. �� . • . . r ; . .`� . , .. ;;�
<br /> • � � `^ --�—��� �L_._._���a »�—=-�:—�+�` ' 4. . `��• ,` ` s: � �
<br /> ti�.�.wY-� ��� ���� �(�'.Q�CfFId .F—" .. __
<br /> 7 r���
<br /> . � St is�etd isy tc��taun Parti=s tt�:w t2�.at uatil tdin8 a#.iVatirR a1 IIdi�.�iL ths Trastar sh;.1t:ti)D.,"Y QII p:�ea?acd fi�ture taxes��3 aSSCa:�x.:tA � . 'a��: ' ` �.:,• _
<br /> g�.�sat cr.d s��:4.�`.3l eV�d!BroD=nY bsfaz the su¢e O:carmea Qtlinc�.:at css:u?ioa=b.�t2)teep a�€a�e��v ersted an tha t�cd insureit Ls�:v�t� ,.. ;v .,.
<br /> ...1 ,K q t t s t t d�t t e�t i t�..t n 1�b�t�ifsl:rY e�insS to:s hp firc aAd other tna..'iG1.c��1ti_s ead ccr,ting�cc:s in saeh�+�unss nad Cos r,�ch pFtioci�s�t1a� '=.r,,....-•.,.:7"�r,�
<br /> � it�'i�tie m�tt1 assy Be 2$Zittd b7t E:aCfisi�.zY.G t i d to 3t°p a U p n 1�:�es a Y sL:b���u"nce t n Ca:�or e f f e s t u p o n t L�e p m�E s i e i s t d e s c n"D e d c o Z S�a t i y s s-�"g[r.0 � {�
<br /> ¢a6�ekrere4 to Bt::cfx�.vY:(3)C�S'aa4 cc��aah aD tEe tcrmc un�ea:.��i a:�ry lisn.cl�ic�or indeb�-dncu that�a1t 5�6edor to or ta1t�p:ece�e ; . . .
<br /> 3 a:•te Yhs T[wt i&ed es E��rs sa��uh paYc�:nt oa as of s:u1S lian,cLizi ra ln�htsdnc�s�haIl,tracmx det;and aQon fa�7mre af Tmstot to Qet�em��:d _ _
<br /> u •< S
<br /> c�,�etmtat�Bersf:ci�Y�Y C�ss:sh L'Li G�faz aLSh LZStusacc n��slY afP�m:P3.a�ar cLvms er icQeOtedr.�s aa the c�se r.�ay tte.aad tht moacy so atp�nde� ' .' �s, _
<br /> = Gish tntcr�st cq 49S�r enaz:ru.EhiH be scca:±d try tt�et Tmst[?x�,a�td Q:t Tmst:�r�es w mpay the r.�upcn�.a.vnd.and u�ua faiince m Qa so tIle CaL�sx :` . , _;'. � ,:
<br /> � Gf tts ett�ckc0 nota s'ull Qtco�s Einmcdistb d�and D�YaDln:ai Ute�pti�at�?ce Be,:eRc�ry+:(4}specifl.raSlyr caafer�on t�e Tnutx tRe poaor of s:te •,�
<br />-;._� c u�u o v i�e Q i n NebrzsY�faw:(51 seuin Fosse�ia�ot the Dttmiseacti�f caL,.^a c�u:t�ts and�xwes tfte�sfrom �.�°��++r���<'�'
<br /> ; Upan P�yya:ent o!afl t�,s sua�cecused tiy tnis 7raEt Dor�,ttt�9�:fi:i�;�cbxri reQunt tr.e Trustee co recam�y the pr�paty a a d a l�a l l s u m n 6 e r t h i s r� .�;, ° ;
<br /> 7rast Deek aad cI nates evid:rsis�ind:S'�.s 6ccn�td tiy thl�7Yust D�zd ro the T�or and Tr,uTee sL11�ecam'ryr tLe O�D�Y�itt�out a�uaaty trr cte . ... ,.
