(/`. . `.• _ .�.� � . ' �, � Y ' �^x7 -' . . .+r..� . .. r 4 . . . � �.
<br /> .l f.� � � . 'U�`:�' . . . ) � n. .. -.( _
<br /> . i `' _ , ! '`' - (�` . • ` — _ � • c . � `"}. —
<br /> - _- .�— „f: � _ ___ , r . — , c��i''"� , �5� �t
<br /> T _....b�.-..v.���_.�...,.�..._,.._..�..�,..�.�.��'T","". _'"'r`�r—��_"��i,� T � ` �,` ,:�..
<br /> �.i.i+.akl.u}'.:.�i.`t.
<br /> ` �;1' . �
<br /> ��. 96-��`���1 �_ �.�.:��:�-�.-��
<br /> ' paY�,nts may a�Innger b�r�quired.at tLn a�dan of Lendes,if m�gzg�ias�uanc�coverage('m the amaunt and far the p�aind �``�- .f�� �_
<br /> _ � that L�►dr1 requires)P3ovidsd by an insiuer�gpjnved by L�d�agr.m ts�anx�av�u'leble and is ab2in�.Barnte��!i '• �:`<..,' _
<br /> D3yr the �.s_-x.�,R,.- .�
<br /> insUranoe euds'm�aa�rdanoe with�t� cc in effeci,or to provide a los���ve,unN e�1e r�quaemen:far m�rtgage ; . .�. n_�.
<br /> Y 8�reement Ueiweea Botrower�nd Ler►dEa or applicabd..law. r,r;;�--.�---_,:�- �:
<br /> . .�ti 9.Inspee3fo�. Lander ar iis�gent mny attt�e re�ana6le eauirs t�a►and�ons of the Pra�tjr.Lendea st�ll give . � , '��t °,•�,..
<br /> . H o m n w e r�n o u c e���e t i m e o f o r p�i o r m a�►i n�r e c i��e�q r e c i f y mg r�b�t ca�imr t de ins7►a^�r�. .,'� ,: � .
<br /> - ; _� 10.Coa���. 't�pro�s ef any award ar clmm for datnage.c.dtras�t or consequr,�sia1. m connection v�ith any . , .
<br />�,;:� c�d�n2iian aa zr��trm�uf any part Q�tha Fmgr�y,�r for canveyanse af licu af oondemna3ion,m�e heaehy assgnrd and , . - . . °�
<br /> -•-:3 �s�l L���e:�swr. -- - -�
<br /> � . "{ i;.the eve�.�F a ro�l ta3�g of t�e PraF�ty,the pn¢ceeds shall be 2�gl��w tbe smns secured by tHLc Secwity�ncra„m��, .•�,d;�a�iiiaa?:� -�
<br /> - _:. � WL-A�Q OI IIOI1Iledl�,with aay eacc�ss gmd w Bmrativcr.Iu tPtE eveut af a p�nia!taking of the Pro�r'iy in wf�Ic6 the fai.r mariset �'
<br /> � ,. . ;.
<br /> value of the Pro�erty�medaateIy befare dta te}�ng is eqnal w ar g�ter t�n We asnonnt of the sams s�ued by diis Securi�y ..�_ ;�',._,h�..,, :;•
<br /> < Inson�m�t ammediarcIy befare tha tu�InE,nnitcss Boimwer and I�drrr oth��ee ia wdting,t3�e�tms sr,cur�d by this �`
<br /> Sec�ity Insuument Ehall 6e r�.d by the mnmmt of tho m i�°""',..,.
<br /> pr�ecds utdpfic�by�a following fi�cdon:(o)the r�m1 amaunt af �L.
<br /> � tt�e s�s sepue�imraedlateiy 6�fora Iha mi:€ng�dlvided 6Y(6)tha fair maricei v�lue af the Pm�etiy immedtsiely bafom thc �''��`',��°
<br /> " �&�Y 1�'�a sha11 be paid te Horm�vra.ln tho uvent of a panlal taicing of the PropPSty�cvhfith the fs�r marlcet v�tuQ of tM,� '�����i -'
<br /> •,.�„ z��.:_,�r. ...
<br /> Pr�ray► immedlately befae tho ta�inB !n lasa thmo m8 amoant of tGc sum�a�rauoa immc,d3�y t�!'asYS t�e ta1�,g, unEes9 ' . .: •�'�:-.
