L �,,'� •� , . . . • • rys . ...-...-.__..,..._�_.-'....�.---'-�.._i.�_-- - �. _;, . „'��,�,��s:II.
<br /> � _ -- ��_......_v�•� - -ti_._.___. -�• .
<br /> _7J �_�s.�___'_
<br /> , � --
<br /> . . + <<. . •
<br /> ` n 18.Pliscailaneaus Provlsions 96" ���� . . 4`,, £``,`�- -
<br /> (e)Bs�o�+re ldiat R�tas:_d.Extensian at the time for payment or modificatian of tho sums secured by this dted of 7ruot gtentad , ' �
<br /> by Lender ta any Et�islf�yQa l�erost ot Borrower shali nat operate to reteaso.fn any mtinper.the Ifabiilty of She origlnal Boerawer 1� f`, �. � • �._:
<br /> end Bo�rower's ettccess'ois in interest.Lender shall not bo re�uircd to commsnee proceadinfls apeihs!such succeasor or r9tus�to ;? -�e 'a�-•.-__
<br /> �, extend timo tor payment or otherwisa modify amortimt!on of the sums eecured by th3s Deed of Trust by res3on of ary damartds ' ' , • _
<br /> made by tAa origtnai EoROwer end Borrovlera suocesaors ln interest. • ' �
<br /> � . (bl Lar[d�a Pow�rs.liYithaut aHacting t�o iisbility ot any othet porson Oabte for the peyment of nny obligation herein menUoned. '..�: :,_+�•�';`
<br /> and w8hout ef4ecting the tien or eharge of tfiis Deed ot Trust uAon eny portion of the Proparty rtot then or tfiaretoforo rotease�ea � . .
<br /> � ¢eeuri4y for tRe full amount of a11 unpaid oDIIgattons,Lender msy,from tirne to tlme and witfiout natleo(i)reiea3e any pe�nn so _____--�-
<br /> Gabta, u eutend ffie maturitY a aftar any of the terms of eny such obltgaUons,UUIi)grant otber inQuteence�,(iv)retease or tecanvay, . -
<br /> ' or cousa to bs released or reconveyed at any time at Lende�s option any parcei,portion or ell of the Property,(v1 teka or reteasa any • . ` �^ � �
<br />-y-�-`•�`' otiner fldd'rttona3 secutity tar artyt ats�g� here:s� �tfoned, w(vI? �(e cnrt►P�s'ritons or.cther-ar�rel►�a�nents with debtoro tn i ,�"�^�
<br /> EI'!
<br /> relattontherato. e.s..:�-�'.:�i�'L> �i_.....i� Q . _ .
<br /> (e1 Eelbeeeance by lender Not a Waiv�r.Any forbearanca by Lender in,gggr�q�A�(, i�h,j,or r�c�i�¢y�fjereunder,or othervvise
<br /> afforded by apA�cab�e�a'n+• shai� not be a waiver of or preclude the elterelsa�a�onW�r�9,11b9K�lmedY• The proeurement ot �, .�
<br /> :��1: insuranee or the payment of texes ot other 13ens or Chargea by Lender shatl not be a waiver of Lender's right to aceeterate tlie � `,���,;,;r.,;�S':��:.�.•
<br />-'' rt�aturity of the irtdebtedness secured by this Oeed of Tncst. � �
<br /> .` ,�;�'�°.�ri"r"�!�r�e�,-
<br /> (dl Saceessors and Asatgna Bceund;Joini and Sever�Ih6(titft:Cep�ons.The oovenar�ts and agreements hereio wnt�nad shffii ;•;.r...�. .. . ,.;:�,-;
<br /> '� bind,and the rights hereunder shail inure to,the res9e�►o successors and ess�gns of landet and Tnistor. All covenants and '•,1f;�. :r...��;:i�± .;_--.:
<br /> �� egreemedts of Trustor st�all be joint and sever2l. The captions end headings of the RategraPha of thia Doed of Tnut ate for �L��;,;?'4F;_==-��-_�_
<br /> � �.�� ` convcnience onty and are not to be used to irnerrat or d3fcrte ttse pra�rL9ions hereof. ���s��� ° � -��-;<.
<br /> , _r•..
<br /> (e�Raqwst tor fiin2taea.'i'he parties heteby�eque�t th6t a copY o!anY na4lae of Qetauft hBreunder ertd a copY ef eny noUce of �, .:: -.-
<br /> "` «.-� ..�;�
<br /> sa?e hereander be matted to oaeh party to this deed of Trust at the sdGrass set forth e6ava in the manner prescribed by epp{icabla r
<br /> lars.Fxcept far any oihet notica required unde►apP��te!aw to be given in anather mannar,eny rtatice provfded for in thia Deed of �.'T
<br /> T�ni�a�bo gtven by maifng such notice by certified ma�'i addressed to the oifier partiea, at the address set forth ebove.AnY - - ---
<br />