<br /> u
<br /> .� p¢�son mt petsoas Is�1,Y entit::d N:ceta Bat if detavle Ee m�nle in tC��y:.,�et of�i3 o�e nr r.ny part thtteaf or nny oP t�e iatetest tAs�can a�h.-o dua , < . ; j_
<br /> ,:i ot in ths Gzithihi perColmante of us1 ar e:1�u of said e�eemarats as nf��i th�tIlii dacd cball cemain in toz�and the�rLe2e af said aate sLafl treurme . ,•<. .. ..�. ,,_�-�_
<br /> h -
<br /> Qee�O be paid at the Q.-�fciarY's oD�:am as�:r,.ir=fttt pm�:dnS'i�z Yru-sse sk+d!6ac�th2 cigh�ay�en demaad.to a�y cu all of the follnwic�to taie imme�uax _
<br /> _t aa�.riaa af tEe a:oDef+y,co caa�rhz s��r�tenLls aL Son arry�xir:pmp�r�ro collea cen ra�is ca make aay neccssarr Ra'+i+�or repacementg to =.�`�^",'�-��_�--�_�
<br /> f,� .. �_
<br /> � �mroD�Y.an4��3'�L7 thc ca;i of re�ti[�fhe D�D�Y.coUe�tinS f2rs rax�s xnd the m,JtinB ot any+�ey�s to�e PmP�Y•�aDDjY ths ralaace on tIle •• (. _
<br /> zti
<br /> sua�Cereby secaced:en0 ii ttxte Ps aa sufTicEeai nn e+catat moaqyr retcised r•r�Aay the cost af[zQiws.[hen anY lui�nce sflill be secns2d Gu,by ata�3 w�FtD
<br /> r ei .
<br /> {� ' tte r,ote acd t�ttu�r.ntt o!in;:r�t:and in aeflirian aha Ts¢stve aa�s.clmrneY�W D�sx�so sd!tEa pcoqesq�in Its entuetY or in$atcels at ahe : .., . , -
<br /> . i aptam at Yhe•7n�e hatir2efaie ds:sril�edat pnDtie aarsiao.w th�tr�hr�tr�SQe�Cc:c�Hs av�.r.tl�e pc.sEr.of�a:e Carm tenfmnzb.aynn tt�:Tcustts ,,.,r`,;�.'�.�_,__.�'�
<br /> na
<br /> �� s1t�II�rt 6e aaei�td t�!t 1)the Trastte shtll�nst fik fot.teco�in t�aifics af ths�e�isier of�eeds of ecrb caunfi�vLrcem tlta tiast�rapesty Or som�. ' �5.�.���,�
<br /> n
<br /> � � p�t or pane7 thsten!B sim�ed.a notice af QeF2iill.ittentifljln�3 the Tmstsc trf�ths aamcs of the Trtutor and azmes thesero hnd g:vmg�tit bot�and - �a-;^��r, �('"
<br /> b0
<br /> ' Q�gc a�he�the saae is teoos�e�a dsaiDUOn of Ne truu PtaP�1.aad c�ZtZninB a statemrnt tbat a b�sh of an obiig�tian far whic3 t�t vuat tuai►RW , '.:-�:?r.:'.,, .. ,..;_� ,
<br /> ' �cam'aS���Y has oor�[ed.ecd utdni f�tD t8o s�ttute oi s�b�i3�aad af his etecunn w seD ar rause to be cad such�rmy�ty to s�fY tIIe ti•5�"' ' '- {
<br /> ,,� uCil��t2)aftsr ths iayse oi ant[es+tl�2a oae r¢antA.tIle Tca,�st�l:Qha untict af sak as pravided bY Ne6t�a L�w.Atter aatice of dtfanit aad :�,..�.��'..,,:�.-�;:::.�:;._,
<br /> L:gse ot aat te�tha�e momb.t1�Tmsiee shaD gnz arittaa natsee of tt�:ti�e�c���P���d�e�P��Y m�e sa16 C7r puDiisa�nn • � - :.;; �
<br /> ��sch�ct ita�i"�C t�e�oace a�ak Gs fnt consecuti«vree�ttrs EtSS puUl�atian tn 6e at lnst t0 dsys 6¢t r.ot mase than 30 days priar ta t�t .`c`�5,����_- ,
<br /> sd�m sa�aea�spipe*Ca�ria8 a t�"�c�aI�ti�in easfi caixuy i�wi�dEe pmperty w Oe�a1d.rr same p3rt tha-�ab is situmd.Opon sncd sal�the :,,a-.=._.� _
<br /> ; s
<br /> j TtosL,*t sL3Il eut�e sr�dal"r+ee a dced of cos�lr�ce of 4"te D�D�Y sn*Q w ttie P��Ou�tra�ts tLeswf aad e�9 s�rm�at 4r 2cital of f�t itw su� '-.;��--�.�-.. .��:�.
