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<br /> THIS DEEO OF TRIiST,is made as of the 23rd day of September ,1 g 96 ,by and amon�� 3° ' ^';:;, -
<br /> � ;. ��. . :. .�,�k,..��
<br /> theTrustor. PAIIL B. SBARS aad JOYCB A. SSARS, SQSAIID AND VTLFS ros�,,`e�r.t;:.�+�_
<br /> -•;;g,�
<br /> .,:•- ..-
<br /> ;��t�;sr;_;�„_,-y�.
<br /> ,:�t,. ti�• -
<br /> #48 3(3PtJA DFtIVg DODTIPBAN NL 68832- lherein°Trustor.°whether one or cnore). , . ``• �.,�-'"'`�9°
<br /> wtta�mmTing a�dtass is s�.�
<br /> =��[+�°-�''
<br /> ' HP1NEt QF DON2&� :"'-`6"a��"'4•��_':` $,.
<br /> tho Trusree. ..•��-�.���—
<br /> , T �
<br /> . �..,�.:._"�•,`;.,
<br /> vrrta:,a rr:aTmg address is PO BOR B nOriIPID�N. NS 69032 (fiereln'Trustee'1.end -- __�.`
<br /> .4f:"(�;'E'.' _'
<br /> .- ~ the Bena6iciary. B� OF DGIJIP�IN � r�'��_a`=
<br /> whose mait'ing address t� P0 $�g B D�NIPH�T+ NS 68832 (herein•LendePl. ��
<br /> �k' ���.',�.."`.,-
<br /> . � FaR VALUA[itE CONSIDERAT[QN��duding Lendefs excension of credit Identified herein to PAUI+ $• SSF►RS �"�� ``° ��
<br /> , , �" 1�?,.E��`:�.,..=7�`
<br /> -. JOYCS A. 3SA12S " . ';�''.'"�`�'"� �
<br /> . , ?:;;,y�. � �
<br /> . . (herein'gorrower°.�kxhather one or more)and the vust herea�r.raaisd,tho ::��..'� �.�-
<br /> recetpt cE whtch is hareby acknoHrted�,�.Tnutor hereby irrevoeafu"y�;iia�ts,tr&^�a;s.eanvays and essigno to 7:,r,ctee,M'[�UG�.UVfTIt ;.t.�ff�:{ . ;x ..ya_
<br />� • PO1NC-IT[3�SALE,tar the beneftt e+�aacurity ot Lendat,under ant�s�Dject to the terms and condittans hereine�ter cet fart�,:t�e real n '�v.� .��� �• ;,;;
<br /> � • ':.'4`•.r ;
<br /> '; P�DenY,deseribed as+totluws � ,.
<br /> �...-
<br />: �� �
<br />�.� LOT POAT EIGT-fZ' 148�. �it'fICR .ACRES EAST S�VISION. AALL ':�S•.:t<ak:.
<br /> !'�:�2l.f,
<br /> C�III3'1'Yi NSBRASRA �, ��°�r
<br /> , :`{�i'�h�4'�•
<br /> ,c . -_
<br /> . PROPSRTY ADDRES3: #48 SONJA DRIVS DODtIPHAN. NE 68832- .��{, '°
<br /> Tagsther wfth c�'G 1DuL•Oings,improvemenis,fixtures.streete,altays.Passageways,easements.righto.Privleges and eppurteaancey - . �,.,w,. `,c�:--����.
<br /> (oeateA thereon or(n unx�visa perteintng thereto,and the renW,issues aed praflta,reversions and remalnders thareof,und such peraonel •:.;iy:��_��.
<br /> ' proFert.yf�fiat to etfaehed to ttfe tmptovements so as to wnstittste a fixture,including,but not Iimfted to,heating and cooRng equfpmont; , �, : _ .
<br /> an4�rn;p�c�fher with the homastead o►marital interests,'rf any.whlch imerests are hereby refeased and waived; ell of vfilch,fnc(uding . `'�''``•`� '�•:.;
<br /> u.... ..,,. .
<br />, � reptacements and eQdtUons thareto,is hereby doctared to be a part of the real estate secured bN r.tie Ilen of this Deed of Tru�t�rd sll ot �r . `�
<br /> • the toregatng beinp refertad to heteln es the'Praperty'. ' 4"y•__- _
<br /> '...�• • �.. -__i4' �.
<br /> • Thts Oead of Trust she11 sacure(e1 tho pap�nt of tha princiDal eum r�rd irnere..� ��+19e.^.ced�by e yrnmissory nota or crtdit . �.�._�`:_;�,:.
<br /> . - _ . .r„�rw.e,i.,,:,.�.r
<br /> agreameM detad september 23, 1996 ,harcSnD a maturity date ot w+:�Cember �0, 2001 � Y.•�-----��,T;
<br />� � in the orininal pdncipa!emount of 9 15,385.50 , and eny end eD madiflcettons,extensions anc!rr�enewets =-__ =__
<br /> thereaf or thereto snd any and all future advancas end roadvanesa to Sasrrnuu+�rr�inr•any of them tf moro than ono)harennder pa,-rsuant to ���;�.�.__:-.
