, .( � ..<�...�.._.... ....... . . . . .. . `t.,. , . .. , `` � - . . � _ _ • ._. . ......_. �L . . �-_r
<br /> _ , < < �
<br /> . ._.._ ., , _
<br />. ._�-... . __ -� .
<br /> . . ".'_.
<br /> - .�..-.- --.:�
<br /> . . ' L _ .��-. __ '_.-
<br />-`_'� - . . �� _ . --_ .- ..,.
<br /> I ' ' ' �� ��Q�"���� . . � � . -
<br /> 's .
<br /> � 15.•YAIG3 AtiD ASSES:i�fci'8'L$. C�entar r.nat pay all taxe�nnd a�assments rstating to PropMy wtwr►Quo and imm9diatoIy provi6�lsnder • ,
<br /> :� eir:dRnca of pAyRnant a?c�me. llpon tl�e requaM o!Londer.Grantar sttall deposit wlth Lender oae�month ono-twelfth(ti12)of ttsa estlmaLgd annua! . . i
<br /> inwrenco prcm!um.t�xm9 an4 a:o3samonte 6artasninp to tAe Rroparty- Go lang w J'�'�o rto deteult ttte�a amounts shall�e apRtiad to tl�a payrs�tnt �;
<br /> � o!t�as,ts�9�mcntts and enturpnce es rogufred en the Property. �C�Ae 6vent of delaul�W ndsr sAall RavO the ri8ht,at rts so'e oyLan.to Sppty u� _ , ,
<br /> tund9 to Ao►9 to pay any tenas or egtUnai tF�e Obitqatlons. My fund�ap�iod may.at Lender a optlon.be appusd in revsrso arder at ths dua dEt9 �
<br /> ther�ot. .
<br /> �� ��p���p�Q�pp0p��y� gqQt(g,RE�QADS AND RERtiA7S. Grantor sNall aitow lender or its agem�to�mmirts and insp¢ct tna ,.-
<br /> prop�rty and ax�mina.inap�cl a�d make wpi�s o!(�rtantoPS Dooks and recoMs pertalning to Na t�ro�erty hom tims t�time. (irantor snall provida � .
<br /> � any asaistnnoo roquired by Lenaor far thssa Durpos6a AII af the�gnaturas and irrformailon conminld in Qrantar's baafa and records�'�f!Ee
<br /> ganufne. We.accura4o Cnb camploto in r�it roa�aCS. Qrentar ahatl noto tho exigtanoe o4 londtr'a�SnoRcial Inter�st in tb tsooks and records . ,
<br /> psrtaloing to tri� Pro�criy. Add:ticnaity.fisnntor shail repert.in a fa�m saUslactory to Lend�r.such intarmatian as 6.antfar may request repxrefL�fl
<br /> � Grarstor'a finanarS cor►d�1on or tne�roGeRry. TRe irttortnation shaJ!ee tor sueh Pedods.shaii retlect Cuantor'9 r�o°rds°t such tirn�.rusd sh�St ba
<br /> a
<br /> ��• ! cendaiad rrith sucn haRuenel►a�lendar m�y da�sgnaia. A1 in'ortnzYion fumistsed Dy Grarttar to Lendtr shsill ba trua.axurate and oomp:2to in elf .
<br /> — - �nspact9.and sigtt�0 by Gantar rf ta�tder requesb. - - - _ --- -
<br /> � �y, $gTmp?FL CEp7iKCA7ES. 1l�fihin tan(t0)daya att!r any ro�uast by l�anCer.Crantor sha��dslnrer to Lendas.or ss�y mtended ucuuferes ot +,
<br /> � a lrnd�r a rignta wim rorAeet to the Oetigatlana a alss:od nnd eckrowtedged stazemem eaaciMa9(a)ths o .��^a it so.else nature at�tsudi�driims .
<br /> (b)whttnar Cyantor pe,se�es eny daima defers389.satoNa or oounierdatms with respacc ta ths Obfgati A' .
<br /> defcnses.srt4fis or couMar�ctafms. C�entcr�vifl 4e conWa:ivety beumd DY any ropresenration V�2 Lertder may make to th�intended Vansfercs v'itP� , . .
<br /> resaaa m these matteru In the svent 8iat C�arttcr taito to proHda trt�requssted sKatem4nt in a tlmsry manrter. i . .