<br /> �ed in tt�ion w ffic execsis:of the paR�t of saTs and c�ic ot tt►e P�'nP�s'd�crtrt�thaein.md�d'm8 cafta's contattm�anY�IDB.D����Y `-.`�•°'��°�-. -
<br /> c
<br /> : ana pablitation at tht antice of detatill,ar4!mzihni an0 ttto pahtir��taa aa�P�off of�ctice of sak.attd Ute wffiact aE s�and aub teeital sLafl c�titute �;;�;'_— —
<br /> '.� pmas fxie ev�d�oa oi mch oomi�Tiance aad c�clusire eridence tItssnt in�vr aS Dcaa t"ide p�s and mwmCrsncers fcr vatne and aritltoa4 aotite.
<br /> �. !� 7be tias0�'s dced s�D agrn::to coa�'a9 w 1Ge Gm�t aithous ri��t�'��tian.tke Tt¢�ee s Mk�d a1I tight titt��t aad d�im af the Traswt -�•�= ��.,—
<br /> � ead Lis wCassots in i�Ct�st H�d of till pe[sans cl�imin�DY ot tIlm:��ov¢tl�'hl:tt�n.6n�d tn t0e psoytriy so:Q.6aci¢d'u�g aIl sacb iigLt.titl�m0ecest 3td -- c ..f. '
<br /> . � fji7ID 10 iDQ W EQCb�f6j1C[ty YCQIIIIld 6P�ETIUSWt 6t AS69[IGCCS:OIS iA f�1ttG�;wbseqa�t W the erecatian�£[he Tr�ste�TAc ltasr.e sSatPapFTy tIle pcaceeds : .
<br />_i. �` d t�e lkmoeds sa�fuit.Lo t�e castabi a�cpmses�ext��tac Or"�o�c�andul the ra�' �t�e DaY�ont aY me Trastee B tces ecmaDY i�xe4 �`�'*�- ;`-..
<br /> i..,� •
<br /> nqt tq e�eeA the amean2 wL's�mr/be�far io the tmat dme4 sam.t�W p�rma�t af tHe o8li�tiaas secace�h9 trs tmst dxd.an�tne batance.Si _ t�, r `-:••;�`,"�,:�' c.
<br /> r;; � ti Qny,to the DecS�u ar Pusoa9l�ib e�itkd U�Cet°' "_.. 4..• __,
<br />��'�f And t5e Trustee cosEn's�faabfulb'w ys2fmm t&a trwn heaein cc�.od �= �
<br /> ..;•�. BEriEFIC1ARY maY fmm time m t�e cattfituta u sna�aor�sc�sa�e w any Te¢stee aamcd 6ecein or acting 4zeieur�der w e¢cate this Tnm Detd _ _ -- ��,q
<br /> 1T�en sad�app�mmt and withoat com'eYmoe to the suxes�or Tfa�rc�Ur.laRmr st�ii be vestea wish afl titlF Do�.aad du@es co�'eued uD�aA7+T�� �,r---:
<br /> I �"�
<br /> ..;.t.: Lam aamtA 0r�haem�.'a.E�h sa�sypaiatmcat and substiASicn c�:Rl:�.e a�x4.C�arrittcn iasunmsotand err^cateA bY Seuefici.'+LY�a?atatni��famc� •`�. .
<br />:''r�.;.: , ra t�Trust Dad a�ita pheC ot tecad.wtith.wDGt tetotded in tL���of ttte Reg�er of Det4�af tte ea�.Y�az caunti�.its tvMc6 c8d GmG�9� :�c�
<br />_;..�,�.•.. E�e4 stali bt wndnsive p-wf of GmDe*aDDoint�nt of the 6aacersov Ytmaa The fms�oiu8 Dowzr of snUs�oa�d[lx praed�e thaefate shalt noi :.
<br /> - Ce xadusi�e mt tIlt pawer aud psoudare�easidsd Car A,►=!sw for the sut�tim2itm af a'IIvnee or Tmstecs m tRe place af.W�Frostee or Tiustees named daeia. '
<br /> ;, •`. , ShouiA the Ttttstar����manr�iW�itlte�t'm�t��as]7.�d��d s�}esG��tc(�m'�n7t�Itart thaeof'�tke�o SenefuiasY m�!dectara� '�t . ... -�'
<br /> .�.. I� !.
<br /> �CeCmxSTd EY a�mCat '...'
<br /> sxx:rmd hCteDy imIDedi�iet9 d��psyals.'�subi�m•aypliCabtC EazJr. r`... • , i .
