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<br /> `.` IIi.Anp�y i��o wr�.n 6r `anniq.a.�+nd.r di.�h.�.ri•op�iont in 1es,ol��nd ab.o�h+�•di�cntlo�s�b+ivoh►+N.uch P�c..�.r
<br /> � aM�d�ducikql�i�'on�W oow and�cpinNS(�xnd bY k tn e�Yon�i1h sw�P�oa+e4�.upon anY�d�b1�s�b
<br /> . . ha�b�t and in�or�M is LN�du n�l O�M�ml�e.or b'aDall all auch ProcNds�afM►wch d�d�uCBon.s.b 1M rNbra�on d ih�
<br /> � prop�yuponauchCOndilio�sasLendKrt�Q�rtniM MyaDP�k,�tfonQtProCMdstof��IWlnot�du�por0o�at�
<br /> ` 1N.d�w�a�►ypaynwnes urkNrai.tVM..o.eursamr d���r►der or hsr.�,nder.Anr unippl+.a lun�.h�N b�p.le a �
<br /> h�feriw�0�L�neMr.Upon ths occurr�cs of an Event d Oelault't�undsr.or if any�ct is Wnr►a Mp�l prccwdtnp
<br /> . �.�b�rhich[MMri�lh►aMcb E�ntl�►'s t�tir�ttn fh�Prop�rty;L�nd�r may In its own discrNlon.6:ityrithoutoblty�tion b Qo �
<br /> �o.�rid wflt!out nWiGi b ar dNrw�d upon Tiwb�snd wifFiaut ruiwirgTruiEO�irom any dbitpaGOn.Oo�rny act whtch tnatorhs
<br /> �prNd but fails b do and may aqo�do any otl�aCt it Qeems ns�aryto prW�ct ths�curih hereof.Tnuoor slatl.imm�di�
<br /> upondsrrwndtlferototC�fLends`r.WYtoL�nQK�llcansandexpe�aioCUaedanQsumseicper�de0D7llend�rinCOnrNCtiQnwiq�► ,.
<br /> tM�xercit�bY 1.ende�M tbe tore�otngripMs.�e►with tnterestttMnon atthe dNauR rate prdvided in Ms Nolt whkh i1W I br►
<br /> iddsQ b rIS Indebl�dr�s acW�d lMrobY•te�MK sh�ll na!irMUr arry liabilily b�cauw d anyl�ing it tnay do or omit�o do
<br /> tflre�xlde►
<br /> 9.Fista�deat Malwi�Ttunot shatt keep tlrs Property in aamplian(�with all appticabb laws,ordinau�cis end reaulaUor�s ;
<br /> rMstiny to in�strW hyptene ar am(ronmsntel profectlon(cullectivety.re(e��ed to heretn as°EIlY1fOflR1l111iI I.SWi"}.Ttl�smf fNill
<br /> kNplAt PropeRyNeehom a8 substancesdeemed to bshaia�dow awxfa unGerany F.nvironmental lsws(cNWlactiYvely ralaaeQ b
<br /> Mrsin as"Haurdous Mat�xlals'�.Trustor hareby waRants a�d�epresenm to Lender that there are no Hazardous Maleriafs on or
<br /> � �1hsP�a1►enft.TiustorherebyaQreestoindemnifytandha!dharmteslLender,itsdirectors.of�cers.emptoyessandasents.and
<br /> any succetsors to LerideNs interest f�om and a�ainst any and a1t clafm�damages,tosses and liabilities artaing in conneCliort with
<br /> !he pre�enc�uss,dispotal or fransport ot any Hazardous Material�on,urufer,irom ar about tAe Progerty.THE EOEIEQOING
<br /> 10 AMtprinMd of R�nN.Trosror hereby assigns tb Lender ihe rents,lasues and profits of�e Properry:provided tltat Trusfor
<br /> ahelb untiltheoccumence of an Erentot Qefaulthereunder,havetfie riphtta collectand retafn such rents,issuesand prufibasthey
<br /> beCOme due and psYaAte.Upon ttie occuaence ai an Evenf ot D81aul�Lender may,eFther irt person or txy aQent,wittr qr wlffiout
<br /> brfn�in�sny action or praceeding,or by a receive►appotnted bg a court art0 without reQard to tne adequac3►oi ib aacu�iry,enter '
<br /> upoa and take pos�asion of thel�.r,�erty,or any pad thereot,in iss own nameor irt the name ni the Trustea,and do any acls whlch It
<br /> deeams aeCOSSaryor desirable t��ervethevatue�markelabit'Ry or rentabitity ot the Property,oranypaR thereof orinteresttherein,
<br /> (ncreaae Me income therefrom cG�rotect the securiry hereot a�►Q with or�vithout takiag passession of ihe Property.sue tor or .
