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<br /> . . . . g2-T fo��-� � .
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<br /> - � �`� s�aa�: �o. � �� �.� �.�s � � .�., . . ..
<br /> ` � _ , . � s�ti�e�l�a.s�B:e zZ't.0�ea vKac oE aAa p�alkt��lre wac .. , .
<br /> ri�t-o�w�r�vf U.���fi�v.�►Na?�1�iot s di�aacc of.12 , .
<br /> . _ . fcet m i pai�t aa t� �b We cE Postkraa I,ste F.s�tes � �
<br /> � - Snbdi�ion; t�eeoe �terljF oa the N�rttt liat oE Pouderois ` , . .
<br /> ` . Lsk� F.s��ees�Su6divisioe fcr s diandoe oE 16� �ee�•tl�encc . ` , .
<br /> - .- - - -- �--�c�alis�?�5.1�fc�tYYesccEandgualJel to tLe Wat - - -" ` -.
<br /> . , rijLt�of•�►ax 1ie�o�U.�HiahwaY No:281 for s di�tsnoG of 28 - .
<br /> � - �ec�ttKt�a�tcrty oa��lisc 28 feet North o��nd paralkl to
<br /> the Nortb liae of Pondeross L�k� F.states Subdivi.sion for a
<br /> .'distsaa of 222.I5 fe�tl�enoe nortLert�r on s lina 16�foat West � �
<br /> . '` of aa�psrnikt to the West rijht-af-�vay Iine oE U.S Hisbway - �
<br /> � . NQ. 2BI�ar a d�tsnx of 17 fet�tbe�ce e,�ste�iy on s Iine 45 .
<br /> _ feet NatA o�and paralkl W the NartL li�a#,Ponderasa Lsl�e , , ..
<br /> ` ` F.ststes Subdivition for a.distaace of 1G feet W the 1Nest lina o� � � �
<br /> -- - , - � i�.S Hi�invay Na 282; tDenx soutbertX on the West liue of � ` � . `
<br /> - � U.S I�IiE6way No 281 for s dist�ax of 45 feet w the poiat of . ,
<br /> , be�tmia�,all as siw�wp oa tbe ptat mulced Fxbibit A att�cbed ..
<br /> - : � b�retct and inoo=porate,d henia by r�ference; -
<br />_-- aad � � `
<br />- �°;� • .
<br /> temporasy consh�uction easements Adjacent and abutting the perm�nent `
<br />- eas�mepts descn'bed above as shown oa L�xhibit B attached h�rato and made
<br /> , .- a part 8ereof by reference, to be used only during tbe construction of the ,
<br /> aforesaid utitities �
<br /> The undersigned appraisei's�ind that the amount of damages sustaiaecE _
<br /> _ by tbe Coademn as awner of the belaw described real estate,�r reason of the talu�g —
<br /> ` thenof by tlie Conde ner far an casement for public utilities, to be in the amount of_ ;,,,� ;
<br /> "�,� � � w��F�'�'; .�
<br /> �,� . .sai eal estate descrtbed as foltuws: -.- ., . --
<br /> _�;_
<br /> �:,,,
<br />� A tract of d in the Northeast Quarter (NE'/•} and in � "�'`��"` _-_—
<br />-� < ' � the Southeast Qua r (SEy�� of SeMion 36, TawnsBip 11 ,.':.: �:��
<br />, �;;. Norih, Range 10 Wes f t�e 6th P.M.� in the City of Grand . = . - =
<br /> Island, HaU County, Neb more particutarly described as • � �'. �r'�:.»-�i
<br />- �.�:' foltaws: ' . . �'�` .
<br /> � .J'.. =
<br /> Beginning at the Northeast come of Ponderosa Lake Estates t' . `': E ''`���
<br />�• ��� • � ..: -� ���--
<br /> ,� ��r.. Subdivision,said point atso being 11 . feet,more or less,lNcst � ,• .-'�.��. �.���.-
<br /> �� of and ZO feet South of the 5outheast er of the Northeast � , • �' . .•
<br /> , Quarter (NE'/.) of Secdon 36-1i-10; thea westerly on the � �. . .
<br /> �
<br />�- x.��� � � , . �
<br /> - �-s : .
<br /> t� ,.�,. .
<br /> ;�.r�:�-�. 3 .
<br /> - . - - -
<br />