<br /> ,'•I�,'� � T�e wants Gy Tmstu or�ciasY of a�r ddnnit af Ttv�nr unC�zt dtis Trust Deed shull nct�cr 6e d�tmed tn be a araiver of azty other m suailu �� �� � . ';,. �,`i
<br /> � � �Gr •
<br /> �a j d¢faD1L4 su6seqIItut2y oCCUtrin� °�
<br /> 3„,r. _ ' t� , .
<br /> ,,,�,,�;:�- 7'his Ttatt Doed sh�ll mure tfl aad bind thc heita Ie�ttees,d�iset�.rL:tnnistr�n,-�eFCCtawr.s.snccer.sors aud a�s of the pa�ti�s henta �� .�
<br /> c .
<br />.`,�'�a��1� ThC TtWK lT9CC.�b.'i�.2 N�m+stmeA nctorQing W tAe ia�vs Of 1lIG Sti.t:ab,i.ebsusim. '�f .;L
<br /> . � •ILe T�s tequ�s tLU a copy of asry mtice of defaatt aad af eav nriaaof sale daeunder De m�cd w 6im by cercd�ed mu'}at nbeaQdttsa�aaeinb�efaae • �,.s:,�:- S
<br /> :ii.•Ik,ith�d evi�tate oY siuA ma�v8 shzll constitato t�ideace of rtseipt�spLfi aatica . ,�,� . .
<br /> � Tcostot�nt�and�armnta thu the abm�e de�a�ed aaf ratutc ss�:rt ascd for an agricattnral activity. ' .
<br /> W6eteoer the coate�t to�es.singuiu vro�c sdall be caa3tca�d m d►:�J.ucd vice vessa,and the mascuL'me gender sha11 be wasvued w incinQe .�";
<br /> . � • ."�,.� .. =--
<br /> �e femmine and via vasa. �
<br /> . iNf Wl7'NFsSS WHEREOF,tLe Tmstw h�s 6etounw sc!ha tt�Gl tLe�end i�r fus[nbave wri�n. . . . --- -'���'-,------.
<br /> _ . � r�.�--� .
<br /> " .��'• . ._ _ _ . . . ��1'. �' .._�� ...._-_
<br /> = :. � �, • • •
<br /> �_ . � � .. • �fl•. ..�, ,�.�._.�.
<br /> %V,{! °ey�. -�•�a.-•=--_.:
<br /> u�,--�- �_ ��Q.L.�/.� z;�� - _ - -
<br /> �;� f : Dean 1�. B er ans s �::., • - •
<br /> �-t-�{ri� . ! , - . . ....a�'�c���u..
<br /> �1, (. .
<br /> �.�.� ._ �� ��� �� ! "t:_.l�ic��
<br /> �-}1' � � �'�`� Patricia D. Bierhaus •:�-�,r�-.r��-
<br /> �� • ','1 ,
<br /> �'� ' Nebraska �� ���iw--�s-=�=
<br /> I SPJIQ'E�P
<br /> �� : �70�tNlY OF Hall .'�., .. �. `.° k,.�. .-
<br /> 7� . .
<br /> � Eef�a ma a Kotuy Yabtk.4��dY�d amnh.Den�nalM�� Dean A. D.i�Prhaus '�,�. ..:..Y�. -..:
<br /> �� . � :-tT:r-� L"•.:1:iT.
<br />'i:�lV a-���St' .
<br />_-�F,.� � Patsf cia D. Sierhaua tnosrn to�e m De the i6emir�l petaoot�)�rho ct�ned me fusv,vin� ��'�.;�'�'��-_,;,�,_
<br /> . fk�4 of 7kmt AetnaMe�t nffi th�dgud Ne Trunt Decd ar��c�kQged the e�catiao ft�rum�w Ee trb.6er a theh vammuli act��nA QetQs - _ _-
<br /> � , M1n��r 0�a�Nosadsl Seat on ap�*°mhc� 2e3 —.39 96 . ,•;`,;""�".,'�"..T..—.M
<br /> I��'��:_=r:
<br /> �.1t , � 0�1YRM1ilt01AiT6SI�M�IfkErt�t� J '.�+s,�`;: �_,-.�
<br /> RM1
<br /> � SCOTY E NODTEJi ` ., �
<br /> � _ 1bt�.�.fi�tf aat°� �y ccmmkoon e�yira� ��''�Y/�O,/9�'� . ,7���ruk'z'�`
<br /> . „ 's;`���---.
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