<br /> �a, p�rIWLT. Grentor shell Co m defiwSt urtder 1Tin Osted of Trust antl the Tniste9's pavrer st�LU bacoma operative in t�e event that Gran:or. , .�_
<br /> gorrnwer or any guarantar of the Otirg�ans: � ' �
<br /> (a) tailsto pay any Obttsatinn ta Lendar whse duo: . .
<br /> ati
<br /> (b) faiis to p�rtorm arry Obligaifon ar Oroaet:os afit vrartcntyor eavenar�!m Lartder coniained in ttfis Oa�d ot Tn,st ar any othar preserN or futuro ,�� • :,��:;,�,r.�;.
<br /> �qreemenx 't.. --, .� -,..
<br /> (c) d�stroys,lases ar demages tho F�opurty in any m�farizl resp�ct ar suDyects the Property to�iwro.confistatian.or condemnatiom �. :�_
<br /> (d) ����Yaka•t°rminaw or othnnwise limit its Itab�it�l wder arry guazanry to Lertdsr, .,._.-_---
<br /> (p) di�s,Qscomes legatty incompOtonl,is 6issotved or tsrmin82¢d.bscomes insolven�makes are ass3gnment far 1he�8nefit of creditors.iale to ' . .�.....:
<br /> pay d�tris as th�y becoma dua,fileu a petitian under the federai bankruRtcy�laws.has an mvoSuntary pstitian in 6ankruprtr.y fitod in whieh(i��. : . ��;iA,Y^i
<br /> Botravr�r or arry guerurtor isnamed,er has propettY taken undor any writ or pracess of courk ,
<br /> (� atiowr�Qoods tp hs used.trrm�sartod ar etorad an the Proper4y.tne passe�ion.Vansparta�on,ar use at which.is illegal: i":• t,,r.
<br /> (gJ aitows any panyr other than C�rantar or Bartawer t�o assume or undertatce any Obiigation without ths writun oonseM of lender,or 4. �,;,r,��=
<br /> p�) caus�s lender to deem itr�tN insecure due to a significant dedine in the value of ffio Preperiy,or if Lender,in gaod faith,for any roa�asi,
<br /> beRevestl�slthsprosgectafpaymertarperfortnanceisimy�irad. • •- .--�°:�
<br /> 19 NiGti7S OF tElfDER Oti OEFAItLT_ tl lftero is a defautl undar ttlis Ooed of Tmst.Lendar cha11 Os entifled to axercise oeo or more af Uru _-
<br /> .� toltcartng remsdies withaut nattce a�damund{enapt as required by law1: ' +:��
<br /> (a) to dtda»ths Obllgsttono immadiutety dae and payabte in tu0: r � .
<br /> (b) ta oollact tlfo outstandinp 6bll�ationa vrAh or withcut resortins�to judidal process:or Chu2tets wnstituUng tho Pmtserry a4 a placo tea.mnzb.y . , :
<br /> (c) �r a q u.r s 6 r a M or to dnlNOr and makv av�itabte to Lender arcy personal proparty ..::,.',:...,
<br /> conv�niant to(3rantor and t,tndm; t'�� �'`'^^ �-
<br /> (d) ta enter upon and take poc.essian at ihe Property wtthout�Splyirtg tar or obtatning ihe appairrurfern of a recaiver and,a4 lt3rtder's aptf�.to �,,r�;�;;�'.
<br /> l
<br /> appaint a respivarwithout Eoncl.uritAaut first bdnging suit an tfrr�GC!:Bations and witt�out othe�wise meotiag artY statutary conditiar�tegEUd'r.� �•,.:'`�- �°
<br /> t�,y;}'',.'��:'�;,n
<br /> rcaivets.t!bolnBlntendod thut Wndar sAail�avo UGa ca�tr�c.:.f r,gM to appoint a rece[ver, ��f.r;�'. -i , i
<br /> (a) to emptoy e�managlnp egant ot the P�operty and tet the�ame.eiNer in Tn�st�a's a��m nama,tn ths name of lendor ar in ths rtacna of �f'r :
<br /> ' Q�arrWr.end rodfira tAa rontn.incxirttes.i�as and profits of fhe Proparty arnrnt r,�Aty ths samo.a44ar paymerrt af all nxes3ary ehu8zs rm3 ��,
<br /> �?� ox�onses,an ecauni of tho Obttgattana '.�
<br /> (�.to pay arry sum9 in erry torm or manner deemed expedient�y Lender to protect the sacurily of thia Deed of Trust ar to c�ue am�+defsaili athfw : .� ,.. , ��
<br /> lhun payment ot intecest or pdnc:pa�an tha ObUqat[ons;
<br /> (yp.to foredose thia Desd of Trust jadiani(y or nonjud:tfdry�"a direct tha sate of tho proparty thraugh exerctsa of t§�o�cner of oale os �s•;:�- .