<br /> . alheiryise caltect fh�rents.i���d profits thetePl.inctudirt�tltose past due and unpaid,and appty the same,less costs and
<br /> - expenaesoi opsration and cotte���inctuding attameys'tees.upon any irtdebtedrtess secured hereby,a(1 iri such order as Lender
<br /> may determina The entering upa:s and:aking possesslon of the Property,the aollection ot sucb rents,issues and profds artd*he
<br /> - applicaUoo thereot as afor�af�.si�all not cure'or waive any Qefautt or natica ot default hQreunder or irtvalidate any act done in �
<br /> respanse to such Qefautt ov pursuarit to s•�ch notice ot defaultasd,rtotwithstanding the con��f:ance in pbssessinn oithe Property or
<br /> Me cottection,recefpt and applicatton of�ents,issues or prof��.and Trustee and Lende:s`.-�t1 be entitted to exercise every�Ight
<br /> provided for in any of the Loan Instrurr,ents or by taw upon occunence otany Evant of Oatautt incfuding withnut limltatton the right
<br /> . W exsraiae the power.otaafe.Further,LendePs rcy`stsartd remedies undetMis paragraph shall tse cuirsu:�'��ra wtth,and in no way a
<br />=� limtration on.lende�."s[Ights and remedies unQerany assignment of teases artd rents recorded 8gainsit�e��perty.Lender,Trustee
<br />• and the receiver sf�a71 b9 liable to account on[y for those�enta actualty received.
<br /> 11.Ewnb ot ONaalf.The toltowing shal!c�rtstitute an Event at De}autt under thls Deed of Tn�st
<br /> - {a) Failure to pay any instaltment of principal or interest of any other sum seau�ed her�6y when due;
<br /> - ('e) A breach of or default under any provtslon contained in the IYote,thls Qeed of'frust,any of the Lcan Inshumenta,or any •
<br /> other Uen or encumbrance upon the Pr�perty;
<br /> (c) A writof executton or attachment or any simitar process shall ba entered against Trustor which shall bocome a lien on
<br /> the PropeAy or any postion thereof or interest therein:
<br /> (d) T�ere shall be tiled by or against Trustor or 8orrower an action un�er any present or future tederal,state or other
<br />-�-' atatute,law cr reguta�on retaung to bankruptcy.insatvertcy or other reliet for debtors;or there shall be appoir�ed any trustee,
<br /> - receiver or liquidator ot Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property.or the rents,issues or proflts thereof,cr Trustor
<br /> or Borrower ahall make any general assignment for the benefit of creditors;
<br />_ - (ej The sale,bansfar,lease,assignmenL convayance or(urther encumbrance of aI!or any parE o1 or any interest(n the
<br />���'' PropeRy,elther vpluntarily or invotuntari!y, wlthout the express written consent of LenCer, provide6 that Trustor shall be =
<br /> permitted to execute a tease ctthe Property:'►at doe.g rtot contain an opUOn to purchaseand the term of which does not excsed _
<br />- one year, • �.
<br />_y:_ (q Abandonment of the P�sperty;or _
<br />,�,y,. � (y) BTrustor is not an inCwldua�,the issuance,sate,transter,assignmen;conveyance orencumbrance af morethan a total _
<br />�r_'�,{�_ 01 percent ot pf a corporation)its issued and outstanding s��:n or(if a paAnership)a total 01 percent ot =
<br /> _��y partnershlp Interests during the pertod thia Oeed ot Trust remains a I;e�o�s the Property.
