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<br /> . " � � � , � � �DEEa �� TRUST . ` � � _ �
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<br /> ��orpon�on�p�d arfd achK�g undK ths layrs of TN�l�r�d SI�IK ot lhn�ica.wlwN add�ws M�lTDO �
<br /> _ , . Fanwe St�wt,On�l�.N�bc#�a,�1Q2-21A3(h�nin"tra�'!• . , . • . , . . .
<br /> • E1pRFi0YYER.in co�idrrt�inrt ai th�in�bMdn�a t��in r�it�d at�d tht hwt[�cn�Md.�w�oc�ft .
<br /> aaMsandcqw�sbTn�sM�in tru�Lwilh powK Wfala�fMbNowkgdMC�ib�d0��'P«lY��inri�CaxMfl
<br /> a aav._ ;.S�s�sot Nebraka . �
<br /> � Lot Sixtean t16). in Le�Heights Tbird Subafvisiqn. paat of the Eaat Aa2f , .
<br /> . af�the Norttrirest QuarteY tE�NiFs) ot Se�tioa Eleven iil)t 7�rr�ship Elaa!euu : ��
<br /> - - tll? Nort�►. Ran�le Tea ti0)�, west of the 6th P.1l.. �Aall Cowity. Nebraska. � -
<br /> . � t .
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<br /> Y'
<br /> • � • / 2�26 Viking Road Cr�:�d Island
<br />� ' whiof�haa the address of
<br /> - _ .�_:�._„__' • iss«o �c+irt ,
<br />. --. ,l.� ` '-_ -_-;� � - Nebraska 68so3 -- (herein"Property Address"}; .
<br /> . t�.�et�o�
<br /> . ':';� �,,'�°.. TOQETHER with ail the lmprovements now or hereaRer erectecl on the property.and ail easemente,r�ghts.
<br /> �� �' appu�tena�cas,ranb(subject however to the righb arc!authorlties given herei��Lender to ceilect an�apply .
<br /> " � •,'ti�� such�snts).rayalfias.mineral.vil and�as ri�hts ana prsf"sta.water,water ri9hts.ar�d water stock,and all fi�res
<br /> ' '= '� �� now or herestter atfache0 ta the property,all ot whioh.includin�replacements and addiHons thsrrto.�haH be k
<br /> � '` • *•_��• �� deemed to he and remain a pan ot the pro�erty coverad by thi�Deed of Trus�and atl of the fors9otnp.lopelher t �
<br /> �-�' with eaid propeAy(or the lessehoid estate if this OeeO ot Trust is on a teashotd)are herein reterrad to as the I. .
<br /> '.5��� ,'�!:'�- .. ,,. i
<br /> = . ,,.;^�_ Propenl► .
<br /> . x�� � .r.... f�.
<br /> � • ��� � � TO SECURE tb LENDER(a)the repayment oT the indebtedness evtdenced by Bor�awar's nots dated t
<br /> . -.;Y June 12. 1992 (herein"Note"I.1n tha princiRal aum of �°�.�„ 1,e,�a a �ivA t,L�� .
<br /> � � J�"!=-� ,' , � and no/iDO---(S7.500.00)-----�- Ooltars.with interest thereon,provlding tor monthly insfaltments
<br /> -- �- - - - �� -
<br /> °.-;*�-�.�._.T�� 01 prtncipal and inlera�L wlth the balance ot the indebtedness,if not sooner paid,due and paysb�e on� .
<br /> � � ='°��'; .s:�� . June 12. 1997 ' -- _ :the payment vf all other sums.wfth interest theraan.adv�nced � ,.
<br /> . , . ,>�r.:R=�'.�,;,..�i•,
<br /> � ���-x-�•,�;',:;;-�,� in aacotdance herewlth to prMecf the seeuriry ot this Deed ot Trust ana the pe�formance of the cvvenanb and : �
<br /> '�' ''��"��� '� �� a�reemenls o!Borrower herein cantaine�;and all renewats,extensbns aad maditications tl�ereof;and(b)the !
<br /> y---�;�;;�-.- �•. ;
<br /> � � -��� • .. . rep�ymeMptanytuturesdvances.wlthinterestinthereon.msdetoBo►rawerbyLenderPutauaMtoparaqraPh21
<br /> � � . : •.
<br /> . .!. A'i.''.'1 � . . 1.
<br /> _�-- .: _ . �- . . lurpcf(herain"�utursMlvances"}. � ' ' _ _ __ -_
<br /> ' • 80FiA0WER covenanb that Barrawer is faw}uily seized o�ff�e estate n6r�riy eanv�/a�arit�haa tf�e rightto� �'
<br /> f
<br /> `. - , grent and corney ths Property,tfuit the Property is unencum6ere�and that 8ono�erer will warrani an0 de(end ;
<br /> ' � � generally the litle to ths Properly agah�st ail claims and demand�,sub�ect tb any decfaraUon��easemenb or !
<br /> , ;;-:�,�' - - - -reslricdonsNs�dinascheAuleotexcepNcnstacoverageinat�ylitbinaurancspolloyinsuringLender'ainterest. __
<br /> . . :..� - in the Property. � �.
<br /> �
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