<br /> raSeranced In paraqraph�heractin acacttd�ncs wltt►aPyl?a�✓3IaK ,
<br /> dn
<br /> . p�)ca s�to4f Granm�'s Obiiqatinna against eny emoun�owvd Grarttor by lend�r inctuding,but nat limitad to,monios,instrum:s�.rin�d�sit __ s __-
<br /> • � sec+onrttsmaintatnadwft!►LenQ�rorartyaccsentfyeYtstlngertuturoaffiliateoflender,and ^
<br /> ,;�� ()to oxerG:a all other rfghteavaitabio w LenQar under eny othar written agreomont or applicaDl9 tav�. � ��;�c,,:
<br /> . Lond9Ps d�ts are wmutattve an0 may Ce exerdsed to4Yather,sepa.�atety.and in any order. In th�event that Lender Instftute9 en actton swking tho
<br /> ►ecmqry o any ot the Progerty by way of a prejadgmsm remsdy i�e�actlon againat Grantor,GraMOr watvsa ths�sostlng cf any bortd vAVetf mlqht c •�.� . :
<br /> ot4tenu?a�betaqu1rod. Lendor or Londofa des:pms may purch��a Properly at any sal�• ProcMds ot any Trusiss's csl�hereunder shzJl bo "�= , '�"
<br /> eppiisp ft�st,to t A e eosts and expenaes af sxerclslnp t�e power ct�lle and o1 the sate,inctudinp tha paymertt of ths Tneste�'e tsa�acduly lrt+�mad • �,
<br /> and nat to oxce3d ths amount which may Ee provlded for Fn tnl�Oeed of Trust,second.to paymeM of the Obliyutions secund AmEy,th9rQ.to tlta .r�;-._
<br /> paymont af Juntortrust deeQs.mortyapes,or ather lienhatdera,end tt�e balance,H eny.to the persan or psreona legalty en4iUld thsteto. The property "-�°��:v_. -
<br /> , or any part thereof may be soM in ons paccel.or in sueh parca:s.manner or order as Lendet in ita sots discretton msy�I�ci,and one or mose ��'�
<br /> < exerci�as ot tho potirer herein granted shall not exhnyulgh or exhausr s2�e power untess trie er�tlre property ta sotd or tha ob119aUons aro psld tn fu'I. °T�=���
<br /> `` �. Y1P11137E'E'S FJ�{�CISE OF P�lY(F.ii OF SAtE ON OEFAUL4 WFon defeuk by(�rrantot in paytna:!t of any ObfiyWons ascurod Aeroby.�sndxr ��i:'•�: �-�---
<br /> �:; mny Ges�uo all wms sewrod he�c6.y immedistety duo and pay�b:o�d shall eausa to bs fited of reaacct s writttn nottce o!d�fautt ancf otoeL'on W sell ��� -----
<br /> the Properry. After the tapse ot sucA time a9 than may be requfred dy faw tollowtng rowcdaUon of ssact►notice of default,�nd notice of sd�htvlrtg ���``.�..�
<br /> Gaen piven as then�quired by law,Trustee,withaut demand on Grantor,shatl ss11 sucA property.eilher as awhole or in sey�rat�parorts,end in euef� �e";.,;�,_�._ �
<br /> arder as it or fsnde►�'r'ay d0tarmine st pubqo aactlon to the hlpheJt bldder. Ttustea may postpone tAe aats of all or arry portion of ths Prop�Ay by -
<br /> ' pubflo announcemerA at tha tFme and placa of sate.rsd from Ume to Ume thereaft¢r may postpone ths sats by puhlto anrtouncement at tl►s tlms and �t���'
<br /> plcae flxed by the procading poatpanement TntG�ue shall detiver to such purehaser its deed convaying tho property,or portion thuaaf,so sotd,bu1 �C^"}���
<br /> , wsl'hout arry covin�r�t or wat►eniy.eaproas or implied. The recitals in such deed ot any matte�s of�act or othervdse s�a►!ba condustvo proa4 ot tP�� F"` � __ - °T
<br /> •' tMhtutnos9th�not. My pusan,Including Oreritor,Tn,stea or lender,may purchase at such eate. ��4��_ �
<br /> . r t°Y:�,�c�
<br /> �': 21,RFAU.°:ST FQ}�HOTICFS:(3mntor requast►tha4 a copy cf ac��notica of dofau lt an�a copy a t•nrry�r�e e o t s a t e h e r eu rt d e r h�m a il o d t a�ach �i �, �_
<br /> � � person who is a party hsretu at tha addtos9 nf s�ch parson settcr.!-`°oreln at the same Ume and In C�e 3ame mrr,r.cr requlnd�9trs�gh a sapdrmto c �:�:.�
<br />-';�;:i���' requestthereofhadhaanfltodbyeachsuchperttan. �'��r'+ >i '
<br /> ;;��;�_,�; ?2 SECUAiN t1iYH3i�T QNOER THE UMIFOffIi[c�t A M r F i C�G 3 1 C O D E Th i s Q a e d ot 7rust shatl Do comsiCm�c4 a tinertan 8 statemerr ar,ci o "'��;,,�;,•5'r s�.
