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<br /> '!`HIS ADN�'!'IaB18 ttATH�FLt is m3�B Ghi4 25T8 �y� 3B aP^Es1��HSA � 1996 ���
<br /> inca�ar.�d lnto and sball be�ed tfl smend and sappSee��t the l�iurtgag�,BEed of Tmst�Secrulay�eed(t�e°Sec�uiry �;
<br /> ` Ims�ument'�af the sa�na dau givea by t�e nadeasi�aed(tha°Hormwer")w seame�anower's Ad�ustabk Rrts Note(the �_
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<br /> HO'_►IB P�St231ti SAVZPiG3 & I.QAN AS30CIATION OF Qitl►2� ISLAND °:-`,
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<br /> (the°Le�d�of the sam�da:e and onferiag the prapeity des�'bed in ika Seauity IrtsOVment aud tacane�r� ��
<br /> 9011 PiORSBMAI� AY&N�JS --�
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<br /> T!�NO�E CO1�P6'AIIat��SOVH..R[�N�ALL2)i4Y1V(i FO�CgdA�+i�'i�IN MY II�'TERFS�'RATE AND MY
<br /> `: �� 1Vd�7►Pl'I'�.Y PAYIVffi�'G Il�i�`1xFA6�e IId 7�hI��4P�tE�'Y'L3�'►'IT�,W�1.9. I3ESUL�' EN �G�IIi Y'A�. �„'
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<br /> ,`;, ADI3�'i'IONAL COYENAI�STS. In addi�o�s to tLe caveaants aad agreem�,nts made m the Sec�ii�r Ins�i. _
<br />. ';`ti Ba�xower�d I.euder fu�er ooveaant aad agxee as foIIow� =-
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<br /> ' 'Ihe Noie grovIdcs fos an €�ni�l i4ta�st rate af 7.500 .°o. �e Noie provides f�r r�aages ion tba
<br /> 'm!aes3iateand thamflnthIY PaYmet►t�.�sfollows: ��
<br /> d.II�TF.R�ST RA'PE�?P�iOI�'i'�.Y FAYRf,�3'�C1f�iNG�S �`.::
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<br /> :�: � 12Ta mas�ia t�al�r.F�data an arhids ay inte�si reLe caa2d ck�a�e is calIe�a"Change Dao�" „�„
<br /> �;,
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<br /> ` TiiE WS£FQ,Y AVb9A/�YIII7� ON QN?ITBB �w,°'8S TltEAgURY SECtTi:�ZSS ADJIISTED TO A �;;•
<br /> ::,1;,,. CONSTAI3R' ND1T[fRIT7 Ol? 1 YEAR, AS NAI�i �&�YId48L8 SY TaE ,�m L"fi.�L R&SSRVB BOARD. �-�,
<br /> ;,,q. . —_.
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<br /> te as of thee � �
<br /> " --
<br /> "' 1;,°'� befotC�ach�a.r�.s�i��ccalied thC"C1�cent Insiea.° . —
<br /> :�;;,,. . . . ,
<br /> ,,,��4�,, .
<br /> r��`` If the L2+dex 1s ao fo��r ewa�able.We Note Hulder��li cit�a new u�dex that is�se�c�n�campuab.'�.info�matioa.
<br /> ,!,.fls
<br /> ��3i�,�J, Tlse Nooe I�it�i w�l give me�of tPuscholce. . �'
<br /> ,t���'• t_
<br /> •.�,,,: _
<br /> : ; . (C�Gkuiation a►t Chaage�
<br /> : 1 .
<br />. Befate�rh Change Date,�a Note Ho1da anU�te my aew interest tate isy add�g
<br /> . z�� z� ox� �ALa peroeatage pc�f;K)t 3.soa p)co rhe Ctiarau��, �"_=
<br /> 7fje Note 1�nit�ir a311 thea iouad th�rc�nit of r�s addi6an¢0 8ie �Nearest []Naa I�ghest Q Next Lowesr, =
<br /> �: a�s a�� � .iss 96). e�_=
<br /> ' Snbjact tn�:lie�its��Sect�on 4(Dj below,this miuided amount wIlt be ar��c�.ew interest rete�antil the aett Ch��e [!:
<br /> . " D�ta
<br /> �'���� 'II�e 1\am�tE�:.Wet wIU thea daterm�,s the auuount of the manfAl���.�yment thpt wauld be�ir,�t tn rq�r th�s mry�i�d �°
<br /> ;sj:,., princtpul9wi f am to owe aG til��han e Date in fu11 oe s!�
<br /> ::='11 ,. �P�4 � �uliy daL�ai my new iut�.b^t�i r�e iit su�cnatially -
<br /> ; equol payme�►ta 7be nesu�t at thjs�o aill be�r.,�a►a�aoane�Q my mantIu;�p�ymen� —
<br />.`'?;;� . (DD l.�mita on tatenes2 Rate Chu�ges
<br />�;i,;�� au check appmprtate�oAea:�rso boxls clucktd,d;ere wUf Ue�an�wm ll�nit on cltnng+�.)
<br />�'%;.}, �C1)Tdc�e wlll he tto m�imum timit on inlerest tate ct�arig�
<br /> � � (2)7�a int�est rate 1 am reqau�ed w yay�t tDe first Chsuge Date wi11 not be greau7 fban 9.50 0 40
<br /> or 5.500 �, •
<br /> � (3)MY mteaest iate will aaver be increaseA�d�creased an any stagte Ch�ge Date by more thaa �:
<br /> � �a B�tc�rr pa�centa8e Poinus) ( a.000 �6) from she
<br /> � r�of intrre�t I 6ave 6ecn PaYi�B for tSie P�pB D�'� �`'�
<br /> �(4)My iara�sctare w�ll aever be greaur t�an 12.500 %.afilcb ls caltert�hc"MaRimum Rau.°
<br /> � YULTiSTATE ADdU9TA@LE AATE RIDER•S:ngle Famity a� � _
<br /> P��1 012 - _
<br /> �•a9QA�aoe� VILPIAOAT�iAQEFORN9-(870)52t-728f In:ttsfe: _ —_
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