. .. . �. , .} a . � _ _ . . _ .
<br /> _ � . . . � . . . .. . .� . . . �Yt��...��s.�-a.r�"" . .
<br /> ":t t u- •, ,- ` �'�-;. ..- 2. • n.� • i • � C . .�- - � `�l
<br /> �^ . ��� �{�e l 4,.
<br /> rt�{, 1
<br /> IL'va�i� trr�i..� �
<br /> -� • • ..�..
<br /> ��{ . Bortower may curo such a dsfauft and reinstate. ns pr�vided +n paragraph tA. Eiv�M�!PQ thrr actian sr gr�ceading to ba - . , -,��_,,1. -�
<br /> � 3lsmissed vvith a ni�htg tha� in Lenders good taith determination, precludes foAeiture of ihe Borroweis intes'est in tho Propavly ar �r
<br /> s o t t�e r m a t e r L�l U n p 2 G m e n t o i t A e l i e r f e re 2 t e d b t hi s Secu� Instrument or Lender's secu r i i y interest Borrawer shali atsc be in � %f'� � '� �.;,''' � �~
<br /> Y rtY I� •-. :.. �� �;' . �• �.
<br /> � • definvlt if Borrower.during the Ioan app lirstion pr�cess, gave ma te r i a 4 y t a l s e o r i n a x u r ate infarmation or stat�ments to LFi9d¢c(Or .. 3: ; � . • , ;-
<br /> � faled to provide Lender svith any materiai i�ormation) in eonrsecL'on wf?h the loan svid2nced by the Note. irttludng, but not , ':� � ` ; •;��rr���
<br /> 4 @mited to. represeniattons conaeming Bortow�'s occupancy of the Prope�y as a prfncipal restdance. It this 3ecuriry � ,-/,`• � �. �;�, - ,,Z�
<br />- Y Instrument is on e leasehotd. Borrower shall compty wi�.h all the provis:ons o1 the Iease. 14 Bo[rower acqu;res fee tiffe to the ` ;�;: l�y: ;. J__<��-
<br /> s Property,the ieas�hold end the tea title shail oot merge un!ess LendEr acgess to the m�rge►in wriUng. i. �: ,..� .
<br /> as..
<br /> 1 }...�.: ,. ; ,
<br /> , 7. P►o4eCt60l1 Of l.ender's Faighffi iro the PrOpet°Ey.It eorrawer tatls ro pertortn the covenanu and a�e�^r:�2nts t� .. = �
<br /> =; contained in th[s Seauriry Instrument, or 4here is e lega!proceeding that may sigrficanUy aftect Lender's riglits in thtY Praperry � -�;� s � .�` � k, - --
<br /> (suc,l�as a proceeding in baniwQtcy, probate,for candemnation ar tnrfeiture or to entorce tsws or regulattores).Men Lfnd2r m3y � • ,iK •.:. # l, . , ;�:
<br /> k� •,.. .
<br /> � do and pay for whatever is necessary to protett the raiue et the PropeRy and Lender's�ights in the Prcperry. Lead2r's acttons 'vf u��� �� , `=�
<br /> rtay inGude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priomy over this�Securily Insuumenl. appeanng in court. paying � �J �- --
<br /> ceasonabla attomeys' fees and er�tering on the Praperty to make repa�rs. Although Lender may take accfon under tivs parngrnph � " � `• ; 3'
<br /> j 7. Lender does not have to do so. " . ,� � � -�
<br /> , My a,�nounts disbursed by Lender uader paragraph 7 sha11 become adtLtional debt of Bormwer secured by tt�s Sesunly !'; � t . °
<br /> �nstrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paymen� these amuunts shaU bear mtErest hom the date ot � _� .;. :� ;�.� , `�;
<br />° � disbursemeni at t4te Note tate and sha�be payabte,wiih mterest. upon notice fram Lender to Borrower requesEng pay�ent. ,::r�;.��:�•�. [ � , r� `'�;.
<br /> � � I'�•
<br /> As � 8. MOYtQage Insur'dnC9. ff Lender requ'ved mortgaga inserance as a conQiGon of matdng th� loan sea�ed by th�s ; ,�,(^:`�•'•`� �-�'-'�-;`` �•�.;.
<br /> f. . , Security InsVumzn�8orrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain me martgage msurance in eHect It,for any�reason.the ,f'�'�`� ;��"� • `
<br /> {' ', .
<br />:: � mertgage tnsutance coverage required by Lender Iapses or ceases to be in eftect,Borrower shall pay the p;emium3 rnqu�red to •'�. �����``t'� �'� ��' `
<br /> °y,a ,;:i�. s.,,_,.;,..:r.�t .
