_ �_G. _ fi f . -.' _ _ . " ' _ ' .t. ,_ `Y ,-� .. •_
<br /> F Q,�t� �. <� K� .'�... �.� .)
<br /> - � " t� �' - ,e;L'��i..�J.-i+�. L t QrF .;+T'MIh-'tC�jY�1k,.7��5('"s�'CT W��
<br /> #": .s'c'{ :',..Lr��c
<br /> f..-s:a.s...a,c_ar--�
<br /> �� � � _ . - �_-a.__.
<br /> � _,tp�;�,��.i�..�,._f." '
<br /> 1 �j �t.w ... ......�.,..-..�..:_
<br /> UNIFOfilA COVEid1�Y3.B�rra��'rr�r�n��ender covsnar�t arid agrae�8"d e ths principaf an�d inte���Sbt�edn�ss :,". _�r�.^ ��`�-�:�-�,....,•'
<br /> �. Payrnont o4 R�nM�ss!nft�tr���aza?.�or�rrer shal��r�mptty P Y ; �.;,,.... ,:��. , - ----
<br /> evtdencad by tha N�i�artd Iste c��&�p�o�r.sd in the Noio. : .� ..,.., . _
<br /> 2. FUndss4crT�r.z�sit��6aas�saa'�.�'t�r�acttoappficabietaworawrittenwalvarbyLender,BonawershallpaytoLead�r ',`.,z�,�.r;�,;�t«;;��,�'_°
<br /> on ti�a dsy monthty Pa�m�e�is o4 p�inc�4�t�f tn2are�E are pay�bte u�der the Note,unttl the Note ts P�d lfl tuti,a sum(here9n . �:,,;.:i '(`s_.f. ':.`:T'..���_
<br /> "Funds'7 0quat ta one,tw$S�th c9 t�o��`��$���9�msnts(Inctudir�condominium and plannsd unit deYeto�meni ..��- ..
<br /> assessmQnts,if any)wtdch�aYat�.4?�p�'��'`�°v8r tAfs Deed ofTrust,and ground r�ntaon the PropeRy.ffar►y.pius one-�ielfth �� �`��?���;_,_�.
<br />� afyoart�+Prerrtiuminslniimentsfa�h��'a�`�irc�utatece.Pluson�tt�talSthofyaar(ypremiuminstall�errtsfo�mor4gagainsuranas, �..•�. . ' _
<br /> � , � ` t.�' ti�,_
<br /> if any,a1!as reasonabfy c�timatad tu�i��1y�iwi fYorea�imetotime Fry Lenderonthe 8asfs of ass�rvicen�s and biits and reasona�le -- _ _ __�_. .�
<br /> esttmat�s th8�eof.Horraavar sha!!rtat Qar��i�������s��p��snts of Fa�nds to Lersder to tha exts�4tha4�orrowe�maices F.F ., : _ ,, _;__:
<br />...•.i su�►PsYmo�s t�n the ha{der of a pda?r er�r�gage or deed of trusi if such holder is an institu8on�al�le��Qf erhich are insur�d ,. �_ _- '
<br /> r :
<br /> It Berrou�vt pays�uR�to Lerd�r,,t'��urtds sha116e hetd tn an tr�sstitutiian the depasifs � � _ T . _
<br /> iu
<br />� or guarantaea!by a F�err�i ar s4�a�''u�'�tt��ding Lender if�endsr[s suct�an institutian).Lertdsr shail appSytha Funds ..�-�-.,�f��.f:_,�,_�.__��:�
<br /> to pay said taxes.asssasm�nts.t�s s r'�r'°=a p�e m i u m s a n d g r ound rer�ts.l..ender may not ch�rgs tar so hofding and apPhR�9 ;;,•; � f �•�`
<br /> titeFunds.anahrdnge�tidaccou�oraeir�ry�►�andccmpil�ngsaidassessmeri4sandbiils.unlassLeridQrpays8omaw�r€�tanest > . . ; _
<br /> e
<br /> on the Funds and app�ica�l�law pc�rr�1:3!•Mq�derto make such a ci�arga Barrawrer artd Lender may agr�e in writingat Metia�rte , ��•-�; T.�-�,--�r.-,: ,
<br /> og exocution of this Dttad Qi Trust th�t��x�°n�e Funds shaf I be paid to Barrower,and unless such s8reeme�t is made or .� ., ; �;
<br /> lender shall rcc4 t�e re4uired to paU 8aerav�er any i�a�st or eaPning�on tP:s :s�; --_..
