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. . _ � _ _ <br /> _ r° � � - - - `- - ����.,.r- <br /> _:'� i 4�'- � — .- . •k� `, .. - . _ C ., __. a.—.. , _'-.....— _ <br /> ' t , � ���'. ..__._.�_ . — _.__ _ . . <br /> ._c .r . _ . . � . . . ' . . - . . •-- . <br /> +.:;: 'saw:�......� ._ - .." `. ' ---- �. � . � , bil� ` . � .. _ <br /> �, . � ��� ' <br /> � .. ;�` . . _ �. . <br /> � . � . - - - - - ��A4: - . ., � <br /> � �. � `�iaglt l�.ait, bY Policies�o! 3ASUrance iasued by raspons�bie` � �� . <br /> +•� insUrance aoapanies autIIbsizad to do� busfness fn the State o! � . <br /> _ . ' Zfibra�ka. lullg prote�ting the Lessea a�d� the Lessor aqarfnst any � - <br /> loss, da�aqe, or clafi therator in any aanner co�tsected wfth or <br /> arisfnq by rsasoa ot,.the use ot the preafses by Lessee„ and ' _ <br /> _ lully prctectinq. t�e I,essee and T+essor aqainst any°loss, da�age, - - --- -- - <br /> . . or a2aia asisinq 3� any. aaiuier ta any aeaber of tha public, in, __ <br /> upon, or abont the leased presises. Lessee, prior to occuPY�9 — <br /> tha leased�pre�ises, shail �urnish to Lessor a certi�i.cate __ ____ <br /> . �vidQncfng tha fact that such fnsurance has been procured and ------- _ <br /> tUat it is in tu7.l tosce and e!'tect, and further that the sase =--- <br /> � c�nnot be terainated without reasonable notiae to the Lessar. _- <br /> . . ,. � <br /> .5. 7�sianaent or SnblettfnQ. The I�essee shall not assign = -- _ - <br />== � this 7,ease nor snblet a�l or aay,portion of the leased premises ���.=�R_— _ <br />_- except wfth the. written consent of the Lessor.4 The �essor, - ��_ <br /> fia�raver, sha12 not unreasonably deng to tt►e Lessee his written �� <br /> - consent to the suble�sinq or assigninq to a responsfble, �„�' <br /> reputable; financiaily responsible assiqnee or su�lessee-enqaqed.� �`��_: <br /> _ in a busittess or co�ercfal pursuit, that will not be harm�ul. or.;�.- ..��7=- <br />-- tu Lessor or to the adi oininq properties. � . . ��-;� <br /> ��. <br /> - 6.:;:::�.�ssee to Com�iv with Laws. The I�essee agrees tbat``�it' � <br /> will use�ansl occu said premises in a� careful, safe, and proper , �'''M�` <br /> �-• --- <br /> PY �.��..,..,. <br /> _ _ , mantter,''�d w�:'�. .not commit or,suffer anp waste thereon. ,��,:T.�._i '_: <br /> Further, the�Lessee aqrees that Lessee will obey and follow ail-:` . _ . . � , � <br /> � � � :Iaws of the State of Nebraska regulating Lessee's use oP said . . _ ` <br /> . . :�t:��;�. <br /> �'� premisea. _ -�_-:��. ,:�:- <br /> . ,t,- . ""°�- <br /> ' � 7. ��o Chanqe in Lease Aa�reement Except in Writina. It is� '."=`�t;f:.-� <br /> �:�r,.,_..,. <br /> agreed that no chanqe or changes sball be made in this Lease ��' ,,:. ;�_��,�� <br /> �r.r.. <br /> � 1�qree�nent except by writing sicpie� by the parties hereto, settinq ,..�� �.:^ �:�•� <br />� �. � '` �forth the terms of the aqreed mvd�fication. '�:,�.""f_.:'� <br /> �I; • �fY 1 �' .. <br /> • �`� �� 8. , '�'ime of the Essence for Pavment of Rent. It is � . <br /> �'' '� �%� underatooct and agreed between the partie's that ti e is of the � ' ��. <br />. i€.. �.�x.�, . � x <br /> . essence as to the paytae�t of the �tb� ntal.,�jfj <br /> . :��.:_� <br /> ^ /1.vN�/ L�� y.::�_ <br /> . ;w...x,�._:�':�-, °•• � � <br /> ' ~� -- � 9. Waiver of Condition or Covenant bv Les'sor���o�wafver j . ' �`�'_- <br /> ' '�� , of any condition or covenant oP this Lease by Lessor shal]. be � -�=.-�- <br /> • y � � deemed to imply or constitute a further waiver by 7�essor of any � � . _ �'� <br /> Y= � other conaition or covenant under this Lease. The rfghts and � - ���'- <br /> - _ `��,;:��.. remedies created by tbis Lease �iqreement are cumulative, and the { `;?�?,' <br />. . . _v_ � . � �_.�. <br /> . •�� ` ;'� .; .. use of ome remedy ahall not be taken to exclude or waive the � <br /> a��=- �`�'`y���-��=����, right to the use of another. � �;��� <br /> �1T��'4� ��.._ <br />� � , ,� 10. ge3^�a�+�@ E�}j o�aent of Premises by, Lessee. Sub j ect to - �, ��'�. <br /> .t�-,.,.�-�•. <br /> . � t he terms an d con d i t fons a n d c o v e n a n t s o Y t h is I�ease, the Lessor , , � :+�;v:;;:�==. <br /> , .',-`".;'.:�- :...,,- ';� agrees that Lesses shall and may peaceably have, hold and en�oy F .- � � <br /> � ���_ the leased premises above described, without hindrance by Lessor. . � <br /> =�'���' Without limiting the foregoing, Lessor he�eby speci�ically grants � � � � <br /> ; � a ��. .�~'�",�;. , , <br /> • ..,,=_� , � , to Lessee the right to remove a�l sand and gravel from the ( <br /> :::. I . <br /> . . . �.- , . <br /> - - , 2 � <br /> , :;', , _ . _ _ <br /> ,;�; �,: :r:y � f � . . <br /> . ; � . <br /> ����' . <br /> . . _ . � � . . <br /> . .N , <br /> � .��. ___ ...__ ._._ _. ' � . . . . � . ' . .�; . " ' . <br /> . . 1. ., . . . . ' . 1 . . . . ' . , ' <br /> . .J.1.�-�-�� ....w.�, � . . .. • . � . • . <br /> . . / • . <br />� • . . , , . . • . . . • � . �. � . . •. ' <br /> . �'�. � ' . 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