<br />.ti 4 -. .�.� :�}�j;'r.��,�•.
<br /> obtain coverage substanUa[ty equtvatent to the mortgage insurance prevfousty in eHed. at a cost sutsstantialty eqwrafefit to the ,�-_�y,,,..�� .x.,; � <� . �.�,t;
<br /> � � cost to Berrower of the martgage insurance previous[y in dtect, from rin altemate moKcser� insurer apAroved hr{ Le�der. It a_ i d�jj, F �,�
<br /> n
<br />; � subsYantialty equivaterrt moRgaga insurance coverage is not areita6le. Borrower shall pay ta Lcnder each morrth a stim et(ua!to � ., f; .� ? ;
<br /> ' on�twetfth of ihe ea mort e insuraace ptemium hein d b Bormwer when the insurance cav� e lapsed or c�sed to . t �� `�
<br />;� ( Y dY 9a9 S('�' Y 3 ,� � �r,;. -.s,�-��;'�,x.::.°`'.='
<br /> ��,� ,.
<br /> r be in eftect Lender v�n11 accept use end retain these payrrt�ts as a lass r��rve in lieu of moRga£e e-.�wance. Loss rc�erve ;,�-g' �rC� !<.. ,:
<br />•! � g�ymertts may no longer be required.at 4he a�Uon of ler:�- :f moRgage i�vrance covesa8z G�tlte am�'=nt and tor the period „ ; =�`�`'�"`` -Y
<br /> �..y , ---,--�:,
<br /> � f i�Y L e n d e r r e q u l r e s) p ro vtd e d b y an (nsurer a p proved Ir�Lc�er a gain becomes ava�'ah'e and Ls at�.:_�. Borroar¢r shall pay y:�° .,.,..,, „_ =f
<br /> +J`e premiums requtred to rts3u-�;�n martgage insurance in s�C, or to provide a loss r��+a unUl ths rerl�iremrnt`or mortgage ���i;%�?%~���•:_ •� �
<br /> '"'� J�+'y.�r'' ' :r ^� �1.'F'ft:
<br /> insurance ends in aecoMac�ce+r�any wdifm agreement berween Borrower artd Lendes oR�,:�4�te x+n. s4`«•�• c-• :k;t ,; ,�. , .
<br />- 9.InSpet��l1.Lenc'.er cr its agent rt�j maice reasonable errtries upon and inspet�r.cw �� 'I" =
<br /> •�� aithe P7o�._.�ty. L�:der shall Sive �'�,-`�;� � :.� `�:i..,r�`.•. �
<br /> Borrower nottce�the Ume af ar prtor to an ins ecUon specitying reasonabCe cause tor the�� �c,�. ','�`, a'�i' �:,r�'fi4 � ��..`.
<br /> p � ;,..
<br /> � tf',� , %-f•r� :� . .:
<br /> ��'� 10. Casndem�atl�w.�e proceeds of any award or cFaim tor damages. dlreet at�se�.��. in connection wlth anY >,.; ��'iF•. .;:�r`��.�f •. ..
<br /> condemnaUon or other taSdr.�yf any paR ol the Properiy,or for conveyance in lieu of ar.r'J�^a�on. are hereby assfgned and ��4';� ,•••: •�''°'"i '.�"'-�
<br /> �• ..,9 ��t��y:� `.�, '.• �. �c�
<br /> &hali be patd t0 LertifEl. e�i
<br />. In the event of a totai taWng of the Pro�erry. the proceeds shall be app�ied :e c`e sums securad by tAis 3eeuriry �,. �„�,,,�'� �. :, . � �
<br /> � Instrumen�whether or not then due.wi[h any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial takir.�of the Pro�eAy in v�htch r:•``"`�_' :.' ,,; • �
<br /> the fair market vafue of the PropeAy imme�liatety before the taking is equal to or greater than the s.nn�rct of the asums secured ,,��^ , ;_:_•
<br /> :j by this Security InsWment immed'�ately before the taking. unless Borrower and Lender othervrise ar7�e in wtiting, the sums ��;�,�����.;Y:.;'.• '
<br /> � s�ured by this Security IrtshumeM sha9 be reduced by t�r...mount of the proceeds mu'"^�',.,...`wd by the foflowing iradion� {ay the '':' �r ;•' t ��
<br /> ` ta�al amount of the sums secured immediatety betnre the 4'�i:inrj� divided by (b) the fa��rRa.°t vatue of the Proper:t•a�rmc�iately ��j,��i�si' ' " � ` �,
<br /> ' (' k- �5,<.�r < <,. '
