; ,......rr-. . ' ��i8. :�F. ' . � . - . � ` . - - • ... .- - �_
<br /> - :Y;. . ' . '- - ' _ uo'-.' - _ � _ . . . - _ . - . _ . ._ _�—_
<br /> - .. " '` " �=�� �. '.`� - _ _ _ ' _ _.___ -__ - ` - � _. . ._
<br /> . .,
<br /> .
<br /> {.�_ ' ' '_ .' , + __ _ - - - __ " "_ '__- _-. ._- ... -
<br /> � :.' . �
<br /> _ - - - � �~ � _ - . .� - = � — � � . - , � 92�. ios2�2�� � - ,
<br /> _-__ _ ` •" "' 6.IE 1kJibe f�iis to Par a�7►wm or i�eep any covau�ot pra±►jded fac in tHism�t�MaWI�,st� �
<br /> itf option mq►pal►a patam thF um�and a11 aAea�tnre��o m�e sbaU be ad�kd to tbe p�indprl�ow� `
<br /> � oo tLe abo�noce,�8.n 6e�ec.,uureat hae�►.ana�u axr interaa�mtit v.�a at tbte r.te rrovtded ror ia tlse vria-
<br /> � ��� • � '' . , , '
<br /> � �.[Tpon requat of the Moty�ee,Matpyor sliall a�caute and ddiver�supplaaeatal nata or nota fos . —
<br /> t6e sum a suws sdvancad�I►Mcrt=aaee for tUe dtaation,modeiaiutian,or imyto�rement made u tiu Mort-_
<br /> i��'s�4uat:a for mainteaarjoe of aaid D�.'or for 4ua a as:a�eats s�siast the same.and for aoy ,
<br /> � atba purpo�e dsavhere avtl�orizad Isaeuader.Said note ar aotes sdall be aaured hetebY oa a parlt�r�►Itb and�
<br /> - ----� -_ - u fisllx as i�tlx advsatx tvlde�ed�xrebY�rere iasWded in the aote firu de�cribed a6av�SaW wpQleme�t�l . . _ .___
<br /> ncte a aota s6�6qu inte�c at tlie nte provldod for in t�c princiPal indebtodnas and shalt be pai►sbk in.
<br /> --- �ppcaa�astdY aqusl manthl!►qYments for wch Periad as maY 6e�reed upon bY the Mortjstee�ud Mortpsor• ' _
<br /> - � Failin�to aQee on the mst�uity.the Ml�nk of the�m or sums so advaaced ai�all be.due aod Pari�ble tlrirt7►(30) __
<br /> -`�R dtYs�tter demand by tbe Mortza�ea In nc event s b a II t t u m�rity e x t e n d b ryand tLe Wtim�te maturh y�f tbe �
<br />_y- . , mte fiist dactibed sbave. . . . -
<br /> �:�� ,
<br />=�`-t � . 8.He/she ixcelry+�si�ns.transfas and ats over to tt�e M�t�.to be applied to�vud tLe paymeat of �----
<br /> the aote and all sums secured bereby in case of a defiuh in the performana of any of the terniu aad ooadttioas
<br /> � of tl�is matp�e as the said note,all the rants,revtnues sad Inaome w be derired from tt�e taortP�P�� =__
<br /> - durinj such time as Eht moctzate iadetitednas�il remsiu uap�id;aad the Matpfee s6s11 havt po�res ta sQ- 6.�---� -
<br /> -point any a�eat or s�ente it m�►Y daie+e far tJ�e purpose of:eatins t6e same and cotlax�the;eats.revenues . ``~�""=-
<br /> a eat � �-_���-
<br /> - and income,snd 3t msY P�Y oat of said incomes ail na�ary►canmissions and expen:es incurred jn rentinj and `�'�;°'=
<br /> - m�uo�io�tUe snme and of vol�ectins rentals thenefrom;the balance remaininj.if any.to be sppiied toMarc!the _:��=--
<br /> . _ : , di�ebar�e of said mort�e indebtadnas. � `"'��.;,°
<br /> �T_',::r:._ -
<br />- . - ' � 9 He/sLe�n71 contumotuty maintain 6uard itsuri�nce.of sncb tYPe or typa and amauntf as Mortp�pe . ,-�;`_��
<br /> .�. ;:,_;.F.-:=
<br /> - msy from time to tfine nquine,on the improvemmts now or heratcer oa,�id premixs aad a�oepc�rLLea w►r• � - - r-:� -
<br /> a .