<br /> appticabtefaw�equireasua�Siin4e�s�iY�a��ratd. � - --
<br /> �i
<br /> Funds.Lender shatl g3v�W BoRO��ter,.�.r?iu�st ci�arge,an annual aocourttiP+g of the Farrd�s7�awfes��ted�ts and de�i9s W the �_,,rYy_4}�.�;.L,.'-
<br /> Fundsandthepurpatr�tarwhtctiea��a.�mt4oth�FundswasmadeTheFurtdsarepledgedasaQd�tan�lsecuri�Yfortf�esums ,�;�_'.`.��. LL_�T .
<br /> s�urad by tt�ls Oeaa�a�Yrnis� !e rio►4othe due �''=�"'`
<br /> Iftheamountaf:ioeFuatdsRetd0�L�2ber�co9ether'�rtththafuturecrta��instalimentsofFurtdsi}ayab P �.r�,`°�a=-��==,.3=
<br /> - datas nt taxes.a.sse�mer�ts,i�sue�,.�ce premiums artd ground rents.shali�ad tFte amouni required ta pay�fd taz�s� — - - _ �.._._.._
<br />.. assessrr�9nts.insurar�aRremlurnmar�gc4vrtdrerriri�estheyfaiidao.su�e�cassshai�ra;.s�Borra+nrer'soption,e'�th�rizcbmp�tiy _ _ � ._�,.�._ _
<br /> � ._�_:
<br /> repaid to 6��rawr�r er�aee�tted ta Be�r:�a.+,�on rt�onthly installmeMs of F�rsd.��4 the arr�c�u?2 of the Funds hetd by Lenda�sina0 ., ,,: ._
<br /> rtatbesuff+��errttop�t�',�,assessr�.�r�insurancepPemlumsandgra�ux�rr�asiheytalldus,Bcrraw�rshat9paytoLenrtst . � _ < fk .
<br /> ; ;� any amourrt necessarl ta make uP tT�i�&#icier�cy in one or more payrr�csi b r�Lend2�m��d to Bo�ower any F�nc4s t�(d _=°��{."� „ `_
<br /> t U p o n p a y m e n t i n t ul!�f all swnr e�ua�red by this Daed oiTrust,Lsndsr sf�afl prom�i>+ *� �-_,� ;'�
<br /> ., `I� OyLentlaxtfundarpara�hl7KBr�fi��P�a�rtyissotdorthePropertyisothepwise��iredbylender.lenderv�t�.tap�ty, �+_ _
<br /> no lato:th�n Immediuteiy p�1or La thr��a of the Pratseatf►or its acquistUon by Lender,�.y Funds hald by��d��i>>3'e time qS�[£ ��.
<br /> � f'.�';�'���.-�
<br /> . 01 applicatlon as a crod�t agains4 tnr��sE����D'��QBad af Tnist. •�: , �
<br /> � ���1��e�,Qp�r�8�s,U��,s,�app{1cabt�!aw pcovides othemise.ail payments received gy Lender unde�4he 14c�'�
<br /> � lled B Lender��In payment o?amourtts pa�fabte to Lender by B�rr�-ar�.m� .�",... ,.
<br /> • ��t�:�•,�yr,�hs 1 and 2 tt�reaf sAa.[f�2PP Y ' : �.: x.�., .
<br /> p�,�.�ro�horeof.ttten ta interest��abte on the Note,a�rc�ti����►e principal of the Naie. - - -- ;.
<br /> ` 1 4. F�'rOiMait$�8aaittl����9�Uuis�CQ�etges:Ltes:s�L�carC�r�z�.J�±allp81bn11811of6o►fOwe�sobiigSti�t�s�rtt,'�� '`�;,,..�:�,.�,y;, .�:
<br /> ���.� . mortgaga,deedoft�,s��rcthersoccn.��"�•agr�ementvrithalisn��;,c�h�r��iYoverthis0eedofTrust,inctuding�;..�s'�'� s +..•-.� „�. �.; !�, .
