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<br /> ��W�ia 1��CIOlpb 00lr.d[��![C[CL'iDd qi�IG QI�OpCtly.�iu CiS�GltS.�IfAti11CGS.— �
<br /> ` : �}�ad 6st��es mM a�f,�� aR�a p�t o[t�pro7�pa.`t.y_. Ali-r�l*a�oan��ents and�La�d�itiaas shall�tso be covaad by Mis Se�curity .
<br /> , _ Y�Y1�iNM`���Y1G t����b P�i01s��YwM W{6Na�MIG�-� . . ' . . . -.,,
<br /> HQRROWER UOVENI1N15 thu Barower is lawfully seised of the estate bet+�hg oonveye�ard hic the rigbt ta graot .
<br /> �dd�anvey tt�e Ptvpaty�cd dnE the Prupe►ty i��meoaod�6end.exceptlbr enc�m6c�oces of necad. Barower wa�mu and .
<br /> � �n71 defawi geaaaity tbe tide�the PtopRty aaaiast att cl�ims anQ Qemaods.suDject w any encumbn�sas of recad .
<br /> � TEIIS SECtIRtTY 1NS7Rt1MENT combina unifamt covrnant�fnr mtiooai use aad aoo-unitorm cavee�s with � -
<br /> ' �umited v�iatiaes by j�uisdiction w oonsticate a a�dCorm security insaumait covaing reat pnptrty.
<br /> � iTNII�DRM OOVE�1'l�►Nl�.�Haaawtr�nd Lender coven�nt and aga as folbwsc � :_
<br /> 1. l��re�t a�PrYciMt s���te+sfl;Frepq�t a�Late Cts^�a.Bartovra sdail i�P�Y WY wl�en dve 18e
<br /> � pria�ip�l of and interest on the de6t ev�deead by!ho Note and�ny PiepaYmenE an!#�ch�tges due under the Note. ' - .
<br /> 2. Fi�is tar�us ad Lwrs�ee. Subject to�ppiicabte law or to a writtea waiver hy Lender�Bamwa st�ll pay to
<br /> . Lendeir oa the dty nxsn8dy pymieots�e due�u�der t6e Nate,w�W tbe Nde is p�id In fWt,•a sum("Fwrds'�for.(a)S►eu19 ,
<br /> _ ` . f�Cf��1YblCI1 miy�Ifl p[IO�I[S►QYC[UIt3 SCCpfll�f IOStiUmC�t i4 a 1iCU on tht PnopeRy:(b)Y�Y�u�
<br /> � payments a g�uund raus an tde Prope�ty.�f aay: (c)Yeuly 6u�id a propaty inswance piemi�ns:(d)YeuiY flood '
<br /> ir�e p�emiums.if wry:(e)YeulY m�a�tssgc ros�nce p[smiams.'ff aay;md(fl anY sums Payabk bY Bo�ower W'_ ,
<br /> l.e+�d�er.iu acco�daace with the pmrisia�s of�nph 8.in tieu of tve paymait of mort�e_uisarance ptemtwns. 71�e
<br /> ioems are catkd"F.�crow Itemc." l.ender mty,at any time,coltect and bold Auxfs in w amount aot to exceed tbe maximum � .
<br /> amomrt a lender for s fedenlly tel�tod mo�tgage ta�n may nquire far Bart�owea s esc�aw xcamt w�der tire fe�iden�Real •
<br /> _ F,state Seqleme�u Amced�n�es Act of 19T4 as amended&an 6me to time,t2 US.0�2b0!¢t aeq.("RF_SPA"),�mless another__
<br /> faw that�pplies to the Funds sas a laser smow�t� [f su,Leeder may.at any time.colloct aM hold Funds in an amount flot to
<br /> = exceed tAe ksser araount. Lender may estimate the amouot of 13uWs due at the bzcis of current data and nason�bk
<br /> - estimates of t�paWituties of fudtte E,sctiaw Items ar atlerwise ia accard�ce wit�ap�ptic�ablt U►w. _
<br /> = Tha Fimds s6aU 6e held'm an�stitutian whose deposits ace insured by a feaetal agcncy.insaumrntaliry.a endty
<br /> --- — ('ujchd'mg I.enda.ff I.ender is such�n institution)or in nuy Federal Home Laaa Bsnk. Let�der shalt apply the Fands to pay _
<br /> the Esctnw Item4. L.cMcr msy not ch�rge Borrower for hoi�n8�aPPtY�B the F+i�s,:�aanwllq atalyzing the escrow
<br /> socou�t,or veafying the Fsi.tuw tcerns.unless I.ender pays BoROwer incerGSt oa tbe Fimds aud appticabte taw permits '
<br /> I.ader m mate sach a clrarga Howeva,I,ender may requin Bornawer to pay a one-tirne ebarge for an independent nat •
<br /> . est�te tax�g servia ased by tender in cormection with this loan,uatess applicable law provides otherwis� Unless an
<br /> sgroen�ent�s mwde ac applicable law rary'in�interest to be p9id,L�der shall not be reqwcut ta pay.Bomnwec aap inOerest nr =:__-
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,tawever,tdat iaterest shall be paid oa ttie Punds. Lender _
<br /> - shaU give to Bamwer.without charge.an annual accounpng of tue Funds,showing cndits and debiu w the Funds and the' P=_
<br /> ptupose for whicb each debit to the Funds was made. Ttte Fw�ds are ptedged as additia�al secutity for aU sums secured try �=-
<br /> this Security Iaswmen� .
