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<br /> 7 � g��� �:��
<br /> � ��
<br /> �_
<br /> �;- �:�;.
<br /> . , � _ :.
<br /> � Un2ess miherwise agreed in writiag,all��,n,nce pra�eeds shall tse appGed to the resta�ration ar repair o€the Frogqrty , �..
<br /> � o�to the Se�ued I?eb�whether or not tfien du�.at Leader's option.Any application af praceeds tc priacipal shall�tat � '
<br /> � exteud or pastpoae th�due date of the scfieduIed payment no�change Ne annount of any paymen�Any e�cess wi�bc � '-?
<br /> ..� paid to the�irantar.If th�Propert}r is acquired by Leetder.�t'ira�tor's ri�ht W any insurance poliaes and procceds i.- =�'
<br /> cesuiting from damage to tfle Properry before tEie acquisitiaa s4all pass to Leader to che extent of the Secvred Qab2 ;,_ : _ .
<br /> � immediatety before the acquisitio�. �=
<br /> �,9. �S�O�F�1R�'pA�S ple�p ptI5V�3p1�ICE.Unless othervrise pro�+ided in a separate agreement,Grantor m71 not • �
<br /> � he requi�d to pa3►to Lender fiands for taxes and inn��n�in escrow. ,��.
<br />-,-�� �], F'Q1TpA1C�pfl,YtEp�R�'S ANNI3 ADDYITONAL DOCUN�E1�715.Crantor w�l grovide to Lender upon reqaest,az►y ; •�}
<br />�,.�-�-� fmaacial swiemsni or information I.ender may deem masflnably necessary.Grantor agrees to sign,de4iver,anra fde ; , .�-
<br />. '�` any additional docuua��a�o;r2rti�cations that Lender may cansider necessary to perfect,continae, aad prese�ve , x�
<br /> � Grantor's obligations vstder this Seciuity Iastrument and Lender's lien status on tfie 1°roperty. �' �o�
<br /> under this Seairity I�stntment are jaint and individuaL If Cirantar signs ttus Security lnstrwment but daes not si�a an �� �`'
<br /> � evidence of debi, Granior does so oWy to martgage Cprantar's interest in the Property to secure payment af the �
<br /> � Sec�ued D�bt aad Grantor dces not agree to Ue peisonally tiabte on the Secured Deb�I€this Security Instma�nt ,,>,r -
<br /> sect�s a guaranty betareen Lender and Giantor,Grantor agrees to waive any righLs that may Frevent Lender from - � '
<br /> f- bringin�anY a+xioa or cIaim againsi G�antor or am'PartY iadebied under the obligation.'Igcese rights may iaclud�.bu2
<br /> , are aot timited to,any anti-defrcieucy or mne-action taws.Gramor agrees that Lender aad anY P�Y to this Sscuzity ��
<br /> -,';'.
<br />�!�r. . Insoraiaent may extend,madif,�r�ake any chaage in the t�c of this Secunty Inssniment or any evideace of d�bi r;y,:,, .,
<br />`'.f;' without(3ranta�s cansenL Such a ch�e wIt nnt release C�2ar fra�t�.p terms Q€this Secur:ty InstrumenL'The �
<br />` ;%': duties and benefits of this Security d�arument�31 tsiad and beA,fit tI�e�sr�rs aad assig�s of Gratttor and Ieader. ,t.'
<br /> •%���''� L� APPLI�ASLE LAW;SEVF.�AL€II'rIIII'Y;INTERPRk.RATiON.This Se�rty Instrument is govemed by the laws of '._
<br />.`%� tlie jurisdic2inn in wluch L.ender i�Tncaced except to We extent offierwise reqaiies��yr the laws of ti�e j�vigdicteon r-•
<br />: ..' ., ; where the Pragerty is Iacated.T6is�c-curiry Instcument's�izte and�uBy integrated:This Security Insa-�cns may %�- �
<br /> noi be amended or modified by oral agreement. Any sc�on in td�is Security Instrumen�attacltffiet�ts>or any :--
<br /> agreemeni related to the 3ecured I?ebt tbat�sts with a�pticable law will not be effective.unless that tav�espsessly r• .>
<br /> or imtnliedly permits the variations bp writien�mem.If�y Qecxion of this Security Instrumea¢caaaot be eoaarced
<br /> ` aocaiding to its terms,that sectina will be severed and��1`aot affect the enforceability of the remainder of t6is
<br /> Security Instrumen�Whenever used,the singular shaU ia�►uII�.�;he pluaal and the plural the siagular.'Ilte cap�nas aud ,;�
<br /> headin�of the sections of this Sec.urity Instrument are far�tm+encence only and are not to ba used to inO�tpret aa �� :
<br /> �� define the tertns of this Sect�rity Inshvment T"�ue is of the e�ence in this Security Instrumen� �s}.: :�'
<br /> :� ?A. SUCCES50R TRU�'Y�E.Lender,at Lender's option,m�y from t�r:�time remove Trustee aad ap,�oict a '��;..
