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<br /> . . — r.. ,.�` °�F` :r. . -' c . .:_ - „ . .. . . � • . . . , � ' _ + �:
<br /> . `r _ `�. . . ; _ r ` . . _ . . r�._.. —_�•� - — o -�• �
<br /> t t . �-^_Y 'G�T^-�T-+—__�"_'._T.� � ._i`T__,= __ _ _—�_�— �-�,��_�_ i__� _ . �.
<br /> it
<br /> , ' � . . -• 4 � � . .. ' . __ _' '_..w.,._.._.._.. � .._.w-..:.�+�.t�[�-+�.5.� � _—:
<br />... ,� �� ����� �y . , ' .• �.._ ,- ._-
<br /> 'DOG&TI�R WITH ail tke Ia�gmtementv uoN or here�erected on the p=oprsty,and all e�sem�ts.app�tEnaQCes.2nd , �. , . . - -
<br /> 6xuu�s aow or hereaft<�a paat of tbs p�pe�ty. IW r�pla�emeatS and additioss shall atso b�covered by this Seca�riry Iastrumen�. . , _ _
<br /> A!1 of the foregoiag is cefemed to im this 5eauity In�ncumeat av t�e"Propelty." . '. ".
<br /> ��
<br /> BORIdO�VE�b COVENANI'S tt�t Sormwer is tawfully szised of the csmie 6�reby conveyed aiW has the right to gra�t and `f; .. - -_
<br /> oonvey th$PmpPaty and tLat the Pmpesty is emencumbered,ea�cept far eacumbiaa�es of�ecord. �orrawea warrants and w11 :`�'.`-,--. <--;-�:---,_
<br /> at
<br /> defen�ge�aally the titla to the ProPert'i against all ciaims and demaads.sub2ect w any+enc;u�btanc�s of record � °` �
<br /> . THIS SECIJRITY INS1�tUtu�M'combines m�ifotm covenants for aa�onal use aad non-aniform cavenanis with lim�ed ,
<br /> .� � v�iations by. .�disoion t�const�uto a�nifomi seaaity ir�ainent cavedmg real Fs�operty. `4< .
<br /> UNIF�RM COVEPTANTS.B�xower an3 I.�dex cove.vant and agree as follnws:
<br /> � L}�ayra�8 o?�s�aJ and IInta�3;Pr�tay�ent r�d II.a�Ci�apg�. Brnmwea sha11 pro�pdY PaY whea due the '';�;,,�.�..� :i�.:�
<br /> r eui and late ch�r�ms due uad�¢S�e No�e. • t'f``,`•��`''���`'
<br /> � piiccipal of au��r:�the delu evideueed i��l tve l�tote and anY P�7� �� d�;�t�<<��SE�.;:�-�:
<br /> � Z.F��ds fa3��mm�Y:..��-,r^w;ee. ��-��s�sz agplicabte taw ar to a�ait�n waiuff?�r I,e�d�,ff�rnec.�r sLztiY.1?sy tn •,'1��ae � �f .. ;'
<br /> Lr�.aidu�att.tf�3�tw�ti'tI.0�;�►e�.s�cia:.cmnL'�tT�Na�,�s't�s?�+�e i�s�tid�G�,���;"i��'�1r*,r::�j Y�ls'�� 'r�� �f`"'' • �
<br /> � i � ;. . ,
<br /> ��r�s7s�!�����,1 acvr tIIa��."���..,,;,K,�-.r-a;�i�i�«ti*���-�t'���Y I�o2���xneuls ��.'P<<�' �. � <.
<br /> 3i .,�, •
<br /> �.� - 4"F?'�`p'`'.
<br /> a��,md:�s as i,fi��cty,���,(c)yearHy h�d o��az.y ins3u���ium�(�Ye�IY fiaod�ance greannims,if F�;��....,,�`r:,:J--
<br /> �Y:(e)Y�Y�+�%����>if any;2nd(�any sams paya�te by Borrower tn I.at�3ei�m aa�zdance with the .,�..�.' _.._ �•. _-_
<br /> �visi� of pr�,�zr�b 8.in lieu of the paymeat af mortgage insivrance piemiums.lhese iums�e� "Escrow I�." �-�±�r•�,;�,'�----
<br /> �.{.:��_-_-
<br /> I�m3y,aa 2�y tiaae.cal�ct aad doId Faads in aa amount uot w�cceed t�s maxim�amo�mt a lendea fo�a fedeaally related "'�� �
<br /> � t�..�L_y.,�
<br /> w�t�ge t��y requlre for Banower a escaow a000uau nnder the federai Real Fstate�ettletn�at Pmcedures Act of 1974 as � °��_ .