<br /> �' �,.f�n.�;�.ft�.',r"�--
<br /> cov�nartts4omakep��errtswhQn���°mawErshallpayar.��ssetobe�dalltaxe�.assessmentsendotherchargas,fi�r�s , �
<br /> and tmpostiians aiMbutabb�tothe Pc+�l��rhicl�may atisin a�r.ir�riry averthis De2d af Tn�st,and leasehotd paymerrls or gwund . .,t�,y t;,^,�.`�;'`i:�t�F"��• :: :
<br /> . �ir,x� �.._ ,�,�.� +�-_
<br /> ranis,it any.
<br /> ...�� �-- •--s��r:, .
<br /> 5. Ha�rd Insum�atQ.Bomc�r�s�atl lteep the�m�rove+nents nou�r existing or hereaRer erected on the Property insured F �r ;;�� . ''
<br /> m a: -- '
<br /> �i against toss by ftre.hazards inciu����hin the term extsnded coverage';and such ather hazards as lender may reqvire . : _'-_
<br /> ,� € an�tn such amounig and tar s�ach�a¢c'�ds e�Lender may requita. �� th� .,�{,�.�._-___
<br /> ;� : The insurance carrl�r provid(n�tT�a�ins�ranca sha0 by chosan by Borrawer subject W opproval by Lender,p , -------------
<br /> such aQproval s9�aD nmi @�unraasat�abtywithheid.AI!insurance potyctes and ren�wals4hereot shall be in a form acceptabte —
<br /> ` � to Q�,ndor and shatl tnatuate a stmrrl�r�maR9aSe clause in favor af and in a torm acceptabla to Lensier.Lsndsr�ita11'hava th0 _ - _____.._
<br /> s
<br /> � rtghtto hotd the pottrl�and rae��u►'�t�sC.her�s°f�suCjsct wthe terms of any mortgage,deed oi W 5t or other sec+�ItSs�eemen v_v____ ---_--
<br /> 1,'. wtth a It9n wi�icM Frr�(�ority ove�t3�i�iJ��!�n,st. �
<br /> ` `�{•• Inthsevontot�crss.�ortav�vns�3.tf gtvspromptnaticotctheinsufancecarriorandlender.Lendermaymafaeproataf[aass _ ,_
<br /> 4i�� if not made promptty by 8ar�c�� _
<br /> ,�, lithe Rrop�rty i�aloa�dor���jf�rra►asr,or if Borrower fails to�espond to Lendere�ithin 30 eaysfrorr�the datr�Retf�e k� ����� ,_ s=� , �:
<br /> , �:.�•d�slb�.
<br />'. � f:�: malled by Lendor to Borrewor t2[at G.`s�3 ins�rar�c��carriar offers to settte a ctalm far tnsurance bertefits,Lender I�t�!D'%^orized �a`�— �-,v ..
<br /> ortothesta�nssecu:a+f: ' - -.-•h}�.:��-_�
<br /> too4lteotandeppiyttlotn�urarrmprac�dsat�a�rr�r'sop5aneithertores:s�ratlonorrepairottheProperiy ' •.::_ ,• ,
<br /> ,' � . py this Qeed o!ZiuSR. �""`°°'�"'r"'"'�-'"
<br /> �. Prosenratltm an�E�7s:�24a�.u�r.�oo 04 Pt�perty:Lreas�C�olds:Car�domtnium�;Planne�UN4 0arefa��ttcurt��ar�awer �C1__�:-�`� —
<br /> shal!i�eep tho Props�rty in good ropa�r and shall not commif:vr+a.ste or permit impairment ar de2e�ioratlon ot the��+�t"eR!!�� �=-=�P-�=���=
<br /> A
<br /> si�aSl oompty wlth 1he provlslrrno ot e:ny Ies�se it thi9 Oeed c�"Yrust is va�a leasehotd.tf thia Oeed oi Trust Fs 6n.t�unit in a T=�°.=-�°�=�-+�- , Y
<br /> se
<br /> L........ _
<br /> ctmdomiNum or a plttnneA u�it d�votupment.BarraHrer shati perbrtn alf M BorrowePs ob��ns��u������iniurtt; � j_�'�-�•�: Y.