<br /> oetore the taldng.My ba4znce shali be paid to Bortowd.�In thr-•avent of a partial takiny a�!;�e PropcRy In which th2 falr market �r.--� �� �„'�;;,,
<br />. ; l•;b� '!.� � -
<br /> �:5 value of the Praperty immediatety betore the rdng�s tess�an the amount of the surrss secured trr:r�atNy betare tt�e taWng, �
<br /> d Lender otherwise a a� writir. or un less app l i c a b te i aw o t herv rtse prov i G�s, t h e p r o c e e d s s h 2 p 6 e ��� ., ., .�' .:.�;`
<br /> • ...�i:r�. untess Bortower an _al� 9 '�
<br /> '�°` apDRed W the sums secured by this Sea::�i.M+IhsWment whether or not the sums are thex due. � , `�; :Y _ � �
<br /> - ��� Ii the Property[s ebartdoned by Bonower, or ff.after noUce 6y Lender to �or�oK��t!:�t the condEmnor ofters to rts3ke an `__
<br /> .�• i award or settle a claim tor damages. 8arrower fails to fi�nd to Lender withtn s0 �ys after the date the na!ice is �ven, ,,�;,��.r:a.�',`•�°'
<br /> Lsnder is authoraed to coilect and appy the proceeds,z�Ps opUon. either to restoratlon or repair of tho Prayer9y or to tAe ,�� ��.- � �' .
<br /> sums secured 6y this Sewrity InsUument,w,�'�er or not then due. . ,�,'�
<br /> UNess Lertder and Bortower otherwl� agree in wlzttng, arty �{sptr..ailcn of pmceeds to pdncip�! sAaO ncd eMend or +.. ,
<br /> H.Z .. . '-.- ..
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthty payments reterred ta tn�aarag�apt:a r •�nd 2 or change the amount o!such payts�nts. }" � j:�,LL�_�^__,
<br /> - 11. Banower l�ot Aetease�: Far6earanca��- Lender Not a Watver.F�ctenslon ot tho Ums for r�ytn�n�or �• �-°
<br /> ttrrn:'rQcaUon ot tunorUmtion of the sums secured by this�i�'.ty Instrument granted tr�1n_nder to any sue�ssor �n t1:+Uptas{o! ���'.�- `
<br /> `f��ti�ower sAall not operate to release the liabifty of the odgtnal Bortower or 8ortawer's s-:�ccessors In intsres4 ler.�.�9r•sfiatl not , ` � � _
<br /> ...,,��P;i ' �:s�eGuirc�d tm �;,ammertce p�oceedings sg�k�st any successor in interos! or retuse to extend 8me 1bF payment oo�otnemAse . �• �,�y
<br /> . r � � .
<br /> . ��,, ` `
<br /> . . .{;.,� ar,.acfity aj*xalf�ntta�of the sums seeured b�i��}is Security InsUUment by reason ot any demand.mado Isy l�e odginal 8o�rawer ot ..� �`•�"r"'
<br /> .:� �arrower'§•u.;rressors in interest. My ��.ntr¢atance by Lender in �cerdsing eny right or remedy shsll not be a wvNor o1 or '��"J"`y'" � ° "
<br /> __��_-.- _
<br /> :��.m�--
<br /> '~.; rTectude tho exerctse ot ervq�t{;ht or remedyr. ` �r�` •".,-. _-:
<br /> 12. Sueeessors and Assigns 8ourtd; Jotr�t and Several Ua�3i�y,; Costgners. Tne cov¢�nu and �`.�` ' : , -
<br /> r� �, agreements ot this Securfty InstrumeM shaii bind and beneFrt the successors and asstgns of Lender and BoROwer, sub�'qci to the ��.��,��1 :. �.- . . _ �
<br /> � �� provislons af paragrapfi 17. BorrowePs covertants end ac,geements shal!lu:oint and sevesal. My Borrov�er vfio co-s!qa�s thls i��`�`�"
<br /> • Secutiry Instrument but does rtot execute the Pto2e: (a)is co-slgntrtg ihts�'�curiry Instrumer�t onty to rt�ottgagv.grant and,convey "'- • ;W .r� '. -
<br /> • that Borrowers Irrterest!n the Property under the terms o! this Secudty Instrumen� @) Is not personally obllIIated to pay tAe �' ��� '�'""�"'�i ..,.
<br /> � sums secured by this Security tnsWment; and (c) a�ees that Lender and any other Botrower mey egree to qiu��4. rrod[y, .