<br /> � one or moro prom!acorY notes or credit agreamonte therein eelled'Ncte'i:@}�.'���v�ent of ather sums advanced by Landet to protect
<br /> tha security o!the Nste;(c)the pertormancs of a11 covenanta and eareements a4 Trustor aet tonh herein;and�d)a0 present en�future _��,,, _,,r;�_
<br /> inCe(axa��sss an0 obOgationa of Borrowe�Vir any ot them i4 mcr�ZhEn ono)to Lendor whather direct,indirect,a6sotuto or wntingent �_ _ °�� °
<br /> and Yrdsnr:her eris�ng by note,gu8rantY,overdrah or otherwise.Tfap B+rte,4hts Dead of Trust and any and aD othar dacumer.t�Lbat sacuro " ��T�'""�"-"
<br /> � ��:. .�
<br />� � the t�c:v or othemise executed(n eannection tharewfth,inciudina without Iimitatlon guarantess,security egreaments aRd r�csJgnments ��,,,,,,r.„.;.; • _
<br /> of tease�end rente,shetl be refened to herein as the'loan Insuuments'. '
<br /> Trustor covenanto and agrees whh Lender as foliows: T t
<br /> 1.Paymattt o1 tndm0tadnosa.All indebteds�ess secured heroby shall bo paid when due. e�,lr�#, .4. _
<br /> 2.1'r.2 M.T r u s t o r i s th e owner of the Pro pe r t y,hoa the rlght a�authoNty to convey the Pr:�trtv,and v.•a.^aRie that tho flen cfeated ''" +••
<br /> �`i;/t' _., :. ��
<br /> hera6yr i�a ftra4 end prlor lien oa tf��!�roDerty,except ior 11enu an�;ms+cumbrances aet fortfi b}P 1'nw::��in wrktng and detivact�9"a Lendar •. a•.
<br /> beforr�.r�;:aau2Am ot tht� Ceed o7 7fnJSt, end tAe execution ar:y�thlliuery of this Oeed ot tni�r,4fn�s not vlotate any ccntru�t�or other ��<iij;- .- ' `
<br /> . oDtiga*.an to whtch Tnistor Fs aubject. ��'������� -'
<br /> . 3.Tu�s.At�4ur+me�U.To pay be4ore deiinqu2ney sll taxes,speeial osseucmenta and a11 othor ehargos agatnat tho Pn::yar.y aow er - �
<br /> • hereatter tevied. '
<br /> � � 4, Lnsuraaca.Ta keep the Prop�zrty lnsurad ogains4 dambQ2 Ld fire,ht�3s,inc�uded wi:h'n the tom►'extended�cu.mr,�o',er.4 - ~"�'
<br /> � � auc1�nt1�tr hazerds as Londer rt;a•t cc�utro,In amounts and v�iffi c��.anles acceptabto to Lnndcr,ramirtg Lender a�en eddf�:��ai namtd ,_;��„ _��-
<br /> � incwrol,,wI�h toss payabla to tN�'un�,9er.In caso ot toss under Eur.ls�olicies,tho lender is autltcrizr9 to adJust,collact nnB c�:nptamise, ' -��,;,,'
<br /> � all e}aims tAereunder end ahe11 7�ana the option of epplying ell or G.a�[of the in3urance proee¢d�p�i'i to eny indzbtedness seeured het�by
<br /> ' i and in euch orde►as londer may detarmine,fii)to tho Trustor to ba vsed tor tho rop�ir or res:o�ron of tho PropBrty or pii)tor eny othEr ��� --
<br />• purpose or o6jea eaUsfactory to Lender without affecting the lien of this Qoed ot Trust for the futi amount secured heroby 6efine sueh �,�;�,�;��yf�;,_;• �.
<br /> ' p��xnt wor took place.Any sp�tcaHon of procoed3 to inde6tedrt.:ss shall not oxtend or poscpono tho dua dato of any paymento under _�w..•.�_.,»,..�...,._.___
<br /> .: �(;r1•i;?'"�<... ;._• -=--
<br /> tha bY.;r�,or euro eny dofault th�ca�nder or hereunder. ::�;T���,:. > �;
<br /> � �" !�.Lserow.Upon wtitton demand by Lender,Trusto�shall pe�to Lender,in sueh manner as Lendor may dersignato,uuldtr.i,eot swru `r r •�rY-�-^-•�- ,
<br /> to enabte Lender to pay as they hecome due one or mote of tho following: (i)eD t�ea, assossmente and other chargCS r�a(nst the : ..;��,•t�#�,w^ �
<br /> PropertV,lii)the prar.lums on the property insuraneo roquired hereurtder,and (iiil the premiums on any mortflage insuranco required by � . ,:.�
<br /> , Lendnr. . ' :
<br /> Q. Mr�ntcncnco,RepcUo cnd Cortf,pllanco witfi Lsws.Trustor shatl keep tha Property in good condition ond repair,shafl promptty
<br /> � repn�r, nr replaco eny improvement which may be damaped or destroyed; shafl not aommit or permit any waste or deteric.:x:?on of the ' . .
<br /> Pterar.rj;sha11 not remove,demolloh or substentially aker any of the(mprovements on the PropeRy;shall not commit,s��►�r or pem+Dt • ';:.� • �_
<br /> --' - airy act to be done in or upon ina FrapC4Y ;��v��tat�u,i oi any iow,ordic►ancs,as re�:tat3ar+::.rsd sl�S:paY�d pss.nsA=�'i��'�$�� -�'='' _�-" � -
<br /> • Tn�stor's cost and oxpEnso all Iiens,encumbrancos and chargas levied,imposed or assessed against tho Praperty or any part thereof. .
<br /> t... .. —
<br /> _ t�BC3457A WarL:�lMtiad QeeEO Rw.8/95 �}�.�qn;.'�yu.,..y�.
<br /> 190D ltaUonU Ba+Y of Commeree Twt m0 Savlt�g9 Assotlanon,Llneotn.NoDmsRe - .
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