<br /> . aaseude6 ha�tl�t��►0.12 U.S.C.Secdan 2G01 tt atq. ("RESPA'�,uniess ano3het 1aw that epplF�s W tha Fimds sets a less� `v r,��- '�-i=�=
<br /> ar.:sur�1f so.I���rc�y.at eny dme.colla�t�rcd hotd Funds in an emnunt not to exc�d�he t�ser mnnunt l.cnCer may �-�'---�:` _= __.._.
<br /> '." �st�te�s��s o f F u n A s Q n e on t h a t u s t s a t cue�en t d a t a an d�a n a b�e e s t l m a t a o f c a p e n d i�r e s o f[u t�r e�x x o w i t e m e� �-"-��°�•-"'—`:
<br /> �, o�.`,acvL.o in a;co:danec wiib eppllcablo law. �,N
<br /> � 'tfte Fu�atn�ll be held ln�tt it�lipatian wlhos�dcyosits ere insutcd by o fodcral egcney.inst�urnentaldty�or cntt3y(ia�tttttding • .7�`g�=s=
<br /> L�der.ii l�a is s�h an Nstdwticn)ar in any Fc�cra1 No�¢a Lo�n Bar►k.I.ender sh�l!epQty tho F1tnd�W pay 11l�0�w ---°�:. "•b
<br /> It�as.LEtc4�m2;y uo��hsrge B�rowet fot hot�la�and appIyi�g tha FunQs.annu,ally analyd�$ihs e,scmw acc4unt,ar veriit�dn8 _
<br /> cre Bse���Itcr�.nnS�Leadsr�ya BmrosveY inGe�t on tha�mzds and appLcab�taa�pennits l�ender�m�e a�se6 s ctr�ge. ` . -
<br /> Hasre�er.Ltad�s mzy cequire B�rowee to gay a an�d�e cct��nrge far an ind�t rral estate tax repa�tfag servlce osad by
<br /> rg
<br /> I�mder tn oon� ariYh Ibis la�n,uni�egplkable law provides othaarise.Unkss�ag�ecmatt ls made or oypticable law ,� � . _.
<br /> reqL�4ea m�t w b�p�fid.I�xter a1�I1 not be req�reA to pay Bmmwer m�y tnt�est or ex�nings on th�Fuads.Baacowed and ,� � ,
<br /> . I�m a y�e 1 n w r i�g,h o w e v e r.t t a a�i n t�e s l s G n l i b e D a i d an th�Funds.I.�uder sAall�ve to B�sowu.withoat c h a r g e,� ..,�� ` . L� ';� ,�1;—.
<br /> . su�aal acco�asg of ti�Funds.s73��riag aedi�end debit4 to the Funds and r�e pmpose far which each debit tm the F�Bs was -� - .
<br /> ����
<br /> m3dc.1�Fwr,�s me '�ged as addidor�l staurity for all snms szc�ued by rhis Security Instrerm�t . :f
<br /> If t�Fimds d�etd by Ler.der escoeed+t6s emnunm peimitte,d tm 6e 6e2s!by�ppl�Cab!e 1aw,3.ea�dcr sbaU eccauat to Borrowes f� ,;�:
<br /> the exc�s Func�s in a�x�urdance wiEh the aequire�of applicable Iaw.If tt�e Fmu�t of dee Fauds t�d by Lea�ea a3 any fQrte is --�, .• "- --
<br />' ua2�ui�t to�sy t�F.saaw Items w�en dae,I�der may so nobfY�oa�r m writmg,snd.in socb case Bonower shail pay ,�� .
