
<br /> Borrowez and leuder ee ia .�°.1;,
<br /> maY ag writing, howev�tbat:.�estshall be paid on the P�ds.Leade�sbal3�re t�o 9acrower, �� ' ����` .
<br /> . wrthoiu ebarge,an annual aocounting of the Fundg,showiu�c�edits and debits to the Y'nnds and the piup�e�frc¢��sfiie�each ,::��-::n�_.�.
<br />� ^ . debit w the Funds was mac�The F�ds are ptedged as adaTtia�nal sec�ity for aII sams secured by tLis Securiry�mtrt�menr. -���:�
<br />� : : � If the Funds he2d Lenderexceed the amounts
<br /> :�n�t;`�':.�lt
<br /> by pezmittedto 6e pield by app]icablAlaw,Lendersball aaean�tto Borrm�r � :•, ;
<br /> ... :: fot the ezcess Ftmds in avcordaucecvith t�e req�i�ementsof applicab2e law If the amotmt of the Faads heeld by D.ender at any ��
<br /> .�{ ' time i aoi suffiaent to pay ths EscrawItemswhea dae,Lendermay so notify Boprawerin aatinp,and,in sucb case Borrawer ���� �
<br /> � { shall pay w Lender the aanount necessary to malce up the defiaeary. Boaower shall maYe up the de�eacy ia qo more th�n ����'-�.'s�_
<br /> , �YPa3� �► �....�..�..:r��-�'o:,��
<br /> .,., . twetve mon en at I.cnde�s sole discietian. �,---_:�.:-
<br /> 9 ' Upon p�eni�in hill of a!1 s�ms secared by tfis Security Iastntars�at,Lender ehall prom�y vefuud to Borrox+er aa� � ''�`,}`: =
<br /> i.� Faada beW tiy Lead�r.I�vader Parag�aPm2], I,ender shall acqu�re or ac�ll:if�:;Prapetty,Leader,p�r to the soqoisitian oz s�Ie ��r���,t�4�t�
<br /> �{.: of the Properiy,shaU apply a�►Funds held by Lender at t�e time of aoq}u:d'tion or sale as a credit s�in�t t�e sams sec�redhy ����'"'�"��a"+�°
<br /> ,•) . thisSec�ri�y?��*�nnrnt _�,,;
<br /> - . . .. '.,;a;..,.
<br /> � . 3.AgpliaiUo�af Paymeats.Untessapglicab2eiaw pmvidc�a�eccv3se,aII paymentsreceivr.dby lr,adesaad�r�r�raplis '`-''�°=--:=�=;••�, �
<br /> �:�:
<br /> PF��, �Y P�P� �S��e��ertbe Ftcte;�econtl,fo amouata�aguli�undep Fa�ag�aP�2; cJ�fiL-
<br /> .. I °. i aad 2 shall be a to r ent
<br /> � � �:�';r�:.
<br /> �. � tbird,to interest d�te;fourib,to prmcipal due;and last,to an}r late�c�e under We Note. . ��c�F;-
<br /> ��� � 4.C�ae�esi It�as.Honowzr sZ'�all pay af.�t�es,asses�ents,c2aarges,f�aes aad impositions aftr3utableta tite Psopeae� -� ��
<br /> :....� ' wbi�h m�y attain priority aver tbia Sepirity Iastrument,a8�31e�seLold payments or gRaimd rents,if asry. Bona�xrc�r,t�ds pag � � �-••R�}=..-:_:,:�±.,-.'
<br />.� tLss�obliEations in the m�nnerpravided in parapfap62�or if not paid in tt�at marmer,Barrowersd�at9 pay tLemaa ti�e�"stect[y = -- —r�;'�;'"�=�� ::
<br /> � to the personowed payment Borrow�rshaU grampily faraish to l.endera�nmiires of amonatsto be paid uadert�is parag�aglz. -�.
<br /> ; If Bana�ver malces these paymeats dire�xiy,Hc�rrower sbaII PromPtlY ftu�h to Lender receipLs evIdettciag 3he payments. � ���
<br /> : B o r r o�e r s h a l l p r o m F U y d i s c t�r g e a a y i i e n w t ri c h L a s p ri a r i t y a v c�t i s�S c r r.u i t y I n t h-.m i e n i u n 2 e s s B o r s o w e e:(a j a g r e e s i n .r,.;;�����.`
<br /> ` writing to tbe paymeni oi tLe ohli�ation securedby the lien in a m�an$racceptab2eto Lcader,(b)cont�tsin good!'aitfi t�e ti� —�_=..--�: "
<br /> � � by, or defeads a��t eaforc$ment of the lien iq tegal proceeding�whie8 in the Lender's opiaion opetateto prevent the �°_�'�����
<br /> : enforaemwtof t�$f:en;or(c)secures&am the ho2dep of the lien an agreementsatisf�tary to Lender subordinatiqgtbe lien to --—__ --
<br /> . i �seca�y��.��a������a�y�e oi u�rropeYey�s s�njed co$t�en wt,�ie���y►�pri�;cy� a
<br /> 3 tlus Securiiq Instrttment,Lender may�ve Borrower a noticc identifying the lien.Bonower shall satisty the tien or take one or e°-- _�-
<br /> ' more of the aarans set fartb abave wiWin 10 days of the g�vmg of notice. �-y-----�-=--�
<br />:.' t °°�, r-a-�^,. -
<br /> fa��� a '�"•--
<br /> ���iEl at�v va�.:a o . ��`;'
<br /> . ; . . —
<br /> • . ' � - , . . . ' .: � .� . . : ' . �. - , . . . . . � . _ . �:t�+'�?�a��' n.
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> .. • - - - • ' . • . _ .. -�., . .:..�- -� .,.� . .' .l.t.".. .-=.,=ti-,—c-F�
<br /> • - � , p � . . . . . � . � - � _� , . . . . . , '" .. •� ' __
<br /> .. . _ ; . � ' � . . . . . . - . � . "'. - . - � . �.. �, . ' � �� ' •� � � - , • _-
<br /> ,-. . : . . , .. . . _ . . - ... � . , � ,. : �. • ' - : , _-.
<br /> , � � . - ' � �. � ' . . � � � ' �. ' �. ,. .�Y ' • • . ... � .. . � � . . • � ' � •--
<br /> . . � .- � .. .. - . � � _� ' - � . . ' . ' '(. . . . ' � � i.
<br /> � �. --. . . . . . . . _
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<br /> . . ...:..... .. '..,....__._._.._ .._. .. , - : - .. _..._. - . ' . .... __. . .. .., .. . _ . � • .. �
<br /> ,
<br /> . ;.r . . . . . � . . . . . .
<br /> • •. . . : � ..-� .� (1... .� � ' ,i.. . • . �.. � � ° '` . ... . _ . � .,
<br /> . , .i- .. . . .. . . .. � ' ' _ '. � - ' ' .. .. �' .. . . - " _ .: � .. . .. - � '
<br />