<br /> p �� ��.
<br /> fisctun fitinp purcuar:tto 9�e pra+rlstone af the Unifom.r�amm�rcl�J�Ee(as adopted in the state xhere the real roperty is locatsd)Coverfng t�xh:os f +:
<br /> chatt�ls,and ar8cles ot pusan�l Rcaperty now ovmed or her9af.ar Atrar�ed to or to be used in eor.r.c�an with the Propertytogetter vritA any arrl�:t '�t'';��io;!:;=F; � .
<br /> repl2cemer�ts tfieresf and addiUons:h�reto(the'Chattels').an0 C�c�r heroby granb LenCer a�cau`r.y interest In surfi Chatteta ''fao�ebior is C'.�r ���,tj�;,�,;,..•_ � . -
<br /> Granwt desctibed abova. The seeured parry is the Lender describe0 above. IJpen Cemand,Cr�rf►�ohall make,execu4e end ddlv,�r such ssa:r:�� "
<br /> t. . ._��'•�,::
<br /> �yreemeMS as such term ia dellnad In safd Unitorm Commerdal Coda)as lender a a^y tlme rnay:��aem nscessazy ot propar or re�.�sar!to gre.:_'rs ����.•.; �...
<br /> ���%�r� Lender e pe�ected�ecurityr Interest In the Ctiatteta ar•�upon prent�ar's falluro to Co�a.Lender is authorized to slan any s�ch egreeman4 a9 th�a�Zrr� �ti�_',°�"�""Y^�"?'""^` �._
<br /> . ,.,.-.: _
<br /> �`���{1�; of Qtar�4or. (irentor h�rui:y uuthor}ao9 Lender to trm fir�dng smtemerrts(as such tertn Is deflned In satd Unitortn Commardal Cade)w11A resp�e ax . . -�_
<br /> '���''{a the Ct�attrla,at am,/w-��+r:1hoN tt�e elgnaturv c!w�s�KU•- �*entor wlll,hov�swr,at an Ume upon roqueat of Lender,al suct►itnancinp atat�m�rs:s. !,.,,�ro,i,,.,�,.,�:; ,, ..._,__:
<br />. )����.i\ � . . ..`_ ��-Y:� ��a�l�!.
<br /> • G:xrttor wltl pay all t�l�E<�u�4u tMa 6ting at a�7^'tma:aag stater.'�anb and for tne re iNng therec�a'�?+a tlmms requlre ,in the opinlon o!lender,Dy -: �;- •
<br /> caid tlnNorm Commerci�L�Ja. tt�tm tion o4�`.��ad ot TruM h,�s�:�laject to arty security agreeRC,^c roverine the Chatt�ta,then In tho e�ran4 ot arry ;i•. �
<br /> .::f ;� dn�.�,lQ under thls�ood of T�u..�t,5�i iC2 r;ght��'�ar�i interest cf vrartr�r in and to any and ell c4 J��+attsla Is hereby asslgned to lender,togetRer ;;�5;�..#.M f,,,,�;,:,,�,, �'�~
<br /> ,, }';. .._.--__
<br /> •�,:i,=�;z• �11t ttle bensttt of any deposits r,r r^,�-y-+Tie+:m r-�,w a'�ereafter rr•�ah t:areot by Grantor ar the pm�ecessors or sucoes�oro in titls o1 pnnUOr In ths ,`�,S;. _ _.___-=ct- �t��
<br /> .: -�1�%j Proporty.
