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<br /> ' B. All future advances from Imder to Grantor ar other future obGgations of Grantor to Lender under any pro�issary �
<br /> ���'•,f aoie.contraci.guaianty,or other evidence of debt executed by Granror in favor of Lendec executed after this —
<br /> �• t Security Instrument vlhether ar not this Security Instrwment is specificxlly referenced. If more than one pe�son =
<br /> signs this Security Instr�rmeat,each Grantor ag.-ees thai this�ecurity Instrument will secure all future advaaaes and a
<br /> ` future obtegatians that are givea to ar incarsed by any one or more Grantor.oz any one or more C'mntor aad •-
<br /> � � othets.All futr�re advanoes and other future ob}igadons are secured by this Security Instrument even t6augtn all or —
<br /> • �� part may not yet be acivanoed.All future advanoes and other future obligations are secured as if made on the date �
<br /> of tius Security Insmiment.Nothing in this Seauity Instrument shall caastitute a commitment to make addidonal �
<br /> —3�;� or future loans or advances in any amount Any sucb oom�itment must be agreed to in a separate writing. �
<br />":=�. � C. All oisGgatinns Grantor owes to Lender,a�hich may later arise,to the extent not protubited by lav,,izcluding,but �
<br /> aot limited to,liabi��es for overdraib relating to any depasit account agreement between Grantor and Lemder. F.
<br /> D. All additional sUms advanced and expenses incurred by Leader for insuring,preservin�or ot6envise protecting =
<br /> •� ; � the Froperty and its value and any other sums advanced and expeznses iac�rred by Lender under t�e terms of _
<br /> ' t�is Security Instcum�nL —
<br /> ' • . 'I'his Security Instrument w81 aot secure any oiher dsbt if L.ender faiLs to give any required notice of the right of rescfssion. _
<br /> ' . 5. PAYlViEld'13.GYantor agrees t6ai atl pay�aents under the Secured Debt aill be paid when due and ia accordance
<br /> arith the terms of the Secured Debt and this Security InsiramenL �!
<br /> 6. WARRAIVTY OB 1TTLE.Grantor warrants that Grantor is or w71 be lavufully seized of the estate oanveye�by tbis �
<br /> : ' Security Instniment and has the right to irrevacably grant,conYey,and sell the Property to Trustee,in m�s3,wit6
<br /> .' po�ver of sale.Grantor also wanants that the Property is ua�scumbered,except for encumbranees of record _
<br />,.;��`.':.: • 7. P�IOR SECURYIY II�PI'L�Rg'S'I�.With regard to any ati:�:t martgage,deed of Unist,secnrity agreement or oll3�er Ei�
<br /> document that creatn_d a prior secarity interesi or encumbPance on the P�operry,Grantor agrees: m�
<br /> ° .. A. To make aP��ents vehen dus and te psrfarm or comply with all covenants.
<br /> . B. To promptly�'a�-rec i�Lendcr any notioes that Grantor receives from the holder. �
<br /> ,.•'t. C. Not to altow any�cd^*r,.3�on or extension of,nar to request any future advanc�under any�:�:=c�ag�nt �:
<br /> �. secwed by the liea da�wmPa�without Y.ender's prior,�rzcitten consent �
<br /> ' � 8. CI.A�4iS AGAE1�iS'T a6'EY.3�.i'itantor w11 pay all taxes,�essmerzts,liens,encumbrances,lease ra�neat_�us�d �.
<br /> � rents,utilities,and e�xitec ct�atges relating to the Property when due.Lender may require Gr�ntor to�avide to�ader �
<br />' ',=��� copies of a!1 na��s.�s.�.smounts are due and the receipts edidenc�ng Grantor's payment Grantor�r��r:ad m
<br /> ritl�to the Propertyr::�ts:�claims t6at would impair�;N iien of this Sec�rity Instrument Grantor agrees tra r�,2gn `�
<br /> to Lender.as reques�ec3 i�y�4er,any rights,ctaims or d�ienses Grautor may have against Parties vrho s��:�:u�r
<br /> or materiais w maa�r,�n or improve We Propert}r.
<br /> � - - 9 DLJE ON SALE YL��PICIJMBRANCE.L,ezs�ier may.at its opiion,declare the entire balance of�trr.��urect L`•3t�t•�o
<br /> " be iaunediately due aad paya6le upan ttfe rn��on of,or contract for the creation of,any lien,enc�brance,r.���'
<br /> -;�;��.����' ar�a2e of the Property.This r3•�t is subject:a�he restricUions imposed by federa!law(12 G�R 591),as apg#.ir,.�i�t:.
