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• .. <br />• 1 • VI • <br />. <br />201i025�,9 <br />�:CHII3IT 2 �0����8i <br />� �`.� <br />_ �`" <br />�' �� �1 <br />A tract oF {nnd lucated in t�ie (�uarter (�IC I/4) �f Scciion Thirty 7'hree {33), '1'ov►mship <br />Nine (9), Norlh Itangc Ten ( l0) West of the dth i'.M., i�Iall County, Nebraska, mvre particularly <br />describcd as follows: Cummencin}; at a Point Forly Five (45) feet South of ihe Norlhwcst c�mcr <br />u!'the Northcast Quartcr (NEI/�) of scciion Thi��►1'��-�33�},-t��e runn�ng Southerly alon� -- <br />the West line of said Northeast Quarler (Nf�l/4) uf scction 7'hirty Thrce (33), a distancc ofOne <br />Hundred Sixty I'ive (165) fect thence running in an 1�'sastcrly direction on � Iine parallcl t� the <br />North Linc of said Northeast Quartcr (N�1/4) of'seclion Thirty Three (33), a distancc af Two <br />Nu�idred Sixty Four (2G4) feet, tlicncc ru�u�in�; Nurtherly on a line parallel to the West Line of <br />said Northeast Quarter (NLI/4) af section Thirty'!'hree {33), a clistance of One I lundred Sixty <br />Five (165) fect to the Point Forty Five (45) fe.•ct South of.the Ntut�Li�c.of.said l�iotlheasi..- - <br />(Zuarter (NC1/4) of section Thirty Three {33) thence proceeciing Westerly along �nd upon said <br />linc a distance of'I'wo ( Iundred Sirty �nur (�lv�) fect to the point of bcginniiig. <br />