<br /> oaue�antsrdeatingmga'u�miiopt�000e�dominiumorptannedunttdeveto�r•.er�t.thebYdaws . •. �.••�,
<br /> � or ptsrsr,red unit doiv��opmer��,ard constituerit Qacumerits � "?�-.y^•��,•:�:�-_:
<br /> ' 7; {�r�tection a►4�ind�'��E�aut't��f Bonavrer tai[�ta txertdrm the covenar�ts and aQreemenLq coMatrtad�ih?his Oeed �,��.�,�,;,n,�,�,.�:.--
<br /> . � ..'a�zl. . .... _.. _.
<br /> otTruSt,er it any actlon or proceoding is ccrrtmenced whtcit cnatetiaily affects Lender s irnerest in the Propertl,llic�n Lender, .. �,�`y_
<br /> , .i �,. ai lsnder's optian,u�on not[co to Bar�avrar�maq�make such appearance�,disburse sueh sums,trtcletdng reaso�abte aitemeys' °yi`,
<br /> •`''� � toes�and taice suc��a�ction eg is necosssry ta pt�.�act L.onder's interest.N•I.,�ndar roquised mortgaga irt��r��ce as a condition , ��,.
<br /> o�fmakingthvtoancc►curedby4�ia0eadofTrus�Borrowersha�lpaythopremiumsrequlredtamatnf�[ns�cchi�t�ue�r.cetneHect �- � — _
<br /> tc
<br /> uniitaucl��imsestt�v�o�ulr�m�ntMrsuchinsurancetarmirtaficsinaccoMancewithBarnower'sandlsnder'swrition�qreement �r,` _ } —
<br /> or appiicabte law --_ �'��-� ...
<br /> Any amourRs di�burssd Gy Londor pursuarit to thia parsgraph 7.with lnterest thereon,at t6�e Note rate,shat{become T��._`.
<br />. edd'�ior+afindebiodno�ct�orrmvrorsacuredbyth190eedotTrust.UnfessBattawerandLenderagreetoo4hertermaotpa�tmerti. �=�'-'°` -
<br /> : surfi amourtt�st►��l mo p�yabio icpor�natico trom L�snder to Borrower reqaesdng payment thsreet.Nathing cortai�ed tnthis =___-T,_�-___=_-,
<br /> . p�graph 7 shalt roquir�leredar to incur any expensa ar tnke arry action hereunder. � �-���
<br /> 8�, tnspas�lon.Ler�der�tay��Scoorcaus�tobemadereasanabfeerrtriesuporeandinspsctionseltneProperty,praulded
<br /> . �.-r;�xxs�sr�.�±a��>c��s
<br /> that Lendor shaD giva�rrowEr cotica prior Yo any such inspecUon specityi�g reasonable cause theretor refated to Lender s =;,,,_n_��___._
<br /> -.,�x-. :
<br /> fnter�st in tAe Proparty. x�-�-�: s�=�
<br /> � � 9. Condemn�iioc�.Thv proceods of any award or cla�rr+tor damages,direct or cansequenUai,In canrtection with any � . �:;�.�
<br /> . cand�rnnationorothertakin�tif4�ePraperty.orpartthereol.orforconvoyanceinliQUOicandsmnation,areherebyasstgned �'''_.��•,..�; .r. .
<br /> �rsd shail ba p31d fo Lo�edsr,s��joct 4o ttte tsrms ot�r►y moRgago.desd ot trusl or oiher security agreerrteirt c.vilN a ligr�v�hicle ' :; , .
<br /> t�s�:'.osil;alrr!.�sl��nf Th�r�t. � .�_ .-_. .." ._ :':__.
<br /> � vr�2 � ..• . �. . �-:::.
<br /> . ,:.• .
<br /> , � , . . . .. --
<br /> . .���
<br /> , . . :.. . .r:
<br /> �. . •,:, .i'. . • ' :,, ; �• . • .. � , � . .+ . :
<br /> � . 4. 3 u� , . `�' . • . .; �. . ,. • •�. '.. . : � � • . .. +
<br />