<br /> ��;r
<br />� :�.f;': , successor trustee�vithout any ot►3er formality than the fi�signation is�writing.The successor uusiee,wiYL��ut 4;.�.
<br /> j;4 conveyaace of the Praperty,shaDt:��ceed to all the titte,����,°.�and duties conferred�an Trnsiee iry thia�SecutiRy �,�,;
<br /> � ,{f; Instrument aad appticable law. • ��
<br /> �`'�I ?S�. NOTICE.Unless otheiwise requf�°,.a3 by law,�cty notice �*��'�be g'rven isy delivectn��+�by mailing nt b}r�st class ��`�
<br /> �;..
<br /> � t>> mait to the apprapriate party's add:ess on pa�-c I.of tivs Sewrity Insau�eut,or to any ather addr�desi�ated in
<br /> �_.�:___ writing.P7otice to one grantor will be deemed t�n�sa notice t3,�grantois. °
<br /> '�L�'�°,1`i�� ZG. WAYY�.``�•Egoept to the extent proWbited by law,Grantc��acsives aU agpraisement auc�homesteud exemp�aon ri�5s �y�,
<br /> ;'°`�� mlating in the Praperty. . � ---
<br /> ',;�r�;�
<br /> Z7. �R TER1V�.If�wecjced,We foliowing are a�plicable to:�s Securir�'tnsfr�ament ���
<br />=r"l�. �RYane ot CeeilFlr�'Y'he Secured Debt incIudes a revolving tine of rr�iit�provision.Althoug6 t�Secnred Dcbt `•'� �
<br /> .i.>..,. _ ' �i� r
<br />;'<f�.:. may be r�duced to a zero balance.this Security tnsm�ment arill re:nain in effect until releas�. �
<br /> ��`�'`` O Coa.stradion i.oaa.Thig;�+ecuri Inst�ument secru�s an obli ation incwrceC.for the wnstruateon of an --
<br /> , ,i�, ty g
<br /> ,,.�'.� improvement an the P�o�c:�. ��
<br /> ❑ F3it�e F�g�Grantor gfdnts to I.en��r a securit�:aterest in aIl goods that(irantDi owns no�oi iA 1$;: �'
<br /> - future and that are or wiil became&atv.res related to the Property. 'I7�is Sxcurity Iasirumeat sttf�ices�a sa�
<br /> finaac�g statement and any carbon,Fl�vtogr�phic or other reproduction may be Sled of record fo9 pucpas�s ,;;.�:
<br /> � of Artiete 9 of the[Jniform Commenza!Cade. ��!
<br /> . �
<br /> � ❑ Ridere.The covenants ac�agreements of eac6.c�:tltn riders checked below are incorporatec•'inCa ar� -_—�
<br /> ;,
<br /> supplement and emead the terms of this Security In:ha�r:.:.en�[Check atl applicable boaes] �
<br /> ;� ❑Condomirrium Rider ❑Plaaned 1�Jr�:�t Develo�ment Rider i 1 Other........�..........»........».......................... �...�
<br /> � AdditlooslTer�. ��
<br /> I�' ��
<br /> � __
<br /> }�' ' �:
<br /> d''
<br /> il'
<br /> 'r`����..��� 5IGNATUItFS:By sigaing belaw,Grantor agees to the terms and oovenants contained in this Security lnsirament�9m;�cn �
<br />`�"';�`.iti�1 any attacttrs�r:-ats.Grantor siso acknr,;vi�edges receipt of a wpy u�:ti�.i�Security Instrument on tha date stated on ps��I.. ��
<br /> ���;'t�: =�'x 1,
<br /> . .�if�'.�l:r°T��t...41�. .... ............�20/96�3����. .............................09/20/96 �;�.
<br /> „�;'` (s,�awrc) DEAN DITRCH ��(�icj (siepar.r;�e) SUSAN HURC$. ••(Daiej� ''- �;.
<br /> �a ''�'.�
<br /> . �`,_
<br /> A�KNOWLEDGA�rPD': ��'�':
<br /> STA1'E OF..........................._».....................---.......COi.$+��OF.......................�E'PT�Mi�ER........�9�6�ss' ��
<br /> t►��� Z�L���Da�gv�le��b�3��1��9�1D"B�R'b1�'RiG91��I�fAB'�'PII03g'OP'�1t1,`E°OtB�lt.....".........».»....
<br /> e++�=
<br /> �y..........................................._:..........:.................. ...»................��»........�......»........................................»........ �.
<br /> � • My commission expires: ��
<br /> «�, .. ...._.... ..�.`..:'�..,�''..�.,:�............_......�......... _.
<br /> �r�u.KOt,wr�e�t�ruti �ot�v�,�>
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