<br />"•l�+`�'`•� 23, Rcii�3URSFP'EtJT OF AASOAJNT��F{Fr�t�t��5Y 6ENDEFl. Lender,at L3nr:rccs zpUon,may expend funds(insluding attom�ys'toos and tagtil .
<br /> expenses)to peAorm eny act roqukad to be taku�Ur 3rantar or to exerclse any a�Qt+�•�ar romedy e}Lender undar thls Daed of Trust. Upon demand. ••
<br /> • Gtantor shatl immediately retmburEO lander for c.t��eh emount�eMpendod by t,�n�together�r�a�iMorost tiiaroon at the lovJer o!th�hiphost rate
<br /> desctibed in any Obllyation or the hlghest rata ellowad by Inw from the dete o1 payment urt�1 ns�a date of re1mbursement. Thtuo sums shall ba
<br /> � IncluQaelln the definiHon of Otligatlona hereln and shall be secucod by the beneflcta!interost�usr.ad hereln. B the ODli�atlons ero pald after the
<br /> � boglnning of publicaHon ot noU�ot salo,as herein pravldeE,or 7n tho everH Londer shall,at its sflio opUon,permR Grantor to poy any part of the � .�.��'`
<br /> (SbligaUons after L'te beglt�ning of publltxitivn oi notico of eale,as hornln provldod,thon,�rantor sh�ll pay on demand all expenaos incurcod by the �__-
<br /> Trustee and Londcx ia connoctlon with said publlcaUon,inGuding reasonable attomeys'faes to Yho attomoys tor tho Trustee end tor tho Londer,nnd a �—
<br /> roasonsbto tee to sY.n Trostee,an�thla Deed af Troat shall be securlty 1or eII such oxpenses and tees. ' .E.•.•
<br /> � ?A. tIPAUCATIOH OP PAViAEI�'�'9. AII paymenm made by or orr :ehalf of Granior may be ap{tiive�ag ninst the amouMs pald by Lender pncluding
<br /> attomeys'tees end Ugal expanses)in connecUon wlth the e�ceracw u'its Nghta or romadias Gcnsilw�J fn thts Daed of Trust and thon to tho paymont . ,
<br /> of thv�amalning ObligaUons in vfiatwor ordot Lendar choosee. `
<br /> 25. POWER OF A?TOANHIf. Gtnntor horeby e�poirYS Lr r��u� ms �s attameydn•fctct to en:ns�e GrantoPo name on ell instrumont9 and othor
<br /> i
<br /> � documents perialning to tho ObligaUan�or Daed aF Tr,,st. i�a:uu+ar.��rtder shall bs entitled,bo1 not required.to pertorm any action or exacuto any
<br /> doeumont raqulrod to be takon or exocutod by�s.c.tot unCer 2ti.3 G88d Of t�s,r,t. LendePs porformance ot such action or oxacutlon ot such 4
<br /> dacumants shall nat rellwo Grarttor trom any Obligation ot cure tiny defauit u�dn.r it73 Deed of Ttust. All powors of attomey described in thio Doed o1 � �
<br /> �= -- Trus!ets Co!���ed wtth nn ir�turost ar.d aro irrovocable. � �,.-
<br /> 28. SUBROGATtON OF LENDER. Lender shall be subrogated to the rights of the holder of any provlous lien.security interest or oncumDrance - �.
<br /> discharged vritA tunda advanead my Lendor regardloas o}whethot thoso lions,sacuriry interesta or other encumbrancos havo been reteased of re d. • , � � �»..
<br /> �� �.
<br /> . � • _
<br />. . LPNESt tC��vom�rswo roen�o�oy�en Ne �enaie�s��aom am��+a vaae a or� - - � . ' . -- �. 'r.--.
<br /> .. ' ' �. � . ' �:. ,.. f • ,. . . . � - . : .
<br /> , ' _ � . ' , ' • ' . . . ,. ' ' .. ' . . . . . - - �. � ' . .
<br /> . ,
<br />.. . .. . � . .� . - _. .
<br /> , , . .�, . .. .. .�X_ . . .. �. . . � • _ ... _ 1�':. . ' " . � - � � .. - -. . � ...� � ... ... .. .. . . . .. _ ' . . -
<br />