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<br /> `" Graa2or wtiether one or more,in considerate of Sl AO and ot�er valuable�onsideration ceceiv __.
<br /> ;>';,, , sell, ceave3+ and confnm unto The Grand Island �,-
<br /> . fi�m Graatee, do hereby �ant, i�'8sin �.;
<br />��'�f` Hamestead,L.L.C.,a Nebraska li�ited liability c��2ny,[t�rein caUed ths.G�4�e vvhether one
<br /> :r;� �
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<br /> ,,;;`- dr�ec`�ed as —
<br /> ;`;�' G��'.M.,in the City�''�and Islaucd.Hall Co�„Nebiss��A�ore��jY -
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<br /> :%-; fallnv�s: Begicening��=�h�N�rthe�st eornsr of��Aic►i4h.easz�uarter a�sa'�a Soutbeast 3 oQa�rf�=
<br /> � (N��/.5E '/4)�thease i�nning w��r1Y alang�iir��ortb iine of said id�ast Qua�oe ---
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<br /> _'�� int of Be in •theace dettetxing teR from the Iast
<br /> �s �� Hv�tdc+�dihs{289.7�feet w the actual po' � 8� --
<br /> %:,'., Soarther a distance of Three Hundred Fifty _.
<br />'•';':�i�; desi,m'bed cauise,90 degt�es 34' 36"and narming iY ,.
<br /> �` (33�.U)feet thence deflecting rig�t 90 degrees 34'36'and nmIIing Westerly a distance of three =_
<br /> :�".;' hu� (300.0) feet�ence dettecting Iiight ��? degrees 25' 24° and running Northerty a =
<br /> . `!� d3sdsnce uf Three'��'e� FiRy (350.0) feet to a point on tiie Nocti�.ittta�e of said North�ast �.:
<br /> x:;l'�; c�uaner o�"�e Sout�.e�Quarter(NE'/.SE '/.)ffienc�e�et�ecting right��'-►deBT�s 34'3�'and
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<br /> ;�.` SE'�.)a distaace of t�hundred(300.0)feet to the actu3l point of begi��&) N/N0� ==
<br />.. I.�l: Orfe (1) Weis_t�..°ees Su�divisfon in the City of Gsana Island. �11 Ca9mtyoNebras3;�i
<br /> To ti�ve�:w�old the above descn'he�premises Wgether with all tenements,hereditaaa�ts and
<br />'.��� � 8PP���thereto lselon�ing cc�s.�s�t'�e Grantee and i�rantee's heirs and assign forever.
<br /> '��;�� . .. .
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<br /> �:, :,+. ' . . . Aiid the Gcailtor does he�.�3�coveaant with the Gianiee and witb Grantee's h�'us aud
<br />��:.s.,;;
<br /> �. •��, : . assfip�s tbat GrunWr i�t��liy sei:�ed of said premises;that they are free&om en�umbr�nce b�nt
<br />:;�:�i;:; �; � subj�ctt�i�,:�ernents�;ives2rricde�ofc�ecord. =
<br /> That Granwr has gac±�+�ght and Iawful authoriEy w convey tlze same;end that Granwr Rrarr�nta _
<br /> ;``.''� • ��i�ad�vuiU defend the siclker;�said premises agaic�ff��law�ul ctaims of all pe�ons whomsoever.
<br /> ��`��t�'�� . ' . � �
<br />`:'�:'��; , Dalttid �st 23,1996 . Tt�e�omastead Company,L.C. ,
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<br /> ;�;;�•; . . $t�te Of KansaS � • . � .
<br /> � '' . Cbunty of Sedgwick ' , .
<br /> ! . The foregoing inswment was acknowIedged before me on�"ot,.���by 7ack West,
<br /> :.,,� . Manager of The Homestead Company,L.C. �;� -
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