<br /> B�vrr eaQ Leadcr othelwi�o qQa�in cvliUn�ar unle�s egpticabi�faw ath�vlt�pravides.the prooxds shall be ep�lIed to rdte _ . �_� . '...� ��--
<br /> sums seasred by Ws Sscuriry Ias�unLnt whmh�r ar aat the scuas are then due. f � , ��.;r` —
<br /> �� :`�-�
<br /> If�he PtQ�¢y La abiadoned 6y Hnmo�vnr,ar�f,a�er natice by Leadrr w Balrmver that the anndGmnar offezs w�ake an � -
<br /> ��-, ; awasd�seule a clsim far da�s,g��wrmvar fuils w mspand w Lender wiihiA 3Q days aftes the d�dse na�rz Is givr�,Leadei �.���.::� -
<br /> . is anthariz.�d to collect and --�_��,;,--. _ . __
<br /> , � gP'PP�Y�u��.at its agtian.eith�w rest�ret�on ar rapair of the Pro�erty ar oa the s�ns sscused �
<br /> by this Seta�riry Insuu�nt,whgahta ar nm thsn due. ''� '
<br /> .� .,;.
<br /> ., �_. �_.. .
<br /> - - Uale�I��d Harm►tirta:alhtaoviso�in writIug,anY 8PP1�an of pmoceds to pmmcipa3 s�aIl not cxterid or gastp�se � : :...r�.,
<br /> the due date of the manthiy p�qpta�ts sefemed ta in paza�apbs 1 and 2 or c3�nge tho amnunt of snch paymeuts. ' � .'',..:'-..
<br /> � � lY.�ormwer Not Bek�nnr�;Y�or�c�u�naP�y Y.e�der NaY a�Vatver Bxterisian of the dme for paymea�t ar modi�sadnn �`•.�`�'.��!!1�!F .
<br /> of atao�a�on of�he sams�swreui�t►y this S�Ins-t�a�e�t g�anted by LeAderr a�rty svcoessor in inr�ar�st of Ea�awei s6all ' ' '
<br /> e
<br /> � �' eat operase tn�Se ths lihtt�r.af tho mi�l Basrov�o¢s as Boaower's sucoessvrs in interest.I.eades shatl not ts�saqa�d to . .��.-�
<br /> /'�' ��P�ES��m►y sncc�r m iatezest¢a e�:�se tn extrud time for p.��t az o�hesarn-�ma�ii'p��:�tion of
<br /> ah
<br /> ,��?%;;,�4` �e sntos se�vre��sy thic Soaiuity Ins4nuns��l�j re�un a�say demand made by tba o�go�al BonroaS-�cr B��°s saocessors �:�
<br />�;,;�'1,;�, tn 1II t�C S f.A IIy f�II'O D 3�".I:@ i 1 i�4R I D 8�ffi��r j pt�Y bgl8U ADI�E S NA1YCt OY O�'�t',Ld'3 NSB�E3'CLSB df$IIj► .`�: c:j�' �
<br /> �,k j II���� � `, '-
<br /> �
<br /> . .�`i rcer�ors anfi��gns Danndi�oint und�-r�3f II..uabil�yi Co�ignPra 79�8 ouvcnants �rd �..
<br /> ag�� of diis �k�
<br /> �'.��� �r;.y �nsuumeat str�i6in�l�ansl b�QRt thu succe��es amzd assi�s of Leader swd Bmrower. sbjec!to fhe yzcm9`.�--,�ons of �,`
<br /> . .�:� parag�h 17. t�im�ra•s amvu�ts and �eemc.nts s'.a� toe j�mt and seve�al. Aay Haamwrr aho c�asi�ns t�ds��y ". N
<br /> ;�-�`��`r Ias�amea�t 6ui dlas�c noti fszueirio dt�Nut�(u}Lrs ea-gp,a�g this�c�ccity Ins�us,r��t c�n1y to moY'�age,�raui.aml�mv�y f;mi '��� :�. .
<br /> �, Be�ower's m�in�diu}Ura;t�ty andar tho terms of c�,Sec�itq Inst�nuier+�@)�e�,t pasonalYy ob�igate�W�!he soms ,�,: .�` .,,`':{:�; _`
<br /> �tc'.d b this S , ,��:.; � .�,;,,
<br /> ;.: Y ���Inctt�ca�3;and(a)�cePS that L�rs fi�ar and aray oiher Bnmamrcr ca�i,agres w extcad,mp3..lg�'T+",�f�ar '' • .� � :
<br /> �ae aay mcc�mmodt�ib4uwJth re�ad w tha tenns of�rs�.,auity Ins�ument ar the A'mte c��am t6at Bosrowrx'��;�L � '.;;:.
<br /> ��',��n, � lwrgss, If�tha]tt�-soc�uecl T s s�**¢�5ec�„u i t y I n s t�a m e u i i s s u b}3 e i w a l t m v w h i c b�m a�d m u c�e�a n e.�t a r ;} �f:
<br /> .;.,1;',, 13:Lasn C
<br /> T g�" -� •y�f }� r`r.