<br /> forbear or meke eny eccommodations wfth regard to the terms of this Security Insttument or the Note wlthout th;i:Q:rcwrePs `�,._`"_` �s�.,.-_�- �i:
<br /> � �`' consem. ��:� ' ��' ����:
<br /> . 13. L0811 Charges. tf the laart �:+acured by this Security Instrument 1� subject to a la� v�i�i•r,h sets frtaxlmUnt�.l0an „•.:;p ' � Y{rt . __
<br /> 'r charges, and that law is finalty InterpretcHt,sn that the interest or other loar� charqes collected or x•��r: coitected in conrtacUon ' ��`�. ----
<br /> � wRA the loan exceed the permitted Itmi�.s.�fiKn: (a)any such loan charge sha11 be reduced by the amount necessarp to mduce �r� ' ,��.`7�' "•.`
<br /> �. tr�e cAarge to the pertnittr�,It*nik and (b)any sums already colleded trom Bortnsrc�whicfi exceeded permitted unds viill be � ,��°,
<br /> � rtd'unded to Borrower. Ler.Qnr may choose to make this retund by reduc!ng the pri^rr.iprLf owed unQer the Note or 4� �^aldng a '� `�� ,;
<br /> f:
<br /> Gfect payrtt�r,f.to BoROwe:. {f e retund reduces prindpal, lhe reducttcn w;ll be �-�.:ed as a pnrtlal prepayment ��Ytl:��: any �,. ���' . '".-:`
<br /> prepaym�:t;�t�;o under the Note. �� �_ v;��t�' • • �
<br /> i,�,:
<br /> 14. N�oi��Cr9S.My nadice to Borra�Ha arovided for in this SecudRf hirsClument shall be given by detivering it or by r.:�x1:��is• �,��.;�:;,�, : ' •;;�,���y,� r�=i.'
<br /> by titst class cam7 untess�r,f:c�ble taH n.squires use o1 enother methad. The noUce shail be directed to the Propcfij RdC'c�ess ��••�'% " ••����-'� � . '�
<br /> or any other addtess Bcrmv�r �:esi�ates by noUce to lender. My noUce to Lendes shn0 bo given by first da::3 me(I to �'• � . • ' °_--
<br /> 2�' �� -�i�':�T.�..
<br /> � Lende�s address stnied 1�andn �ss any other address Lender designates by noUce to Barrower. Any noUce provided for in thls �� _ _
<br /> Security tnstrucnerrt shaii�s dnc�ed to har�been glven to Bonower or Lertder when given as provlded in thia paragraph. ��� _; ' ,., _ _
<br />: .':� 15. (�n�rning taw; Sevorats�liiy. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federril taw end the It1u� ot tAa . ,,�, . ,�x. •.:;�;;„ �
<br /> � jurisdlcUon in whlch the Praperty is tocateu. tn the event thst any provision ot c(ause of this 9ecurity tnstrument or ihe Note ,;�.a::�.,.,.,.� ____.
<br /> conflicts vrith app�cable law.such eonflict shall not aHect ather provlsions oi this Securiry Instrumant or the Note whicir can be "`;+s' � '-��� `
<br /> given eNect vrithoul the canfGcttng provision.To th{s end the provislons of ihis Secudry InsUument and ihe Note are declared to �����'� � �
<br /> - �'. �.^. r.�.y�,1:
<br /> be soverable. _,�'.-�-�—'�"..-----
<br /> �. . �
<br /> 16. 80i�oW8f'9 Copy. 8ortow2r sha11 ba given one contortned copy ot the Note and o}this Secudy Instrument � �,� .
<br /> � k. #�� _ , *:_ � -
<br />. F1316 LlfIG f39&� Paqr i o�5 � �� ' �— � ' ���. , `,�.i ' � �.
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ��
<br /> . .. _.r.�a--r•'$7�ar
<br /> ... . �•'
<br /> _� � 1 �
<br /> 1 _ ,_r _,__
<br /> - ; i.�� . , . p:�
<br /> 901�5 � �A' ' , 4 ,
<br /> _.. � . . • -. ,'.�. ,. .. - '-,--•'(T... . I�' ', . .y ' .•.
<br /> • . , �•.1 . , ,
<br /> ' . '• � � . . ' ,. l_ i . , i:
<br /> � , . _ ' . } �", , ' ,
<br />- "� , . ' - '� � - • � . � . • . � . . +" , _. . .D, � �s i7, , , ' �( . . ' .._ , �
<br /> . . _ _ . ... . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . - . . _ . . . . _ �,�',-. .. _ _ .
<br />