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<br /> �� � ' � _ -: ' ``. '<:"'.c:: '`.� - . `'•� � � � - . . _ . -,r • � � '. " " . ' - ., ..-
<br /> _(_ •' . _ _ ^ -- -_ . ., . _ a-_ . -�. �. . . ��—. .��. .� � . .
<br /> . . . . -�4 . T . .1�. - . . . - c �_ .
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<br /> � - L . ._ ' � . . � ' � { ' � � � '' , � . � .. `
<br /> � te=�as 'arid �ond�ti�ona of� thts i�e� in no�vay conatitute� ,�• � '
<br /> = viiv�s of any of fihe LEi�iDBR'g righta or privileges gxa�}trd <
<br /> � `. � : hexean��x..� . , . _ ,. . � , . .
<br /> . , . � � ,
<br /> � � 15) �ay i�otice af one pazty�to the o�her shall bt in iYriting , ' �
<br /> . ,,,
<br /> -_--- - -� to tht ,parties� as #o33ovs::_ =- - - - . _ . ... ._ -
<br /> � � Tha LE!lDBR - THE CITY OF� GR71ND ISWltiD, NSBR718K1�, a �unicipal
<br /> . Corporatipn. � �
<br /> - � The BORROitE[t - HZLD7! M. �NII� MELVIN 1}. CH�ERLI2i, husband � .
<br /> an@ �rife . . � �
<br /> The BORRONER, or his executor ia the event af the death of ' `
<br /> tht HQRROI(ER, aha11 notify the LENDER of any change in the
<br /> ; ' SORItOii$R•3 itame aud acldress or aay snccessoz or assigne� of
<br /> the BORRONER. . �.
<br /> , ;163" The interpretation and apglicatio�► bf this ifen shall� be ; :�
<br /> #n accozdance �sith the Zaws� and proceaares af the State af . :
<br /> , Nebrask�,, aa they may frnm' tiae to time be �mended. � , . ,.
<br /> , i:,:�. _ . . .
<br /> 1?I Zrx.�t�ie event of default an8 nonpayment of t�e balarice due �
<br />-- ,. � by the:i�ORRONER, the LENDER may take such measare� as.may b�
<br />--- . - . �avfus''��i it._for the recovery�of tb�� inaebtedaess �and •; - � ,
<br />-�= incluc�ing, but nat limited to, faYeclosure and sale of` the
<br /> BORROStER•8 Yights in the PROJECT and/er the assignment �and �
<br /> collection of the rents and pzofits of the PROJECT. , �
<br /> - 18) Ug�ara°.satisfactesy c��►pletia*t:of� all terms and conditions •
<br /> - of thi.s•�:'2ien by the BOR:�OWER or i�pon gayment of any and all . ,
<br />-= �: � balan�e.'a3u�e, t�e BORROWER shall. F�e er•t�:�led to a release and . . . '
<br />:�. � satisfac�ion o�� this lien by tt�e .LENDER� at the �aRROtiER'3 own �
<br /> � cost�. .
<br /> .,; Thas lien is expzessly czeated and imposed ugon the
<br /> � above desczibed pzo7ect foz the purpose ot assuring the �
<br />-_ compliance of �he DORROWER with terms and conditions incident
<br />__- �a the defesr�c3 payment loan evidenced by this lien, such
<br /> ioa� being exclusively fo� the puspose o£ rehabilitating,
<br />:-� preservi.ng and enhancing zental BweZling units in the PROJECT �
<br />���'.'' in accas�ance with the ziales anr3 procedures of the Rental . �
<br /> R�habi3,i�at3an Psogram of tihe City ot Grand Island, NE.
<br /> ,.. . � d � ,
<br /> - • DatP• �- �� �o�. � ��aa.. {�r��
<br />-- H lda M. Chambezlin, BozroWez
<br /> .'`=.-�,: � / � �+ �? 7 /J • .
<br /> ';: , ��cGttti�� LL'y L�Lce/iL�tJ,C.LC•«.�
<br /> - Meivin b. Cham�,erlin, Horrower
<br /> � bate: .��.v...� �. 1�1 y:L � ti�,...•� ;,�. ��v.�.�� � • ,
<br /> .
<br /> ,; � _ ` " , , Je�enne ;:.�Gazroutte
<br /> . Ci�y o£ G�and Isaar�d
<br /> ' " � 3TATE 0: NEBRA�KA) �s
<br /> � .�:i �. ' COUNTY L'= HALL. ) ,
<br /> . On the 3zd o� Jnne, A.D., 1992, befnze me, a Notazy Public,
<br /> � ;, personally appeaxe8 Hilda M. ChamY�erli:z ar,d Melvin C.
<br /> � Chambezl3n, ta me knd�rn tia be the pers�ns named in and ;rYac,
<br /> _ , execute� the foregaing ins�zument, and �cknnt�lec7ge� t:�: this
<br /> . = was their voluntary act a=�d deed". .
<br /> -- � jy �..:��;�` �
<br /> . .- _ -: - Nuta
<br /> _ _ ��� .
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