<br /> � �"� ment for aU suc6 Premiums has tlxretofare ban made undes(a)o!para jr�ph 2 bereof,writt r•y F��Y Nhen - J-:�`�� __---
<br /> , , y_.:.,.RS� - _
<br /> � , , dua any premiums therefor.idppa dehWt thereof,Mortpsa msy p�r the auae.All insuranoe ti�sU be carri e d i -
<br /> <._�_ ! - �Ia cumgania�ppE+a�ved by cl�e Mocc�a�ee and tLe poticia aud reaearals thereof sbari be beld by We 1V�ort�a�ee � �-�---,-- �:�
<br /> �z ..t a e a
<br /> . `� ��`•. - s i nd h�ve auschec�thereto loss p s y abTe ctawes in fsvor of and in fonn accxptabk w the Mort�a.Ia eveat � . ,T � �".
<br /> ;r '`-'��;=,,t , of to�s Mort�or w�t Qivo immeAiate notive by nw7 to t1u Matsa�ee,who map maYe proof of loss i f not m�d e . . �"
<br /> ���� ���
<br /> , "�-,_; , ;- D�amP�Y 1�i►Mort�or,aad ach insurance compa�ny conoerned ia herebg authaFSzei1 siad directat tu mslce psy- � '-�%;�;.. �-=-
<br /> _ .„ �•=�,x,: _ 'y. , �::�;���
<br /> - ment for anch loss diroctlY to the Mortgaga instr�dE�W the Mortga�or aad�e Mort�gee jaintly.and the �.. ,,,:,,r,� " ��-
<br /> C, ,;, . �: : ias�uanoe pcooee�s,or any put tbereof�sy be s�pp�od by the Mort�ce at its c�ption e t t h e r to t b e r e d u e t ion , , . _; —
<br /> � '; �t, � of the inde�tettaa�LerebY secnrod or to tl��torat�on or repair of tt�e propertY damated.In a►eat of toredasure �:i . �1 _:=
<br /> ` :�-'`_'�. of thi�mortp�or ottjer traasfer of tifle to the mort�ed DroPertY in extin�meat oY tbe iadebtednaa aavred �. .. ?'�
<br /> �, . = Lereb�y,all r��ht,titk and tnterat of ihe Mortgagor in and to arry iasuranoe pol�cies then ia forve:hsll p�ss �,':;•;.;: � �.;
<br /> . , :. .1� •L �._-h` n ;_ ..::,;; . :
<br /> ".,�� .., h��i'!1'� t0`�lfi�C,7�iGj �r���� �� ��'•
<br /> .-��nY,�r�r�.>"yrt' , �;ti., l���r..
<br /> ._".. 10. As AdditFonal and collsteral aecurit�►for the ps�yment of the note descn'bod,and all aums to bocome �.�;'r��`��+� ,-;,Fc.
<br /> .�'`'' - � ' due uAdCt this mOrtgl�ey the Moct�aaor hereby aastgas w the Mort�a aU lrase bonuses.proRts,revenues, . : ..
<br /> � .: � � `. royalties,rlghts.and other benefits accn�ing to the Mortgagor under any and all o�aad gas leaxs now,or dur- � �, , � � • .
<br /> ? .,;,�,: _�,;��-� ing the life of t1�ia mart�a�e,executed on satid premises,with tlie ri�ht to rereive swd raxipt for the sune aad f � ' � . _
<br /> . ;f; _, �. :.:" �ply them to aaid indebtedness�u weU before As afur default In the conditioas of tbis mortss�e,and the Moct- I ,� =.� . _'�;:
<br /> ��,:�.,:'=.. �:; =s�ee msy demaiad,sue for swd recover any such psymeats whm'due and psyable,but s1uU not be reqaired E` �' .. ;�:,-
<br /> :� .;,.-
<br /> �.� ��°�_��:::� ao to do.Tl�is assi�nmeat is to t�e aad beceme null and void unon releaae of this�ort�s�e. � •
<br /> _�;��.�. _
<br /> � �-- . `, ..:.;,::,
<br /> " � 11. He/she ahaU aot commit or permit waste:and shall maintain the yraperty in as�ood condidon�at � � ,, .