<br /> •`; u�'�'i;�• Tl�is�veaant shall run with :a*r.•2'roperty and shall re�in effect until the Sea:r�3 Debt is paid in full a�i,2.��
<br /> ' ,-r}
<br /> "��',,-: Sea:r•fc;inswmeat is releasec�
<br /> " .. 10. PROPEItTY CONDITIOI�+I9?i�li.TE3lATIONS AND YNSPECTiON. Grantor wi�l keep the Property in goad ;_
<br /> '. condition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary.Grantor shall aot commit or allow any waste,
<br /> ;�:< impa'vment,or deterioration of the Property.Grantor will keep the Property fres of noxious weeds and grasses. �
<br />�1��;�+.;;;'_'`. Grantar agrees that the natur:of t�e occupancy and ase vviU noi substantially chanp,P�without Lender's prior arritten
<br />:�:;+•er,`.,. .
<br />:•;�y�z�lr,,,:{ consent Grantor w'sll not perjnit any change in any license,restrictive co�enant or eas$ment without Lender s prior _
<br />.`,�;r�f':• written consent Grantor will notify Lender of aU demands,proazedings,claims,and actions against Grantor, and bf _
<br /> , any loss or damage to the Froperry. -
<br /> 1.ender or Lender's ageats may,at Lender's opuon,enter the Praperty at any reasonable time�ru�the purpose of � �:��
<br /> �`� inspecting the Property.Lender shall give Grantor notice at the time of or before an inspection specifyiug a
<br />"""'` ' reas�onable purpose for the inspedion.As�y inspection of the Property shall be entirely for Lender's beae�t artd =-
<br />�"-"F�'`" ' Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspection.
<br /> ' ' 1L AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the covenants wntained in tbis
<br /> ' . Security Instrument,Lender may.without notice.perform or cause them to be performed.Grantor appoints E.ender =
<br /> as attomey in fact to sign Grantar's narae or pay any amount nece�sary for perfom�ance.Lender's right to perform for u
<br /> � Grantor shall not create an chGgation to perform.and Lendei s failure to Qedorm will not preclude Lender from
<br />.°''��?;��• exercising any of l.ender's atlnr-r�ights under the law or ttas Security Instnunent_If any constrt�ci�on on the Praperty is _
<br /> di�a;�ti�ued ar not carried�_ii m a reasonable manner.Lenaier may take all steps necessary to protect Lvvmier's ;
<br /> , seca.�ity interest in the Property,including oompletion of the construction.
<br /> �• 12. ASSIGNMEN!'OF LEASES AND RE1�PI�.Grantor inevocably grants.conveys and seUs to'Trw•3�e�,in tr.s��or the �
<br /> � her.�fit of Lender,as addirional security all the right,tide and interest in and to any and all existi:,g or future 'eases,
<br /> • s�'L•li:3ses.and any oiher wri3t�n or verbal agreemenu for the nse and occupancy ti�any portion of the���3tscrty,
<br /> iar,�,ut:ng any extensions.rert�vaLs.modifications or substitutions of such agreements(�:;,1 referred to as"Leas�s"�end =
<br /> rens.issues and profits(zIf r�C�rred to as"Rents"). Grantor aill promptly provide Lender with true and casrect �_
<br /> � � copies of all er.i`tS���.:�ad faturRs l�.eases.Grantor muy collec�receive.enjuy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not _.
<br /> in default undc�-iJ�e 1r:rnt9 ot this Security Iasirumea� _
<br /> ;,r,;;, � Gr�rn:s acknaY���;�s th�t tl�i5 assignment is pedected�:c�the recordin�of this�.,d of Tnist and that Lender is =
<br />:;;?�,<<.",�;• entitii.+9 ta notify any of Graaitor's tenants to make papn�a;ut of Rents dne or tn I,-r•.come due to Lender.However.
<br /> '�:�'�:�i`_`�� Lender agees that only on default will Lender notify Grantnr and Grar�t�r's tenants and make demand that all future =
<br /> Rents be paid dlrectly to Lender. On receivin�notice cf defaWt. Gra�tor will endorse and deliver to Lender any -
<br /> . •` � payment of Rents in Grantor's possession and will receive any Rents in¢rust for Lender and�vill not convningle the _
<br />