<br /> ;�,;, 12. RNn�diN;Ac�NqNon Upon DMauM.in the euent ot any Event of�elault Lender��-�y,without notice excepl a3 re,�uired!sy =
<br />- taw.declare ell indebiedness secured hereby to be due av��ayable and the same sn��!;�ereupon become due ar.�payabte °
<br /> `°�" wlthout any preseMmenf,demand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereaftsr 6wnder rtrsy. -
<br />' _;(_ (a) Oemand that Trustee exerclae the t�OWEH OF SALE grante��erein,an0 Trustee shals t�-z�:eafte�cause Trustor's _
<br /> . interest in the P�operty to be sold and the p��eds to Ce distrlbuteC,aU in the manner provided iz�s�Jebraska Trust Oeeds
<br /> - — - - - A� �
<br /> ' - (b) Exercise any end a11 rights proviCed tor in ar.y ct the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi a^y+Even1 ot
<br /> DetauiX and .
<br /> �•�•% (c) Commence an action to foreclose t'e s Oeed ot Trust as a mo�tgage,appoint a receiver,or specitically enforce any olthe
<br /> covenanb hereoL
<br /> :•��::'"• No remedy herein�onterred upon or reserved to t►ustee or Lender is in�e�:ed to be exclusive of any atF��r remedy herein,in the
<br /> �'=��� � Loan In�truments or by law provlded or perc^:�e0,but each shatl be cu:^�G:.va.shali be in addition tc every other remeQy given
<br /> '� hNeunder,ln the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existing at Iaw or in eGuity or by Sta*.uta.and may 6e exercised concurrenffy,
<br /> '' indFepe,ndentty or suCCessivety.
<br /> . * 13. TruitN.The Truste9 ir.ay resign at any time withou!cause,and Lpnder ma�r a'any tlrae and without cauae appoint a
<br /> successor or substltuteTrustee.Trustee shalt not be liabte to any party.including wlthout timitatlon Lender.9orrowar,Trustor or�ny �
<br /> � ;;,, purohaser ot the Property,tor any toss or damage unless due to recktess or willtul misconducb and sha�l rtot be requiredto take any +
<br /> ' actioo ln conrtection wltb the entorcement of this Deed oi T�ust untess indemnilied,In writing,for all costs,compensatlon or
<br /> ;~ expensea whlch may be assoclated therewlth.ln additlon,Trustee may 69come a purchaser at any sate of the Property(judicial or
<br /> � _. ,�,,:, .:� : uneer the powe�ot aale grante0 herein);postporte the sale of a11 or any poRion ot the Property.as pravlded by law;or sep the
<br /> _ _ ,�'�'�.�_i-:. Property e�a whole,o�in separale parcets or tots at Trustee's discretlan.
<br /> . 14. PNS�nd Exp�nNS.In the evant Trustee sells the Property by exercise of power of sate.Trustee snall tse entitled to appty
<br /> any aate praceeds tirst to paymern ot all costs and expenses ot.exercising power of aate,including aJ 7rustea's tees,and LenQer's
<br /> � . and Trustee'9attomey'stee�,ectuStly incurred to eMtent pe;mitted by applicabfe taw,ln the event Borrower or Trustor exerciseaany .
<br /> rlght proWded by law to eure an Event ot Qetaut�LertQer shal!be entlttod to recover trom Trustar atI cost�and e�pensea actualfy
<br /> +z:�' � inCUr�ed as 8 reSUtt o!Tru�tcr's detault inctuding withaut limitation a1t Trustees and attomey's tees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> appticable law. • � '°
<br /> • ' _ 15. FuWn�Qvan��s. Upon request of 8orrowei.Lender rrray,ae its opUon,make addiUonal.and tuture advances artQ re-
<br /> - -
<br /> --�-,,-,.�� ._�,�f advanceafiaBorrower.8u�i:�e��ic�ssn�freathrancegw�thtntaresfit�ereoa,sqalt6esecuseGbytfstsEleedotT�usL tira�st�aR .- - .
<br /> ths principal amaunt otthe indebtedness secured by thls Deed oi TiusL not Q�lj��9�s advanced to protectthesecurity of this
<br /> . . .;. Oeed of Trus�exceed the origUtal prthcipat amount stated herein,or S whlchever is greater. ;
<br /> - - »., •
<br /> _ . . . , � -._. _ - - - --
<br /> :�.
<br />