<br /> - If the Fimds hcld by Lender e�ceed the amounts permitted to be hetd by applicable taw,Lender sball accom�t to � ':�:�=.
<br />-:.„-�• San�awer for the excess Punds ln accordance with the reguireaxnts of appticabk law. If the amount of the Funds held� -___--
<br />-'�••"y l.ender�any tirne is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lcnder may so noEify Boaower in writing.and.�n _ � - -
<br /> _ such case Borrower shap pay to Lender the amount nceessary to make up the defcciency. Bor�wer shall make up the � �'�`
<br /> _ .. deficierxy in no mon�twelve moatlilY PaYments,at I.ender�s sole discre6Qn. °=---�"
<br /> , � IIpon payment in fall of al!sums secured by this Security InstrumenA L.ender sball P�P�Y r�fund•w Bocrower any l�`"=�'�`_
<br /> - � Funds heid by l.ender. If.under paragaPh 21.Lender shall acquire or se11 the Ptoperty,Lender,pnar to the acquisition or �-+�:�; t =
<br /> - sale of the Pcoperty,sdall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquIsition or sale as a cmQit against the sums .:�,:,;'f;:--
<br /> : ' :. _ securedhy this Security Insmiaun� - -, '-��;:`_
<br /> • � 3. Application ot Pl�ymeets. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise. all payments reaeived�by Lender under � �� �_.�:-
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fit��to any prepayment chazges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under • .
<br /> paragraph 2;thirA,co intecest due;fourth,tb principal dut:and last,to any fate charges due under tt�e Note. ._->-:�:-.'�-
<br /> . 4, CMa�es; Lieiu. Borrowcr sha11 pay all taxes,assessments.charges, �nes and impositIons attributable to the :-.>��`._
<br /> Froperty which may attain priarity over thia Security Instrumen�and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bomnwer ...�.-��;•'.'.
<br /> sisall pay these abtigarions in thc manner provided in ParagraAh 2.or If rwt paid in that manner,Batrower shall pay them an ,-=Y.:;.�:
<br /> � . dme ditectly to the person owed payment. Horrower shaU promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to Ix paid under �. .-��;- _4-
<br /> � tl�is pa�agraph. If Borffo�ver makes these paymenu directty,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender c�.�.=Fts evidencing �'�i ..'��-
<br /> � ����ershall ram tl dischar ean lienatiid.�ha5 '''� ' •,�'"`'"� -
<br /> . P P Y S Y priorich aver this Security lnstrurr.ecu ur.less Borrawer:(a)agees ,-.:..;�:�
<br /> ' in write�3 c�,3 the paymen�of the obligatian secured�?t6�lien in�cr�ner acceptabte to l,cnder:aTa)eo�tests in.good faith the ,.ra�:
<br /> ' }.° lien bg;ec�3efends against enforcement of the lierr�.fi�al proceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevem the � �� � -
<br />- . enfor�at of the lien;or(c)secuns from the ho�3�of the llen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinaGng the llen �����
<br /> � to thts Saurity 4nsuumrnt lf Lender detem�lnes c&:s any part of the Property ls subject to a lien which may attain priodty
<br /> . �� csver this Security Instrument,Lender may give Boaawer a notice itkntifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take �.' � .�4.J: -
<br /> one or�oa�of the actions set forth above within 10 days oP the gi�:ng of notice. .
<br /> S' �azud or Praperty Ins�nce. BaROwer shall kee�ci5e improvemenu now esist�.g or hereafter erected an tha • � ' � �
<br />_ A ...�t��. Propetcy¢:sured agalnst loss by fire,hazards included witl�in G';e.:nn"extended coverage°��r:ay other hazards.tncluding .
<br /> ___ ==.+: � . floods or ftooding.for which Lender requires insur2wu:e. This insurance shall be maintair�od:in the amounts and for the
<br /> --- --'=���o�=. .. , � • ---•- -.
<br />� � . . torm�28 1!!6 I/wge2oJbpc�,es) �---�� - '.-
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