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<br /> � IDH�9 OF D3SY'��IQH BY PH�Q�9I. BS�B���% }�• .
<br /> -f- �
<br />� �. ���-����i:_:
<br /> Viola M. Aieyer, Pessona]. Represea�ative of the Estate of Arnold W. Meqer. Deceased. �.:., __
<br /> ��:��
<br /> GRANTOR, conveqs and re3eases to QirgiZ J. Gorackc. Truetee of the Truats created �+`,����
<br /> in Paragraphs VII. and tiIII. of the Last Will aad Testament of Ax�aold W. I�?ayez. s"�°n•
<br /> �RA�TEE, the fol2oc�in8 deacribed real eatate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201): ��___
<br /> �.-- ..
<br /> All of Lots Sis (6), Sevea (7). and Eigi�t (8), � Bg��� � Leater Subdivision �
<br /> �.::,;::;:
<br /> � to the City of Grand Island, �a11 County, Nebzska, and -
<br /> A tract of laad comgsisin8 all of Lot Ten (10), and part of Lots Eleven (11) anc'� �.:
<br /> o Nebsaeka, more particularly
<br /> Ztaelve (12), Baci�an b Leater Subdivisioa, H��1 County _�
<br /> desc�ibed as follovs: Beginaing at the northvest eorner o� said Lot Ten (�.0)d �,( _
<br /> thence easterly along the nartb line of Lots Tea (].0) and Slevea (11), also bei�, �.°�:. _.
<br /> the south liae of Lester Street, a distance of Three Hwudred Seveaty^n3n ou herly�
<br />:,-���;` Htmdredtbs (3T�.92) feet; ah7t�o and 1Ninetgy-se�tHundredths (02.9��feet; thea�ea `_ -
<br /> -�� s' a d#.c�t c a n c e o f O n.e H v a d r e -__
<br /> °:;:..� �t�gy paraLlel to the nortb line of said Lots E leven (1 1) a n d T�r e l v e (1 2): a �
<br /> - distance of Tw�a Hun.�ted Tcr�atY-one and E�ghteeia Hunalredtha (221.18) f¢et; th�e �;�_
<br /> Y
<br /> � ooutherly par�:�1 to the �est Line of said Lot T�eZ�e �1��� 8 d�t�e� of Sevent�� �. ` _
<br /> . ' � �o � Tr,�eaty�ven Huadredths (72.27) feet, to ehs eouth line of ��€� Lot Tc,relvc ;,,�:
<br /> (�); t hence ves ee r l.y a]o n� t he soutls line of said Lot �tCrelve (12), a distance of �•-•,�
<br /> 4ne Huadre8 Five and E£�at Tentlaa (105.8) feet, to tha south�reat corner o f sa i d I.cr 2 �;
<br /> . �elve (12); tIz°nce deFT�cti.ng left 00°04' an+d r�n3ng weaterly along the south 14�r �f.;
<br /> Q�..
<br /> � o f s a i d L o t s ��a (1 0) a nd Eleven (11), a di.etance mf four Hundxed Ninety-fous a� �__
<br /> � Fo�r Tenthe (�74.4) feet, to the south�eat corn�r o f sa f d L o t T e n (I 0 3; t i i e�� .__-
<br /> � •aor�h,�.sly along the �r�� liae o f sa i d Lo t T e n (1 0 3. g d i s t a nce o€ One Huna�ea f_�
<br /> Sevc:r,ut'y�-sis and Tventy-�tie g�dredths (�Ge25) �eet to the place of begiani�g a�d�
<br /> �. . � �Qat��ii�g 1.899 acres, more or le�s, �}."•(�,,L�ING thae por�ion thereof on which. s�.
<br /> ,. 3Q-foaY. wide ����r track right-of�r¢J ia si��ted, ----
<br /> ` �� enbject to ��►ents aad restrictioas of record. : �
<br /> ��;
<br /> . � o_�
<br /> " . ' GRANTOA hae de�ermissed th=e G GRANTOR coveaaata withnti�tl�t�GR�NTOR haa lega].•
<br /> tes3 estate £to'.n said esta
<br /> ' � . po�rer and�L�'� suthority to convep and release the same. �
<br /> �f:
<br /> 9f /7 1996. F•,-�
<br /> ESECBTF�: ' �.
<br /> . .. ESTATE OF ARNOLD W. L�YER. Deccsaaed. - �
<br /> .. gy 7/,�,.t.�. 1�-r .1'Ya �. . .
<br /> . : �r ���� Peraoaal Represen tiv� .
<br /> �.�:` •:•
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASRA ) sa: .
<br /> • CAUNTY OF AALL ) C�j .. ��
<br /> ��-�'. 1�96, :..�
<br /> Th¢.. foregoing instnm�ent was ackaowledged before me on �� `
<br /> � ' • g�<� t��ola t4. Fieyer, �ersonel Represeatal.�:�ve of the EsCat of Arnold W. H�y�Y, • �;:
<br /> � • Brs.�ased. -
<br /> .
<br /> . ' Iib b7. � , �
<br /> n..�,�r�
<br /> ����I`��� Q
<br /> ��.
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<br /> . � . �`
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<br /> ... ` . . . . . .. . . .{•. � ' . . . � . . .. , � . . ' ._ ' .
<br /> ' . . , . . . . - .. . � ' - .. •_ . . . . � ... � . . . �. - -. . �. � . . . .
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<br /> ' � . ` _ �J . .. . ' � . - . . - l � .� . . . ''...i�. � . . � . ' � . _ -' .
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