<br /> s cb
<br /> ...,�r;� --
<br /> ;-:�. oo IJtstidar the s�uR r.,er,essa4y to ma'sE up C i�d e fi c i e ncy.Hurm�vrr s�c�e ap dae 3 s fi c i��y!n uo mare tbzn tvrelve
<br /> a
<br /> �.t��ymea�.ss 3.�s►da's salr��ceetlon. .�,��-L
<br /> :�'� �{,��,��f1���•*���,Y�,�,� t��.r�fa�ll of aD s�msr��} ued L,Zr c�rs Sec.a�a}�iiy��nu mq e�1,L e,a d e z s�h,a,l l FromAtiq r e f i m d t n B o r m w e s s�.�F�m' d s '' ..���:
<br />. . 1 i`' .'tGW�Y i.GIMKi�++�LL:�i'M�LY9����L/lll�V� OVL{��f LCdL4Cif!'��"�����'""�9�W�Vl Wii �SRSS822.i'l�l.:_-
<br />' ' ' property,sl�aD sggfg�.�ccsy Fm�ds 6cld by I�n�ai t&e time of acqtrisi��r szle as a caedit against itPiee sums sae�ued by this --. -
<br /> 1 �,rA.��
<br /> Seciuityl�eut.. —.. _-- �
<br /> 3.Apptiea.tirnn c+�Foymen4a CJnless ayplic�bte 1aw grovide�othea�v►se.all gaymea�reeelved by Leaeder undea p�ayhs �°`.',-;"�"�
<br /> i aoA 2 sbaU be�.'sed:6rst.ta atry p:epaymeat chargea dua aader the Nai�;second.w amotu►ts payable under�aragtspb 2: . --_
<br /> third.tn inteiest�i�.-�th,to�rinapal due;aad 1�st.to any lata charges dce�dea the Note. ���„�
<br /> 4.C6suges;I.f� Boimwes shall pay aII tanes.a�ea�ts.ct�ar8�,�mes and imposinans auributable to tDe ProDuty =-- - -
<br /> whc2e�ay axairn��'j ov�this Secmity I�une�nt,and lessebold payments or ground reats.if aay.Ba�mwer ahall pay these :,,- •--- y
<br /> o'�''.�uii�sa in t��er pra�i��;�Dar�gra�b 2.ar if aat p�m thaz mannea,HoAOwaz�pay them on dme d�1y to the `:-�."-`�
<br /> peasus rc�re�pay�� Boaa«�r s�icdl pmmg*:y fiaflish w Lender eU aotices of amotm�ra F ts,r:c!lindel thiS pazag�8pb.If � ��r' _
<br /> y' Borrawes maYes�payments d�.-^�f:Hen,vev�r shall pnumptly fcunish w Lea,der mceapts eP:�.�n�r Ute payments. - -- `"``'--
<br /> ,_
<br /> f� Bamawer shall��pdy dise�ara,2ztp lir���'sr�das priasity ovea this Sec�ity Instrumeai r,�sl'css 13arrower.(a)agrees in +�-%°
<br /> ..c writing to the payment a�the u�x y Er.�s�c�by the lica in a manncs axeptable tn 1��.;(b)car.�sts in goad faith the lieA �'�`
<br /> by.ar deferads �inst e,�fon�rn�c ag ti�ee Fsea in, 1e8�P�88 a6icb in the Les�r's opinitin apereie to prevent the
<br /> . `f eafan.ema►t of t�►e lien;or(c)secaes fsom thc ho2drd of the lien an agrcement satisfa�tary w I.endea snb�dina8ng the lien to F��°��"�
<br /> # ttis Secauity Instrumeat 1i La�der detemines t�at any part of tUe Ptaperty is subject w a lia►ahicb may attaln prioriry over this
<br /> � i' Security►Ins�umeat,Leader may glve Bmmwer a IIotioe ideatifying the llen.Bormwra sha➢1 satisfy the lim or talce ane or moze
<br /> ' ;, 4� of the actions set forth above within 10 daya of ttie giving of notice. - --
<br /> i.`?'�'.;, Form 3 4� 9 OD � �' �
<br /> "~; �-iR{N�ro�+s�•o� a.o.so�e i�i�ui�]•�-- _�����
<br /> .. V �,r'�.�`-�
<br /> '' ' ..�J--- .,'�- ._��
<br />: . . . . � . . . . . , . _' _ '" � ��, l ._.J Q� � I,T.���._
<br /> .. , � � ' - � • " �����!.��': , '� � � . . .. _. . . - � . - � . � '� . � , � �� . • p'y..'.
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