<br /> '`�� �tl lLBi 13w i8 fu131Iy�i1'�fB+,pQ•SO t�l£t•ttlB�32�Ofl181'l0�fl C�18igC9 COI�ECttd OT t0 b£00I1Ci��t ff,3 QOAIItSC1147 Wlih thC lUIIm �=:::�� ,:t��}'���,i.;
<br /> . ea�ceed tl�e prsmitted lEudt�j,tt�am(�)Any snc2��a n,�:�shaU be redaced by tbe ama�vnl nece;s�x m s�duce the�arge ta tdx� ',n; . ,�,.,,.� _
<br /> , Pamitted lImifi�d N)avn3',aswns almady coll�ff�us�srower whicb exceeded p�raitierl tk�s�Ge s�Sw�itafl t,�Barmwer. '�=����-r:- _---
<br /> Lender may choose to�mt�+v tbic trrfund by ��r�dhe yra�apal owed un&r 8us�028�try tzsal�'rctg u dlt��-�nrat to - _
<br /> Bo�mwer. If a refan��ra�ta��pdnxtp,J�the a�nc�cvill ba trented a9 s pardal p�re�,aymeat avfs►�t anY I�P�es►t charge .;.,�
<br /> . tmdtt the Note. ,:��. _.1
<br /> >,d
<br /> .. � 14.Natkea Any nat��to�Bt�rmvaQ pmvl�r�f�r in t1�s S `:.=�":^�':
<br /> ecurlty Instrumtni shaU bs Eiven by delivering it or by meilu�g it -..,:�:�,�;n•:..-._.:�
<br /> l�y fust class ma�unlesa itnb3u?trcv �.�-- . . .
<br /> . a4�t1 ieq►�as;��c4�er metLad.Ttte notk�s�U bb�►directed to the Pmpa,^y Addres4 ar !�;�''•1�, �:. ..' . , .
<br /> :, , aru��otha addrtss Bmm�wr d3�siCnFUUS by no�ca w II.�er.My no�a w I.e�a shall Gs pva�by 6:st c�ss►�i;to LeAdei'a ` .���ft�� � : :�,n.,:�:�.:.
<br /> � :, f, �ess statecl6e�ein ot st�y h1t���altttacs IIr�sn���u�s by noticc to Bnarowet.My nattcs�a:r�l far ca tlils Security �:�� � � = � '. -
<br /> �-.,;�.,�:_�..
<br /> :°-'ii;: ic's�uts►Ent s�ll be deemo0 to bwt�n b:�gtv�ri¢o]Sa�.�r at Lender whea given es prov'tt�ed in t�p�,�3. • f,':;�r?":?��,:�._.,
<br /> .,�."�,.� ' 15.Governia g L a w;3 e v�w U 1 l i l p. 1 T i�i s ��j �r�n u m e�t s h a U b� g o v e m e t l h y f e c 1� L a� �:.�'1 t i i: l a w o f t h e ;�;.�.s t`;::;;�,.
<br />`-,:;:��Sx',;;
<br /> .:,.�,. �i i s�i c d o n i n ti t ri c�t h e P r o�t�ry'ss tncat o r l.I n�$EvEna 9�ai�ny pmvlston a�r claur�o�f this 5�..�^i..y I��or the Note � ------- "--
<br /> :.,;;',::,; �c�7icts arIth apylicable 1aw�such�r.�t�1fllL3 s4�nll ffit���Gt etther pmvL�oas of this S�ity�nrcnm�;±�z Gte hoYE wh9ch c2n be �---_..'.niR `
<br /> ��?'t-" fj'��►effect withoui the conll�lnZ pro�4�mi.Tm�end tha provLstaas of this Seauity Insua..*a�c��d9e Noto�deslared ou .
<br /> ,
<br /> ;x,9�r; L��'•�etable. �::: ...
<br /> •.�.:. •���'.'f.,_
<br /> ���_—___
<br /> ' }�€+.�;'a4r=,-;,�.R;_ .
<br /> Y sA NE Fo�n�8028 �100 �`''�0�.
<br /> � .m°�Q'"`-"•''•_..
<br /> t !(oat2�.o� �^�_ �1// ��,��-,
<br /> •t: , �� Pea�4 of A Inllt�U� +�Z�'�F�,� � -'�
<br /> S -�v�.—�.�.. ,,��3?.
<br /> . � '�_ e ��a_ _.
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<br /> s ��'��* , . ' . . � �- � , � . ;� ' � . ��!?t� . .
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