<br /> . •,.-�.. . . � Dresenb reasonable war and tear excepted.Upan any fsiilure W so m�intaia,Ma�a�a,at its optton,tnsy cause r '��'-:�''���,. _ .
<br /> . . ...t ... ' ; .
<br /> • . '�_•:.;`�.. : � reasoaabte maiatenance work tv be perfarmed st the cost of Mort�or.Aay�awnts paid therefor by Mort- > . � _
<br /> ' �� �a ahall bar interest at the rate providal for!A the principal indebtednas,shaU thereupon become a part � � � :.
<br /> '�..;:' �,_-.„:�;_� . .: . { . -:.__�-
<br /> • ot the indebtednas saured by this inatrumrnt,rats�bly and on a parjty wlth aIl at�er indebtaduess sewred hereby. .;,.�
<br />� �'.`,�Y �{.:�n�� �ad ahall be p�yable thiny(30)dsys after deinand. i t'��`
<br /> � � ;f:«;�
<br /> � , �- ' '' ��. If th�Drenilsee,or at�y Dart theroof,be cundemned uader the power of eminent domaln,or acquired Y • .
<br /> � ''"• � �. "�� for a pnblic uae,the dam�tses awarded,the�rocaeds for the taking of,or the conalderation for sucb acquia�tion. '
<br /> t'•
<br /> ' � � � ' � to tl�e eatent of the fuU amount ot the rema:ning uapaud indebtedneas secnred by this mortg�ge,or hereby ass�sn- .��s
<br /> � � ed to the Mertga�ee,and shall be�aid fos¢fiw�th to aaid Mortgagee,to be applled aa a¢count of the last matnring
<br /> _:.-_.-- , :- installmmLa of such indebtodness. :__ �
<br /> ���`��.����.� 13. 1!the Mort�or fails to make any payments when due,or to conform.to and comply witb any o!tha '. . . •
<br /> , ,.,..,. � .
<br /> � . . � condidons or��raments contained in th9a mortgage,or the notes which it secures,then the entire yrin�iDal sum
<br /> � . , uid aocnud intere�t sha11 at once bacome due and psyable,at the election of the Mort�aga;and thi.+mortga�e
<br /> � `�� � � . � ��.�. msy thereupon be loreclosed 9mmaWtdy!ar the whole of the iadebtedness hereby secured,ineluding the cost � �
<br /> . � � pt extendias the abstract ot6tle from the date a!this mortgage to the t9me of cammencln�auch suit,a reasonable � ;
<br /> � � - . � atcoraeY'a fa,and any auma paid by the Veterans Administrat�asE on Account of the�uaranty or lnsuraace of =
<br /> . � �be mdebtedness secnred 1►ereby,all of whlch aha�be included in the d�cree of loreclosure. - . . � .
<br /> � � � � � 14. It the iadebtedne�s sscurod hereby be gnazwtec�or insured under Tlt�e 38,United States Code,such � � ' �
<br /> . . � � '�qtt�u�d Rejutation�issued t6ereuader aad 3�e!lece on the date heseat ai�all govern the rlshts,dutks and liabllitks , .-
<br /> . ot the partin hereto,aad aay�ravldon+o!this or other insuummts exccuted 3a connaction with said lndet►t�dness � �
<br /> which are inconsiatent with s�d Title or Regu�ations aze hereby amended tu conform thereto. �`
<br /> � ' The cevenanta heretn contained shaU bind.and the benefits and advantages shall inure to,the resne�Hve .
<br /> . . . , . . .
<br /> , � . � . ��
<br /> . . . .. _ _.� . '
<br /> ` . ', . � usi►te a:sw:e s�sf l� ' . ` , .
<br /> � - - , . . .. �
<br /> ;
<br /> t.��_ .
<br />