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.• <br />., , .. <br />e <br />2011025�0 <br />i:.�cx�ai-r «�„ 2 a 0�+D �: � S i <br />�� <br />� <br />��` �� �� <br />A tract oFlund lucated in t�ie C�uarter (�ICll�j o#'Scciion Thirty 7'hree (33�,'I"ownship <br />Nine (9}, Norih kangc Ten ( l0} Wesf of the b�.h 1'.M., i-Iall County, Nebraska, more particularty <br />described as folla�vs: Cummencing at a Pvint Foriy I'ive (45) feet South of ihe Northwest comer <br />of the Northcast Quartcr {NEll4) of scction Thi�.��1�� �3�3},•t�nEe runn�ng Svutherly along --� <br />the West line af said Nnrthcasf Quarler (NL?]/4} uf section 1'hirly Thrcc (33), a distancc of One <br />Hundred Sixty P'ive {!65) fect thcncc nxnning in un I:astcrty direction on a Iine paralle;l to the <br />North Line of said Northeast Quarter (Nl;l/4) of seciior� Thirty Three (33), a distancc of 1"wo <br />Huizdred Si�ciy Four (2G4) feet, tl�cnce ruiining Nurtherly on � line paralle� to the West Line of <br />said Northeast Quartcr {]J�1l4) of seciion Thirty'!'hree (33), a distance c�f One }]undred Sixty <br />rive (1G5) fect to the Point Forty I�ive {45) fect South aC.the..N�Linc.aEsaid �i.odheast... .. .. <br />Quarier (1V.0 1/4) of scction Thirly Three (33} thcnce proceeding Wcsterly atong and upon said <br />line a distance of'1'wo t Iundred Sixty Fnur {26�) fect to thc pc�int c�f bcginnii�g,. <br />